Materia Medica

SKIN. – Burns and scalds with small or large blisters; Vesicular Erysipelas; carbunculous and gangrenous sores; Shingles (Herpes Zoster); Eczema, with much burning. In these affections it is well to apply a graduated Cantharis lotion, besides taking the remedy internally. Burning in the soles of the feet at night in hysteric patients, with profuse and pale urine.


EXTERNAL USE. – Formula. – Ten or twelve drops of the strong tincture to a small teacupful of water. If applied promptly to a burn or scald, it will often prevent blistering. Cantharidine Pomade is recommended for recent baldness and falling off of the hair after fevers and other exhausting diseases (see also A.- Phosphorus).

ANTIDOTE. – Camphor lotion, as directed for Arnica, will correct any unpleasant symptoms arising from the external use of Cantharis (five drops of Camphor tincture to one ounce of water). The same remedy may also be prescribed internally for unpleasant symptoms due to Cantharis.

28. – Carbo Vegetabilis – Vegetable Charcoal.

Vegetable charcoal is obtained by burning wood in covered-up heaps or in close vessels, with but a limited access of air. From pulverised charcoal we make triturations, by which the latent medicinal properties of the crude substance are developed, rendering it a therapeutic agent of great value.

LEADING USES. – Chronic digestive derangements, with flatulence and foulness of the secretions; diseases marked by loss of vitality and imperfect oxidization of the blood, as in the cold stage of Intermittent fever, when the hands and feet are blue and cold; in Enteric, Typhus, etc., with similar symptoms, and dry, foul tongue, frequent offensive Diarrhoea; and extreme exhaustion; cold extremities, arising from deficient vitality in the circulation, and associated with general Adynamia.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. – Chronic catarrhal Hoarseness; chronic Bronchitis in the feeble, with scarcely sufficient strength to eject the mucus, which is profuse, and often foul-smelling; threatened Gangrene of the lungs.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – Easily -bleeding gums; salivation, offensive breath; flatulence distending the stomach, causing oppression, palpitation, etc.; Heartburn and Acidity, with flatulence, and Constipation or Diarrhoea. It is especially valuable in cases that suggest a poor power of resistance to Tubercle, and when Mercury has been abused. Diarrhoea with offensive motions, especially in weakly children; chronic Diarrhoea in the cachectic, with sallow face, acidity, flatulence, etc.

SKIN. – Foul ulcers (int. and ext. use); chronic eruptions, with itching and burning, easily bleeding; inveterate Herpes; obstinate sores following burns, with foul, ichorous discharges. Carbon should be sprinkled on in very fine powder.

In poisoning by Arsenic, charcoal has been found useful; it should be administered in milk or water and taken in large quantities as quickly as possible.

Cruder forms of Charcoal (e.g., charcoal biscuits) are sometimes found useful in relieving gastric symptoms due to excessive fermentation. Their action may be partly mechanical; it is more than doubtful if charcoal so administered really possesses the power imputed to it of directly absorbing gas.

29. – Caulophyllum Thalictroides – Blue Cohosh.

Our experience with this remedy is now somewhat considerable, chiefly in uterine affections and in Rheumatism. We attach much importance to its use in connection with Cimicifuga during pregnancy as a preparation for labour, and we have the most unqualified testimony of numerous patients, both in our practice and correspondence, to the great benefit they have derived from their administration. For this purpose it is best given in occasional doses of a high potency. As a uterine excitant, Cauloph. takes the lace of Ergot. – One to three grains of IX trit. may be given every twenty minutes, and it brings on regular contractions without the violent jerking ones of Ergot. In Suppression of the menses, and particularly in Menstrual Colic, it is one of the best remedies (See also Veratrum-Vir.)

Some forms of headache, with dimness of sight and pressure behind the eye, if dependent upon uterine derangements, are readily cured by Cauloph.

It is most valuable for Arthritis affecting the phalanges and metacarpal joints of the hand and foot, and, according to Dr. Ludlam, is more useful for these complaints when affecting females than males. Even when the Arthritis of this kind can be traced to the influence of Suppuration (as many such cases can be traced), Caulophyllum will help any more specific treatment (e.g., vaccines) that may be adopted.

30. – Causticum – Causticum.

LEADING USES. – Loss of voice; relaxation of the neck of the bladder.

NERVOUS SYSTEM. – Neuralgia, or tendinous and muscular pains, with urging to urinate, and discharge of pale urine; some cases of Facial Paralysis.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. – Loss of voice from cold or over-use of the voice in speaking or singing; cough, associated with involuntary emissions of urine during the paroxysms.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – Constipation, with solid evacuations, expelled with difficulty, and having a shiny, greasy appearance, itching of the anus, when not arising from ascarides. Haemorrhoids when very sore.

URINARY SYSTEM. – Pain and weight in the loins, with urinary difficulties; Enuresis of children and aged persons; excessive discharges of urine during convalescence from severe disease, with sour perspirations, dejection of spirits, etc.; frequent urgings to urinate in hysteric patients.

SKIN. – In deep burns, with formation of scabs, it is sometimes used locally with good results.

31. – Chamomilla Matricaria – Matricaria Chamomilla.

This plant is indigenous to most parts of Europe, and flourishes in cornfields, waste grounds, and by the roadside, especially on chalky soils. We prepare a tincture from the plant, gathered when in bloom.

LEADING USES. – Nervous affections generally, of women and children; nervous and biliary derangements from anger to vexation; chronic Abscess. Nervousness, palpitation, etc., from the use of coffee or narcotics, are met by Chamomilla The pains are worse at night; and after they have somewhat subsided, a sense of numbness may remain in the part. Heart aggravates most symptoms. Motion relieves – “the child must be carried about.”

NERVOUS SYSTEM. – Extreme sensitiveness to external impressions, without ideal confusion; Neuralgia with the same conditions; faceache, with swelling, sleeplessness, flushes of heat, and palpitation with bilious symptoms; Spasms and Convulsions of women and children; restlessness, fretfulness, or Convulsions during dentition, with sour breath; Spasms and Convulsions during pregnancy.

HEAD, EARS, FACE, ETC. – Bilious Headache, with stupefying oppressive pain, stitching and burning distress; nervous headache (on one side), with throbbing flushes of heat, sensitiveness, and irritability of disposition; facial Neuralgia with irritable mood. Earache, and cracks and soreness of the lips, in infants, from cold.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. – Spasmodic cough, with rightness in the chest; Catarrh of infants; Hoarseness and cough (nervous) in women and children.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – Toothache from Indigestion, worse soon after eating, and by drinking warm fluids; Toothache with swelling, and pains as if the nerves were scraped. Tongue thickly coated with a yellowish-white fur, and red at the edges; sour breath of children, with pinching pains in the abdomen, greenish motions, and flushed cheek; Diarrhoea, and many other affections during dentition; Dyspepsia, with pressure at the stomach, sudden stitches, sallow complexion, and yellow tongue; aching pain and sourness in the stomach after food, with irritability and greenish motions; nausea or vomiting of bile; Colic, with extreme soreness of bowels; affections of the liver from anger, etc.; Bilious attack, with heat in the face, thirst, anxiety, and restlessness.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM. – Profuse menstrual discharge, dark or blackish, and coagulated, – with griping or labour-like pains, sickness, frequent urging to urinate, and nervous irritability; pains in the veins of the legs, cramps or painful twitches of the legs of pregnant women, with nervousness; false labour pains, uterine disturbance form excitement.

SKIN. – Rash in children, alternating with Diarrhoea; eruptions generally in infants during dentition; Ulcers, with burning pains, and great sensitiveness; Ulcers with biliousness, sallow complexion etc.; in these cases Chamomilla may be used both internally and externally.

32. – China-Cinchona Officinalis-Peruvian Bark.

The Cinchona-tree, a native of Peru and the adjacent provinces of South American, is one of great beauty, with evergreen laurel-like leaves, which diffuse a delicious fragrance around. It is not found at an elevation of less than 2,500 feet above the sea, and sometimes extends as far up as from 9,000 to nearly 12,000 feet.

Triturations and solutions are made from the sulphate of the alkaloid Quinine, and also tinctures from the bark, but the range of the tincture and potencies of Cinchona is greater than that of Quinine, and except in simple intermittent fever-it is preferable to use the former.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."