The Clinical Directory

Fatigue: See Exhaustion.

Favus: see Porrigo.

Fear: see Fright.

Febricula: Aconite; Camp. (sudden chilliness); Belladonna (headache); Arsenicum (with prostration).

Feet: ACHING, BLISTERED and SORE- Arnica int. and ext. as a bath (from over walking); Arg-Met.

See also Myalgia.

BURNING IN- Sulph. (hot and moist. must put them out of bed at night or shift them to a cool place in bed); Cantharis (in Soles at night in hysteric females); Calc-C., Graphites, Phosphorus, Ac-Phosphorus, Ledum, Apis Secale.

CHILBLAINS ON- see Chilblains.

COLDNESS OR- Sulph. (with hot hands and face); Calc-C. (cold and clammy as if stocking were damp); Arsenicum (cold and clammy); Ferrum, Silicea, Nat-Mur., Sepia, Pulsatilla, Graphites Daily use of the skipping rope. walking or other active exercise also sufficient meat and other stimulating diet. washing the feet with, but not in cold water every morning.

See also Circulation: LANGUID.

GOUT IN- Thus, Led-Palladium, Rhododendron, Sulphur, Sabi., Arnica, Lycopodium, Friction, with oil for twenty minutes morning and night.

PAINS IN- Bryonia or Led-PAl. (Rheumatic or gouty); Rhododendron (neuralgic); Rhus T., Apis. Friction with oil.

PERSPIRATION OR– Sulph., Silicea (suppressed or excessive; foetor); Calc-C., Graphites, Petrol., Ac-Nit. Frequent washing in water to which a little Condy’s Fluid is added.

SWELLING OR (OEDEMATOUS)- Arsenicum (with emaciation); China (with simple debility); Ferrum (with anaemia); Silicea, Apis., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla Causticum, Sulphur Friction with oil.

WEAKNESS OF- China. Sulph. Sulph. Friction with oil.

See Ankles.

Felon: Silicea, Ac-Carbol. 3x, Apis.

See Whitlow.

Fester: Ac-Nit. int. and locally.

TENDENCY TO- Petrol., Hepar. Sul.

Fever: SIMPLE, and SIMPLE CONTINUED- Aconite (full, bounding, quick pulse, aching pains in the limbs), without brain symptoms_; Ver-Vir. (same as Aconite, but with gastric and brain disturbance); Belladonna (brain disturbance, red face, throbbing temples. etc., and moderate pulse); Gelsemium remittent or passing of without perspiration; “inward fever”); Bryonia (heavy stupefying headache, shooting pains in limbs); (prolonged, occurring in feeble patients); Baptisia, Arsenicum Ac-Mur. (“low fever”; typhoid symptoms). In simple continue fever, Bapt, should be given early, especially when Aconite does little good.

Finger: GATHERED- see Whitlow.

Fistula: Sil, Calc-C., Ac-Fluor., Causticum, Aurum, Bells P., Thuja, Hamam., Sulphur, Phyto., Lycopodium Surgical measures sometimes necessary.

see Anus, etc.

Fits: see Epilepsy, Hysteria, Fainting, Apoplexy, Convulsions, etc.

Flatulence: Nux V., Carbo V., Pulsatilla (of stomach); Asafoetida, China, Lycopodium (of Abdomen); Terebintha, Collinsonia, Arg-Nit., Calc-Iodium Ol. Cajuput. may be given on sugar as a palliative.

See also Dyspepsia.

Flooding : see Labour and Menstruation.

Fluor Albus: see Leucorrhoea.

Flushing of Heat: Nux V. (in the face after meals); Acon-Belladonna from excitement); Acon-Belladonna (from excitement); Cimic., Sepia, Apis., Lachesis (flushes at the climacteric period); carbo An., Gloninum


Foetid Breath: see Breath: OFFENSIVE.

Fracture- To PROMOTE ADHESION IN- Ruta, Symphytum, Calc-C., Silicea

Freckles: Phosphorus, Graphites, Sulphur, Ac-Nit., Sepia, Natr-Mur., Cantharis

Fright: EFFECTS OF- Aconite (palpitation or quickened circulation); Coffea (extreme nervous irritability); Opi. (stupor); Hyoscyamus, Belladonna (brain disturbance), (convulsive movements); Gelsemium (affecting bowels or bladder); Anacardium, Chamomilla, Nux V., Pulsatilla

Frost-bits: Rubbing the part with snow, afterwards with cold water, and avoiding exposure to heat, so as to prevent too sudden reaction.

See also Chilblain.

Fungus: see Excrescences.

Furunculus: see Boil.

Gall-Stones: China 6, Calc-C, 30, Podoph., Mercurius, Nux V., Chelidonium O expels and prevents. Berberis Tita, Aconite, Opi (during their passage); Sulph. (to prevent reformation). 3zij. to 3ziv. of olive oil facilitates their expulsion. Pareira Brava O 3ss in a wineglassful of warm distilled water every half-hour.

Ganglion: Ruta, Arnica, Silicea, Calc-C., Ac-Benz., Hep-S.

Gangrene: Arsenicum, Lachesis, China, Carbo V., Secale Ac-Carbol. int. and ext.,

Gastritis: see Stomach: INFLAMMATION OF.

Gastrodynia and Gastralgia: Arsenicum Bism., Nux V.

See Stomach: PAIN IN.

Gathering: see Breast, Whitlow, Boil. etc.

Giddiness: see Vertigo.

Gin-Colic: Aconite, Mercurius, Bryonia

Glandular Swellings: ACUTE- Bary, Carb., Belladonna, Rhus (hard stony feeling); Hep-S., Mercurius, Silicea (when suppuration is threatened). Hot fomentations or poultices.

CHRONIC-Merc-Iodium, Iodium, Calcarea C., Arum Triph., Calc-Phosphorus, K- Hydriod., Sulphur, Bary-Carb., Coni., Cistus-C., Phyto. int. and ext. (hard swellings); Compress of linen dipped in lotion of K- Hydriod. Frictions with oil for thirty minutes twice daily.

Glaucoma: K-Hydriod. (congestion and inflammation of the choroid); Mercurius (hepatic, uterine, and haemorrhoidal complications); Nux V. Spigelia, Bryonia, Colchicum, (rheumatic or arthritic symptoms); Belladonna, Spigelia, Merc, Symptoms); Belladonna, Spig Mercurius, Chamomilla Ruta. (ciliary neuralgia).

Gleet: Cinnabar, Cann-Sat., Cantharis, Ferrum, Pulsatilla, Nux V., Petrol., Petros., China, Sulphur Thuja, Ac-Nit. Dr. J.M.Moore writes- Petrol. 2 or 3 has cured, in my hands, many cases of long standing. Injection of Glycerine and Hydras. (F.14). Sea-bathing.

Glossitis: see Tongue: INFLAMMATION OF.

Goitre: Spongia, Calc-C., Merc-Iodium, Iodium, Bromium, Thyroidin, Sulphur, Lapis alb., Merc-Biniod. ointment applied to the Goitre.

See also Glandular Swellings.

EXOPHTHALMIC-Belladonna; Thyroidin; Ferrum (anaemia); Arsenicum, China., Ac- Phosphorus, Spigel.

Gonorrhoea: Cann-Sat. O 3 to 5 drops thrice daily Gels O(drop doses), Merc-Cor., Cantharis, Thuja, Belladonna Dr. Clifton recommends Gelsemium O one or two drop doses thrice daily, or sometimes alternated with one grain of merc-Sol. 2x trit. Injections of hot normal saline solutions are best. Strong injections are to be avoided. The testicles should be supported by a suspensory bandage.

See also gleet, Chordee, and Chancre.

Gout: ACUTE-Aconite, Bryonia, Colchicum, Digitalis, Lycopodium, Veratrum V., Arnica; also Arnica, Aconite, Ledum, Ac-Acet., or O1-Aescul. ext. Dr Burnett has had great success with Urtica Urens O in ten-drop doses two or three times a day.

CHRONIC- Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Ledum; Nux V., Bryonia, Rhododendron (of the upper extremities); Rhus, K-Hydroid., Staphysagria, Podoph. IX, in two-grain doses, morning and night, in addition to more closely indicated medicines. Frictions with oil. Buxton Waters. A course of Friedrichshall and Carlsbad water is also recommended.

Gravel Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla, Ac-Phosphorus, Bryonia, Nux V., Eup-Pur., Berberis, Ac- Oxal., Milk. Cider. Drinking soft or distilled water.

Green sickness: see Chlorosis.

Grief: see Anxiety.

Gripes: see Colic.

Gum-boil: Aconite, Belladonna (first symptoms); Merc-V., Silicea, Hep-S. (suppurative stage); Silicea and Mercurius are antagonistic, so one should not be given after the other. Mercurius, phos. (to prevent recurrence).

Gum-rash: Chamomilla, Ant-C., puls., Calc-C.

Gutta-Serena: see Amaurosis.

Haematemesis: Acon (flushed face, full pulse, and in plethoric persons); Ipecac. (bright-red blood, with much sickness); Hamamelis (venous blood); Arnica (from injury; dark blood); Ac-Nit., Acalyph- In. 5x. The stomach should rest, and the patient be fed by the rectum. Beef-tea and cream, essence of meat, etc., form nourishing enemeta. Iced-water or lemonade may be sipped.

Haemoptysis: Ferrum Acet. IX., Ferrum phos., Ipecac., Phosphorus, Gallic Acid., Hamamelis (venous); Millefolium (arterial); Acalyph-In. 5X, Apocynum; Aconite (plethoric patients); Arnica (from injury). Absolute rest of mind and body. Rest on a mattress with the head and shoulder a little raised.

Haemorrhage: From the BLADDER or KIDNEYS- Cantharis, Terebintha, Millefolium, Hamamelis O.

BOWELS- Terebintha, Hamamelis, Ipecac., Arsenicum, Ferr-Phosphorus, Erig-C, See also Haemorrhoids and Dysentery.

LUNGS-see Haemoptysis.


STOMACH-see Haematemesis.

UTERUS- Croc. (dark); (sabi. bright-red); Secale, Hamamelis, Caulophyllum, Ipecac., Platina, Trill., Ac. Nit.

See also Labour and Menstruation.

Haemorrhoids: Nux V. With occasional doses of Sulph. (for persons of sedentary habits); Sulph., Aescul. (fleshy piles); or Nux V. (constipation); Collinsonia (constipation with uterine difficulties); Aconite O, Arsenicum or Carbo V. (when inflamed); Aloe, Collinsonia, or Nux V. (during pregnancy); Graphites

BLEEDING-Hamamelis int. and ext.; Trill., Sulphur (dark blood); Aconite, Aloe (excessive, bright blood, with much pain); Collinsonia, Caps.

CHRONIC- Arsenicum (with emaciation): Ferrum, Helonias, Hydras. (cachetic individuals); Ac-Nit., Caustic., sulph., Hep-S., Brown bread, vegetables, fruits Abdominal compress.

In the treatment and prevention of Piles, the use of wooden or cane bottomed chairs, instead of soft cushioned seats, is an important adjunct. (* The course of the arterial circulations of the but buttocks and thighs appears to be so arranged that when sitting on hard seats the pressure is sustained by the bones; on the contrary, on cushioned seats the weight of the body is chiefly sustained by the soft parts, and, consequently, pressure is made on the blood-vessels; hence soft seats favour the production of piles, as also of uterine disorders, by pressure on the arteries as to drive emerge from the pelvis, and so tend to drive the blood into the interior of that cavity. This is well demonstrated by Mr. Holden is St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Vol.Vl., article Medical and surgical Landmarks.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."