EMETINUM (see vol. iii, p.17)

I. 4. One of us swallowed 2 gr. of evening upon an empty stomach. In 3/4 hours he felt sick, and vomited several times, followed by marked inclination to sleep. Several students submitted to these trials, and were affected in the same way. (Magendie and Pelletier, Sur l’Ipecac., p. 17.)

III. 4. Dr. Foulkrad, as the result of his researches on the action of evening, sums up as follows:

a. Applied locally, evening causes progressive diminution of the functional power of the nerves and striated muscles. If the contact is prolonged, the tissues do not recover their properties. Applied directly to the substance of the brain and spinal cord, no manifest action is induced.

b. The reduction of arterial pressure, observed as a consequence of an injection of evening, is due to a direct action of the drug on the heart that is, to cardiac paralysis.

c. The movements of the heart are at first accelerated and then retarded by the action of evening – the slowing being due to cardiac paralysis.

d.E. paralyses the moderator – fibres of the heart in the pneumogastrics. e. The torpor and coma produced by evening are due to an action on the brain.

f. Its convulsions are spinal in origin, and its diminution of reflex activity is also due to an action on the cord. g. The vomiting occasioned by evening depends on a local action on the stomach. h. E. causes retardation of the respiratory movements, which takes place even after section of the vagi. i. The voluntary muscles remain unaltered in poisoning by E. j. E. is absorbed and eliminated as such by the kidneys; a portion also is eliminated by the gastrointestinal mucous membrane. k. The salivation provoked by evening is due to its action on the nerves of the mouth. l. Its introduction by the stomach, subcutaneously, or by injection into the veins is followed by albuminuria. m. Glucose is found in the liver after poisoning by it. (Phil. Medorrhinum Times, Aug. 31, 1878.)



Erechthites hieracifolia, Raf. Fireweed. Nat. Ord., Compositae.


1 a. T. J. Merryman, student, aet. 22, robust and healthy. Urine 47 oz. in 24 hours, sp. gr. 1020. Of a tinct. prepared from leaves proved the 2x dr. before each meal and again at n. This was on Nov. 18th, 1867. 19th. Slept well during n. Towards m. had protracted erection, with dreams of nudity and shame. Took 4 doses of 24 dr. each. Had excessive appetite, feeling of increased strength, and desire for exercise. 20th. – N. as last. Took 4 doses of 48 dr. each. Symptoms as yesterday. 21st. – Slight pain in stomach after retiring last n. Took 3 doses of 100 dr. each. Pulse somewhat quickened; feeling in stomach, after drinking cold water, as if it would be dissolved. Urine 42 oz., acid.1 b. 27th. – Of another preparation, same strength, took two doses of 10 dr. each. 28th. – Towards m. protracted erection. During day strong appetite, with desire for exercise. Took 2 doses of 20 dr. each. 29th. – Towards m. erection, dreams, and pollution. Took 4 doses of 20 dr. each. 30th. – Enormous appetite. Took 3 doses of 40 dr. each. Dec. 1st. – Slight burning pain at meatus during micturition. 2nd. – Three doses of 40 dr. each. 3rd. – Two 40 dr. doses. Recurrence of burning. 4th. – Urine 53 oz., acid, sp. gr. 1025. 5th. – Bowels somewhat constipated (previously regular); urine 33 oz., sp. gr. 1026. 6th. – Urine 37 oz., sp. gr. 1024.

1 c. Jan. 6th, 1868. – Took 4 doses of tinct., 10 dr. each. 7th. – Took same. Slight stimulation of genital organs, and diuresis. 9th. – Took 4 doses of 20 dr. each. At noon urine contained much mucus, which could be seen floating about in minute particles; it was acid, sp. gr. 1024; after standing a few hours had a milky appearance; quantity 40 oz. 10th. – Took 40 dr. before breakfast, followed during day by three doses of 20 dr. each. 11th. – Slight looseness of bowels, which had been unusually constipated since 7th.

1 d. Jan. 28th. – At 9 a. m. took 200 dr. of tinct. in water. In 1/2 hours felt slight uneasiness in stomach as if nausea would set in; but it soon passed away, and he felt no further inconvenience. On 29th and 30th bowels were somewhat constipated. On 31st, after griping pains, had three copious discharges of yellow faecal matter, mushy in consistence; this was followed by 2 or 3 day slight constipation. (Trans. of N. Y. State Hom. Medorrhinum Soc., 1868, p. 78.)

2. a. J. M. Cunningham (description as of No. 1). Dec. 12th, 1867, and for 3 day after took 3 doses of 10 dr. each of 1x dil. On 16th and 17th took 20 dr., and on 18th and 19th 40 dr., 3 times a d. No effect hitherto. 20th. – Took 80 dr. before breakfast and at noon, and at 8:30 p. m. 330 dr. About 1 m. after last dose felt decided giddiness with nausea, which continued about 5 m. At 9:30 dull frontal headache. At 10 throbbing of temporal arteries, with flashes of heat running across back from one to other shoulder: the sensation of heat suddenly gives way to one of coldness, which darts across back and face in a similar manner, accompanied with nausea. Chill gradually decreased after going to bed till he fell asleep. He woke next m. feeling well as usual, but about 9 a. m. was attacked with dull frontal headache, which continued all day with increasing severity. Next m. felt well again.

2 b. Jan. 6th, 1868, and on two following day took 10 dr. of tinct. 3 times a day, without apparent effect save an increased flow of urine. On 9th and 10th took 3 doses of 20 dr. each, without additional symptoms. Urine on 9th was 56 oz., sp. gr. 1026. Bowels were slightly constipated.

2 c. On 28th took 200 dr. of tinct. without perceptible effect. (Ibid.).

Experiments on animals

1. Dr. J. H. Marsden allowed a mare he was riding to take two mouthfuls of the ” fireweed.” While mounting a long but not steep hill shortly after, he noticed her to suffer with extreme dyspnoea, and to proceed with an unsteady feeble gait, all most unusual with her. He dismounted and led her, but the dyspnoea increased, and he noticed bright red blood in considerable quantity within her nostrils, even dropping out. There was no trace of wound. On descending she improved, was able to reach home, and manifested no further symptoms save a little dulness. Two day later he drove her 8 miles. While indoors with a patient he was informed that his mare was ill; and on coming out found her unharessed, lying down and panting for breath. He had her briskly rubbed, and she became easier; but, on the harness being replaced, she began to stamp violently and attempt to tear her skin with her teeth. Dr. Marsden thought it better to borrow saddle and bridle, and ride her home. Several times on the way she staggered as if about to fall, but did not; and home was reached in safety. She was turned out to grass, and showed no further symptoms save an appearance as if not well, and some inclination to bite the skin as horses do when itchy. In the course of a day or two numerous circular patches of cuticle, about size of a quarter – dollar, peeled off. (N. Engl. Medorrhinum Gaz., xvi, 103.)ERGOTINUM (see vol.iv p.49)

II. 33. Rev. J. C., 36, under treatment for growth of left vocal cord, had the following freely applied with a laryngeal brush dipped in the mixture 4 or 5 times every m.: Zj glycerine, Zj tr. iodine, and 15 gr. ergotin, increased on March 24th to 30 gr. Treatment began on March 20th, and continued without effects until 26th. On 27th he complained of attack of agonising pain in cardiac region, lasting 3 or 4 h. Heart’s action rapid, ” throbbing,” and respiration impeded. A cold sensation felt round heart. Nothing more occurred until April 1st, except sense of oppression at chest, the pain extending down neck along inner border of sterno – cleido – mastoid muscle, outwards beneath clavicle, and down arm to finger – tip; numbness and partial loss of power in arm and hand. Symptoms confined to left side; passed off gradually in 24 h. Ergotin discontinued. No pallor of arm, and pulse not affected. Never had symptoms of angina pectoris or cardiac disease, and no symptoms like the above prior or subsequent to treatment as described. (T. N. Mills, Brit. Medorrhinum Journ., 1882, i, 937.)

34. Dr. Waggoner relates a case in which, for a fibro – cystic tumour of the uterus, evening was given internally (1/2 gr. – 1 gr. 3 times a d.) instead of by subcutaneous injection. Sensible diminution of the growth took place, but the patient’s health (previously very fair) was much impaired; she had torpor, lowered temperature, and some anaesthesia of extremities, and finally died. (U. States Medorrhinum Investigator, Nov. 15th, 1875.)



Erigeron canadense, L. Canadian fleabane. Nat. Ord., Compositae.


1. a. Dr. Burt, in perfect health, took (Nov. 11th) 5 dr. of a tinct. prepared by Dr. Lodge. It produced dryness of pharynx; severe drawing pains in right lumbar region, passing down to right testicle, lasting 1/2 hours, followed by dragging pains in left hypochondrium. 12th. – Took 20 dr. at 7 a. m. Noon, increased secretion of mucus in nostrils all forenoon, with feeling of roughness of pharynx, and sensation as if something had lodged in upper oesophagus that caused frequent inclination to swallow. Slight nausea for 2 hours; slight rheumatic pains in abdominal muscles and right thumb; severe drawing pains in left ankle, greatly aggravated by walking, lasting 3 h. Took 20 dr. For 3 hours had hard drawing pains in abdomen; then felt no more symptoms till 7 p. m., when he had sudden severe pains in hypogastrium, followed by soft mushy stool. Throat sore all n., with frequent inclination to swallow; again feeling as of lodgement in upper oesophagus. 13th. – Throat slightly sore. Hard lumpy stool at 7 a. m.; at 8 p. m. sudden pain in hypogastrium, followed by a mushy stool; urine copious and pale.1 b. Jan. 1st, took 30 gr. of 3rd trit. of oil at 11 a. m. 2 p. m., have had constant dull pain in right umbilicus; twice, pains were severe and of cutting character; eructations of air. 9, dull frontal headache; frequent rumbling pains have occurred in bowels, with dull aching distress in lumbar region; twice had a number of sharp stabbing pains in region of left kidney, passing from left to r. All evening drawing pains in right elbow and metacarpal bones; dull pains in knees. 2nd. – Feeling well, took 40 gr. at 8 a. m. In 2 hours had sudden colicky pains in umbilical region when walking, with dull pains in lower dorsal region and loud singing in right ear. For 2 hours more dull pains in left hypogastrium and umbilicus. Took 40 gr. 1 p. m., severe sticking pains in region of right kidney. 9, have been excessively languid all day, with great depression of spirits; smarting of eyes all afternoon and evening; frequent dull pains in left umbilical region; constant severe aching distress in whole dorsal region, more on right side. No stool to – day; urine 28 oz., dark. 3rd. – Woke with dull pain in forehead and right eye, slight agglutination of lids; rough feeling in pharynx; very languid. At 7 a. m. took 75 gr. In 1/2 hours dull pains in hypogastrium, followed by dark – coloured hard lumpy stool. 10, dull frontal headache, with smarting of eyes; dull pain in umbilicus; aching distress of whole dorsal region. 3 p. m., feeling greatly prostrated, no desire to move; frequent disposition to yawn; great aching distress in dorsal and lumbar region; arms and legs ache severely. 9, same symptoms. Urine 40 oz. in day 4th. – Natural stool, followed by severe neuralgic pain in anus, with tenesmus. 5th. – Natural stool at 8 a. m., and loose one at noon. 6th. – Loose stool.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.