
Nuphar luteum, Smith. Small – flowered yellow pond lily. Nat. Ord., Nymphaeaceae.


1. a. Dr. Pitet took 4th dil. irregularly for several d. On 6th day he had some colic, and frequent prickings on post. surface of left thigh. On 9th and 10th day, pressive headache in forehead and left temple. On 11th there was excessive moral sensibility, causing great pain on witnessing sufferings of animals; headache in forehead, and at times in left temple, ceasing in open air. There was diminution of sexual thinking and feeling during 10 day, opposite effect occurring during succeeding 4 d. After 10 – 12 day there appeared on different parts of body a number of red blotches, tolerably regular in outline, ovoid or circular, prominent, and covered with little scales of silvery white – in short, resembling psoriasis. There were a few on post. surface of arms, but they were most numerous on ant. surface of legs; they itched violently, especially in evening; friction removed the little scales, which were rapidly reproduced, remained a few days, and then fell off again from the scratching induced by the itching. This eruption lasted six weeks; as it disappeared, and the scales ceased to be reproduced, skin at seat of each blotch became pale red or yellowish.1 b. Subsequently, Dr. P. took frequent doses of 4th and 6th dils. – 4th day, sweetish taste several times. 7th day, boring pain, in transitory attacks, in left forehead, evening 8th day, soft stools, preceded by some colic, for several day; complete absence of sexual desire, penis retracted, scrotum relaxed; lancinations in right great toe, evening 9th day, painful sensation behind sternum, when running, as though subjacent organs were violently shaken. 10th day, heaviness of whole head, at midday; dull or tearing pains, sometimes in forehead, at others in whole upper half of head; dull deep lancinations behind left frontal eminence; face pale, discoloured eyes, though not feeling ill; still entire sexual insensibility and atony; constant restlessness and fatigue in legs; painful drawings in ant. muscles of left leg; great impatience at slightest contradiction. 11th day, very painful bruising shaking pain in brain at every step in walking; dull pains in left ant. cerebral lobe, and occasionally beneath orbital plate. 12th day, painful bruising shocks in right brain anteriorly when walking. 15th day, diarrhoeic stools m. and evening, preceded by violent colic pains in rectum. 16th day, same all n. 17th day, 4 diarrhoeic stools, smarting and burning in anus after each; in evening some flatulent colic; urine deposits a reddish sand, which is hard and adheres to vessel. 18th day, dull deep colic pains during day, all round waist; 4 diarrhoeic stools as before; continued sexual depression. 19th day, 4 similar stools, two 4 – 5 a. m.; slight painfulness over whole ant. surface of stomach, with sense of weakness at epigastrium; lancinations in right testicle; general sense of weakness. 20th day, diarrhoeic stool in morning; some pain in right testicle. 23rd day, dull pain and sense of painful weight in right orbit all day, and since m. also in right ant. cerebral lobe and occiput; (when standing in sun, a quantity of brilliant sparks filled field of vision, converging from circumference to centre), – this was frequently perceived subsequently, principally after hard coughing; (paroxysms of very acute but transitory pain in right great toe, when walking). 25th day, dull pains, sometimes lancinating, about right ant. cerebral lobe; painful heaviness in orbit, at base of skull, – a very frequent symptom since beginning of proving. On the 29th day, strength, flesh and healthy complexion, which had diminished, began to return.

1 c. Same proved 6th, 7th, and 8th dils. during 12 day – 8th day, deep dull pain at lowest part of left lumbar region and in post. sup. part of ext. iliac fossa, coinciding with a similar but not constant pain in internal iliac fossa of same side; sensations like fleabites, in different parts, for several day 9th day, lancinations in left anterior brain. 10th day, same, and similar but less violent sensations on other side; painful pressure in right temple. 12th day, diminution of erections and sexual appetite; walking, even slowly, causes painful stitch in left flank, relieved by pressure; weakness of limbs in evening; yellow diarrhoea, especially in m., had occurred for 3 day past; to – day there were 5 or 6 stools, without colic or epigastric trouble, except at times a sense of weakness there. On following days all symptoms of 12th day continued, stools being always more numerous about 5 – 6 a. m. 20th and following days, dull pains in anterior part of base of brain, on level with floor of orbits; very painful feeling of weight in temples, m.; stitches, as from needles, in rectum, above anus; sensation like fleabites on different parts of skin of body and limbs. 25th day, dull pains at base of right orbit, forehead, and occiput; soft diarrhoeic stool, preceded by colic, which disappeared after the stool; dull transitory pain in right testicle, for several day in succession; similar pain at extremity of penis, right side, several lancinations in left testicle therewith. On 20th and following days, a red, slightly prominent patch, covered with little white scales, and itching violently, on inner surface of right arm, near axilla; followed on 25th day by a red, oval, prominent patch on left arm, exactly like a patch of psoriasis, covered with silvery scales, which fall off and are renewed every few day, itching violently, especially in evening (Journ. de la Soc. Gall., iii, 129.)

NUX MOSCHATA (see vol.iii, p.411)

II. 16. One m. I received an urgent message to attend a farmer in the country, who had been taken very ill during the n. On my arrival I found him lying on a sofa, with his knees drawn up, in a half – dazed condition, crying out,: Oh my head!” His wife informed me that he had gone to bed the previous n. quite well, and had slept well till about 6 a. m. When he attempted to get out of bed he found he was giddy and could not stand, had great pain in head, and could not distinguish objects round him. He could now be roused to answer questions when sharply spoken to, and told me that he had great pain in the head and great thirst; that his mouth and tongue were parched; and that he had great numbness of the limbs. He was quite unable to stand. Pulse was 70, regular; temp. normal; pupils somewhat contracted, acting to light and accommodation; tongue clean, dry; heart – sounds normal. His wife now told me that the previous evening, for boils on his neck, she had grated up a whole nutmeg and given it him in milk. I administered calomel, followed by castor oil; and next m. found him quite well but for a little headache. (Bentlif, Brit. Medorrhinum Journ., Dec. 21, 1889.)

17. A middle – aged woman took a nutmeg, scraped and mixed with hot water, for arrested menstruation. Two hours after taking it she was seized with extreme thirst, giddiness, and prostration; but to her the most painful effect was, in spite of the prostration, an intolerable restlessness, causing her to tramp up and down the room almost incessantly, holding on to the various articles of furniture for support; there was also ” tightness of the chest,” obliging her to loosen her dress. The symptoms continued (in spite of an emetic, strong coffee, and sal volatile) more or less all evening and n., and then passed off completely.

c. A young lady, one evening about 7, ate a whole nutmeg, being fond of it. Shortly afterwards, feeling sleepy, which she ascribed to having been up the greater part of the previous n. at a ball, she went to bed, and slept very heavily till late next m., when she was with some trouble aroused. She got up and dressed, but had no appetite for breakfast, still felt very drowsy, and vomited slightly several times. When I saw her, about 10:30 a. m., vomiting had stopped, her face was pale, and she was unable to raise her eyelids; she did not complain of any giddiness, only of great drowsiness and disinclination for exertion. The symptoms quickly passed off under the use of strong coffee, cold douching, fresh air, and ammonia.

d. I was called one evening, about 10, to see Mrs. E. M -. I found her complaining of giddiness, faintness, and disturbed vision. Pulse was feeble, skin cold and clammy, pupils dilated; no pain anywhere. I was told she had taken the whole of a medium – sized nutmeg, scraped up and steeped in gin, as an emmenagogue. An emetic brought away a large quantity of the nutmeg, and heat with stimulants restored the circulation. Next m. patient was well but for a feeling of lassitude. (Ibid., May 14 and 28, 1887.)



Onosmodium virginianum, D. C. Nat. Ord., Boraginaceae.


1. Dr. W. E. Green. (This is the third proving of the drug I have made upon myself, and there is no essential difference in the effects produced.) Oct. 1st, 1884, 7:30 a. m., drank of water 6 fluid ounces; 7.4, ate breakfast, consisting of broiled steak, 2 potatoes, 3 ounces; eggs, 1 ounce; bread, 3 ounces; butter, 1/2 ounce; syrup, 4 fluid drachms; coffee, 6 fluid ounces; water, 6 fluid ounces. 10 a. m., drank of water, 8 fluid ounces, and 12:30 p. m., 6 fluid ounces. Ate dinner at 1 p. m., consisting of roast meat, 2 ounces; potatoes, 3 ounces; sliced tomatoes, 3 ounces; bread, 3 ounces; butter, 1/2 ounce; water, 8 fluid ounces. 4 p. m., drank 8 fluid ounces of water. Ate supper at 7 p. m., consisting of broiled steak, 2 ounces; potatoes, 3 ounces; eggs, 1 ounce; butter, 1/2 ounce; bread, 3 ounces; syrup, 4 fluid drachms; milk, 8 fluid ounces; water, 6 fluid ounces. 9 p. m., drank 6 fluid ounces of water. During the 24 hours passed 28 fluid ounces of dark straw – coloured urine, of natural odour, slightly acid reaction, and 1026 sp. gr. 2nd. – Observed same regulations as yesterday, and so throughout proving. To – day passed 27 ounces of dark straw – coloured urine, natural odour, slightly acid reaction, and 1027 sp. gr. 3rd. – Am feeling very well this m.; slept well last n., and ate my breakfast this m. with usual relish. Bowels and kidneys acted naturally; tongue clean; skin moist; pulse 72, and normal in volume and regularity; temperature 98.6 o; vision in both eyes 10/10; fundus oculi normal; hearing in right ear 26/48; left ear 36/48. 9 a. m., took 60 min. of tinct. Within 10 m. commenced to feel sensation of numbness and weakness in legs from knees down to feet. 9:20, dull, heavy pain in frontal region and in both temples, also in mastoid region. Slight sense of intoxication; dazed and uncertain feeling of mind. There is uncertainty of action. Have to stop to think whether or not I am going right or doing the right thing. 9:30, very nervous and tremulous; my hands tremble so that I can hardly write, usually my hands are very steady. Pulse 84 and regular. Increasing secretions in mouth and throat. Have a feeling of lightness about me, something like that experienced when taking chloroform. Slightly flushed feeling in face. Decided forgetfulness; will start to say something, and before the sentence is finished will begin to talk on some other subject. Quite talkative, but in a disconnected way. Dull pain in mastoid regions. Sharp darting pains in left temple. 10, am very forgetful; started to get into my buggy, but before I reached the door I forgot where I was going, and went to some other part of the house; I forget everything. Am very restless, constantly moving about without cause or reason. The movement neither aggravates nor relieves my symptoms. I write very fast, with all my might, but cannot keep pace with my thoughts. Before one sentence is completed will begin upon another. I omit words and leave out letters. In writing or talking I cannot concentrate my thoughts. 10:15, darting pain in left temple. Slightly blurred vision; feeling of tension in eyes; want to look at far – off objects. Numb, tired feeling in popliteal spaces, worse in l. Tired, wearied feeling in limbs like one feels when just getting up from a spell of sickness. 10:30, very impatient; can’t go fast enough; my team travels too slow; have not the patience to let them walk over the rough places in the road. Dull pain in top of eyeballs; a feeling of tension in eyes as when straining them to read small print. Want to look at things very far away. It is not pleasant to look at near objects. Want to keep the eyes very wide open. The eyes feel as if they were very wide open. 11:30, felt as if I would have a chill. This symptom continued to occur every day at about 12 or 1 o’clock for several day after I stopped taking the medicine. Pain in right frontal region and dull pain through temples. Pulse 66. 12 m., took 60 min.; soon after had darting pains through right malar bone, and numbness. 12:20 p. m., tired feeling in forearms and flexures of elbows. Aching in elbow and wrist – joints. Shooting pains in phalangeal articulations of left hand. Disagreeable aching all over, as though I would have a chill. 1 p. m., took 60 min. My restlessness has subsided, and I feel sluggish and dull. Feel better when lying down. Dryness of mouth and throat. Clammy, sticky feeling in mouth. Ate dinner at 1 p. m. with usual relish. My symptoms were all temporarily relieved by eating, excepting tired feeling in limbs. As I walked to my office, I experienced dull aching in calf of left leg. Disagreeable numb feeling in left forearm and leg, worse in leg. Dryness of mouth and pharynx. Slight laryngeal cough, with gluey, sticky expectoration. 2:30, feel very drowsy and stupid. 3, took 60 min. 3:30, mind is dreamy and in a state of apathy; cannot think. No pains, only a weary feeling pervades entire body. Pulse 66. 4, mouth and throat very dry. 6, took 60 min. 6:30, much depression about heart, as though it would stop beating. Pulse 66 and weak. Occasionally the diastole seems prolonged. In going to my office this evening my legs felt so weary and unsteady that I could scarcely walk. Have perspired very little to – day, though the weather has been exceedingly warm. Ate supper at 7 with very good relish. 7:30, felt so tired that I was compelled to lie down. Slept for one hours and awakened much refreshed, all my symptoms alleviated excepting the mental lethargy. 8:30, diffuse colicky pains in abdomen below navel; a general bellyache. Time seems to pas very slowly; minutes seem like hours. Have no resolution to do anything. I have been sitting here for an hours trying to write a letter, but have not yet made a beginning. Vague, listless, and indifferent thought occupies my mind. My ears sing, and my head feels light, as when taking quinine. Constant laryngeal cough. Uneasy colicky sensation in lower abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on. 4th. – Went to bed last n. at 11, slept well all n. and awoke at 6 a. m. I feel this m. sore and tired as though I had done a hard day’s work. Have an annoying laryngeal cough, with white sticky expectoration. Pulse 66, irregular and weak. Sexual desire much impaired. 7 a. m., took 30 min.; ate breakfast, but with little relish, I could not eat my steak. Had a soft mushy evacuation at 8. During the past 24 h. I passed 21 fl. oz. of dark straw – coloured urine of highly acid reaction, normal odour, sp. gr. 1027. 8:40, I do not feel well this m. I am slightly nauseated and have a clammy disagreeable taste in my mouth, also an unpleasant feeling in stomach. In fact, I feel sick all over. Have a depressed feeling about my heart as though it would stop beating. Pulse 81, rather full and slightly irregular. Am very restless this m.; cannot be still; am constantly moving about. Time passes very slowly. I have no headache this m., that left me yesterday afternoon; and, until recently, not so much of the numbness and weakness of legs. Have had some eructations during m. 9:30, weary numb feeling in legs and popliteal spaces, deep – seated. 10, 30 min. Constant dryness of pharynx and post – nasal passage, with frequent efforts to clear them, expectorating a small quantity of white sticky secretion. Have a feeling of fulness, or a stopped – up feeling, in ears. Hearing is much impaired. H. d., right ear = 8/48; left ear = 12/48. Vision in both eyes = 8/10. Optic disc hyperaemic and retinal vessels engorged. 1 p. m., 30 min. Have had nervous sensation of hunger in stomach all day 4 and 7, 30 min. Ate supper at 7:10, but had no relish for it. Have had colicky pains and a sick nauseated feeling all e. Much disagreeable belching since supper. Abdomen feels distended and bloated. The colicky pains are like those produced by drinking largely of ice water. 5th. – Went to bed last night at 10:30, feeling very weary. Sleep was much disturbed by frequent awakening. Have a general tired feeling this m., as if I had done a hard day’s work. My sleep did not rest me. Sore lame feeling across small of back. Have slight hacking cough, with tough, sticky, white expectoration. Ears feel as though I was suffering with catarrh. H. d., right ear = 18/48; l ear = 24/8. I usually pass water very often, and several times during n., but since I have been taking this medicine I do not get up at all during n., and only evacuate the bladder 3 or 4 times during the 24 h. In walking this m. I had a general tired, sore, and lame feeling. During the past 24 h. I passed 20 fl. oz. of brown – coloured urine, of balsamic odour, highly acid reaction, and sp. gr. 1030. It was heavily loaded with urea. 7 a. m., 60 min. 9, much oppressed about heart. Pulse 84, and rather weak. Much dryness of throat and nose. Weary, numb feeling in knees and legs. Tingling in calves and feet, most marked in l. Am quite nervous and tremulous. Very restless. Bowels moved at usual hour; action yellowish, soft, and mushy. 10, 60 min. H. d., right ear = 55/48; left ear = 7/48. 1 p. m., 60 min. Much dryness of mouth, throat, and nose. Constant naso – pharyngeal expectoration. Pulse 66. The system seems to become tolerant of the remedy, and, excepting the deafness, I seem to be much less affected to – day. 4, 60 min. My symptoms have all been modified to – day. 9, 60 min. 6th. – Was quite restless last n., and awoke rather early this m. Did not relish my breakfast. Pulse 84. H. d., right ear = 18/48; left ear = 24/48. Much depression about heart. During the 24 h. I passed 25 fl. oz. of dark urine, highly acid, and sp. gr. 1030. Bowels moved same as yesterday; same character of stool. 11 a. m. and 1 p. m., took Zij. 1:15, pulse 102 and full. Face feels flushed and swollen. Ears feel stuffed and full. Eyes feel tense; vision blurred. Disturbed co – ordination of muscles of legs in walking. Lips, mouth, throat and nose feel very dry and parched. Sore scraping sensation in throat, momentarily relieved by drinking cold water. Crave cold drinks to relieve the dryness, but am not specially thirsty. 3 and 6 p. m., repeated dose. Have had very dry throat and mouth all d. Throat perfectly dry and stiff. Very full feeling in head and face. Skin dry. No perspiration, though weather is exceedingly warm. H. d., right ear = 6/48; left ear = 6/48. Vision blurred. Vision in both eyes = 8/10. Optic disc hyperaemic; retinal vessels engorged, worse in left eye. Bloated distended feeling in abdomen. Pain and stiffness across lumbar region. 7, pulse 90. General feeling of distress and fulness in entire body. Dull, heavy, frontal headache. Pain in both mastoid regions. Legs, from knees down, feel very tired and weary. Aching in knees. Am very drowsy and dull, and very forgetful. Ate supper at 7:30, which relieved throat considerably. 8, have much colicky pain in bowels, and feel as if diarrhoea would come on. I am quite sick, tired, and weary to – night. 7th. – I passed a restless, sleepless n., and awoke very early this m., suffering from dull occipito – frontal headache, and a tired, sore feeling all over. Was hurried out of bed to stool. Had a soft, yellowish or greenish, stringy stool; urgent, and accompanied with much tenesmus. During the last 24 h. I passed 17 fl. oz. of very dark urine, highly acid, and 1030 sp. gr. Have a very tired and numb feeling in popliteal spaces, and aching in knees. My legs feel as though they would not support the body. Pulse 96, weak and irregular. Decided naso – pharyngeal catarrh, with constant accumulation of white, sticky phlegm. H. d., right ear = 5/48; left ear = 7/48. Vision in both eyes = 8/10. 9 a. m., passed a small, greenish or yellowish, stringy stool, intermixed with mucus and blood, and accompanied with tenesmus. I feel very badly in general this m. Am tired and stiff all over. Legs and knees feel tired and numb, and biceps and muscles of forearm feel sore, as when overworked. I have felt all the m. as if I would have a chill; am also very restless and nervous. 8 p. m., have felt all evening as though I had been taking quinine. H. d., right ear = 12/48; left ear = 24/48. Vision in right eye = 10/10; in left eye = 8/10. 8th. – Slept well last n., and relished breakfast this m. Pulse 84, irregular. Passed during the 24 hours 23 fl. oz. of dark – coloured urine, highly acid, and 1025 sp. gr. H. d., right ear = 18/48; left ear = 24/48. Vision much the same as yesterday. 11 a. m., return of weary numb feeling in legs and knees; also feel decidedly chilly, but not so much as yesterday. Had one soft, yellowish, mushy stool. 9th. – Slept well last n. Pulse 80, irregular. Depressed cardiac feeling almost gone. H. d., right ear = 18/48; left ear = 24/48. Vision in both eyes = 10/10. Disc and retinal vessels in right eye normal; disc yet slightly choked in left eye. During the past 24 hours passed 45 fl. oz. of straw – coloured urine, reaction neutral, normal odour, and sp. gr. 1019. Sexual desire has from the first been almost entirely obliterated. Cardiac oppression existed throughout. (Hahn. Monthly, June, 1885.)2. a. Mrs. C -, aet. 30; brunette; has always enjoyed good health; appetite good; bowels inclined to constipation; pulse 75 and regular. March 20th, 1885, commenced taking O. at 8:30 a. m., and took one teaspoonful every 3 hours, until 4 doses were taken each d. Fifteen m. after taking first dose my throat began to feel sore and raw, and it hurt me to swallow. These symptoms were rapidly increased after taking second dose. During afternoon the soreness subsided on right side, but continued on l. At 3:30 p. m. I commenced to have dull feeling about head; aching in front, worse over left eye. My throat is growing worse; it is a dry, raw, sore, rough feeling, and pains me severely. There is slight accumulation of white, sticky phlegm that keeps me constantly clearing my throat; throat is stiff and voice is husky. Soon after taking last dose at 5:30, head began to ache severely in left temple and over both eyes, worse over l. I experience same sensation over bridge of nose. I am very dull and sleepy. 21st. – I slept well last n., but had many dreams that were rather agreeable in character, and awoke this m. feeling very tired. I had but little appetite for breakfast. Soon after taking 1st dose at 8:30, throat began to get dry, sore, and raw, and the same sticky mucus began to appear. Head aches in front and back, and I have sharp pain under left breast. During forenoon bowels have been very much bloated, and the distension has distressed me. I have also suffered with severe colicky pains, mostly in lower part of abdomen. Loosening clothing and lying down upon back afforded relief. I am forgetful, and mind seems confused. I have a tired feeling like one who has been sick, or is exhausted by long watching; this weariness is most marked in lower part of back. Soon after taking third dose, at 2:30, head began to ache over both eyes, and I became very nervous and restless, tremulous and impatient, with constant desire to move about. Later, I became dull and drowsy, mind confused and body extremely enervated. I do not want to move, but sit in a dreamy, listless mood. My breasts feel swollen and sore, with itching about nipples. When I walk I have pain low down in back. 4:30, I have just slept an hours, and find all my symptoms gone on awaking; they soon return, and are again relieved by going into open air. After taking fourth dose, at 5:30, my symptoms were aggravated in about the same order of recurrence. Eyes feel tired, and as though I was stretching them wide open. Lids feel heavy, as if I had lost much sleep. I have passed a small quantity of highly coloured urine twice since early m. I have had but little thirst to – day, much less than usual. 8:30, throat is still sore, and head still aches. 22nd. – I went to bed at 10 last n., but could not sleep on account of severe pains low down in abdomen, like those produced by taking cold during menstruation. The same pains awoke me this m. I took my first dose at 8:30, and in a few m. became very nervous; my hands tremble, and I am restless. My head soon began to ache, and a listless feeling of mind came over me. I find myself gazing at objects across the room, and am completely lost in imperfect thought. I do not wish to talk or make any effort. I have been sneezing a great deal this m., and left side of nose and left eye seem to be affected. Throat is dry, raw, and painful, and voice is husky; and there is constant but scanty accumulation of white, sticky mucus in throat. At 1:30 I was taken with pain in left hip. My back has ached severely this afternoon, and I have suffered from uterine and ovarian soreness, bearing – down pains, and engorgement of breasts. 23rd. – I slept well last n., but sleep was interrupted by dreams. At 10:30 I had pain in bowels, caused, I think, by gas. My bowels move every day; before taking the medicine I was constipated. Soon after taking dose at 8:30 I began to sneeze; grew nervous and restless; then head began to ache, and throat got dry and sore. During forenoon head has ached through back and front, and over eyes, mostly over l. Head and eyes confused. Pains in left breast from nipple through. Severe, heavy, bearing – down pains in womb. Sharp cutting and throbbing pains, also dull, heavy, aching, and slowly pulsating pains in ovaries; pains begin in one ovary and then pass to other, leaving a soreness that lasts until pains return. The uterine and ovarian pains are increased by external pressure, by walking, and by the pressure of the underclothing; I had to remove the corset. These pains lasted for many d. A general soreness in lower part of abdomen. Lips and mouth are dry, and yet I have no thirst. I am very drowsy, listless and dull. When I give up to this feeling and sleep I am better. Going into open air also relieves me. 24th. – I slept well last n., but dreamed much. Soon after taking the medicine I had return of same symptoms, in about the same order as yesterday. During d. I have had great distaste for water, and but little appetite. Have had nauseous belching, colicky griping pains, rumbling in bowels, bloated abdomen, and depression about heart. 25th. – Dreamed much last n., and was frequently awakened by uterine and ovarian pains. Am very sore this m. through lower part of abdomen. I have a general feeling as though menstruation would come on; back aches severely, and breasts are swollen and painful. Have a general tired and exhausted feeling all over; am nauseated, sick and nervous. Have much colicky griping pain; distended abdomen; rumbling in bowels and belching; much leucorrhoea, whitish, yellowish, and excoriating, causing itching made worse by scratching. Urine scanty, highly coloured, and voided frequently. Depression about heart; pulse rapid and irregular; pain in region where heart beats. This disturbance about heart makes me apprehensive lest I should die. Soon after taking first dose, nervousness was increased, and, within 15 m., head began to ache in front and back, worse through temples and over eyes. This was soon accompanied by sneezing; sore, raw, and dry throat; husky voice, and pains in back, womb, and breasts. Am very drowsy this afternoon; have aching in left side of head and over left eye. Distended abdomen, have to loosen my clothes; colicky pains; belching and nausea. Frequent desire to urinate, though there is but little passed. Depression of heart. Weary feeling as after a long spell of sickness. Pains over hip – bone of left side. Tired, weary, and numb feelings in legs, knees, and hands. My legs feel weak, and tremble as though they would not sustain my body. I stagger when I walk, and cannot use my hands well, they are so tremulous. I have pains in finger – joints. These symptoms have attended me, more or less, throughout. I have had no thirst to – day and but little appetite. After taking last dose, I had flushed face, and full bloated feeling all over; am very nervous and tremulous; cannot hold my book, or control my muscles to walk or to write. The least exertion causes great tremulousness. I am also restless and forgetful; will start to do one thing, and do another. Cannot get things right; started to go into the dining – room, and went upstairs. These symptoms usually exist in m., and soon after eating a meal. 26th. – Have had about same symptoms to – day as yesterday. Am much depressed in spirits. I feel as though something terrible was going to happen, and I am powerless to prevent it. My bowels are inclined to looseness. I took the last dose to – day.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.