Materia Medica

(1) Chronic mucous flux of the intestines (Mucous colitis); (2) Erosion, chronic Ulceration, etc., with defective absorption; flatulent Colic.” We draw attention to the term “chronic” as indicative of the character of other symptoms to which the medicine is also applicable.

Hydrastis is indicated in some forms of Dysentery; in mucous colitis, when the discharges are tenacious and slimy; in Ulceration of the rectum; in fissure and excoriation of the anus, in Haemorrhoids,* (*A professional correspondent informs us of the cure of a case of Haemorrhoids, of twenty years’ standing, by Hydrastis; at the same time the general constitutional condition of the patient was greatly improved.) etc. In these cases enemata, in addition to the internal use of the drug, are beneficial.

CONSTIPATION. – But it is in cases of Constipation that it has been found especially efficacious. Dr. Hughes remarks: “My chief experience with this drug has been the treatment of Constipation, for which it is a precious remedy, far superior to the Nux. Vom. usually prescribed. It is in cases when Constipation stands alone, or is the cause of other ailments, that I find Hydras. so valuable.” The late Dr. Bayes says: “In obstinate Constipation, tincture of Hydras. IX, in two or three-drop doses, in a wineglassful of water, is frequently curative. In three-drop doses Hydras. O is a mild purgative. It has the advantage of giving tone at the same time.” According to Dr. Newton, “Hydrastis is a first-class antagonist to simple chronic Constipation.” Dr. Hastings has found “a drop of the mother tincture in water, first thing every morning, most effectual.” Dr. Rogerson has often tried it with great success, and says: “It seems to act most beneficially on those who have resorted to a course of `opening medicine’; it also seems to act best on those who, after an active life, have become of sedentary habit.” The testimony is thus very strong in favour of it use in torpidity of the bowels; and though no instance is on record, we shall think it especially valuable in the case of old persons who suffer from general atony of the system. From analogy it seems most likely that Hydras, would have the same effect upon other mucus surfaces as it has on those to which reference has been made.

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM-In diseased conditions of the these organs-Gleet, gonorrhoea, incipient Stricture Spermatorrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Inflammation and Ulceration of the internal coat of the bladder, and the consequently debility- it may be regarded as almost specific, and we have repeated proved its striking efficacy. Injections of a solution of the Sulphate of Hydrastin are curative in Gonorrhoea, after treatment of the acute stage by Aconite or Gelsemium Injections or other Local applications are frequently desirable in the above disease, in addition to it internal administration.

GLANDULAR AND CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS-It operates favourably in some glandular disorders, and in the cachectic condition of Cancer it has been long known to have great efficacy. Especially in cases of carcinoma affecting the stomach, bowels of rectum, and in some cases of the cancer of the breast, Hydrastis has a real value. There are several cases on record of the disappearance of growths after the use of this remedy. When a malignant character is at least probable and with in-operable tumours of these regions mentioned Hydrastis should be tried persistently. Even if it does not affect the growth, it nearly always influences the cachexia.

Dr. Hale affirms that it is homoeopathic to the debility, and Dry. Marston and McLimont that they “know of no medicine which has caused so great an improvement in the general health of our cancer patients as this; an improvement which, in most cases has become visible in the bettered expression of the countenances of the patients.” If, therefore, it does to effects a cure it affords a most precious alleviation. Judging from our own experience, however, in the debility of Cancer, Hydrastis must yield the palm to Arsenic, for we have repeatedly witnessed the most decided improvement from a course of Arsenic.

SKIN-The value of Hydras. in Ulcers Lupus, Rhagades, and excoriations, especially in cachectic and enfeebled constitutions is very great. In excoriation of infants it has been found useful when Calend has failed. A lotion of 1/10 in water applied with lint, acts with great rapidity. Glycerine is, however, a better vehicle than water. A dry trituration may be a more convenient form of application. Sore nipples are relieved by it.

In conclusion ulcerating conditions of any of the mucous surfaces especially if chronic and attended with debility, will yield to Hydras. Catarrhal and ulcerated conditions are weakening and signs of weakness. This remedy gives tone generally and locally, and thus assists nature in overcoming and eliminating the disease. It will thus be seen to be a medicine of primary importance for the disease to which it is homeopathic.

57.-Hyoscyamus Niger-Black Henbane.

This plant is indigenous throughout Europe, growing in uncultivated places in the neighbourhood of farms, villages, etc. The herb may be recognized by its foetid odour when pressed. We make a tincture from the whole plant.

LEADING USES-Functional disease of the brain and nervous system, characterized by nervous irritability and over-activity of the sensorial functions.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-Delirium without the congestion indicating Belladonna, or the fury calling for Stramonium; “complete loss of sense urine being passed unconsciously; Delirium coming on with occasional fits of excitement; in which the patient tears at the bedclothes, attempts to fling off everything, or makes motions as if he were at his employment; afterwards he falls asleep for some hours, waking at intervals with fits of excitement; ” Delirium Tremens; brain-troubles of children, not requiring blue; excitement preventing sleep; mild delirium of Typhus, Enteric, and Puerperal fevers; epileptic and hysteric Convulsions, and Eclampsia; fainting fits of Hysteria.

HEAD, ETC.-Squinting, stammering, twitching in the face, and other choreic movements in children giddiness and stupefaction, dull and haggard expression, excessive dilution of the pupils, and loss of speech; disturbance of the visual functions-a galore, under the influence of this plant, could not thread his needle, it seemed to have three eyes.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Nervous, dry cough, commencing or aggravated on lying down, wand relieved by sitting up; right Coughs of children or aged persons; spasmodic, nervous coughs of children, the aged, and hysteric persons.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS, ETC.-Vomiting from brain disturbance; hysterical vomiting;painless diarrhoea, especially in females; involuntary nocturnal urination

58.-Hypericum-Hypericum Perforation-St. John’s Wort

A tincture of the whole fresh plant is used. The chief use of Hypericum is as a vulnerary. In all cases of injury where nerves have been much damaged Hypericum internally and locally has done splendid service. For the after-effects of injuries to the spine (Railway spine, etc.) it had great value. For injuries to parts rich in nerves (as the fingers, and especially the finger ends ) Hypericum is the best remedy. A lotion is made from the tinctures, but there is also another proportion-an extract of the plant in warm Linseed Oil. This is called Hypericum Oil. It is an invaluable application in the case of bed-sores.

59- Ignatia Amara-St. Ignatius’ Bean.

The Strychnos Ignatia is a climbing bush, which, like the Strychnos Nux Vomica, grows on the islands of the east and south- east coast of Asia. Although the two plants are of one family, the seeds of the former contain more strychnia than the latter, and there is a considerable difference in their respective therapeutic effects.

LEADING USES-The action of this remedy is mainly in nervous and digestive derangements.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-Hysteria, and other nervous disorders; sensations in the throat as of a lump there (Globus Hystericus) epileptiform and other convulsive affections of children, as if from worms of fright; emotional disturbances from grief or fright; Hypochondrias in the male; alternate gaiety and sadness; acute sensibility of the body; sleepiness; and the consequences of fright or grief in persons of an exalted impressionability, especially women and children; excessive convulsive Yawning; stiffness of the back from spinal irritation.

HEAD, ETC.-Paroxysm of Headache, with sensation s if a a nail were pressed in to the brain; weight at the back of the head, the patient being continually inclined to lean it back on something for support; Faceache and toothache, with crushing pain or soreness in the teeth.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Sensation as if a cold in the head were coming on, with aching in. the forehead; nervous cough, with irritation in the larynx and trachea; bronchial catarrh of old persons were spasms is a prominent symptoms; constriction do the chest; dyspnoea. Pain nd anguish of the heart (not organic) from depressing emotions.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."