The Clinical Directory

EXCESSIVE-Scill. (Pale watery); Murex (very pale and excessive); Ignatia, Hyoscyamus (hysteric patients); Ars, Ac-Phosphorus (diabetic); Belladonna, Phosphorus

BURNING OR SCALDING DURING PASSAGE OF- Cantharis, Copa., Cann., merc-Cor., Gelsemium, Aconite, Belladonna, Apis, Lycopodium, Nux V.

INCONTINENCE OF- Cin. (from worms) Ac-Phosphorus (especially in old men); Podoph. (in women with sense of prolapsus); Belladonna (copious nocturnal discharges); Ac-Benz. (in children with dry, rough skin, particular with offensive odour); Uran-Nit., Gelsemium, Ac- Benz. (in the aged); Ac-Phosphorus, Cantharis (nocturnal in children); Ferr-Phosphorus (diurnal only): Arsenicum (when caused by iron); Aconite, Cantharis, Arg-Nit., Apis, Eup-Pur., Lycopodium

SCANTY- Aconite, Bryonia, Cantharis, Apis., Colchicum, Digitalis, Helleborus, Ruta, Staphysagria

See also Dropsy.

RETENTION O- Camph. (sudden spasmodic); Nux V. (spasmodic); Gelsemium, Ignatia (hysterical); Cantharis Opi., Arnica, Hyoscyamus (in typhoid).

SUPPRESSION OF- Terebintha Aconite (from cold).

Urticaria: SIMPLE- Apis., Rhus, Croton tig., Ant-Crud., urt-U., Arsenicum alt. Apis is recommended.

FROM COLD- Aconite, Dulcamara (from damp).

FROM GASTRIC DISORDER- Ant-C., Nux V., Pulsatilla

CHRONIC- Arsenicum, Sulph-Quin., Apis Sulph., Nat-Mur., Astac-Fluviat.

Uterus: ANTEVERSION OF- Lilium CONGESTION OF- Belladonna, Murex, Lilium, Ver-Vir. and lotion over thee abdomen, or Sabi. (arterial); Coni. Pulsatilla, Sepia (venous); Gelsemium, Caulophyllum, Cimic. Dr. Moore says: “Merc-Sol. and Sepia after Belladonna are not reliable.

HAEMORRHAGE FROM- Hamamelis, Ipecac., Trill., Croc., Secale, Sabi., China, Erigeron.

See also menstruation: PROFUSE.

INDURATION OF- Merc-Cor., Platina, Aurum, Iodium, Silicea

INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite, Belladonna, Nux V., Iodium

IRRITABILITY AND NEURALGIA OF- Aconite, Cimic. (especially rheumatic); Belladonna, Plat, Xanth., Gelsemium, Ver-Vir., Caulophyllum

PROLAPSUS OF- Fraxinus Amer., Helonias, Podoph., Bel., Sepia, Arnica, Stann., Secale, Nux V., Aletris, Merc-S. Consult and expert as to need of mechanical support.

RETROVERSION OF- Ferr-Iodium, Sepia, Aletris. Obtain an expert opinion.

SPASM OR COLIC OF- Cocc., Caulophyllum, Nux V., Ignatia, Secale, Chamomilla, Gelsemium

ULCERATION OF- Mercurius C., Sepia, Arsenicum Also local application of Glyc, Hydras. (F. 6), to injections of Calendula lotion (F.29), of Carbol. Glycer (F. 32).

Varices: see Veins: VARICOSE.

Varicocele: Pulsatilla; Hamamelis int. and ext.; Ac-Fluor (chronic cases); Ferr-Phosphorus, Plumb., Phosphorus, Arum.; also a suspender, or Hernia truss.

Variola: see Small pox.

Veins: INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite, Pulsatilla; Hamamelis (varicose condition); Phosphorus, Lachesis Also Arnica ext. (for pain); or Hamamelis ext. (varicosis).

VARICOSE- Hamamelis, Pulse., Ac-Fluor. Silicea, Ferr-Phosphorus, Hamamelis ext.

See also Ulcers. VARICOSE.

Venereal Disease: see Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, etc.

Vertigo: Gelsemium, Nux V., Pulsatilla, Calc-C., Kali C., Bell, (if Belladonna fail, Atropia), Bryonia, Aconite; Ac-Hydrocy. (with headache); Cact. (from heart disorders); Cocc. (with sickness); Iodium (in old persons); Digitalis (from feeble heart’s action); Gloninum (with occipital pain); Sulph.; Ac-phos. (brain-fag)

Vesicles: see Eruptions; Erysipelas: VESICULAR, etc.

Voice: HOARSE, LOSS OF, WEAKNESS OF, etc. Causticum (recent, from cold, or over use of the voice); Arnica(from over use); Aconite, Belladonna (acute cases, with dry hard cough); Phyto. (constant dryness and roughness, with cough and dark redness of the fauces); Hep-S., Rumex (chronic hoarseness, wheezing breathing, loose cough, etc.); Nux V. (from spinal irritation); Graph (dry rough voice, cough, etc.); Ignatia (hysterical); Ant-C. (” when heated”); K-Bich. (especially in tenor voices or in beer drinkers, with dark redness of fauces); Phosphorus, Carbo V. (in elderly men); Spongia

See also Aphonia, and Hoarseness.

Vomiting: CHRONIC-Kreas., Ipecac. (with retching); Ver-Vir. (violent prolonged vomiting and hiccough, and sensation as of a ball rising in the throat); Cocc., Petrol. (from the motion of a carriage); see Seasickness); Hydras., Kreas., Arsenicum, (from ulceration or cancer of the stomach, with wasting; gastritis, etc.); Zincum met. (without retching); Ac-Sulph. (empty retching); Coni. (chocolate-coloured in cancer symptoms); Arg-Nit. (with great sourness); Lycopodium (greenish masses); Ant-T. (whitish rice- water vomit. with diarrhoea of similar fluid); Nux V. (from gastric causes preceded by spasmodic pains); Ver-Alb. (prostration and cold sweats); Pulsatilla (mucous); Apomorphia. Cold compress over stomach. In obstinate vomiting from spinal irritation Dr. Dalzell has found Chapman’s spinal icebag give speedy and permanent relief, applied and hour or more morning and night.

OF BILE- Iris, podoph., Ipecac., Bryonia, Mercurius

OF BLOOD- Ipecac., Hamamelis, Kreas.

See Haematemesis.

OF MILK IN CHILDREN ( * The Prescriptions in the text are not for vomiting from over feeding). Nux V., Ac-Sulphs., Ipecac., Silicea

CURDLED- Aethusa.

See also Dyspepsia; Sickness.

Vulvae, pruritus: Chlor-Hyd., Collinsonia, Sepia, Ac-Nit., Ambra., Copaib., Borax int. and ext., Ignatia, Opi., Apis, Radium. Local use of the Flowers of Sulphur (especially for Worms). Ac-Carbol. lotion (F.31). Ferr9 Tinct. dil. Infusion of Tobacco. Borax 3ij., Ac-Hydrocy. dil. 3j. Rose water, 3z x. Elder Flower water.

Walking: DELAY OF THE POWER OF- Calc-C., Sil, m Phosphorus, Ver-Vir., Causticum, Sulphur, Calc-Phosphorus

Wakefulness: see Sleeplessness.

Warts: Thuja, Calc-C. (small, soft); Sepia (large hard); Silicea, Sulphur, Kali Mur.

Wasting: see Atrophy; also Emaciation.

Water-brash: Lycopodium, Nux V., Iris., Chrom-Ac., Bryonia, Carbo V., Rob., Arsenicum; Ac-Sulph., a few drops in a wineglass of water.

See Heartburn, Dyspepsia, etc.

Weakness: see Debility.

Wens: OPERATION- Bary-Carb., K-Hydriod., Silicea, Calc-C., Graphites, Lycopodium

Wetting the bed: see Urine: INCONTINENCE OF.

Whites: See Leucorrhoea.

White-Swelling: Bryonia, Arnica (early stage); Iodium, Silicea, Calc-C., Sulphur

White Leg: see Phlegmasia Alba Dolens.

Whitlow: Silicea, Belladonna or Aconite; Hep-S. Lachesis, Mercurius; Strand (intolerable pain). A compress of absolute alcohol is great service on the application of Glycerine and Belladonna. If administered early, sil. generally prevents the development of a Whitlow. Hot fomentation or poulticing is useful.

Whooping Cough: Aconite (at commencement); Ipecac. (with gastric symptoms, vomiting of mucus, sometimes haemorrhage); Drosera (severe paroxysms of hoarse cough, even with haemorrhage and vomiting); Coccus Cacti (violent spasmodic cough with copious expectoration of stingy mucus); Arnica (child cries before the fit of coughing come on); Cup-Acet. (croup-like cough, with convulsive movements: threatened death from collapse of air cells of the lungs); Belladonna (sudden and violent paroxysms with sore throat, brain symptoms, worse at night; child cries with cough); Petrol (great sickness-also Ipecac.); Phosphorus (lung complication); Cin. (worm symptoms); Coral., Ver-Alb., Gelsemium Ver-Vir., Nux V.

Wind: see Flatulence.

Womb: see Uterus.

Worms: Long or ROUND- Mercurius, Sant., Ignatia, Spigelia, Sulphur, Cin O.

TAPE- Filix-Mas. O in drop doses, morning and night for two or three weeks; Kousso, cin., Sulphur, Haustus Filicis Maris. (F(>) 59). The draught early in the morning after fasting or after taking only liquid nourishment during the previous day. Dr. E. M. Hale states that ” Pumpkin seeds, bruised, 3j. at night; next morning castor oil 3s. and ether 3j., mixed, will be followed by the expulsion of the worms in 6 to 8 hours.”

THREAD- Cin. (children); Sambucus, Filix, Teuc. Ix (adults); Mercurius, China, Ignatia, Sulphur Sant. Ix, any suppositories of cocoa-butter containing gr. s. of Sant. Mr. Nankivell thinks Sant. the best remedy, and prefers it to Cin. Lime-water injections for a week are recommended. In obstinate cases a large injection may be used, in which a solution of Corrosive Sublimate (1/4 gr. to 3zij.) is added.

Wounds: Calend (lacerated and incised); Ledum (punctured); Arnica (contused); Hamamelis (much discoloration)- all remedies should be used int. and ext.

Wry-Neck: Cimic., Macrot., Rhus, Ignatia, Belladonna, Nux V., Mercurius, Aconite

Yawning: Ignatia, Platina, Rhus (convulsive); Aconite (with chilliness, and excessive and continually recurring flatulence); Nux V., Lycopodium, Zincum met.

Yellow-Fever: Camph. (chill stage); Aconite Belladonna (fever); Crotal, Phosphorus; Bryonia or Ipecac. (gastric symptoms); Cantharis (suppressed urine); Arg-Nit. (black vomit) Ars-A.

Zona: See Herpes: ZOSTER.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."