8 c. On a subsequent occasion, resumed trial of tinct. 1st day – Took at 3:15 p. m. 30 dr., at 4:15 and 7:30 40 dr. Pain between shoulder – blades, coming up over head into temples, not affecting the eyeballs. Scraping in throat. Rheumatic pains in shoulder and scapula. Feel like stretching myself. After taking the medicine, a heat all over the body, and flushed face, but no increase of pulse. 2nd day – 8 a. m., took 70 dr. Pain in epigastrium. Pain under angle of jaw. Slight burning during urinating. 10:30 a. m., took 90 dr. Dull occipital headache. Pain in hypochondriac regions. When going down stairs, sensation as if tendon of quadriceps extensor would give way and I should fall down stairs. Pulse irregular. Headache in occiput with pain in 0neck. Soreness of edges of lids. 3rd day – Awoke this m. with pain in shoulders; they felt as if they had been bare all n. Pain in left knee. Pain in sterno – cleido – mastoid muscle. Pain in teeth as if nerves had been laid bare. Sticking pain in lumbar region, worse on moving. Pain deep in left side of nose. Pain and pressure in eyes. Dull headache in occiput and temples. Sticking pain in index finger of left hand. Dull headache which cannot be located, it has continued all afternoon and evening, at first it seems to be in one place and again in another, but is most marked in parts back of forehead. 4th day – Pain in lumbar region. Urine increased. Pain in right ear. 5th day – Took 100 dr. at 8, and 300 dr. at 10 a. m. Cutting pains in bowels followed by a loose stool, which relieved the pain. Darting, aching pain in jaws. Pain in right testicle in m., which went to left in afternoon. Face flushed with the headache. Pain in lower incisor teeth. Pains about umbilicus. Pain in ball of great toe of left foot, causing me to cry out. 6th day – Took 150 dr. A feeling of qualmishness this m. Heaviness of eyes. Same headache continued as before, dull and hard to locate. Pulse 85. Same pain in ball of great toe of left foot in evening; this I have had for 3 successive evening 7th day – Urine increased. Pains in shoulders, especially right 8 p. m., pulse 90. Head hot. Face flushed. Headache, mostly in temples and forehead, which was relieved by pressure. Qualmishness of stomach. Neuralgia of face, pains were transient but severe. Took no medicine to – day. 8th day – Took 50 dr. Pain in the upper and lower right molars and bicuspids, coming from malar bone. Pain in ball of right thumb. Sticking pains in glans penis. Aching and heaviness of eyes. Sticking pains in both limbs and in right elbow. (Communicated.)

9. E. C. Strader, aet. 21, weight 182 lbs., dark hair and complexion, commenced proving Nov. 23rd. 1st day – Took 15 dr. of tinct. Heat in left shoulder extending to forearm, and to tips of fingers. Pain in right shoulder. Sticking pain in thigh extending to knee. Pains in hands and in all the joints. Pain in little finger extending along wrist and ulna to elbow. 2nd day – 15 dr. Palpitation of heart and oppressed breathing, with anxiety. Pain in little finger, forcibly flexing it. Sharp pain in lumbar region. Frequent desire to urinate. Stitches in soles and toes, also in both upper and lower extremities. Alternate flashes of heat and cold all over body. 3rd day – Took 75 dr. Pain in supra – orbital region extending to occiput. Stitching pain in left elbow – joint. Sticking pain in right shoulder – joint. Neuralgic pains in left upper molars and bicuspids. 4th day – Severe frontal headache lasting 2 day; could not concentrate my mind on my books. 5th day – Same headache. Took 50 dr. 6th day – The headache has continued until now, incapacitating me for study. Had to stop taking the medicine on account of it. (Ibid.)

10. B. E. Mead, aet. 23, weight 150 lbs., dark hair and complexion, commenced Nov. 24th. 1st day – 30 dr. of tinct. Pain in right shoulder. Drawing pain in little finger of left hand, extending up arm along ulna. Face flushed. Surging of blood to head and as it were against cheeks, left cheek is uncomfortably hot. Pain in lumbar region; frequent desire to urinate. 2nd day – 50 dr. Body feels hot all over, then again cold. Headache in front part. Pain in lower extremities. Frequent (30 – 40 m.) desire to urinate, urine feels warm as it passes, small quantities passed at a time. 8:30 p. m., 75 dr. Sticking pain in all joints. Palpitation of heart. Headache in all parts back of forehead. Body feels alternately cold and hot. Limbs feel as if they had been beaten. Oppressed breathing. 3rd day – 50 dr. Headache. Cannot fix my mind on my books. Sticking pains in lumbar region. Pains in extremities, both upper and lower. Feel anxious and uneasy. 4th day – Frontal headache. Limbs feel as if they had been beaten. Urinate about once an hours 5th day – This headache continued, with pains in different parts of body. 6th day – Just as the former prover gave up the proving I had to do so, and also because of the persistent headache, which stopped when I discontinued taking the drug. (Ibid.)

11. E. P. Macomber, weight 135 lbs., light complexion and hair. Took at first 3 doses of 3rd dil., 10 dr. each, when I began to have effects. Dull heavy headache, confined to forehead and temples, especially marked in forehead, aggravated by mental effort, with a pale face. Shooting pains in jaws and teeth. Pulse irregular. Palpitation of heart. On walking slowly up stairs fluttering of heart. Irregular pulse, aggravated by mental effort. When leaning forward to write, violent palpitation of heart. Darting pain in upper cervical vertebrae. Shooting pains in right shoulder. Pain in left arm, extending from wrist to elbow. (Ibid.).

Observations on animals

1. In the latter part of the winter and in the early spring cattle, desiring something green, eat this shrub, which is very poisonous. The first symptom of its action is intense thirst, the animal drinking all it can bear; thereupon follows trembling, weakness, staggering and jerking, abdomen being full of wind. This is soon succeeded by clonic spasms, at intervals of 15 – 20 m., which increase in severity till they become most violent convulsions. During the intervals the animal appears rational, and will try to get up and walk about, but in the effort falls into another spasm. Eyes become fixed, pupils turned upwards, head drawn backward, limbs rigid, abdomen bloated and bowels loose. If the animal recovers, it is apt to be in a state of prostration for a week or more, and seldom gets over the effects under 3 – 4 mos., during which time it is weak and nervous, and walks as if intoxicated, tottering as if unable to control the use of its limbs. (Meadow, Southern Journ. of Hom., April, 1890.)LACHESIS (See vol.iii, p. 86)

I. 21. Dr. Edw. Rushmore took on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day 10 dr. of 24th dil., on 4th day 20 dr., and on 5th day 25 dr., several times daily. 1st day – Transient dull pressure on top of head near forehead; pressure in right orbit, in region of supra – orbital nerve, while sitting reading; slight pressing pain in right eyebrow on walking across room; pressure in left malar bone while sitting bent forward; pressing pain in middle of left lower jaw, returning for a short time after pressing on spot to fix the place. 2nd day – Disinclination to prescribe for patients, would rather read, with dulness in forehead over eyes while walking in room, continuing on sitting down to write; pressure in left occiput behind mastoid process while standing. 3rd day – Fine sharp pricking shooting across inner side of left tibia, about 3 in. below knee, a. m. 4th day – Somewhat sharp pressing pain above left temple. Pimple on outer margin of left nostril, near lip, discharging yellow pus on being pricked with a needle; sore swelling on middle of lower lip as if a fever blister would form; could not sleep soon, mind full of thoughts; at midnight disturbed by mucus in throat, with sense of irritation there (had felt a little exposed to cold draught in e.). 5th day – Woke with slight dryness in throat, still sore swelling in lip, and return of shooting in tibia. Retired at 11 p. m.; dull aching in left eyeball soon after lying down, and pricking pain in left ear while lying on it; could not sleep; about midnight fine pricking burning in left groin, near superior process of ilium; arose at 2 a. m. and read and wrote for 2 1/2 hours; then went to bed and got some sleep, feeling as well as usual when rising at 7 a. m. 6th day – Repeatedly made use of wrong word in writing; pressing pain in left temple; whole scalp of left side sore to light – not to hard – pressure, this seemed to stop abruptly at middle line (continuing several d.); feeling of weakness and fine smarting, with lachrymation, in left eyeball, relieved by closing lids; sensitiveness of margins of left eyelids on first closing them, going off when holding them together (also on following days); fine shooting vertically in upper lip below outer border of left nostril; fine shooting downward at left side of root of penis; pricking, as if in middle of right tibia, in front, sitting. ( The Organon, iii, 285.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.