COFFEA. (see vol. ii, p.301)

II. – 9. A strong and vigorous man, in the absence of his wife, prepared for himself some coffee. Ignorant of the quantity to use, he made the infusion very strong, using about Zii of the ground berries. After 2 1/2 hours vertigo came on; this was followed by severe headache and tremors, limited at first to the head, and then becoming generalised. To these symptoms was subsequently added flushing of face, great palpitation, nausea and vomiting. A doctor saw patient about 6 hours after ingestion, at which time the most prominent symptom was general and intense tremor, especially noticeable in hands and face, and rendering speech very difficult to comprehend. Face was deeply flushed, and forehead bathed in perspiration. There was much praecordial pain, but heart – sounds were normal. Pulse 100, very full and bounding. Patient frequently micturated. After potass, brom. sleep was induced, and symptoms gradually declined, man being convalescent in 3 day (medical Press and Circular, June 12th, 1889.)

COLCHICINUM (see vol.ii, p.343)

III. – 1. C. produces in animals complete loss of sensibility, due to paralysis of both peripheral and central nerve – endings; hence reflex excitability is abolished, but motor nerves and muscles retain their excitability till death ensues. Heart continues to pulsate even after the paralysis of the central nervous system has commenced; blood pressure remains long unchanged; and paralysis of the inhibitory nerves of the heart occurs at a late period. Respiration becomes gradually less frequent until it is entirely arrested. In warm – blooded animals, especially in cats, the mucous membrane of the whole gastric and intestinal tract is swollen and strongly injected, and the intestines contain bloody mucus. There is diarrhoea, vomiting, and colicky pain during life. The kidneys are strongly hyperaemic and their secretions diminished. The action of C. is slow. Death occurs only after several hours, and amount of dose has scarcely any perceptible influence on the intensity or rapidity of the action of the poison. (Schroff, op. cit.)

COLCHICUM (see vol.ii, pp.316, 748)

III. – 2. Dr. Roy, of Vevey, reports experiments made on cats by intravenous and hypodermic injection. He observed severe diarrhoea, and, P. M., great congestion of the intestinal canal – a veritable enteritis. These phenomena were due to the elimination of the C. and not to a nervous action or a general augmentation of circulatory pressure. The red and white corpuscles found in the stools showed that actual transudation of the liquid constituents of the blood had occurred. (Archiv. de Phys., 1878, p. 655.)

II. 2. (This case is correctly and fully given up to left 18, but then ends too abruptly. The following is the sequel, verbatim 🙂

After 3 hours, in addition to above symptoms, he had pain in back; at 9 p. m. his abdomen was tympanitic. Nov. 2nd. – He had the appearance of a moribund person, great weakness, pulse very small and quick, face Hippocratic, of an earthy hue, hands and feet cold, abdomen tympanitic, vomiting and diarrhoea occasionally, evacuations as before, no blood in them. Voice low, but consciousness perfect; pressure on abdomen caused no pain, only anxiety. The pains along the back and in heels continued along with the anxiety and dyspnoea. Consciousness continued till death, which took place at 10 a. m., 39 hours after taking the drug. P. M., 29 hours after death. – Face much sunken, abdominal integuments green coloured and greatly distended by gas. On cutting open abdomen some fetid gas escaped. Intestines enormously distended. The whole of the small intestines, especially duodenum and jejunum, showed on their peritoneal coat brown spots; had greatly injected blood – vessels, and diameter of at least 1 1/2 inch. Their m. m. considerably inflamed, most so near the stomach. Swelling of Brunner’s and Peyer’s glands to the size of a lentil, and puckering of the m. m., which, however, could not be detached by the hands of the scalpel. The contents of the bowels resembled the stools. The whole mesentery was inflamed, its blood – vessels greatly distended with black blood like the large vessels of the abdomen. The stomach was distended to 3 times its proper size, its peritoneal coat dark red with spots of still darker red. It contained an immense quantity of fetid gas, and about 3 cupfuls of fetid yellow fluid; its m. m. was dark red, nearly brown, much thickened. The coats of stomach and bowels were firm and not perforated. The colon was only distended by gas, but not inflamed. Other internal organs sound.

CONIUM (see vol.ii, p.371)

II. 18. An inquest was held on a child of 8 mos. For irritability from teething a mixture had been ordered of Zj of ext. conii, Zj of potass. brom., and of chloroform water. Of this the child took a teaspoonful at 8 p. m. The effect soon became manifest, and by 11:30 symptoms were so alarming that Mr. Freeman was hastily summoned. On his arrival he found lower extremities completely paralysed, occasional twitchings of arms and head but no decided convulsion, marked dilatation of pupils, lividity of face, and diaphragmatic breathing. Attempts to induce vomiting were fruitless, and death occurred at 3 a. m. P. M. showed much congestion of organs generally; marked increase of serum in cerebral ventricles and beneath arachnoid: strong injection of membranes of cord. R. heart was distended with semi – coagulated blood; bases of lungs gorged, and surface marbled with patches of congestion, collapse, and acute emphysema. Surface of liver presented numerous groups of punctate extravasation. Other organs healthy. Opinion was given that death resulted from paralytic asphyxia. [Although bromide of potassium was mixed with C. in this case, it obviously played little or no part in the fatal result; so that we feel justified in giving it as a case of hemlock poisoning. – Eds.] (Lancet, July 25th, 1885.)

CONVALLARIA (see vol. ii, p. 390)

I. 1. b. A year and a half later, Dr. Lane proved 3rd dil., with which he saturated discs so that each would absorb 1 dr., and took one of these every 2 hours from July 1st at 4 p. m. up to 3 p. m. on 24th. 7th. – ” Each day since I commenced taking drug have had a stools a d. To – day, 3 – 5 p. m., very sleepy and weak. A small excrescence, size of millet – seed, formed on left index, which, after being pricked with a pin, bled quite profusely, and could with difficulty be stopped from doing so; the bleeding caused a faint feeling, and I turned pale. During day whenever I would feel a little cold I would have a chill. During the chill I would be very nervous, so that hands would tremble. 8th. – Again very sleepy 3 – 5 p. m. 10th. – Smarting of right eye for a few m. at noon; grieve very easily; felt sleepy about 6 p. m., while sitting; food did not seem good. 11th. – On waking, eyes felt dry and as if lids internally were rough; this lasted till 10 a. m. Food did not taste as well as commonly; appetite diminished; very sleepy after dinner. 13th. – Quite nervous; hands tremulous; grating of teeth in m. on waking. 15th. – Pain to left of umbilicus when walking a short distance; food does not seem clean and fit to eat; thirsty, drinking much water, especially evening; feeling sleepy and lazy. 18th. – During dinner, colicky pain in umbilical, extending to right lumbar, region; still 2 stools each day 19th. – Colic in hypogastrium this m. before I got up, lasting till bowels moved. 21st, 10 p. m., after urinating aching in region of bladder, as if bladder was over – distended, with aching and lame feeling in back after lying down. 22nd. – A.m., urine passed since p. m. yesterday examined. Colour light brown; odour strong, as of fresh fish; sp. gr. 1030; acidity normal; slight mucous sediment after standing; no albumen or sugar. 24th. – Skin all over body feels sore on awaking and after rising; pain in lumbar region, as if muscles were bruised. 7, headache, commencing in forehead; thirsty, drinking copiously and often; no appetite, ate little. 8:30, shortness of breath while walking; fever had begun at 8:15, and temp. was now 104 1/2 o, pulse 124; frontal headache, dull and heavy, and severe dull aching in lumbar region, as if back had been pounded. I went to bed, and though I kept eyes closed all the while I could not sleep, but would hear everything; legs ached during fever, which lasted till about 10 a. m., when I commenced to sweat. During the fever I could not hear as well as usual, ears seemed stopped; could feel heart beat throughout chest. Whenever I would move any part it would cause a chilly sensation all over body. Motion would aggravate the headache, but I felt better after moving about and talking. Skin felt rough while washing after the perspiration. 12:15, legs ached; dull, heavy pressive headache in forehead; had to step very light, as least jar would aggravate it. Back ached severely, as if it were bruised or broken. Temp. 104 o, pulse 106. 1:30, temp. 102 o; back and head better. 2:20, same; pulse 92; urine dark. 3, mind dull, can hardly think of the remedy I want to prescribe for a patient; headache aggravated as before, and from walking up a hill, which also caused dyspnoea. 4:30, coppery taste in mouth; dulness and headache still. 7, headache gradually passed away after supper. 10, urine very dark and strong. 25th. – Feel well this m. save for frontal headache when jarring head. At times during day pricking sensation on forehead, as if touched with nettles, worse after getting warm; no eruption. At 4:30 p. m. began to be feverish, and therewith headache on jarring grew more severe. Thirst during first part of fever; trembling of legs and hands throughout, aggravated by a draught; coppery taste in mouth. 5, temp. 103 2/3 o, pulse 106; hot feeling in thorax and hypochondria; weak, empty feeling in pharynx, extending to stomach; dyspnoea during fever, with desire to draw a deep breath; very slight backache. 6, tired out after walking, with aching in legs and back and aggravation of the headache; urine scanty, dark, and smells like cow’s urine. 7, appetite poor; sleepy; headache relieved by keeping quiet; dyspnoea. Cold chills would commence in back and run down spine, from a draught of air or a drink of cold water (which was felt all the way down oesophagus); sensation as of bubbles of air passing through water from symphysis pubis to right hypogastrium; dull colicky pain across umbilical region. 8, pulse 100; gurgling in umbilical region; still aching in legs, mostly right and below knee; headache more in right temple, – later, hawking made pain very severe. 26th. – Chilly all no., aching at times. Before getting up, dull pressive headache in forehead and temples, more on right side; chills ran along back at any movement, which also aggravated headache; sick feeling at stomach. On rising at 7:15, commenced shaking all over body; ends of fingers pale, rest of hand mottled purple and white; lips purple and sore, covered with hydroa; headache quite severe, aggravated by jar as before; hair sensitive to touch. Water tastes bitter; no appetite for breakfast; tongue felt as if scalded on drinking warm coffee; thick clammy saliva in mouth; aching in back and legs. Chill lasted about an h. Nausea and other symptoms continued through it. 9:30, desire for stool without effect; soreness of anus on straining, as though it were raw; urine scanty and very high coloured. Had to walk very slowly, from weakness, and very lightly, to avoid jarring head. Eyes felt heavy, but on closing them when walking would stagger or move sideways. Dulness of intellect. After walking about a mile had to lie down and rest. Easily chilled. 12:30, some fever since chill, but not high. On getting up about 12:15 staggered and felt weak; appetite poor; desire for lemonade or something acid. Felt better at dinner; but at 2 temp. was 102.6 o; tongue coated yellow at base, tip and sides dotted red, tip feels as if scalded. 3, temp. still 102 o; pulse 97 and quite weak; head hardly aching now, but feels dull; aching of lumbar region and of right big toe; urine lighter and more profuse. 5, cramps in left calf when walking; hair still sensitive to touch; coppery taste in mouth; do not care to talk. 6:30, appetite for supper very good; lips near left corner of mouth are very sore, and covered with small hydroa; same on edge of left nostril. 10, very small stool after prolonged urging, as if rectum were inert; tenesmus after stool. Very well all evening, save for backache and weakness; and also next m., but there are fever blisters on lips, feeling raw, and sensitive fine red points on tip of tongue. Another rigor occurred at midday, while sitting in a draught (weather being cold and damp), followed by heat commencing on back between scapulae in a spot about 4 in. side, then extending to right side of head, then all over head and down back, and passing away in reverse order; finally, about 4, there was slight perspiration. During chill there was pressing aching sensation at anus, with desire for stool, though nothing but flatus passed, and raw feeling in pharynx when inspiring; he felt dull and sleepy, and inclined to lie down. During heat, sensation as if bladder was over – distended, with passage of only a small quantity of urine., Attack was followed by headache as before, also distension and soreness of abdomen. In n. epistaxis, waking me from sleep. Felt weak on getting up in morning; appetite not good. Chill at 8 a. m., beginning and always worse in back; it lasted 1 hours, when it gradually merged in heat, this subsiding in same manner about 11:30, and ending in slight perspiration. I felt well enough during rest of day, though somewhat weak, especially in back, and feeling pain in region of gall – bladder on taking a deep breath or raising arms. 29th. – On getting up early head commenced aching severely; pain was better after lying down for another hours, and gradually passed away about 8:15 a. m. Appetite poor. Sample f urine of last 24 hours showed dark colour, strong and offensive odour, sp. gr. 1024. Some weakness and occasional headache continued during next 2 day, and the hydroa was still present. The trembling of hands, which commenced early in the proving, continued for 5 – 6 weeks after omitting the medicine. ( Hom. Physician, June, 1885.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.