The Clinical Directory

See also Dyspepsia.

Stomatitis: Merc-Cor., Hydras., Belladonna, Caps., Hep-S., Baptisia (with much saliva); K-Chlorum; when given internally, its local use is unnecessary. Hydras-Mur. (F. 41) ext. every three horse.

Stone: see Calculus and Gravel.

Strabismus: Gelsemium, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium (from cerebral causes); Cin. (worms); Bryonia (rheumatic); Nux V. (over-use of the eyes); Spigelia, Phosphorus (undetermined causes). For optical defects, spectacles are required.

Strain: see Sprain.

Strangury: Camph. (urgent and painful); Nux V. (spasm); Belladonna (nervous, and in children); Aconite (from cold); Cantharis, Apis, Copa. IX (in elderly women). Hot sitzbaths.

Stricture: see Urethra.

Strophulus (red gun rash); Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Ant-C. (gastric derangement).

Struma: see Scrofulous Affections, etc.

Stye: Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Thuja, Sulphur Staph (to Prevent recurrence); Merc-Iodium and Merc-Iodium ointment (F. 51) ext.

Suffocation: FEELING OR- Ignatia, Cimic. (nervous); Aconite, Digitalis, Cact., Lilium, Ac-Hydrocy., Sambucus (from heart disease).

Sunstroke: Belladonna, Camph., Gelsemium, Ver-Vir., Gloninum, Cact-G. The last remedy is valuable for sunstroke and its sequelae.

Suppuration: Silicea, Hep-S., Mercurius, Calc-C.; China (for debility), Silicea (profuse discharge); Calc-Phosphorus (tubercular cases).

Sweat: Ac-Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Ver-Alb., Sambucus, Calc-C; Mercurius, (sour); Petrol., Carbo V. (foetid); Silicea (head).

TENDENCY TO- China, Mercurius, Ver-Alb., Carbo V.

See also Night-Sweats.

Sweating Fever: Aconite, Bryonia Sambucus

Swellings: see Glands, Gumboils, Dropsy, etc.

Swooning: see Fainting.

Sycosis: see Bread: ACNE OF. For SYPHILITIC SYCOSIS, see Condylomata.

Syncope: see Fainting.

Synovitis: see Joints: INFLAMMATION OF.

Syphilis: Merc-S., Ac-Nit., Thuja K-Hydriod., Still., K-?Bich., Phyto., Arg-Nit., Aurum

Tabes Mesenterica: Merc-Cor. (when glands are in an inflammatory state); Bacil., Bar-C., Iodium, Hydras., Sulphur, Agaricus, Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Calc-C.; Plumb. acet. (when there is obstinate constipation). In cases of great accompanying Atrophy, inunction with olive oil over the whole body every evening. For, or even without Constipation, the abdominal compress, changed tow or three times a day.

Tabes Dorsalis (wasting of posterior columns of spinal cord, causing Paralysis); see under Paralysis.

Tape-Worm: see Worms.

Tarsal Ophthalmia: Hap-S., Euphr. Clem., Sulphur, Calc-C., Merc- Praecip-rub. int. and ointment (F.52).

Taste: LOSS OF- Pulsatilla, Mercurius (depraved); Plumb., Silicea

Teeth: CARIES AND DECAY OF- Mercurius, Kreas., Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Arsenicum, Silicea, Calc-C. Frequent washing and brushing the teeth is both preventive and curative. A quill tooth pick should be used after every meal, especially if meat has been taken.

SORENESS AND SENSITIVENESS OF- Mercurius, Belladonna, Mang., Sulphur

See also Toothache and Dentition

Tenesmus (straining difficult evacuation); Mercurius, Merc-Cor., Aloes (dysenteric or with diarrhoea); Sulph., Nux V., Alumina, Podoph., Plumb. (with Constipation); Arnica, Hep-S., Belladonna

Testicles: ENLARGEMENT AND INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Aurum, Song., Arnica, Clem., Merc-Bin-Iodium Also the use of a suspender.


WASTING OF- Iodium, Coni. A professional correspondent informs us that he has cured three case by K-Hydroid.

Tetanus: Nux V., Strych., Aconite, Belladonna, Ac-Hydrocy., Anti-tetanic serum.

Tetter: DRY- see Psoriasis.

MOIST- see Herpes.

BRANNY- see Pityriasis.

Thecal Abscess: see Whitlow.

Thread worms: Cin., Teuc., Mercurius, Sant., China, Urt-U.; Ignatia (nervous irritability).

See also Worms.

Throat: SORE- Aconite, Bryonia (simple acute, with dryness); Belladonna (scraped sensation, and bright redness of the part); K-Bich. (dark red): Arum Triph. (burning roughness and stinging); Mercurius (swollen sensation, salivation, etc.); Hep-S. (chronic cases); Phyto. int. and as a gargle (F. 29), or Tannin (F. 29) (when much mucus adheres to the membrane). Cold compresses. Hot- water gargles are useful, but inhalation of steam is often better; sucking ice also gives relief.

RELAXED OR CLERGYMAN’S THROAT- Calc-C., Phosphorus, Phyto. (int. and by inhalation), K-Hydriod., Causticum, K-Bich., Ac-Nit., Carbo V.; Arsenicum, Ac-Mur. (gangrenous). According to V. Grauvogl, Arnica is a most excellent remedy; but in our practice Phyto. IX generally succeeds. In a note Dr. Dalzell remarks: ” The majority of cases of clergyman’s sore throat are cured by learning to use the vocal organs properly; that is speaking with the mouth, and not in the throat with half-empty lungs.” See also Cold in the head, Quinsy, etc.

Throat Deafness: Pulsatilla (recent); Iodium (chronic).

Thrush: see Aphthae.

Tic Douloureux: see Neuralgia FACIAL.

Toe-nails, Ingrowing: see Nails.

Tongue: COATED- Ant-C. (milky-white: offensive breath); K-Bich. (yellowish); Pulsatilla (roughish white); Nux V. (fore part clean, back part, thickly furred); Rhus, Bryonia (brownish); Mercurius (thick, whitish, slimy fur, offensive breath). Ant-T., Ac-Mur., Baptisia

CRACKED OR FISSURED- Merc-Cor., Ac-Nit., Spigelia, Arum Triph. Hydras. int. and a wash.

DRYNESS OF- Aconite, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Terebintha, Bryonia, Mercurius, Phosphorus

INFLAMMATION AND SWELLING OF- Aconite, Mercurius (from cold); Belladonna, Hep-S. (mercurial); Apis, Arum Triph. (oedema); Mercurius Vivus.

ULCERS ON- Mercurius, Merc-Cor., Merc-Iodium(simple, non-mercurial cases); Ac-Nit. (mercurial); Baptisia as a wash; Hydras. int. and as a wash; Phyto.

Tonsils: INFLAMMATION OF- (ACUTE- see Quinsy.

CHRONIC ENLARGEMENT OF- Baryt-Carb., Sepia, Calc-Phosphorus, Merc-Iodium Calc-Iodium, Silicea (tubercular patients); K-Hydriod. (syphilitic).

Toothache: Aconite or Belladonna (burning throbbing); Mercurius (gnawing, aching, swollen gums, decayed teeth, flow of saliva, gum boil, one tooth rises above the level of the other etc.); Kreas. (from decayed teeth); Bryonia, Merc-C. (worse at night, tender to touch); Gloninum (pains extending to back of head, with stiffness);l Chamomilla (neuralgic, the pains being unbearable, with swelling of the face, especially in females and children); Coffea (relieved by cold; nervous excitability, etc.); Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Plantago; Phosphorus or Arsenicum (tendency to).

DURING PREGNANCY- Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea, Nux V.

See also Face-ache, Neuralgia, etc.

Tooth rash: see Strophulus.

Torticollis: see Wry-Neck.

Tracheitis: (inflammation of the trachea); see Croup.

Tremors: NERVOUS- Aconite, Ignatia, Coffea, Belladonna, China, Gelsemium

Trismus: see Tetanus.

Tuberculosis: Bacil., Iodium, Phosphorus, Calc-C. Ferr-Iodium, Calc-Iodium

Tympanites (distension of the bowels); Coloc., China, Hyoscyamus, Iris, Terebintha, Nux V., Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Carbo V., Asafoetida

Typhoid-Fever: see Enteric Fever.

Typhus-Fever: Aconite, Bryonia, Baptisia (most stages; bewilderment; sinking of the most vital forces (also Arsenicum); Pyrogen., Echinacea Ang., Ver-Vir. (invasive stage) Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Opi., Rhus (brain symptoms); Cicuta (insomnia); Ac-Phosphorus, Arsenicum (extreme exhaustion); Phosphorus (lung complications); Merc-Biniod., Phyto. (glandular enlargements); Arsenicum, Baptisia, Rhus., Ac-Mur. (much toxaemia); Terebintha IX (purplish petechiae about the 12th day). In true Typhus, Rhus is most frequently indicated. Ac-Phosphorus, China, Sulphur, Psorin (convalescence).

Ulceration and Ulcers: K-Bich., Hydras, Rhus, int. and ext., Arsenicum, Phosphorus (small punched out ulcers: chronic, and with debility); Belladonna (erysipelatous appearance); Causticum, Silicea (of lower extremities); Mercurius, Merc-Iodium, K-Hydriod., Ac-Nit.; also local applications of Arsenicum lotion (F. 35), Ac-Nit. lotion (F.33) syphilitic); Silicea (torpid); Merc-Iodium, Phosphorus, Sulphur or Calc-C. (tubercular). Ac-Car. bol. lotion (f. 31) (torpid or fungous ulcers).

VARICOSE: Arsenicum (burning debility); Lycopodium; Hamamelis, ext. and int.; Ferr-Mur., ext.

Urethra: INFLAMMATION OF- Cann., Gelsemium See also Gonorrhoea.

STRICTURE OF (spasmodic)- Gelsemium, Camph. (especially when caused by blistering-fly); Cantharis, Aconite, (urging with cutting and tearing pains); Mercurius (purulent discharge); Nux V., Sulphur, Clem., Silicea, Phosphorus; also a hot-bath, fomentation, or injections per rectum. Cann., Hydras. O (organic stricture, and after repeated attacks of Gonorrhoea). When passing catheter the patient should sit on hot sponge.

Urine: ABNORMAL CONDITIONS OF- Cantharis, Terebintha, Hamamelis (bloody); Terebintha, Dulcamara, Ac-Nit. (foetid); Ac. Benz. (dark-coloured, smells like horses’)’ Lycopodium, Nux V., Ant-C. (gravelly); Lycopodium (lithates); Aconite (with fever); Bryonia (high-coloured); Ac-Phosphorus (milky looking, especially in children); chim. (difficult urination, with mucous sediment); Aurum, Iodium, Eup-Pur Dulcamara, Ant-C., Ac- nit., Puls (mucous); Uva (thick and ropy); Canth, Clem., Pulsatilla, Chim., Sabi. (purulent); Lyc, Pulsatilla (purulent, with nauseous smell and gastric derangements); Cin. (thick and turbid whitish, worms, etc.); Mercurius, Ac-Phosphorus (symptoms worse on the morning); Sabad., rhus, China Phosphorus

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."