a. Rabbits.- 6 hours after injection of a large dose, an effect on liver was observable in the coarsely granular appearance of hepatic cells, thin indistinctness of outline, and the fading of nuclei or nucleoli.

b. Cats. – 0.002 daily in food for 46 day caused emaciation, hepatic cells indistinct, vacuolisation advanced. Same dose for same time in another caused lobules obliterated, cells marked, much vacuolated. 0.025 injected in 24 hours caused liver pale, cells altered, granular, quite caseous. 0.028 injected in 6 hours caused well – marked changes, cells granular, much vacuolated.

c. Dogs.-0.04 injected in 24 hours caused distinct changes, lobules obscure, cells granular, biliary pigment lost. 0.024 injected daily for 3 day caused well-marked changes, no biliary pigment, lobules indistinct, cells granular and altered. (Dowdeswill, Journ. of Physiol., i, 257.)



Zizia aurea, Koch; Smyrnium aureum, left; Thaspium aureum, Nutt.; Carum aureum, Bentham and Hooker. Meadow parsnip. Nat. Ord., Umbelliferae.


1. Dr. Marcy, three other men, and one woman, made provings of Z., all taking 3rd dil. (5 dr. every 4 hours till effects were produced) save one, who used 1st dil. and tinct. Their conjoined symptoms are given in schema form only.1 a. Depression of spirits, followed by great exhilaration and desire for conversation; dreamy imaginative mood; exhilaration like intoxication (1st dil.); irritability, with lowness of spirits and indifference to everything; laughing and weeping moods in alternation; sense of exhilaration lasting 12 hours, and then succeeded by great depression for several d.

1 b. Sense of tightness round head; giddiness and swimming; acute aching in whole left side of head, increased by light and noise; pressure upon top of brain; dull pain in occipital region, extending down muscles of neck. Rush of blood to head and face, with feeling of fulness and heat; face pale and puffy; dull pains in jaws; boring pains in cheek – bones. Eyes sensitive to light; sharp pain in right orbit, increasing by moving eyeball, by stooping and stepping; shooting pains through both orbits; eyes watery; smarting of lids; lids gummed in m. by yellowish muco – purulent secretion; stye on right lid. Irritation of Schneiderian membrane, with discharge of mucus and sneezing; obstruction and soreness of right nostril, which is painful to touch; burning and smarting sensation in nostrils and eyes.

1 c. Inflammation of mucous membrane of pharynx; slight redness of tonsils and palate, with soreness of throat; increased secretion of mucus in throat. Loss of appetite; bitter taste; craving for acids and stimulants; thirst; tongue covered with whitish fur; redness of tongue, with unusual sensitiveness to cold or warm drinks. Nausea; acid and bilious vomiting; stomach sensitive to touch, – pressure causing nausea and faintness.

1 d. Some sexual excitement in male provers; in the woman leucorrhoea, at first bland, then, after one day only of (profuse) catamenia, acrid.

1 e. Roughness of upper larynx when inspiring or coughing; trachea sensitive to touch; tight cough, caused by deep inspiration, and excited by dryness of larynx; raw smarting sensation in larynx from coughing; short dry cough, excited by tickling in throat pit. Dry cough, with pleuritic stitches in right side, much increased by coughing or deep breathing, with feverishness and sense of suffocation; bruised feeling in muscles of chest, pressure excites pain in intercostal muscles; sharp pains extending from front and sides of chest to both scapulae; respiration accelerated and oppressed; dyspnoea, with inability to retain recumbent posture.

1 f. Dull aching pains under right scapula; smarting, burning pain in small of back; dull pains in loins, increased by movement; dragging sensation in both hips; unusually tired feeling in legs after slightest muscular exertion; great desire to move about, with apparent increase of strength, but slight exercise causes fatigue. Lameness of muscles of both arms, from shoulders to elbow; prickling sensation, with slightly diminished sensibility, in right arm.

1 g. Drowsiness, with sense of lassitude and fatigue; after exhilaration of all faculties strong desire to sleep; sleep disturbed by unpleasant dreams; spasmodic twitching during sleep; talking during sleep.

1 h. Pale and puffy appearance of whole body, with sensitiveness of surface; itching pimples on forehead, wrists, and legs.

1 l. Chilliness and heat alternating, with faintness, nausea, pain in right temple, redness of eyeballs, dry and red tongue, and thirst for cold water; hot flushes in face and head, followed by perspiration; chilliness, accompanied with spasmodic twitchings of muscles of face and upper extremities, followed by fever, flushed cheeks, hot head, visible pulsations of carotid and temporal arteries, coldness of hands and feet, drowsiness, and irritability. (N. Am. Journ. of Hom., iv, 54.)

2. A young lady, of 23, inhaled 4 times a day for 6 day, 10 m. at a time, a sol. of 4 dr. of 3rd dil. in 4 tablespoonfuls of water. She was somewhat delicate; had suffered in years past from dyspepsia and asthma and for the last two years from occasional paroxysms of nervous and sick headache, pains between shoulder – blades, and leucorrhoea. A previous proving of 4 day had only elicited such symptoms as the above, and she hesitated to set them down to the medicine; but they were all reproduced with increased severity on the present occasion, and as her health when commencing it was in every respect good, and there was no other appreciable cause or reason to expect them, they may fairly be assigned, in part at least, to the medicine. They are grouped as follows: – 2 a. Swimming in head and drowsiness, slight (on 1st day of both provings). On 1st day indolence and contentment, which then gave place to nervous irritability and depression of spirits, these increasing during proving, and culminating on 6th evening in a paroxysm of self – dissatisfaction, with weeping. Behavior throughout was quiet, with much apparent suffering and sadness. Sleep was sound until 6th n., when it was prevented by pains.

2 b. Sharp headache over right eye began slightly on 2nd day and increased till 8th. In its full development it was grievous, with nausea, inclination to bilious vomiting, need to lie still in a darkened and quiet room; light, noise, and jar aggravated. (It differed from the ordinary type only in pain being fixed on right side instead of shifting; and in exacerbations occurring in evening instead of in m.) It abated 24 hours after discontinuing inhalations, leaving much sensitiveness, bitter taste in mouth, and susceptible and feeble stomach, for several day longer. When at its worst, pain descended behind right ear into neck; it left lips parched as from fever, and bitter bilious taste in mouth. Besides this, forehead was affected with a sharp cutting pain by the jar of coughing on the 9th d. Face exhibits throughout a pale puffy appearance, quite morbid; and on 7th day there was painful tenderness over lower jawbone.

2 c. From the first inhalation, there was nasal catarrh, with sneezing and coughing, and discharge of thick mucus,-r. nostril only being affected, but this sore and tender to touch. With this was observed diffused injection of velum palati, with ordinary sensations of catarrhal sore throat. Conjunctival membranes exhibited a similar diffused injection, and right was seat of painful and quite unwonted symptoms; a style developed on middle of upper lid, and gave so much pain on 4th day that she took carbo animalis as antidote. In 24 hours the style had departed, but right eye continued to burn, smart, and weep; and even up to 5th day after stopping inhalations both eyes were very weak and painful if used at n.

2 d. A group of pleuritic symptoms were regularly developed from the first inhalations, reached their acme on the 7th day, and were still very troublesome on the 10th (when this record was made). There was short, dry, hard cough, with stitching pain on right side from beneath 6th rib to 2 in. below xiphoid cartilage; over latter, and at circumscribed spots on each side 2 in. below, there was painful tenderness to touch; from 4th to 9th day she could not draw a full breath without severe pain catching her about right 6th rib in front, and piercing through to back.

2 e. After each inhalation she felt almost stifled for about 10 m., though inhalation itself was made easily and freely. The annoyance augmented as the proving proceeded, and remained constant though less severe for a week after discontinuing it. Its seat seemed beneath sternum, on a line with axilla. There was no audible wheezing, but sensations in chest were the same as during her former fits of asthma. (These had ceased abruptly six years previously, save that after four years she had one attack of but 1/2 hours ‘s duration.)

2 f. Her accustomed back – ache began on 2nd day, increased in severity till 7th, and was still felt on 13th day its seat is at posterior lateral margins of scapulae; pains are aching, smarting, and stinging, and when worst there is also aching in small of back. They are generally worse on left side; but during inhalations it was the right side that chiefly suffered, left side resuming its predominance on their discontinuance. (These pains are ordinary with her when her vitality is depressed from any cause; but she had no such reason for expecting them on commencing the present proving.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.