Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Acidum Hydricdicum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Hydrogen iodide, (HI)2.


These were made with a I per cent. syrup 1. WALTER B. FARLEY took 2 dr. every 2 hours. Experienced first effects on evening of 2nd d. About 1 hours after supper had feeling of constriction in region of stomach, with great distress, as if food had disagreed. These symptoms recurred after each meal (most after supper) for 3 day more; smoking would relieve them in a few m. (Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1889, p. 376.)

2. C. A. WAYLAND, aet. 23, took drop doses in water on Feb. 22nd, at 12, 2, 3:40, and 4:30 p. m. Pulse at first 45, temp. 97.7. About 15 m. after first dose, nauseating feeling with eructations, and dry hacking cough. After second, tickling sensation behind sternoclavicular articulation. At 5 p. m. pulse 54; temp. 98.2; chilly feeling up and down back. 23rd. – Took dose at 9:30 a. m., 12 m., 2:30 p. m.; after last, suddenly, while studying, felt cold all over. Doses at 4:30 and 9; then chilly feeling up back. Dose at 11:30; sharp shooting pains beneath left nipple. 25th. – Pains in region of heart, of griping nature; chilly feelings in all part of body. 26th. – Dose at 10 p. m. 10:30, sharp intermittent pains through transverse colon. 11, colicky pains in bowels, followed by stool. 27th. – 3 doses. March 1st. – After breakfast darting and stitching pains, dull beneath scapula, from right to 1. 2nd. – Dose at 8:30 a. m. 11 p. m., dull darting pain in left renal region; rust – coloured mucus from post. nares. (Ibid.)

3. A. QUACKENBUSH, aet. 26, at noon of Feb. 22nd put 6 dr. in 1/2 glass water, and took two sips. A few m. after, colicky pains, with eructations and slight desire to vomit; tickling behind sterno – clavicular articulation. Repeated dose at 2:30, 3:40, 4:30. At 6, hacking cough with tickling and strangling behind sterno – clavicular articulations, hands and feet cold, head hot, with slight hoarseness. Repeated dose at 6:30 and 11:30, 7, slight colicky pain in transverse colon, increased by sitting down quickly. 8:30, sharp cutting pain at neck of bladder. 11:30, slight colicky pain at hepatic flexure of colon, worse on lying on left side, better on lying on right 23rd. – Repeated dose at 9:30 and 11 a. m. After 2nd dose slight hacking cough, with tickling and strangling behind sternum. 1, chills down back and then over whole body, followed by desire to vomit, relieved by belching wind. At 3:30, mixed 30 dr. in a glass of water, and took this in 4 doses. 10:30, sharp pleuritic stitch at base of left lung, running round to region of left kidney, increased by quick movement. He took 2 similar doses on 24th, 26th, and 27th, 24th. – 4 p. m., pain in transverse colon, increased by lying down or by pressure. 8, a few m. after dose, sharp cutting pain in left renal region, also pain in outer side of left knee, worse on twisting leg. 25th. – 3:30 p. m., griping in bowels, followed by diarrhoea (stools dark yellow). 5:45, short, sharp, dry hacking cough, with tickling behind sternum. 12 p. m., right side of throat sore; submaxillary gland swollen; griping in bowels. 26th. – Griping in rectum, relieved by stool. 11 p. m., sharp pain in glans penis. 27th. – 3 p. m., profuse, watery, liver – coloured stool. 28th. – 10:30 a. m., throbbing pain in left ascending frontal convolution of brain, with skin very tender over spot as large as a florin. 6:15, hacking cough, with tickling behind sternum; no expectoration. March 1st. – Sharp pains in right iliac and umbilical region at 2 p. m. 2:30, sharp pain at apex of heart, continuous, worse at times, relieved by belching of wind having a sweetish taste. 2nd. – Oppressed feeling about heart, relieved for a few seconds by belching wind. 11:30 a. m., sharp cutting pain at umbilicus, worse lying on right side, better on 1. 6 p. m., eructations of undigested food, very acid. (Ibid.)

4. Dr. J. C. MORGAN, who reports the above provings, himself tasted the cork of an opened bottle of the syrup on Feb. 19th, 1889. On 21st symptoms began to appear, and continued to do until April, when, “as weather became milder,” they subsided. [We must content ourselves with referring to this observation. – EDS.] (Ibid.)

5. D. LA PLANT began with 5 dr., afterwards increased to 10 dr. doses of same syrup. Woke about 2 a. m. with rumbling and much movement in bowels, without pain. Next day continued taking medicine; no symptoms till evening, when he became drowsy unusually early, so that he was compelled to retire. Awoke again at 2 a. m. with same loud rumbling and gurgling in bowels, preventing sleep for some time. 3rd day – Breakfasted as usual and went to work, but did not feel well; had a dull headache. At 10 a. m. stiffness of jaws came on. which rapidly increased. At noon went to dinner, but could not eat on account of pain in maxillary joints. At 1 p. m. jaws were almost set, and any attempt to open them caused extreme pain. Alarmed, and thinking of tetanus, he took some aconite, with relieved at once. In evening face was sore and lame, and it remained so for several d. On 4th day, after dinner, was seized with colicky pain in epigastric region which continued for 30 hours; it was attended with frequent urination. On examination urine showed decrease of urea. During the proving bowels very much constipated (more so than usual). (Ibid., 1890, p. 228.)

ACIDUM OXALICUM (See vol, i, p.45.)

II. 9. B. K., aet, 19, took sixpenny worth of oxalic acid soon after a lunch of bread, cheese, beer and coffee. In 5 m. retching and copious vomiting, burning pains in throat and abdomen. The stomach was washed out several times; the vomit and washings were bloody. Half an hours later, grave collapse; pulse 48, small, irregular; respiration 10 – 12, superficial; skin covered with cold, clammy sweat; face livid and features sunken; pupils dilated. Patient opens his eyes when loudly spoken to and then falls back into his apathetic state; constant desire to vomit, but brings up mucus only – no blood. Hypodermics of camphor, hot coffee, brandy. At 8 p. m., 2 hours later, complains of great thirst, burning and stitching in abdomen, and then collapse returned in a most threatening manner, with cyanosis; dyspnoea; livid fingers and toes, and sensation altered in toes and tips of fingers. Stimulants relieved again, and pulse regained some volume; great restlessness with tonic and clonic spasms in upper and lower extremities. Patellar reflexes increased on both sides, a slight touch causing long – continued crampy motions. Achilles tendon reflex and periosteal reflex increased; when merely touching the left external malleolus, tendon of left tibialis anticus becomes prominent. Triceps tendon reflex and periosteal reflex of epiphyses of humerus also increased on both sides. Sensorium dull; patient reacts only on loud calls; pupils still dilated. At 9 p. m. spasms diminish in strength and frequency; sensorium more clear, realizes that he is in the hospital; severe pains in throat when talking or swallowing; pulse better; patient sleeps naturally, only interrupted by weak clonic spasms in upper and lower extremities. 10 p. m., abdomen soft; desires to urinate, but passes only 100 c. cm. of yellow, somewhat murky acid urine. Sensorium clear and replies freely, though with a hoarse voice and some exertion. 11:30, examination shows complete anaesthesia of tips of fingers and toes, of palmar surface of hands and plantar surface of feet. Incomplete sensibility of leg. Sensation in thighs and other parts of body normal, pulse 80; temp. 38.2 C. Pains in left lumber region and both legs: feet and hands feel as if asleep; great thirst, burning in mouth; sleeps but little during night. 2nd day – Passes spontaneously 150 c. cm. of acid urine, slightly bloody, leaving a thick Sediment; sp. gr. 1016; rich in albumen; epithelia and epithelial cylinders; red and white blood corpuscles; colouring matter of blood; no sugar; small quantities of oxalic acid crystals, amorphous, of envelope and so – called dumb – bell form. After standing 36 hours, microscope shows copious, whitish, shining crystals of oxalic acid and of oxalate of lime in many forms – insoluble in acetic, soluble in sulphuric acid. In evening pains in renal and vesical region, a crawling sensation over whole body, especially in both lower extremities. Several times during day painful spasms in muscles of left calf; no appetite; tendency to vomit; profuse perspiration on hands and feet; discharges 300 c. cm. of dark, jumentous urine; tongue heavily coated; pulse 84, temp. 38.6 C. 3rd. d. – Urine 400 c. cm., much albumen, many cylinders; sensory disturbances continue; no spasms; dulness in head, patient feels as if he had been drunk. Urine 600 c. cm. no crystals; temp. normal; feet and hands dry. 4th day – Urine 900 c. cm.; less albumen and fewer cylinders; general improvement; sensory and reflex phenomena disappear; slight gastric disturbances still, but well enough to be discharged. (The lunch taken before the suicidal attempt and the prompt washing out of stomach probably saved the patient’s life.) (KOHLER, transl. in Hom. Phys., Sept., 1889.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.