The Clinical Directory

Appetite: DEPRAVED-Arsenicum, China, Calcarea, C., Ferrum, Nux V., Ac- Nit.

EXCESSIVE–Cin. (from worms); Iodium, China, or Ac-Phosphorus (after illness); Mercurius, Sil-C., Gelsemium, Ignatia Patients with excessive appetite should eat slowly.

LOST OR DEFICIENT-China, Ferrum, Macrot. IX trit., Ac-Phosphorus, Still. IX trit., Nux V. IX, Arsenicum, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Nit-Uran, Pru-S. The cause should be removed.

VARIABLE-Cin., China, Iodium, Calcarea, C.

ARTERIES: DISEASE OR-Baryta carb., Phos-Lycopodium

Arthritis: see Gout.

Articular Rheumatism: see Rheumatism.

Ascarides: see Worms.

Ascites: Apocynum, Stroph. O or IX, Digitaline IX with caution, Apis, Arsenicum, Eup-Pur as an infusion; infusion of Digitalis in 3ss doses; Nux V., China, Lycopodium Croton tig. is the most reliable remedy in Ascites from Cirrhosis of the liver.

Asiatic Cholera: see Cholera: ASIATIC.

Asthenopia: (weak-sightedness from muscular fatigue: temporary Asthenopia may occur after severe fever or other exhausting disease). The use of proper glasses Good air and food, cold water douche, frequent rest of the eyes, and one or more of the remedies prescribed under Amblyopia, if from exhausting causes.

Asthma: Ipecac., Arsenicum, Gelsemium, Plumb., Cact., Lobelia, Cup-Acet., Nux V., Carbo V. (with dyspepsia, flatulence, etc., Nit-Sulph. (with Diarrhoea), Thuja,

PAROXYSM Of-Aconite (arterial excitement; and when arising form cold); Ver-Vir. (laboured breathing, with cold sweat on the face); Ipecac. O gtt. j. every half-hour (spasmodic with retching); Belladonna nightly spasm); Phosphorus, Ac.Dil. gtt. v. in aq. 3zj. every hour or two. Cup-Acet., Ac-Hydrocy., Lobelia., Nux.V. or Arsenicum (between the attacks), Thuja, Nat-Sulph.

CHRONIC-Arsenicum, Sulphur, Plumb., Nux V., K-Hydriod., Thuja.

CHILDREN’S- Sambucus (profuse perspiration); Ipecac. (retching or sickness); Ant-T., Arsenicum

Atrophy: GENERAL- Arsenicum, Iodium, Calc-C., Silicea, Phosphorus, Sulphur Cod- liver oil. Also frictions and exercise alternated with perfect rest.

Back: ACHING OF- Arnica (from over exertion); Rhus. Bryonia, Nux V., Gelsemium

PAIN IN- Cimic. (crick-in-the-back); Macrotin; Ant-t., Aconite, Cantharis, Terebintha (with disease of kidneys); Hamamelis, Aconite, Nux V., Aescul. (from Piles).

See also Lumbago and Menstruation: PAINFUL.

WEAKNESS OF- Sill., Rhus., Phosphorus, Ignatia, China(From nervous exhaustion).

Baker’s Itch: see Lichen.

Balanitis (Inflammation of the glans and lining of the prepuce, with muco purulent discharge); Merc-Cor., Calendula ext.

Baldness: See Hair: FALLING OFF OF.

Barber’s Itch: see Beard:ACNE OF(>)

Bead: ACNE OF_ Lycopodium, Graphites, Merc-S., Ant-T., Merc-Iodium, Sulph- Iodium, or Sulph. int. and as an ointment or lotion (F. 34, 43, 56).

Bed-sores: Hypericum oil is the remedy where gangrene is threatened or has actually commenced. It may be applied to the part and (if the skin be broken) covered with lint on which Boracic ointment is spread. Glycerin-cream, or Calend-lotion; Calend- or Arnica plaster for protection. Ung. Zinci (B.P.). The use of a water or air bed, if possible, is a greet help towards prevention.

PREVENTION OF- Frequent washing the parts exposed to pressure with soap and water; and, after drying with a soft towel, a little Glycerine or Glycerine of Starch (F.2) should be gently rubbed over the parts. If redness of the skin appears, the parts should be moistened with brandy or some other proof spirit, to harden the skin. Spirit of proof strength is better than the usual prescription of brandy and water.

Belching: see Eructations.

Biliousness: Lept., Nux V., Mercurius Bryonia, Mag-Mur., Podoph.,?Hep- S., Ipecac., Iris.

ATTACK OF- Bryonia, Pulsatilla (from indigestible food: vomiting of bile and mucus); Aconite (from cold or excitement); Chamomilla (from worry or passion); Ver-Alb., Iris (“sick headache,” with vomiting or diarrhoea); Nux V. (from stimulants, over-feeding, etc., with constipation).

See also Liver, Constipation, Diarrhoea, etc.

Bites of Insects, etc: see Stings.

Black- eye: Tinct. Arnica IX int. and ext. (if the lotion can be applied immediately); Hamamelis (broken skin, and if discoloration has taken place).

Bladder: CATARRHAL INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite Cantharis (from cold); Dulc, Uva IX, also decoction 3zj. 4tis horis (from damp); Cann., Cantharis, Apis. K-Hydriod., Chim.(with much mucous or albuminous discharge); Eup-Pur, Ammon-Mur., Ant-C, Pulsatilla, Terebintha, Zincum met., Eryng-Aquat., Sulphur

IRRITABILITY OF- Ferrum (diurnal); Belladonna, Cantharis, Sulphur (nocturnal); Nux V., (with spasm and in gouty persons); Lycopodium (with gravel); Ac-Benz. (strongly scented, high coloured urine). For irritability with pain at neck of bladder, a full bath, 97 degree for ten minutes, followed or not by a douche of cold water.

PARALYSIS OF- Cann-Sat., Belladonna, Bary-Carb., Aconite, Nux V.

See also Calculus, Haemorrhage, Strangury, Urine, etc.

Bleeding: see Haemorrhage.

Blindness: see Amaurosis, Amblyopia, Sight, etc.

Blister: see Burns and Scalds.

Blood: SPITTING OF- see Haemoptysis. VOMITING OF- see Haematemesis.

Blotches: Ant-C., Graphites, Lycopodium, Clem. Arsenicum, Apis.

Boils: Belladonna or Arnica alt. Aconite (when forming); Sulph., Belladonna, Ac.Sulph; and hot poultices (when formed); Silicea, Hep-S. (when suppuration has occurred, but is torpid); Muriate of Calcarea lotion (F.38) (when very painful). Carrot poultice: Sovereign remedy remedy (Dr. Stokes).

TENDENCY TO- Sulph., Hep-S., K-Brown., China. Sulph.

Bone: CONTUSION OF- Ruta and Ruta lotion ext.

EXOSTOSIS- Aur-Mur., Merc-Iodium, Silicea

INFLAMMATION AND CARIES OR ULCERATION OF- Asafoetida 12, Mercurius Aurum, Arg-Met., Ac-Fluor., Silicea, Ac.Phosphorus; also Phyto.

NECROSIS- Merc-Prot-Iodium, Ars-Iodium, Silicea, Ac-Fluor., Symphytum, Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Asafoetida

NODES- Silicea, K-Hydriod., K-Bich. (cranial); Merc-Cor. 6x (tibial); Staphysagria, Rhus (soft nodes); Aur-Mur. (hard nodes).

PAIN IN- Aurum, Asafoetida, Mercurius, Ruta, Ac-Nit., Ac-Fluor., Ac-Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Phyto.; Eup-Perf. (Influenza, bone-pains).

PERIOSTITIS- Silicea, Aur-Mur., Mez., K-Hydriod.

SOFTENING OF- Calc-C., Silicea, Ac-Phosphorus, Calc-Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Mercurius, Sulphur

Bowels: see Constipation, Diarrhoea, Hernia, Anus, Enteritis, etc.

CONSUMPTION OF- see Tabes Mesenterica.

PAIN IN- Camph. (severe, with chilliness); Aconite (feverishness or excitement); Belladonna X, Coloc. 2x.

see also Colic.

Brain: CONCUSSION OF- Arnica alt. Aconite or Belladonna, Cicuta

CONGESTION OF- Bell or Atropiae Sulph. 3x Belladonna Should be given first, then if necessary Atrop-S. If these fail, Apis Opi., Gelsemium, (cerebral depression) or Gloninum (cerebral exaltation); Ver- Vir. (children with gastric irritation); Aconite, Nux V., Bryonia; Gelsemium, Sulph-Quin. (intermittent), bacil. (Tubercular cases). In congestion from tubercular disease or from teething, with convulsions speedy relief may be obtained applying to the head flannels wrung out of hot water. The fomentations should be continues for half an hour or more according to the severity of the case, and most frequently the child falls into a quite sleep during the process.

MENINGITIS- Aconite Belladonna, Bryonia; Stramonium, Bacil.(from tubercular deposit with convulsions); Calcarea Carb., Helleborus Apis., Ver-Vior., Gelsemium, Sulphur In cerebral Congestion, with much mental excitement, flushed face, etc, great and speedy relief may frequently be given by packing the legs (from the loins to thee feet inclusive) in large towels wrung tightly out of mustard (“mustard bran”) and hot water for twenty to thirty minutes, the bowels well covered with blankets. Plenty of mustard should be used, and after the pack, the parts should be quickly wiped down with tepid damp towels (Dr. Dalzell). Hot fomentations to the head, as just recommended for Congestion, are also applicable for Inflammation.

SOFTENING OF- Mercurius alt.Belladonna; Bary-Carb., Ac-Phosphorus, Nux V., Zincum met., Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Zinc-Phosphorus IX; Hypericum (Pain and other nerve symptoms).

Brain-fag: Nux V., Ac-Phosphorus Ac-pl., Gelsemium, Gloninum, Strych-Phosphorus 1/200 Calc-C., Silicea, Anacardium, Staphysagria, Zincum met., Asar-Europ., Iris.

Brain-fever: see Typhus-Fever.

Branny-Tetter: Arsenicum, Graphites, Lycopodium, Sulphur

Breast: ABSCESS OF- Bryonia (earliest symptoms); Belladonna (shining red and swollen); Phosphorus (during formation); Phyto. IX int. and (F.9). also spongio-piline over the breast, if Bryonia and Phosphorus fail; Silicea or Hep-S. (torpidity, or imperfect suppuration); Phyto. or Hydras., Chronic lobular mastitis.


EXCORIATION OF- Sulph.; Hydras. or Calendula ext. Glycerole of Starch (F.2) and Phyto (F.9) are also recommended.

INFLAMMATION, HARDNESS, PAINFULNESS, or SWELLING OF- Bryonia; Belladonna (shining red swelling).

Breast: Tumours of, Calc-Phosphorus, Cundurango, Coni., Lappa Maj., Hydras., Aster. Rub., Phosphorus, Scrophularia Nod. O unit doses.

Breast-Pang: see Angina Pectoris.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."