III. 6. Klemperer experimented on rabbits by subcutaneous injection of M. corr., to ascertain condition of kidneys induced by it. In acute cases, where amount of drug was large and death rapid, a considerable amount of renal congestion was found. If life was prolonged 5 – 10 hours, haemorrhages were found, chiefly in parenchyma, and there was also cloudy swelling of epithelium. If duration of life was still longer, parenchyma showed marked signs of inflammation. These were seen to some extent in the tubules of the cortex, but were less obvious there than in the straight tubules; in the latter inflammation quickly led to necrosis. In half the cases there was a deposition of chalk, together with degenerative parenchymatous inflammation; the former appeared 18 – 25 hours after death, at first in the casts found in the diseased tubules, and similar deposits occurred later in the straight tubules. Added to the above conditions, was generally a slight affection of the glomeruli. When the poisoning became more chronic, the parenchymatous inflammation was less marked; the necrosis of cells in the straight tubules occurred only to a slight extent, and calcification was absent; but in the interstitial tissue the signs of inflammation were abundant. In the kidneys of dogs there was a parenchymatous nephritis, which terminated, not in necrosis, but by fatty degeneration of the cells; a deposit of chalk occurred only to a very limited amount. (Lancet, 1890, ii, 409.)



1. Dr. Wernich took 1/4 to 1/2 gr., which caused slight pressure and pain in bowels. 1 gr. caused increased secretion of urine, colicky pains, and several loose stools. 1 1/2 gr. caused nausea, retching, increased urine, and after 1/2 hours violent painful vomiting, increased cutaneous secretion, salivation; it also affected stomach and digestion. 4 to 6 grs. caused 4 or 5 loose stools. (Grafe and Walther, Journ. f. Chirurgie und Augenheilkunde xiv, 2, p. 216 – 229. 1830.)2. Horing took 1/4 gr.; this caused very disagreeable sensation in gullet, slight pinching in belly. After 1/2 gr. these symptoms were aggravated, also pressure in stomach; after 2 hours 2 loose stools, increased salivary secretion. After 1 gr. disgusting taste, rough, scrapy feeling in fauces causing cough. After 1 hours pressure in stomach, 4 watery stools. He had the most violent pain in abdomen and painful tenesmus; he got quite weak, pulse slow and small. He vomited twice during pain in abdomen, with great effort. The abdomen was drawn back towards spine, very painful to touch, increased secretion of saliva and urine. During the pain the body was covered with perspiration, owing to the great anxiety. Several weeks after this trial he was troubled with many boils on different parts of body, especially in left axilla and left arm. As fast as one boil healed several others appeared; he could get no rest day or night. He went to Wildbad, took the baths and drank the waters, and was not well till after 3 weeks. (Wirkungen des Broms, 1838.)

3. Heiemrdinger took 1/3 gr., which caused nasty metallic taste, increased saliva, burning pains in throat and stomach, eructation, violent retching, obstinate vomiting of viscid, later bloody mucus; some dysenteric stools, often only of viscid bloody mucus, with violent tenesmus; oppression of breathing; sometimes trembling of body or limbs; pulse quick, small; anorexia, thirst, great dejection, belly retracted, urine increased. (Inaug. Diss., Tubing., 1838.).

Experiments on animals

1. In animals death occurred either quickly with convulsions, or slowly with emaciation. P. M. showed m. m. of stomach greatly inflamed (after large doses), extravasation of blood in its tissues, which were sometimes emphysematous. The m. m. of remainder of intestinal canal, especially the rectum, inflamed in various places, the lungs collapsed, dirty red, of doughy feeling. (Heiemrdinger, left c.)MEZEREUM (See vol.iii, p. 293)

II. 4. On July 7th, at 6 p. m., I saw a child of 4, who had eaten several berries of M. 2 hours before. She had had a convulsion shortly before being brought to the surgery, but at this time there were no other symptoms. On exhibiting an emetic the child vomited freely, and brought up two nearly whole berries, and a quantity of fragments probably representing 2 or 3 more. As the child showed no very marked symptoms, she was sent home, where at 9 p. m. I saw her again. At this time the irritant poison displayed itself in swollen lips, tongue furred and swollen to about twice its normal size and protruding beyond the lips, great difficulty in swallowing, extremities cold, pulse 130 and very weak. I ordered demulcents and castor – oil. The latter acted freely, getting rid of some half – dozen berries; and next m. child was convalescent, and all signs of irritation had disappeared save that tongue was quite raw (glycerine had been applied to it).



Mitchella repens, L. Partridge berry. Nat. ord., Rubiaceae.


1. Dr. T. C. Duncan, aet. 25, in good health save for some slight febrile symptoms in evening, due to undue brain – work. Nov. 22nd, 1855, took 10 dr. of tinct. at noon and n. 23rd. – Awoke from most refreshing sleep, brain clear, feeling light and buoyant in spirits, and much better than usual. Took 10 dr. 4 times. 24th. – Slept very poorly, had troublesome, frightful dreams. Brain feels dull and mind stupid; abdomen distended, as with flatus, especially transverse colon. Took 10 dr. twice. Bowels were costive; appetite not so good as usual; back very weak after a two – mile walk. 25th. – Sleep very unrefreshing; brain still dull. Took 10 dr. twice. Costiveness; flatus; eructations; urine scanty and high – coloured; all muscles of extremities feel sore. 26th. – Slept but poorly; felt tired and sore, especially in muscles. Took 20 dr. at 7:30 a. m. Fauces dry and irritable (they have been so at times since 1st d.); brain very dull, anterior lobe feels heavy; thirsty; pulse 80. At noon repeated dose; dull pain between shoulders; pricking sensation in centre of back of tongue. Thin stool at 3 p. m.; whole alimentary tract feels cold, transverse colon tender on pressure; thirst; great lassitude; general malaise; muscles of entire body feel sore, especially in lower extremities. Urine 42 oz. in 24 hours; sp. gr. 1038; deep yellow colour, strong acid reaction; copious white flocculent sediment, showing much uric acid and chloride of sodium. Uneasiness in renal region; slight aching in trapezii. 5 p. m. – Took 30 dr. Pain still in trapezii; dysphagia, owing to constriction of pharynx; lassitude. 10 p. m., 40 dr. 27th. – Woke in a fright; felt as if I had been up all night; headache, whole brain seems dull, especially cerebellum; dull aching in back over kidneys; all muscles of body feel tired, especially those of lower extremities; dysphagia; tonsils enlarged, especially left, not congested. Urine of last evening 1040, that of this m. 1032. Took 50 dr. Brain very dull, cannot concentrate thoughts, and whole perceptive faculty is blunted; eyes feel dull and heavy; muscles as yesterday; dull pain over kidneys, and seemingly in them; uneasiness at neck of bladder, urging to urinate; deglutition difficult, breathing hurried; burning in stomach, which extends all along oesophagus; dull pain in transverse and ascending colon; acid eructations; yawning and stretching; burning in coronal and throbbing in occipital region inside skull; pulse 72 at times laboured, then quick and hurried; whole head feels bad. 11:10, burning of left ear; great burning at neck of bladder; dull aching in trapezii 1 p. m.; only 19 oz. of urine in last 24 hours, mean sp. gr. 1036. Drawing pain in right testicle; uneasy feeling at heart, as if its contractions were interfered with; nausea; dull pain in epigastrium. 11 p. m., drowsy, mind still very dull, could not keep mind on subject in hand; still dull lumbar pain; general malaise, somewhat relieved by taking an electric shock; eyes feel weak. Took 50 dr. 28th. – Sleep much more refreshing; brain feels lighter, but far from clear; dull lumbar pain. Sp. gr. of last night’s urine 1038, of this morning’s 1032. At 7:30 a. m. took 100 dr. 8:30, costive stool, with tenesmus; burning in lumbar muscles for 10 m.; aching in back, running down through muscles of limbs; dull heavy aching in cerebellum. 9:30, rush of blood to face, nose feels full as if it would bleed; pulse 80; burning in stomach and oesophagus; lassitude; forgetfulness; dull aching in calves; fulness of frontal region; eyes feel dull and weak; slight nausea; brain very dull; burning in tongue; pain in back increased; depression of spirits, with sighing; dull pain in left ring finger. 11, continued frontal dulness; great aching in lower extremities, especially in tendons and ligaments about knee – joints; sharp shooting pain in an upper left molar; some enlargement of left sub – maxillary gland; griping in colon; burning in right fingers; heat in kidneys; throbbing pain in right head. 1 p. m., urine showed 23 oz. in last 24 hours; mean sp. gr. 1030. Great depression of spirits. Symptoms of m. continued up to n., especially pain about knee – joints, hindering motion, which nevertheless relieved; dull aching also in right hip – joint. Chill over whole body, with flashes of heat; very sensitive to cold air. Dull and drowsy, can drop to sleep at any m. Feel totally unable to attend to duties, and must stop drug. 29th. – Awoke with very severe headache; stiff and sore all over body, especially in all joints of lower extremities; loins and eyes the same; dry hacking cough; unsteadiness in first walking, exercise relieves. 9:30, great dulness of brain, with feeling of fulness; burning pains over region of heart, with feeling as if its action was being interfered with, its beats at times slow and regular, then quick and hurried; bowels costive. 1:30 p. m., still great pain in knees, and some in back; dull aching in right shoulder; scalp feels hot. Urine of 24 hours 29 oz., mean sp. gr. 1032. Spirits reviving, appetite returning, and brain feeling somewhat lighter; can think better. Pains in joints and ligaments have moved up into bellies of muscles; dull aching in right ear. 10, head feels as if being relieved of great pressure from without, most of which has been upon the anterior lobes; severe frontal headache for 2 hours, just behind superciliary ridges; muscles of lower extremities and both shoulders very sore; griping pains in bowels have returned; scalp sore to touch, especially over region of ” benevolence.” Urine still of high sp. gr. (1030 – 4); slight nausea; urging to stool; dull aching still in loins; much mucus in bronchi. 30th. – Slept well; feel this m. much better than for several day, brain quite clear; pain and soreness in muscles much less. 1 p. m., less lassitude; urine of 24 hours is 24 oz., mean sp. gr. 1028. 1st and 2nd. – Some pain lingering in muscles of back and legs; otherwise feeling well. (U. S. Medorrhinum and Surg. Journ., i, 253.)2. A lady in perfect health (uterus ascertained per speculum to be normal) took M. in teaspoonful doses of tinct. 3 times a day for 3 weeks, until uterus became irritated and the seat of severe pain. Examination now revealed an engorged condition of the cervix uteri; it appeared dark – red and swollen. Urethra and neck of bladder were swollen and irritated. Secretion of urine was notably increased. (P. H. Hale, in Hale’s New Remedies, 2nd ed.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.