Materia Medica

Dr. Ringer recommends it in the obstinate constipation which often follows an attack of Diarrhoea in hand-fed infants, when ” the motion are very hard, crumble when broken, and of a clay colour, often mottled with green. The motions become natural in consistency and colour, the flatulence distention of the abdomen subsides, the the child; becomes quieter, and the health improves. Sir Andrew Clarke valued it highly in Constipation, which it relieves safely, easily, naturally, and effectual. His exercise shows the property of diminishing, not increasing, the dose.

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM-Primarily, it cures involuntary urination; secondarily, suppression and scantiness of urine. Prolapsus Uteri, associated with the rectal symptoms for which he drug is homoeopathic.

77.- Pulsatilla Nigricans-Wind-flower-Meadow Anemone-Pasque flower

This perennial flower is indigenous to elevated places in the greater part of Europe, where the soil is dry an sandy, and the situation exposed. It is called: wind flower, “because generally found in an exposed.

LEADING USES-The main spheres of action of Pulsatilla are the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, the sexual organs, the eyes and ears; it also exercise great influence upon the veins.

SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS-Pulsatilla is especially suited to the ailments of the female sex, and to persons of a gentle, good- naturally mischievous disposition, easily excited to laughter, or weeping, having pale face, blue eyes, blond hair, freckles, and a tendency to Leucorrhoea of other kinds of discharge from mucous surface, with an inclination to a deposit of fat under the skin, and tendency to shed tears when the patient is describing her suffering. There is absence of thirst, frequent chilliness and the pains ar worse with warmth and during rest, but in the open air, or during moderate exercise.

RHEUMATISM-Here it is mainly indicated when the symptoms are sub-acute, with swelling of the affected (chiefly the small joints, and but little inflammatory redness, and when the pains wander from the apart to another, with the characteristic Dyspepsia; Rheumatism arthritis in women, with irregularities of menstruation.

MEASLES, ETC.-In Measles, chicken-pox,. Remittent fever (also Gels)_, and other diseases of children, it helps to clean the tongue, moderate Catarrh, and checks Diarrhea. In uncomplicated Measles it is almost a specific, and is equally available after the fever has been modified by Aconite. Puls is also preventive of measles, or administered during the disease, it tends to prevent sequelae.

HEAD-Gastric headache, from rich, fatty, indigestible good, severe pain on one side behind the ear, as if a nail were driven in : Headache on the left side. nervous or sick headache (also Iris), particularly in hysteric females, or connected with the menses; Hysteria, or dejection or spirits, from milk and menstrual suppression.

EYES, EARS, eTC.- Styes; sub- acute inflammation of the lining membrane of he eyelids, with profuse lachrymation, etc., in persons of the temperament described; Conjunctivitis following Measles; twitching of the eyelids, with dazzling of the sight; weak eyes from local rather than from constitutional disorders.

Earache of children, with passive purulent discharge; noises in the ear or recent deafness, following catarrh of measles. Lost or perverted smell.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-Varicose veins of the legs (also Hamamelis) and embarrassed venous circulation generally, especially in females, and when caused by pressure from pregnancy; Phlebitis in the leg; embarrassed venous circulation in the hands (internal and external use).

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Catarrhal affections of the air-passages, with loss to taste or smell; excessive expectoration of mucus in old cases of Bronchitis’ mild Haemoptysis in Bronchitis, marked by expectoration if mucus having a foetid taste and smell;” bronchial relaxation after Whooping cough.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Viscid, whitish mucus, thickly covering he tongue bitter, sour, or foul taste, diminished or altered taste, with the Pulsatilla characteristics. Dyspepsia, Colic, or Diarrhoea from the use of pork, pastry, or others fat, rich diet; eructations tasting of food; Vomiting of mucus or bile; Heartburn a feeling of distention after a meal, necessitating the loosening of the dress, passive venous congestion of the abdomen, especially from rich, indigestible good, or occurring at night.

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM-Chronic Catarrh of the bladder; difficulty of passing water during pregnancy.

Orchitis; prostitutes (also Thuja); Hydrocele, etc. Pains in the left side (see also Cimicifuga) animals, between the hip and the lower margin of the ribs, or a little above, associated with some derangement of the monthly period; passive Congestion of the uterus; uterine irregularities-delayed, suppressed pace, or watery menses; passive, milky Leucorrhoea; false, delayed, or deficient labour-pains (Secale_); retained placenta; excessive after-pains; Suppression of he lochia; painful tension of he brats, and a efficient secretion of milk. Administered some time previously to labour, it facilitates that process (see also Caulophyllum). We have for some ears prescribed this or some other remedy, according to the nature of each case, during the latter months of pregnancy with the happiest results, and have had too many evidence of it value to admit of the supposition that they aware mere coincidences.

SKIN-Itching or burning of the skin with nervous or menstrual disorders; eruption resembling that of measles; varicose, readily -bleeding Ulcers.

78.-Rhus Toxicodendron-Poison-oak-Sumach.

This shrub is indigenous to North America and some other parts of the world; it abound son the borders of rivers, on in marshy districts, growing very tall in a congenial soil. We make a tincture from the leaves. Fresh preparations are best, as the tincture deteriorates by long keeping.

LEADING USES-Rheumatic complaints, skin affections, and strains of he joints, or of the membranes investing the joints. An interesting case of poisoning by Rhus in a man who went to father the shoots for a homoeopathic chemist in Scotland, with a remarkably corresponding case of cure by the sane drug, will be found in the Homoeopathic World, Vol. iv., p. 149.

RHEUMATISM-Sub-acute and Chronic Rheumatism and Lumbago, Rheumatic Sciatica, and rheumatic stiffness and lameness chiefly from getting wet, or taking cold when the body is in a state of perspiration or excitement. Its action is chiefly expended upon the tendons, fasciae, sheaths of nerves, etc. Hughes thinks it does not control the rheumatic affections of the synovial membranes but only those of the ligaments external tot the capsules of the joints; also that it does not act upon the nerves themselves, but upon their fibrous sheaths. the indications for the use of Rhus in this class of diseases, as also in strains, are increase of pain during rest, at night when warm in bed on first moving the parts, and on waking up in the morning; the pains are relieved by continued gentle movement, flexion of the limbs and dry heat. Indeed, these indications revalid in some other conditions, not rheumatic; and some physicians give Rhus in any affection in which these symptoms are present. Moreover, the right side of the body is chiefly acted upon by Rhus. Symptoms go from left to right.

PARALYTIC AFFECTIONS-Paralysis of a rheumatic character, with sprain-like pain in. the joints and occasional sensations of numbness; paralysis of the lover limbs- in young persons and children from cold-sitting on cold stones, standing in the wet, etc. -with great pain in the paralyzed parts; Paralysis of the feet, as from a fall on the back.

FEVERS-In Enteric fever, Influenza, etc., Baptisia is more often indicated at the beginning than Rhus; but when rheumatic symptoms develop themselves during Enteric, Scarlet, or other fevers, Rhus is a prime remedy, also when the fever patient is continually moving himself for change of posture as a means of relieving the aching of his back and limbs.

HEAD, EYES, ETC.-Hemicrania, with burning pains and swelling of the head and face, in patients how suffer with Arthritis. Conjunctivitis in the weakly and suffer with Arthritis. Conjunctivitis in the wealthy and tuberculous, with burning pains in the eyes, great tuberculous, with burning pains in the eyes great lachrymation, intolerance of light, selling and inflammation of the lids. Vesicular Erysipelas of the nose and face.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Cough, as in the bronchial Cough of old persons, coming on when first waking or on first moving about, accompanied by the expectoration of small plugs of tough mucus.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-dyspepsia, with a flow of water, dryness of the mouth, capricious or lost appetite, pressure in the stomach, and sense as if it were swollen; Diarrhoea of a typhoid character, r or Diarrhoea ushering in or accompanying the the early stage of fever, the evacuations being mixed with jelly-like mucus, blood, etc.

SKIN-Vesicular Erysipelas, and Erythema, with much burning and itching;f or these affections Rhus is one of the best remedies; Shingles (Herpes Zoster); Eczema, especially of the palms of the hands; Erythema Nodosum; Tinea Capitis, with foetid yellow matter under the scabs superficial Burns. in susceptible persons, contact with the shrub produces a erythematous and vascular eruption, with itching and burning going on more severe results.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."