CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM (see vol. ii, p.481.)

II. 4. – E. L., female, aet. 25, took a large but unknown quantity of Paris green with suicidal intent. Excessive nausea and vomiting with great pain and tenderness in epigastrium, followed in a few hours by a state of semi – consciousness from which patient aroused and became very restless. Anterior portion of chest very painful to touch; auscultation shows rough breathing, and percussion diminished resonance. Tongue dry and white with red edges; abdomen greatly distended, tympanitic and exquisitely sensitive. Patient is stupid; bladder had to be emptied by catheter. Urine analysis after 12 hours shows albumen, fat, pus, and epithelium, with complete absence of phosphates. On 2nd day, patient is quiet and lungs almost normal. On 3rd day, tongue is dry with red streak down middle and white edges. (Honan, N. Am. Journ. of Hom., April, 1890.) 5. a. – Mrs. M. had been working off and on for two weeks in a potato patch, where Paris green had been used. When first called to see her she had been suffering for several hours from distress in the epigastrium, which had gradually increased until it became unbearable. It was remittent in character, exacerbations being accompanied by intense burning and feeling of weight. She described it later as if her stomach were loaded with a thousand red – hot irons, which were clawing her. The epigastrium was somewhat sensitive to pressure, and there had been some vomiting without relief. There was great restlessness and anxiety, patient rolling her and there almost constantly; during the exacerbations she lay on her side, with knees drawn up, fists clenched, and face drawn in agony. There was no thirst at this time; pulse was 85 and good, temp. 99.2. Bowels were undisturbed. This condition had not come on suddenly, but there had been more or less gastric discomfort on alternate days for 7 – 10 day previous, with some sore throat and sensitiveness of eyes. 5 b. Relief was obtained in about 40 m., and she passed a comfortable n. Next day she was feeling well, but for a slight headache, and continued thus till the 4th day, when at 8 a. m. she had a slight chill, and at 11 a very severe one – ” shaking the bed for 3/4 h.” At 1:30 she was sweating profusely, pulse 110, temp. 103 o. There was great and constant thirst for cold water; she would have used it in quantity, had she been allowed. Tongue was coated white. There had been no sensation of heat following the chill. The same nervous restlessness was manifest as in the preceding attack, but with the addition of a foreboding of death. Next day, having had a good n., thirst was much less, and pulse 70. After another 3 day interval, an attack similar to the fist occurred; but burning at epigastrium was less pronounced, and in its stead sharp pains darted across it, leaving aching in their track. Attack was soon relieved, and she passed into a quiet sleep. On day before some herpes labialis had appeared, and urine had become high – coloured, and deposited a fine brick – dust sediment.

5 c. Again, on the 3rd day following, she had a slight attack of gastric distress, which was soon relieved without aid; and since then she had been well. The herpes remained for some day, and also a feeling of weakness. (J. S. Bishop, N. E. Medorrhinum Gaz., xxvi, 193.)

DIGITALIS (see vol. ii, pp. 503, 775)

For several of the foreign provings of day we used Dr. Black’s translation in the Mat. Medorrhinum, Phys. and Applied, vol. I. Dr. Dudgeon, however, has gone over these with their originals, and finds the following corrigenda necessary (for which we are indebted to him): p. 506, left 2 from bottom, for “In e.” read “After 3 d.” p. 507, left 2 from top, before “4th” supply “Oct.” P. 507 left 3 from top, read “None of the former symptoms were experienced save nausea and pressure in stomach. Gradually action of heart and arteries increased to such a degree, and there came on such orgasm of blood and palpitation, that on n. of 3rd and 4th day he had,” &c. p. 507, left 7 from top, for “rushing and tinkling” read “roaring and tinnitus.” p. 513, left 23 from bottom, for “standing up” read “rising from bed.” p.513, left 19 from bottom after “53” add “There was constipation for 4 day ‘ vision was impaired, and pupils somewhat dilated.” p. 514, left 4 from top, read, “He took care to observe condition of urine in normal state for 8 day before commencing experiment, and of heart for 10 – 12 d. Before and during experiment he passed urine usually 5 times a day, rarely only 4 times. Quantity”&c. p. 514, I.6 from top, after “105 c. c.” add “Sp. gr. in normal state was 1032 – 1017, average 1025; reaction acid.” p. 514, left 11 from top, after “tinct.; ” read “while sitting quietly had sudden feeling as if heart stood still, accompanied with great anxiety, for 1/2 m. then ” &c. p. 514, left 15 from top, for “seminal emissions” red “a seminal emission” (and so also on March 19th and april 25th). p. 514, left 16 from top, after “in bed”, read “m.” p. 514 left 16 from top for statements to 10th, 11th, and 12th day read 10th. – 11:30 p. m., 15 dr. N., restless sleep with frequent waking with hot face. Urine 1125 c. c., acid, sp. gr. 1025. 11th. – 11 p. m., 18 dr. Pulse 58, unequal, sometimes slow and full, sometimes quicker and smaller. Urine 10400 c. c., acid, sp. gr. 1025:25. 12th. – 11 p. m., 20 dr. Pulse, 61; urine 1040 c. c, acid, sp. gr. 1025, soon becomes turbid.” p. 514, left 28 from top, after “1025” add “M., a vesicular eruption n on chin.” p. 514, left 29 for “gr.” read “1 1/2 gr.” p. 514, left 34 from top, after “fuller” add {A small boil on nape.” p. 514, I.36 from top for “25th” read “20th.” p.514, 1.37 from top, for “quick: read “acute.” p. 514 I.38 from top for “taking away” read “oppression.” p.514 1.2 from bottom, for “quantities” read “quantity.” p.515, left 1 from top, for “walks” read “plays the piano.” p. 515 I.2 from top, for “irregular” read “regular” p. 515 from top for “In an h.” read “Fr some hr. afterwards”. p. 515 I.4 from top for “emptiness” read “fulness,” and after “stomach” add “as if food would rise up; expectoration of greyish, sweet – putrid mucus”. p. 515, I.18 from – top, for “a. m.” read “p. m.” p. 1515 I.23 from top after “unpleasant” insert “6 p. m., pulse 68, sitting. 10:30 p. m., took 30 dr. After 1 1/2 hours disagreeable pulsating pain in left side of chest inferiorly, as if in integuments..” p.515, I.26 from top, after “chordee” insert “with urging to urinate though there is but little urine in bladder”. p.515, i.27 from top, after “2 1/2 gr.” add”at 10:15 a. m.” p.515 left 29 from top, for “1050” read “860,” and for “1026” read “1025.” p. 515, left 31 from top, after “prover” add “on 16th, urine, hitherto always acid, was neutral.” p. 515, left 33 from top, for “14th” read “16th.” p. 515 I.34 from top after “e.” add “felt need to take deep breath, but when he did so felt as though there was an obstacle low down in lungs which prevented their filling with air more than one half.” I. 25. At Dr. Black’s suggestion I made a few experiments with a view to determine the action of day in small doses on the pulse. The subjects were two girls, M. and Z., aet. 14 and 12 respectively, both in good health. I made my experiments with the sphygmograph, which would detect any alteration in the quality of the pulse not ascertainable by the finger. The sphygmogram lie before me. a. M’s pulse before commencing was 84. 1 dr. of 1st cent. was taken. 5 m., pulse 90, took another dr. 7 m., pulse 78; 10 m., 84; 12 m., 20 m., 75. 21 m., took another dr. 23 m., pulse 75; 30 m., 72; 37 m., 72. For comparison’s sake M. ‘s pulse was observed one day when nothing had been taken. It was at first 84; 5 m. after settling down it was 78, and so remained for 20 m. more. b. Z’s pulse was 96. Two dr. of tinct. were given. In 5 m., pulse was 90; 10 m., 84; 15 m., 78; 20 m., 80. Character of pulse in both experiments remained the same, as witnessed to by the sphygmogram. (Dudgeon, Brit. Journ. of Hom., xxxix, 279.)

26. I have in some healthy persons observed, after taking a dessert – spoonful of the infusion 3 times daily for 5 – 6 day, a frequent desire to urinate, but only small quantities of high – coloured water passed at a time; in others the flow was copious, and the water clear. In some instances, where the desire was frequent and the quantity small, there was pain and often emission of blood before and after micturition. (Phillips, op. cit., 2nd d.)

II. 15. A man, aet. 26, for palpitation, took by mistake as much as 8 grm of powdered leaves. He dined at 6, and vomited what he took. N. was restless, but without further vomiting. This, however, recurred in m. Seen at 5 p. m. pulse was 90 and very irregular; urine scanty, infrequently passed, high coloured. On 3rd day he vomited only after certain drinks; pulse and heart irregular, but rather less so than yesterday; pain at praecordia. Urine scanty and red, with brick – dust deposit. A similar condition of urine persisted for several day yet, pulse gradually becoming quiet and regular. (Lemsurien, Ann. d’Hyg. publ., 1st ser., xxxix, 452. – In an article in L’Art Medical for Oct., 1884, from which we have taken the above, Dr. Marc Jousset has collected a number of cases of poisoning by day and its alkaloid to illustrate their influence on the urine, which was generally as in the present case. – Eds.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.