Materia Medica

FACE AND NOSE.- Pimples on the face-Acne (int. and ext. use). Erysipelatoid and chronic Inflammation of the nose, with swelling and illusions of smell.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM.- Increased pulsation of the aorta from the heart to the clavicle, with purring noise; when lying on the back, pulsation are felt in the abdominal aorta; abnormal irritability of the heart, with Palpitation, as in hysteric patients of an unhealthy constitution.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.- Catarrh with confusion of the head, weariness and prostration of the limbs; Catarrh of Measles, etc.; chronic Catarrh, and tendency thereto, attacks occurring from the least exposure to unfavourable change of weather, with sneezing, soreness of the nose, hoarseness, tightness of the chest, and acrid, mucous discharge from the nostrils; chronic paroxysmal Cough at night, with expectoration of thick phlegm, excited by tickling in the larynx; oppression and anxiety in the chest, with aching, sore spots, dull stitches, and weight and pressure in the chest; Consumption in patients with rough, unhealthy skin, or having itching vesicles; excessive and foul-smelling purulent expectoration (see Acidum Sulphurosum); mild Haemoptysis in Bronchitis, with foetid expectoration (also Acid. Carhol.); chronic Haemoptysis and chronic Pneumonia, in phthisical persons; plastic Pleurisy; chronic Asthma, alternating with eruptions on the skin, etc. In tuberculosis of the lungs, Sulphur must be used with caution. It will generally bring about a reaction towards recovery, but if the disease is extensive and the reaction fails to be effective, then the ultimate effect may be a hastening of the disease process. On the other hand, in early cases it is often of the greatest service; but high potencies should be used with great caution.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.- Soreness, swelling, and cracks of the lips and corners of the mouth; watery excrescences on the lower lip; sour, bitter, and clammy taste, with yellow coating on the tongue; painful swelling of the tongue; Heartburn; sense of weight in the stomach, weariness after eating, and other symptoms of chronic Indigestion in weakly persons; in the obstinate Vomiting of hysteric girls, Dr. Nankivell informs us that he has found Sulphur (30th potency) often very useful; Chronic Constipation, either with or without Piles, the faeces being hard, dry, dark, expelled with straining, and something streaking with blood, Diarrhoea-foetid, watery, with foetid flatulence, and alternating with Constipation, in the tubercular, or from enlargement of the mesenteric glands; Ascarides, with itching and burning of the anus; in unhealthy children; bearing-down pain about the anus, and Piles dependent on abdominal plethora, with burning at the anus and tenesmus; soreness; excoriation, itching, or exudation, about the anus; bleeding-Piles, with haemorrhage of dark venous blood, and Constipation. In all these conditions Nux Vom. follows Sulphur well.

URINARY SYSTEM.- Frequent desire to pass water during the day, and Enuresis at night (Compare Ferrum), in weakly children.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM.- Weakness of the sexual organs, with excitement and swelling, in the scrofulous. Profuse black, clotted, and gluey menstrual discharge; slimy, yellowish Leucorrhoea, constitutional tendency to Prolapsus, Miscarriage, ulceration of the breasts, or sore breasts and nipples.

RHEUMATIC AND GOUTY AFFECTIONS.- Chronic Gouty (atonic) and Rheumatic affections, with drawing, tearing, or boring pains, or pains as if the parts were sprained, and itching about the painful parts; tensive pains in the joints and muscles; rheumatoid pains, waking the patient early, and preventing sleep again; Chronic Lumbago and Sciatica, in persons who suffer from Constipation, Piles, or Varicose Veins.

Skin.- Scabies, Acne, Herpes, and ringworm (int. and ext. use); recent Prurigo; Eczema; Intertrigo, and general eruptions in unhealthy children; chronic erysipelatous inflammation of the skin on various parts-the arms, legs, etc.-with burning and itching, and desquamation; Boils (*Dr. Hughes give a proof of the homoeopathicity of Sulphur to a chronic tendency to boils, in his Manual of Pharmacodynamics; he states that a patient of his accompanied her husband to Harrogate, and though in good health, joined him in drinking the waters. When she returned home she came under treatment, covered with boils.)and Whitlows, in persons in whom they are apt to recur; chronic Ulcers, tubercular or varicose, with much burning and itching, and discharge of foetid; Corns and warts which tend to inflame; icy coldness of the feet, with burning of the face and hands.

CHARACTERISTICS.- Sulphur is pre-eminently indicated in diseases affecting patients previously troubled with eruption, Ulcers, Sores, and in diseases traceable to tubercle. The symptoms are worse at night, worse from washing or bathing, and in damp and changeable weather. In skin affections, the following are prominent indications:- itching with burning, worse at night, increased by warmth, and slight friction, but pleasantly relieved for a short time by vigorous rubbing or by scratching.

90.- Terebinthina-Oil of Turpentine.

Turpentine is obtained from the pine, the fir, and other trees. We purify it for use by distillation.

LEADING USES.- Affections of the mucous membrane of the urinary organs-the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. Digestive System.- Ulceration of, and Haemorrhage from, the bowel, especially in Enteric fever, “when the tongue instead of cleaning gradually from the edges and tip, parts with its fur quickly and in large flakes “(Wood); Gastro-enteritis; Taenia, and other worms, with dizziness, pain at that top of the head, irregular appetite, deep-seated soreness, inflation and tension of the abdomen, etc.; scarlet eruption of the skin, with gastric disorder, from eating shell-fish. Urinary System.-Acute Congestion of the Kidneys, with suppressed urine, as from cold; acute Nephritis; Bright’s disease; Inflammation and Catarrh of the bladder; gonorrhoeal Urethritis; post-scarlatinal Dropsy, with inflammation, and urine smelling of violets; Haematuria from Congestion; in these affections a group of the following symptoms indicates the use of Terebinthina:-Aching pain and weight in the loins, depressed muscular power. Vertigo, stupor, irritability of the bladder, d difficult or painful emission of scanty red urine, especially when it contains blood, burning in the urethra, sensitiveness, of the region of the bladder, loss of appetite, relaxed bowels and abundant mucous expectoration. Rheumatism; especially Sciatica and chronic Rheumatism; especially Sciatica and chronic Rheumatism of the lower extremities. Affections of the nervous system; mania-a-potu.

CAUTION.- The indiscriminate use of Turpentine as an external application in Rheumatism, Burns, Wounds etc., is frequently productive of mischievous results. (*A few years ago we had under treatment a patient who, in alighting from a carriage, slipped, and slightly abraded the surface over the shinbone; turpentine was promptly applied, the wound inflamed, and the whole anterior aspect of the limp assumed an ulcerated condition.

91.- Thuja – Thuja occidentalis – Tree of Life.

Thuja belongs to the coniferae, and is indigenous to America. The tincture is made from its fresh leaves.

LEADING USES.- Thuja was the chief remedy recommended by Hahnemann for the Hahnemann for the condition he called “sycosis,” which is liable to manifest itself in warty growths. It is in the treatment of warts and warty tumour that Thuja has made some of its chief triumphs, and also as an antidote to the after-effects of vaccination. Apis is more appropriate to the acute effects of vaccination, but Thuja meets the chronic condition which may manifest itself in skin eruptions, neuralgia, and other symptoms of ill-health. A dose of Thuja 30 given occasionally will effect wonderful improvement in the health of patients of this kind. Naevus.

SPECIAL INDICATIONS.- Emaciation of affected parts. Sweat on uncovered parts only. Fixed ideas: “as if made of glass; as if a living animal is inside.”

MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.- Gonorrhoea, or the effects of checked gonorrhoea. Sycotic moist excrescences.

FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.- Legs very inflamed. Condylomata.

SKIN.- Dull-looking. Bleeding fungous growths. Condylomata; moist, mucus tubercles. Nails brittle, crisp, or soft.

92.- Veratrum Album-White Hellebore.

This plant is indigenous to the mountainous districts of Europe, and is found in great abundance on the Swiss Apis. We prepare a tincture from the root.

LEADING USES.- Asiatic Cholera, with violent vomiting and purging rather than with extreme prostration or collapse (Arsenicum); choleraic Diarrhoea; Cramps of the abdomen or of the calves, whether or not occurring during Cholera, the muscles being drawn up into knots; third stage of Whooping-cough; Ague, with extreme coldness.

SPECIAL INDICATIONS.- General coldness, with blueness, debility, sunken and pinched features, Cramps, faintness and faintings, feeble, almost imperceptible pulse, cold tongue and breath, cold sweats and great thirst; also watery, Diarrhoea- rice-water evacuations-and Dysuria, with coldness and blueness of the extremities, as in Cholera; in excessive vomiting and black vomit, as in Yellow fever.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."