Materia Medica

EYES-Simple Inflammation of the eyelids from fold especially when associated with diarrhoea.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.-Inflammation of the mouth and fauces, with or without Ulceration, with burning, and Salivation, without foetor; Salivation, etc. after Diphtheria; burning distress in the region of the stomach and pancreas; “pancreatic Salivation; “sour Vomiting, with headache, Acidity, and eructations; Indigestion from defective pancreatic secretion, rendering the digestion of starchy and fatty foods imperfect; severe flatulent Colic; simple affections of the liver; Diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum and anus; Diarrhoea not followed by Constipation; looseness of the bowels; with almost constant uneasiness and grinding in the bowels; discharge of foetid flatulent and faces; periodical Diarrhoea occurring at night; Cholera Infantum, especially when vomiting is every prominent; English Cholera with great pain in the pit of the stomach, around the navel, or low down in the bowels; involuntary Diarrhoea, rice water evacuation, cramps and choleraic expressions of countenance; summer and autumnal Diarrhoea, with watery or bilious evacuations, and when vomiting is frequent.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Seminal emissions with amorous dreams; Spermatorrhoea with lowness of spirit. In the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy we have used it with good results.

SKIN-Herpes, especially of the face; vesicular pustular eruptions on the skin and scalp.

63-Kali Bichromicum-Bichromate of Potash.

We are indebted to the late Dr. Drysdale, of Liverpool, for the introduction of this drug into our Materia Medica. Guided by the symptoms which have been observed in the workmen employed in the bichromate of -potash factories, this drug is now used with success in many important affections. It is prepared for use either as a tincture or triturations.

LEADING USES-Affections of the mucous membrane, skin, fibrous tissues, liver, and kidneys; Conjunctivitis; chronic Arthritis, with coldness of the affected part; popular cutaneous eruptions; Syphilis, etc.

EYES AND NOSE-Conjunctivitis, with redness of the conjunctivae, agglutination of the lids, and discharge of thick yellow matter, Inflammation and ulceration of the nose, with serious, purulent, and bloody discharge, sometimes coming away in tough elastic plugs; Polypus of the nose (internal and local use).

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Acute Coryza: Chronic Cold in the head; influenza, without much nervous prostration; acute and chronic bronchitis, with tough and stringy, or purulent expectation, and dyspnoea, especially when her is also indigestion; Croup with hoarseness and accumulation of mucus pain in the middle of the sternum; Cough followed by violent dizziness, and difficult expectoration of tough, blood-streaked mucus.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Ulcerated sore that, with accumulation of a yellow, tenacious stringy matter; syphilitic sore throat, when the ulceration is not deep; indigestion, from chronic Gastric Catarrh; with yellowish coated; nausea and vomiting, with sense of coldness in the stomach; Ulceration of the stomach, with soreness and tenderness, dryness of he mouth, etc.; Ulceration of the intestines; dull pain in the right hypochondrium, and whitish stools Suppression of urine following Asiatic cholera.

SKIN-Pustular eruptions: ulcers of the legs; Ulcers with dark centers and over hanging eyes, especially of a syphilitic character; small flat pustular eruptions on the face, nose, forehead, and scalp.

64-Kali Hydriodicum-Kali Iodidum- Iodide of Potash.

This remedy is very largely used by allopathic practitioners; it is also considerably used by Homoeopaths. it general sphere of action resembles that of Iodium.

LEADING USES-Secondary and tertiary Syphilis; chronic Rheumatism and Gout; weakness and stiffness of the joints, following acute Rheumatism; catarrhal affections of tubercular patients. The drug is particularly useful for the above affections in broken- down constitutions. It is also useful in Lead-poisoning, and especially in potencies has a real value in removing the debility that follows acute diseases such as Influenza. “:A diffused sensitiveness” of the skin is an indication for it.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-Acute and chronic Meningitis; Epilepsy and Paralysis of a syphilitic origin.

EYES, NOSE, ETC.-Inflammation of the lachrymal gland, with mucous discharge; syphilitic Iritis; fluent Coryza, * (When Iodium occurs from the use of this drug, the mucous covering of the days, and the lining of the nose, frontal sinus, and mouth, and skin of the face, are the tissues most frequently and severally affected (Ringer). and the nose, the eyes being red and swollen, and the discharge cool and not causing soreness (hot excoriating cessation indicates Arsenic); Ozaena chronic deafness. Hypertrophy of the thyroid gland.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Ulcers, swelling and cracks of the tongue; Syphilitic Ulcers on the soft palate and tonsils; chronic sore throat; sore or issued anus of infants.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Sub-acute inflammatory condition of the uterus in young married woman, often with a slightly irritating mucus Leucorrhoea.

OSSEOUS SYSTEM-Periostitis of a syphilitic character or from an injury; syphilitic Nodes, swelling and Caries of bones.

SKIN-Various forms of chronic syphilitic and scrofulous cutaneous disease,_Psoriasis, Erythema, Lupus, Ulcers, etc.

CHARACTERISTICS-The pains which Iodide of Potassium removes are almost always worse at night. The happens of Syphilis are generally aggregated a night, and in many other complaints. Such a character of the disease may be accepted as a strong indication for this drug (see Ringer).


LEADING USES-Sympathetic and chronic vomiting; Toothache from decay of the teeth. According to M. Taste, Creosote is most adapted to the ailments of delicate children.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Decay of he teeth, and Toothache from that cause (compare Mercurius); morbid Dentition, especially when the teeth decay as they Dentition, especially when the teeth decay as they appear, and the patient is cachetic and troubled with constipation compare Chamomilla) mercurial salivation (as a gargle); obstinate Indigestion, with constant nausea and inclination to vomit, without actual Vomiting, with a sense of coldness in the stomach; sympathetic Vomiting, as in Phthisis cancer of the liver, kidney disease, pregnancy, etc.; Diarrhoea and Dysentery, when the discharge are putrid; gastrointestinal inflammation; Diabetes Mellitus.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Foul vaginal discharges, malignant uterine Ulceration, premature menstruation, with discharge of foetid blood, nervousness, etc.; foul corrosive Leucorrhoea; persistent Morning sickness, for which according to our experience, it is the best remedy; foul-smelling lochial discharge.

SKIN-Syphilitic eruptions. To Burns, Salads, Chilblains, and foul Ulcers a lotion may be applied one drop of pure Kreasote to about eighty of water.


The substance growing in homoeopathic therapeutics by this name is the poison of the lance-leaded viper (Lachesis Trigonocephalus). One of the great indications for Lachesis is suffering from the non-appearance of a usual discharge as of the catamenia) and also relief when the discharge appears. This explains its suitably for climacteric complaints. The symptoms of Lachesis generally proceed from left to right (Lycopod. from right to the left); especially is this noted in sore throat. There is extreme sensitiveness of the surface and intolerance of anything tight, and complaints and very apt to be aggravated immediately after sleep (*For a full account of the indications for this remedy see “The Therapeutics of the Serpent Poisons, ” by Dr. Clarke. (Homoeopathic Publishing Co.)).

LEADING USES-Nervous affections of women at the climacteric period; hysterical troubles; irritable throat; some cases of chronic Constipation in women, and when there is alternate relaxation and Constipation. The drug (or one of its allies, Crot. or Naja) is very useful in advanced heart disease and tuberculosis of the lungs, when any of its general symptoms are present.

Nervous System-Globs Hystericus; spasmodic stricture of the esophagus; suffocative fits of cough. Circulatory System-Nervous Palpitation from Heart disease, accompanied by anxious, wheezing respiration, asthmatic Cough, tendency to vomit, etc.; flushes, with Headache and sleeplessness; burning pains in the top of the head; pains in the top of the head; pains in the back, Melancholy, etc. Skin-Traumatic Gangrene, and skin and other diseases, in which, as in cases of the serpent’s bite, the blood becomes tainted by the local affection Carbuncle, Pyaemia from Phlebitis, putrid Sore throat, diphtheria-with prostration of the nervous energies.

67.-Lycopodium Clavatum-Wolf’s foot-Club-moss.

We use the pollen or powder (Sporulae Lycopodii) which in its crude state is all but inert; but Hahnemann’s process of trituration renders it a potent remedy in many diseases.

LEADING USES-Affections of the digestive, urinary and respiratory mucus membrane, and the skin, especially when associated with mental and physical weakness, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, slow and depraved digestion, intestinal flatulence, and Constipation.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."