The Clinical Directory

Derbyshire-Neck: see Goitre.

Diabetes: Uran-Nit., Ac-Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Nux V., Terebintha, Helonias, Gentian., Scila, Nat-Sulph. Skim-milk diet alone.

Diarrhoea: FROM INDIGESTIBLE FOOD- Pulsatilla, Nux V., Ant-C., Ipecac.

FROM COLD-Camph. (sudden, with chilliness); Aconite, Mercurius, Dulcamara (damp); Aconite, Mercurius, Dulc, (damp); Coloc. (with colic).

CHRONIC- China (in afternoon); Arsenicum, Merc-Cor., Podoph.; Pulsatilla (nocturnal); Lept., Aloes, Merc-Cor. (dysenteric, with piles). Ol. ric. O gtt. ij Milk diet.

DYSENTERIC-Lept., Merc-Cor. 3X; Coloc., Aloes (with Piles); Merc-Dulcis IX trit. iii-V. grs. for adults (from disease of the liver).

MORNING-Apis, Rumex, Ac-Phosphorus, Nuph.

SUMMER- China, Iris, Ver-Alb., Arsenicum

IN CHILDREN- Chamomilla, Mercurius, Rheum, Calc-C., Iodium, Iris., Arsenicum, China, Ferrum (passage of undigested food). Sulph.

See also Tabes Mesenterica.

IN THE AGED- Ant-C., Phosphorus, Arsenicum

Diplopia: see Sight: DOUBLE.

Diphtheria: Aconite, Belladonna, Phyto. (mild. simple cases); Merc-Cy. 6 or 30 every two hours (while membrane, with depressed vital forces); Merc-Biniod. 2X, I gr. every hour for four doses, then every two or three hours; Glycerine every three or four hours; Plenty of good soup and fruit juices. Baptisia (typhoid symptoms); Laches. (symptoms begin on left side and spread to right); Lycop. begins right, spreading to left; Merc-Iodium (much swelling of the glands); K-Bich., Iodium, Ac-Mur., Lig. Calcis Chlorum, Arsenicum alt. Ammon-Carb. (malignant, with great prostration and severe typhoid condition); Ac-Mur., or Ac-Nit., Gargle of Phyto., or K-Permang Ac-Sulphs. spray; Alcohol applied by brush or atomizer. Gargle: Bromium 3j., Glyc. 3zj., mixed with water, or as a paint to the throat. In an epidemic that occurred in Melbourne, Dr. Gunst found the following gargle of the greatest service: One drachm of Milk of Sulphur suspended in a pint of water. A tablespoonful of brewer’s yeast every two hours has proved of great benefit. Antitoxin may be used if the case is seen early. See Chapter on Immunity.

SEQUELAE- Phyto. (hoarseness, etc.); Digitalis (enfeebled heart(; Gelsemium, Ignatia, Coni., Strych. (Paralysis); China, Sulph-Quin. (debility); Phosphorus, Rhus, Sulphur, Secale (diarrhea); Ars (Albuminuria).

DIZZINESS:see Vertigo.

Dropsy: GENERAL- Dig, (from heart disease); Arsenicum, Elat., Apis. Helleborus, China, Apocynum; Aconite (recent febrile); Strophan.

LOCAL- Apocynum, Arsenicum, Apis (abdomen: see Ascites); Arsenicum, Bryonia, Digitalis, Helleborus (chest); Arsenicum, Ferrum, Sulph-Quin., China (extremities); Apis, Arsenicum (face); Helleborus, Apocynum, Belladonna, Sulphur, Calc-C., Silicea (head); Aconite, Iodium, Pulsatilla, Bryonia (joints); Iodium, Rhododendron, Aurum (scrotum). Dropsy from kidney-disease is greatly helped by milk diet, as recommended in Bright’s Disease, q.v.

POST–SCARLATINAL- Arsenicum, Apis., Apocynum Cantharis, Helleb., Terebintha (also after intermittent fever), Sulphur, Zincum met. great attention to the skin, smart sponging with hot saline water, and towel rubbings, followed by inunction of olive or cod-liver oil.

Drowsiness: MORBID- Aconite (with yawning and general weariness); Lycopodium (after dinner, with atony of the digestive organs); Opi. (preceded by excitement).

See also Sleep: COMATOSE.

Dysentery: Aconite, Merc-Cor. 3X; Coloc, (much colic); Hamamelis Ix (much blood); Carbo V. (chronic in the tubercular); Baptisia (passive); Ipecac., Podoph. (children with prolapse of bowel). All recent cases of dysentery that I recollect have yielded quickly- i.e., within two days-to Merc-Cor. 3X trit., it without much pain, if with pain in the abdomen, Merc-Cor. alt. Coloc; and I do not know of any failures.

CHRONIC- Aloes (much straining, also when piles are present); Sulph-Quin, (periodic); Ac-Nit., Merc-Cor., Nux V., Arsenicum, Sulphur, Silicea

Dysmenorrhoea: see Menstruation: PAINFUL.

Dyspepsia: ACUTE-Nux V. (from indigestible food: pain, spasms, etc; or after mental exertion); Pulsatilla, Ant-C. (from rich, fatty food, especially in children, the aged, and females); Carbo V. (in the aged); Ipecac., Coffea, Aconite, Bryonia

CHRONIC-Nux V. (pain after food, headache, flatulence, and constipation with urging, Piles, etc.); Bryonia (sense of pressure, as of a stone in the stomach, with tenderness; congestive headache; head and stomach symptoms, worse with every movement: constipation without inclination to stool); Pulsatilla (nausea. heartburn, flatulence, and vomiting of mucus, or diarrhoea); Carbo V. (oppression of the chest, with “fluttering” or palpitation of the heart from excessive flatulence, foul flatulence, acidity and offensive diarrhoea); Lycopodium (weakness much flatulence, sleepiness after even light meals, and chronic constipation; acid risings, especially in old persons; lithic acid deposit in urine); Mercurius (depraved taste, offensive breath, water brash, oppression after food, “biliousness,” costiveness, pale stools, and depression of spirits); K-Bich. (chilliness, sense of coldness in stomach, yellow-coated or red tongue, heat of hands, dryness of mouth, etc.); Rob. (acidity with gaseous eructations); Ignatia, Nux V. (from grief, care, etc., with nervous symptoms); Chamomilla (in children and females, from worry. or from cold, with “bilious” headache, irritability); Hydras. (atomic dyspepsia, flatulence, torpidity of the liver constipation, and languid circulation; sense of “goneness”), also Gelsemium; Sulph. (chronic constipation, Piles, eruptions, etc.; dyspepsia in the tubercular; also as an intercurrent remedy, and frequently alt. Nux V.); Hep-S. (obstinate cases; also when Mercury has injured the patient); China, Sulph-Quin. (flatulence, anorexia, drowsiness, and oppression after eating); Ant-T., Ipecac. (retchings and vomitings); Aconite, Arsenicum (from cold); Calc-C. (indigestion with gulping up of foot soon after it is swallowed-a kind of rumination), also Sulph.; Arnica (from over-exertion); Arsenicum, Rhus, Bism., Arg-Nit., Zincum met. The abdominal compress is a valuable adjunct. Excessive indulgence in tea, or other hot beverage, is often a cause of indigestion, and has sometimes to be entirely relinquished. If over-indulgence in teas is suspected as the cause, Thuja will be found useful.

CONSTITUTIONAL-Calc-C. Pulsatilla o Rob. (chronic acidity, with tendency to diarrhoea); Sulph., Nux vomica (flatulence, biliousness, tendency to constipation); Ferrum, Helonias (anaemic patients); Phosphorus, Iodium, Arsenicum, Silicea

DYSPNOEA: see Breathing.

Ear: ACHING OF- Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Merc-S., Ver-Vir., Gelsemium (with toothache); China (periodic). Pulsatilla seems to be a special ear medicine. Locally a few drops of Plantago o on cotton wool inserted into the ear.

INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite, alt. Belladonna or Pulsatilla; Belladonna, Merc-S.

DISCHARGE FROM AND SORENESS OF- Mercurius Ac-Carbol., locally (thick, bloody, and foetid discharge); Pulsatilla, K-Bich., Elaps (thin discharge; and when it follows Measles”); Aurum (yellow, foetid discharge); Ac-Mur. (eczema, with burning itching; and when following Scarlet Fever); Calc-C., Arsenicum, Hepar, Sulphur (chronic).

NOISES IN- Sulph-Quin., Nat-Salicyl. or Ac-Phosphorus (with deafness); Nux V., Ignatia (sensitiveness to sound); Belladonna, Ver-Vir. (ringing noises from congestion, with nausea); Kali Iod, 30, Mosch, Pulsatilla, Aconite, Macrot., Graphites (roaring, thundering).

Ecchymosis (discoloration from extravasation of blood under the skin as from a bruise); Arnica (when quite recent); Hamamelis (much discoloration); Hamamelis (much discoloration); Ac-Mur. (petechiae); Rhus, Ruta.

See also Purpura Haemorrhagica.

Ecthyma (a cutaneous pustular disease); Ant-T., Arsenicum, Mercurius, Rhus.

Eczema: SIMPLE- Rhus, Mercurius, Hepar, Sepia, Ledum, Croton tig., Sulphur, Clem., Jug-C. Professor Wilsons’s ointment of Benzoated Zinc has a most admirable effect in healing Eczema. “It does not drive the eruption in, as it is termed” (Dr. Johnson). General bathing is of great value in Eczema, as it promotes the functional activity of healthy skin, and so compensates for the defective action of diseased portions. For This purpose, pure rain water is best. The contact of water with the part affected should be avoided as far as possible. Patients should eat some uncooked vegetables every day, on account of the potash salts they contain.

RUBRUM (grat redness and burning): Arsenicum, Ant-T., Nux Jug., Rhus, Verbascum, Croton tig., Mercurius, K-Bich., Phosphorus

SCALLED HEAD and MILK-CRUST- Merc-Cor., Rhus, Graphites, Mezer., Viola Tric., Ant-T., Calc-C., K-Bich., Silicea, Hep-S., Nux Jug.

Emaciation: Arsenicum, Iodium, Ferrum, Mercurius China, K-Hydriod., Calc-C.

See also Atrophy.

Emission: see Spermatorrhoea.

Encephalitis (inflammation within the cranium); Aconite alt. Arnica (if from an injury); Belladonna, Ver-Vir., Hyoscyamus, Opi. (for the brain symptoms); Bryonia, Helleborus, Apis (effusion); Bacil. (tuberculous). “In Encephalitis and every form of inflammation of the brain and its membranes,” writes Dr. Nankivell, “I apply cloths wrung out of hot water, renewing them as soon as cool.”

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."