Materia Medica

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, ETC.-Indigestion, with great nervous depression; flatulence; distress in the stomach, and periodical spasms of hysterical persons; excessive perspirations during meals; feeling of weakness at the epigastrium; acute pain in the anus; Constipation, with frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool, and Prolapsus Ani, in the aged and in children.

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM-Copious discharge of pale urine. Premature and profuse menstruation.


This is an elementary substance, chiefly obtained from incinerated seaweed or kelp, named from (violet), on account of the beautiful and characteristic colour of its vapour. It also exists in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. The therapeutic virtues of Spongia are due in part to the presence of Iodine in that substance; nevertheless, Spongia has a sphere of its own part from that of Iodine.

LEADING USES-Tubercular inflammation of the joints; Goitre; Inflammation and enlargement, tubercular or non-tubercular, of the lymphatic glands; general emaciation, with colliquative sweats and Diarrhoea; Hectic fever; wasting of the body from non- assimilation of the fatty elements of good, with a tendency to Tuberculosis of the lungs, or, in children, of the mensenteric glands; Caries; Adenoids.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-Trembling, with emaciation; Chose in weakly subjects, with exhaustion, Wasting, etc.; Marasmus of children and females; mercurial Wasting and Tremor; Weakness; Atrophy and loss of vitality, from care, want, etc.; despondency, or great and lasting anxiety. A great characteristic of patients requiring Iodine is that the appetite is ravenous, but inspite of eating largely, the patient loses flesh steadily.

HEAD-Pressure in the forehead and back of the head, with confusion, sense of gnawing hunger, followed by thin diarrhoeic discharges; chronic nervous headaches with dyspepsia, congestive headache, with fulness giddiness drowsiness, etc., especially in old persons.

EARS, EYES AND NOSE-Ophthalmia in the tuberculous, with Photophobia, obscuration of vision, etc.; chronic catarrhal Deafness with, or following, glandular or throat affections; simple or syphilitic Ozaena, with foetor, loss of smell, etc.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-Palpitation with quickened pulse and weakness, leading to fainting; fainting turns intermittent pulse; constriction about the heart and chest.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-In Laryngitis, Iodium should be administered internally and by inhalation; Acute Laryngitis preceded by hoarseness, and dryness of the throat; chronic laryngitis, with hoarseness, acting and sore pains; paroxysms of cough with discharge of lumps of hardened mucus; laryngeal Tuberculosis; hoarseness, with fits of deep, dry cough; dry, hard, barking cough; chronic Bronchitis, with tearing and suffocative cough, tickling in the throat, constriction, burning sensation, wheezing, and expectation of blood-streaked, or purulent, mucus; chronic Pneumonia; tightness of the chest, with pressing, burning and Palpitation; Cough with Haemoptysis, wasting, and night- sweats; Cough and phthisical symptoms following the disappearance of glandular swellings; Phthisis Pulmonalis, with the general symptoms indicative of this remedy. the Iodine patient likes the air, and his symptoms are better out-of-doors.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS-Salivation, especially mercurial with swollen gums, paleness of the face, emaciation, with small, quick pulse, Salivation during pregnancy; unnatural hunger, with indigestion and emaciation diarrhoeic stools, and Wasting, the food not being assimilated; thin, foetid Diarrhoea of children, with distention of the bowels, pinching and cutting pains, etc.; Tabes Mesenterica, with Cough, and hectic symptoms; disease of the pancreas, with whitish, fatty diarrhoeic stools; Congestion of the liver, chronic Jaundice, etc., in the tubercular, with Wasting.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Atrophy or induration of the tests, with Impotence; Hydrocele. Amenorrhoea in girls having a phthisical tendency, emaciation, etc. Amenorrhoea in weakly patients, with oppressed breathing; Palpitation, loss of appetite, Costiveness, distention of the bowels, etc.; premature and profuse menses, or profuse, thin, watery discharge, with prostration, dizziness, frontal headache, etc.; Dysmenorrhoea with similar symptoms; Sterility, Metritis, and chronic Vaginitis, especially in the tuberculous foetid Leucorrhoea, with emaciation inordinate flow of milk, which continues after weaning, with Wasting; ovarian Cysts, Atrophy, etc.

SKIN-Chronic erythematous, papular, and pustular eruptions of weakly children Tubercular Ulcers, Psoriasis, with corresponding constitution symptoms. “A remarkable improvement in the beauty of the hair and cleanliness of the scalp had been observed to follow its use in these subjects:’ (hughes).

GLANDULAR SYSTEM-Goitre or Derbyshire neck; its utility is restricted to simple enlargement of the gland. Swelling and induration of the cervical, salivary, and inguinal glands, and swelling of the glands in general. Enlargement of the liver.

61.-Ipecacuanha-Cephaelis Ipecacuanha.

This is a creeping herbaceous perennial plant, growing plentifully in wooded tracts of South American, particularly in Brazil. Its root is the Ipecacuanha of commerce.

LEADING USES-Paroxysmal or intermittent affections of the respiratory and gastric systems, occurring especially at night; Intermittent fever, with predominance of gastric symptoms hemorrhages, especially Haemoptysis.

HEAD-Hemicrania, paroxysmal, with fine stinging pains, soreness, and nausea; pain over eyes, from indigestion.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Spasmodic sneezing, with bleeding, or running of water fluid from the nose, and watering, redness, and smarting of the eyes; spasmodic cough, at night, with tickling in the larynx, retching and vomiting of mucus; cough with pain in the umbilical region, as if the navel would be ruptured Whooping- cough during the early state, with great accumulation or mucus and vomiting; paroxysmal cough with haemoptysis; bronchial Catarrh, with excessive quantities of mucus, causing vomiting in the effort to expel it. Sudden arterial Haemorrhage from the lungs in Phthisis; Hay-fever; Spasmodic Asthma, with anguish, deathly paleness, dread of death; nocturnal Asthma, coming on suddenly, with similar symptoms, cold extremities, and ending in profuse expectoration of mucus.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Nausea and vomiting with abundant flow of watery saliva, qualmishness, sense of emptiness in the stomach, and moist yellowish, or white coated tongue; vomiting of pregnancy, with similar symptoms; Haematemesis (see also “Generative System”), with moist tongue and flow of saliva; vomiting of blood, mucus, or bile of a greenish or blackish colour with straining and retching; loss of appetite; oppression after food; want of tone in the stomach; spasmodic Cardialgia; neuralgia and bilious Colic; with pinching and cutting pains above the navel; Diarrhoea, with nausea, Vomiting, and bloody or foul-smelling discharge of mucus, greenish matter and blood; autumnal Diarrhoea, with griping straining, nausea, and vomiting. Emetine, the alkaloid of Ipecacuanha, has been used with great success in tropical dysentery.

URINARY AND FEMALE GENERATIVE SYSTEMS-Haematuria, with qualmishness and nausea in the stomach and bowels; thick, reddish urine. Sudden discharge of bright-red blood from the uterus, after labour with sickness at the stomach, dizziness, headache, cold, pale face; Menorrhagia with similar symptoms; Haematemesis associated with irregular menstruation or the climacteric.

62.-Iris Versicolor-Blue-flag.

Blue-flag is an aquatic plant common throughout the United STates, presenting blue or purple flowers from May to July. Its value as a remedial agent seems to have been first derived from the Indians, who prize it as a powerful medicine. In Georgia and Florida it is stated that an artificial pond, constructed for its special cultivation, is found in almost every village, covered with luxuriant growth of the Iris.

LEADING USES-Affections of the gastric mucous membrane, a so of the pancreas and other glands, with abnormal secretion, salivation, vomiting, and purging. Some tubercular, mercurial, and syphilitic conditions; mercurial Salivation, e c. Iris simulates Mercury to a remarkable degree, stopping short of the great disorganizing effects of that drug.

Nearly all the conditions for which Iris is applicable are characterized by unusual lassitude, prostration, and lowness of spirits. It is most useful in persons subject to gastric and bilious disorders. “Iris Versicolor seldom fails to relieve sick- headache attended with vomiting of bilious matters, when the Headache during the infantile cholera season it was found of great value in quickly subduing Diarrhoea attended with Colic and rumbling of the bowels” (Dr. Small).

HEAD-Neuralgia of the right side of the face. Sick headache, gastric or hepatic; in this affection Iris is a remedy of prime importance; the pain is generally in the forehead and right side of the head, is aggravated by rest and on first moving the head, but relieved by continual motion, and is often accompanied by Vomiting or Diarrhoea, and lowness of spirits.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."