The Clinical Directory

Hair: FALLING OFF OF- Cantharis, int., and ext. in pomade; Ac-Phosphorus (after illness, or from general debility); Aloes, Ac-Fluor., Iodium, Arsenicum; Calc-C., Sepia (and ext.), Silicea; Sulph. (with chronic headache).

Hands: CHAPPED- Arn, Calend-or Glyc-cerate, or Glyc. Starch (F. 2); Petrol. 12 int., and Petrol. Soap ext., or Ac-Sulphs. and glycerine (F.12), ext.; internally Calc-C., Graphites

See also Chilblains.

COLDNESS OF- Aconite, Sepia, Bary-Carb, Pulsatilla, Nat-Mur., Sulphur

CRACKS IN- see Cracks.

DRYNESS AND BURNING OF- Phosphorus, Silicea, Sanguinaria, Lycopodium, Trill.

PAINS IN- Bryonia, Colchicum, Ledum, Caulophyllum (rheumatic or gouty); Rhododendron (neuralgic); Arnica (aching from over-use); Ruta, Puls Gentle friction with oil.

See Gout and Rheumatism.

PERSPIRATION OF- Calc-C., Nat-Mut., Sulphur, Thuja.

PSORIASIS, ROUGHNESS, AND REDNESS OF-Mercurius, Petrol., Phyto., Belladonna, Hep-S., Graphites, Bary-Carb., Arsenicum, Alum, Selenium (of palms).

SWELLING OF- Belladonna (with much redness); Apis (acute oedema); Arsenicum, Iodium, China, Ferrum (from Constitutional debility.

TREMBLING AND WEAKNESS OF- Phosphorus, Sulphur, Anacardium, Opi., Mercurius, Nux V., Silicea, Arg-Nit. (non-mercurial); Belladonna, Nux V., Ac-Nit. (mercurial); Agaricus

Hay- Asthma: Sabad., Ipecac., Ac-Hydrocy., K-Bich.; Euphr., Gelsemium, Sanguin. (profuse lachrymation); Arsenicum (great debility); K- Hydriod. The inhalation of Ac-Sulphs. or Anthoxanth is recommended. Swedish movements when the chest is contracted. Also residency by the sea or on a barren common.

PROPHYLACTICS- Sabad., Arsenicum, K-Bich., Psorin.

Headache: BILIOUS AND SICK- Chamomilla (in females from cold or worry); Iris (much vomiting of bile); Bryonia (worse with every movement: vomiting of bitter fluid); Gelsemium (blind headache); Gloninum (full, bursting headache); Sanguinaria (mostly over right eye); Nux V (nervous and sick, with constipation); Ipecac. (intense sickly feeling, with much retching); Ver-Alb. (pain in eye-ball, coldness of the skin, and prostration); Aconite (followed by vomiting of bile, or from cold: see under Cham); Sulph., Cimic., Lachesis (at the critical age); Cocc., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stann. (attaining a climax and then decreasing).

CATARRHAL-Aconite (chills and flushes of heat, throbbing temples); Euphr, Gels (profuse lachrymation); Bryonia, Merc-S. (In rheumatic patients); Mercurius, Nux V., Cimic.

CONGESTIVE- Bell (redness of the face, throbbing of arteries, and sensitiveness to noise giddiness, inclination to vomit, and torpor of the bowels); Aconite, Ver-Vir. (with plethora); Nux V.. (pain at the back of the head, with irregular action of the bowels); Helleborus (at night, in occiput and nape of neck); Sulph- Quin. (periodic); Glon (more in the morning, with excessive throbbing); Gelsemium, Cact. (aching in eyeballs, and giddiness); Phell., Leptand. Hot fomentations..

NERVOUS- Ignatia. (Monthly or fortnightly; weight at the back of the head; sense as if a nail were driven into the skull); Nux V.(in persons of sedentary habits, who study much); Belladonna.(see indications above); Coffea (with sleeplessness); Gelsemium (with giddiness); Sulph-Quin. (periodic); Arsenicum (period., in forehead and orbits); Helleborus (stunning, stupefying; pain in nape of neck); China, Ac-Phosphorus, Ferrum (from debilitating losses); Chamomilla, Spigelia, Coloc.., Sepia, cimic., Kali Carb., Sitz baths, tepid or cold, still or running, for shorter or longer periods (Dr Johnson).

RHEUMATIC- Aconite, Bryonia, Cimic., Ac-Nit., Rhus, Spigelia., Phyto.

CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE- Arg-Nit., Calc-C., Phosphorus.., Platina, Plumb., Silicea, Stann., Zincum met.

FROM HEART-DISEASE- Cast., Lilium, Aconite, Belladonna, Digitalis, Gelsemium

FROM MENTAL CAUSES, OVER-STUDY, ANXIETY, etc.-Nux V., Aurum, Phosphorus, Ac-Phosphorus, Anacardium, Cimic., Gelsemium, Ignatia, Silicea, Calc-C.

Head Lice: Ung.. Merc-Praecip-Alb., Ung. Merc-Ammon-Chlorum Free washing afterwards. Internally, Natrum muriaticum

Hearing: HARDNESS- See Deafness.

MORBIDLY SENSITIVE- Ignatia, Nux V., Cann-Ind., Cup-M., Coffea, Belladonna, Aurum, China, Chamomilla

Heart: CONGESTION-Aconite, Cact., Ver-Vir., Asafoetida, Opi., Pulsatilla, Sulphur.

DISEASE OF- Digitalis (slow, or quickened and feeble, irregular and intermittent pulse; dilatation); Cact. (sensation as if the heart were grasped firmly); Aconite (violent palpitation as in Hypertrophy); Lilium (with uterine disorder); Spigelia (stabbing pain); Ver-Vit. (cardiac debility, with diarrhoea, faintness, and collapse); Arnica (induced by over-exertion); Collinsonia (with dyspepsia or portal congestion); Phosphorus, Ac-Phosphorus, Cact., Calc-C. (fatty degeneration); Arsenicum, Aurum (great debility, dyspnoea, dropsy); Camph, Mosch.. (for various paroxysmal sufferings).

INFLAMMATION OF, AND ITS MEMBRANES- Aconite, Spigelia, Cimic. (violent action of the heart; rheumatic peri- and endo-carditis); Aconite, Bryonia, Asclep-Tuberculinum (pericarditis); Bryonia (rheumatic patients, and when serous effusion is threatened); Colchicum, Apis (gouty patients); Arsenicum, Laches., Naja (great debility, dropsy); Hot linseed-meal poultices, frequently renewed.

PALPITATION OF- Aconite (from excitement and organic disease); Mosch., Camph. (simple nervous(: Ignatia (from grief); Coffea (from joy, with wakefulness); Chamomilla (in children and females, from worry or anger); Opi., Ver-Vir. (from fright, etc., with fluttering dyspnoea, etc.); Belladonna (pulsation extending to the head); China, Ac-Phosphorus, Ver-Vir., Ferrum (from debility); Nux V., Gelsemium (from spinal irritation); Cact., Pulsatilla, Gelsemium, Digitalis, Laches., Naja, Pulsatilla, Iodium, Hypericum, Ambra., Bary-Carb. have been found useful. Cold compress over heart.

See also Angina Pectoris, Dyspnoea, etc.

Heartburn: Pulsatilla, Bism. 3x trit; Iris, Bryonia, Caps. O, Nux V.; Carbo V.12, Calc-C. 12-30, Rob. (with chronic acidity); Lycop. Lemon juice may be taken, but new bread and pastry must be avoided.

Heat-Spots: see Eczema: SIMPLE.

Hectic-Fever: China, Ac-Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Hep-S., Silicea, Sulphur

Helminthiasis: Cin., Sant., Mercurius, Teuc., Ignatia, China, Ferrum, Ant-C., Spigelia, Dr. Nankivell advises Cin., Ignatia, and China to be given in mother tincture, and the Sant. in powder, I-gr. doses.

See also Worms.

Hemicrania: Belladonna, Nux V., Ignatia, Coffea, Pulsatilla, Aurum, Arsenicum, Chelid, Calc-C.

See also Headache: NERVOUS.

Hemiplegia: Bary-Carb.., Nux V., Lycopodium (right side); Arnica, Cocc.

See Paralysis.

Hepatitis: see Liver: INFLAMMATION OF.

Hernia: ACUTE PAIN FROM-Aconite, Nux V., Belladonna, Silicea (in children). A proper should be worn.

Herpes: Aconite (fever, neuralgia, etc.); Rhus (simple cases); Arsenicum, Mercurius (with neuralgia and debility); Phy. to, Iris., Graphites (ulcerating); Phosphorus (in phthisical constitutions); Ran- Bulb. (pleurodynia); Graphites, Nux Jug. (chronic).

CIRCINNATUS- Tellur., Iris, Sepia, Ac-Nit.

See also Ringworm.

ZOSTER- Rhus, Ran-Bulb., Cist.; Arsenicum; Cantharis lotion (for itching).

Hiccough: Nux V. (simple spasm, and in hard drinkers); Ac- Sulph., Rob. (acid eructations); Aconite, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Ver-Vir., Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus (in brain affections).

Hip-joint Disease: (* An important element in the diagnosis of this disease is furnished by a comparative examination of the nates. In health they are firm and globular, from a large accumulation of fat over the great muscle of each buttock. Wasting of one is an early symptom of hip-joint disease.). Aconite (fever); Coloc., Rhus, Belladonna, Merc-S (pain); Silicea, Calc-Phosphorus, Calc-C., Ferr-Iodium, Hep-S., Ac-Phosphorus, China, Kali C., Bacil. Immediate and perfect rest. Obtain a surgeon’s advice.

Hoarseness: see Voice: HOARSE.

Hordeolum: see Eyelid: STYE ON.

Housemaid’s Knee: Apis, Silicea; Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Arnica, Rhus Tox. int. and ext. Locally a lotion of Kali Iodium (5 grs. to the ounce) is often of good service. Rest from kneeling is an important element in the treatment.

Hunger-Pest: see Relapsing-Fever.

Hydrocele: see Dropsy: LOCAL.

Hydrophobia: Belladonna, Stramonium, Lachesis Hydrophobin, Scutel; the likeliest remedies to prevent the development of the poison; one of them should be administered in a low dilution directly after infection and the patient kept under its influence for some time.

Hydrocephalus: see Brain. INFLAMMATION OF, and DROPSY OF.

Hydrothorax: see Chest: DROPSY of.

Hypochondriasis: Aurum, Nux V., Anacardium (chiefly in males); Cimic., Ignatia, Sepia, Petrol., Platina (chiefly in uterine derangements, especially at the change of life); Arsenicum, Arg-Met., Lycopodium, Sulphur, Coni. Sharp discipline, change of air scene, and treatment.

Hysteria: Mosch, (with tendency to fainting, headache, constriction of the chest, and general chilliness); Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Gelsemium, Cimic., Platina, Cocc., Asafoetida, Caulophyllum, Zinc-Val., Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Nux Mosch.

Hysteric_convulsions or Fits: Camph. or Mosch. int. or by olfaction; Aconite, Opi. (if caused by fright). Cold douche to the face.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."