Medicine with their indication for the treatment of enlarged prostate….

(Alphabetically arranged)

Ammonium carbonicum 4x: nervous patients with soft prostate, very sensitive, bleeding.

AEsculus hippocastanum 3x: hard prostate, piles, constipation, throat symptoms.

Arnica 3x: injuries of the urethra, following the use of the catheter, bleeding, foul smelling perspiration.

Aurum iodatum 4x: hard prostate in pyaemic patients with mental symptoms such as suicidal manias, depression.

Baryta carbonica 30: arteriosclerotic senile patients, degenerated, stupid, indifferent, painful micturition.

Boracicum acidum 4x: sleeplessness, thoughtlessness, diminished psychical energy, congestion of the blood vessels, especially in the skin and mucous membranes, pains in the soles of the feet and in the knuckles, in the loins, dry and itching skin, pain in passing the urine, albumin or blood in the urine, infection of the urinary system. Prostate soft.

Cantharis 6x: Acute swelling of the prostate with complete retention of urine, bleeding; burning pains.

Capsicum 6x: soft, slack prostate, burning pains when passing the urine, cold skin, deficient sexual power.

Carbo vegetabilis 6x: anaemic patients, frequent micturition, atonic constipation, flatulence, hard prostate.

Carduus marianus 3x: hard prostate, piles, disorders of the liver, dilated veins.

Causticum 6x: haemorrhage of the prostate, retention of urine, burning pains, aggravated by cold, sallow complexion.

Chimaphila umbellatum 4x: prostatic patients with infection of the urinary system and bleeding; soft prostate.

Conium maculatum 6x: very hard prostate, itching of the skin, enlarged lymphatic glands.

Digitalis purpurea 6x: Cutting pains in the prostate, difficult, frequent micturition, disorders, of the liver, congestion of the abdominal veins.

Equisetum hyemale 4x: prostatic patients, suffering from stones in the urinary canal, infection of the kidneys or bladder. Equisetum acts especially on the right side. The pains are burning, piercing or cutting, worse in movement, excitement and in sitting and during afternoon, better when lying down.

Ferrum picricum 4x: sort prostate, frequent attacks of acute congestion in younger prostatic patients resulting in acute complete retention of urine.

Gelsemium 6x: irregular, hard prostate, continuous dribbling of urine, trembling, great weakness, apathy, burning pain.

Hydrastis 4x: haemorrhage of the prostate, constipation, asthma, yellowish discharge from the urethra great exhaustion.

Iodine 10x: very hard enlarged prostate, enlarged lymphatic glands, emaciated patients with dark hair.

Juniperus 2x: hardened prostate, purulent urine, infected kidneys.

Kalium iodatum 6x: hard prostate and gouty, sclerotic patients, inflammation of the lymphatic glands, skin diseases.

Lycopodium 10x: large prostate, spastic or atonic constipation, flatulency, irritable, sensitive patients with yellowish pale skin, all symptoms aggravated in the afternoon, cutting pains in the bladder.

Natrum muriaticum 12x: irregular enlarged prostate in anaemic patients, burning, cutting pains when passing the urine; purulent urine.

Natrum sulphuricum 3x: large prostate, acute attacks of complete retention of urine, following exposure to cold, wet weather.

Nux vomica 6x: soft enlarged prostate in nervous, irritable, thin, spare, quick brain worker with disorders, due to sedentary habits, indoor life, strain, worry and overindulgence in condiments, spirits, nicotine, coffee, tea, etc. Cutting, burning pains, feeling of pressure in the bladder, constipation, flatulency.

Pareira brava 4x: specified remedy, action on the bladder itself; it is indicated in prostatic patients with painful spasms, renal colics, cystitis; acute retention of urine, stones in the urinary canal.

Polygonum sagittat 4x: prostatic patients with hard prostate, infection of the bladder, haemorrhage.

Populus tremuloides 4x: soft, slack, prostate complicated by liver-disorder.

Pulsatilla 6x: prostatic patients with stinging pains in the bladder, frequent urination, cloudy, purulent urine, provided the well-known Pulsatilla modalities are present.

Sabal serrulata 1x: (the homoeopathic catheter, acting on the muscles of the bladder). It is indicated in all cases of incomplete retention of urine; it should supplement the use of the catheter in all prostatic patients.

Sarsaparilla 2x: soft, enlarged prostate, purulent urine, haemorrhage of the bladder, foul smelling perspiration.

Staphisagria 4x: very hard, large prostate, burning pains in the urethra great depression, unbalanced mind. Especially indicated in cases of injuries due to the use of the catheter.

Strontium carbonicum 6x: soft, irregular prostate in patients with high blood-pressure, diarrhoea, increased perspiration at night.

Sulphur 6x: large, soft prostate, flatulency, constipation asthenic patients with the specific Sulphur-modalities.

Thlaspi bursa pastoris O: like Sabal a specific drug for the bladder. Indicated in all prostatic patients. It should be given alternating with Sabal; the best dose: 10 drops before going to bed.

Thuja 6x: large, hardened prostate, singing pains in the bladder, cutting pains when passing the urine. Rapidly changing symptoms. Perspiration, when uncovering. Dry skin, brittle nails.

Wilhelm Karo
Wilhelm Karo MD, homeopath circa mid-20th century, author of the following books - Homeopathy in Women's Diseases; Diseases of the Male Genital Organs; Urinary and prostatic troubles - enlargement of the prostate; Rheumatism; Selected Help in Diseases of the Respiratory System, Chest, etc; Selected Help in Children's Diseases; Diseases of the skin.