The Clinical Directory

ON THE CHEST-see Bronchial Catarrh, and Bronchitis.

SENSITIVENESS TO- Camph., Rumex, Iodium, Hep-S., K-Hydriod., sulph.; Sepia (women; Dulcamara (best prophylactic against cold from damp); Arsenicum, Mercurius, Silicea, Ac-Nit.(habitual): Gelsemium, Nux V., Phosphorus, Sabad.

Colic: Coloc. (paroxysmal with diarrhoea); Diosc. (bilious); Belladonna, Plumb. (with constipation); Ver-Alb. (Colic, with or without diarrhoea, if accompanied by vomiting of bilious matter); Iris, Collinsonia(obstinate cases, with flatulence); Colchicum (in gouty patients); Nux V. (tendency to colic); also from indulgence in food; and from fatigue). A hot sitz-bath (deep), 98 degree to 100 degree for ten to fifteen minutes, followed by friction of the abdomen for a minute or two with a cold, wet hand, is very useful; or large, hot fomentation.

IN CHILDREN- Chamomilla, Bryonia, Coloc., Cin., Nux V., Ipecac.

IN NERVOUS WOMEN- Cocc., Platina, Secale, Caulophyllum, Ignatia (uterine).

FROM LEAD- see Lead- Colic.

Coma: see Sleep: COMATOSE.

Concussion: see Brain, Spine, etc.

Condylomata (syphilitic warty excrescences); AC-Nit., Thuja, Merc-cor., Sabi., Int. and ext. Phyto. and Glycerine.

Congestion: see Brain, Liver, Lungs, etc.

Conjunctivitis: Arg-Nit., Merc-Cor., Belladonna, Nux vomica, Euphr., Arsenicum, K- Bich., Sulphur; Gelsemium, int. and ext. Boracic-Ac. lotion (eight grains to the ounce) Dr. Mackechnie adds, “For simple catarrhal conjunctivitis Nux V. is before all others.”


Constipation: CHRONIC- Sulph.; Nux V. 6 (irregular action); Bryonia, Opi. (torpor); Plumb. (obstinate cases, with passage of hard small balls); Lycopodium (with flatulence); Hydras. (simple cases with debility); Aescul. (with piles and much pain); Collinsonia IX to 3x trit. (simple cases, and those complicated by piles or uterine disturbance); Alumina, Graphites, Podoph., Nat-Mur., Sepia, Ac-Nit. Also shallow sitzbaths for five to ten minutes, cold or 60 degree to 75 degree, according to reactive power. Friction of abdomen with the hand, after dipping it in cold water, for fifteen minutes in the water, for fifteen minutes in the morning.

RECENT- Aconite (with fever); Bryonia, Nux V., Sulphur

IN CHILDREN- Bryonia, Sulphur, Nux V., Aescul., Kreas. (in emaciated children, with teething troubles); Alumina, Opi, Silicea, Collinsonia

IN OLD PERSONS- Ant.C., Opi., Hydras., Collinsonia

DURING PREGNANCY: see Pregnancy.

Consumption: see Phthisis Pulmonalis.

OF THE BOWELS- see Tabes mesenterica.

Contusion: Arnica lotion; Coni. (involving the female breast); Ruta (the tibia); Hamamelis (with discoloration).

Convulsions: INFANTILE- or Action. Frequently; Belladonna (red, swollen face); Chamomilla (from indigestion, colic, etc); Ignatia or Cin.(from worms); Gloninum (with Hydrocephalus); Cup-M., Ver-Alb., (with cramps); Opi. (from fright); Gels (rigidity); Ver-Vir., Chlo-Hyd., Zinc-Sulph. Also a warm bath, and sponging the head with hot water.

EPILEPTIC- see Epilepsy.

HYSTERIC- see Hysteria.

PUERPERAL- see Puerperal Convulsions.

Cornea: SPECKS ON THE- Merc-Cor., K-Hydriod., Administered on alternate weeks; also using the same remedy as a lotion. Hydras. lotion is also recommended. Dr. Wheeler informs us that he has removed many opacities by a steady course of Phosphorus 6x and Silicea 6x, Calc-c. 30.

Corns: Hard-Arnica or Ruta int. and ext.;Sulph., Calc-C., Silicea 3 and 30 int., Ac-Nit., Castor-oil externally.

INFLAMED- Alternate hot and cold water as applications. Ver-Vir. as a paint.

SOFT- Fer-Pic.; Arnica-plaster; Castor-oil.

Corpulency: see Obesity.

Coryza (Cold in the head): see Cold.

Cough: DRY- Aconite (recent, burning dryness in throat, feverishness); Belladonna (spasmodic, with cerebral congestion, worse at night): Bryonia (hard, tight, irritation, shaking whole body, burring soreness under breast-bone, stitches in chest); Causticum (hoarseness, involuntary urination); Laur, Hyoscyamus (worse at night on lying, Hyoscyamus (worse at night on lying down, or coming on about 3 a.m.); Sulph. (obstinate, tight, following eruptions); Iodium, Bromium, Spongia, Ac-Nit., Ac-Sulph. by spray-producer (laryngeal, tickling); Lachesis (as if something in throat ought to be coughed up to afford relief); Rumex (worse when talking or in cold air, soreness under breast bone air, soreness under breast bone); Ipecac. (recent wheezing, nausea, or vomiting); Phosphorus (short laryngeal, and bronchial tendency to lung disease, soreness in chest); Graphites (gruff voice); Gelsemium (severe in children); Seneg., Verbas. (short, hard).

MOIST- Ant-T. (profuse easy expectoration, vomiting- no remedy of wider range); K-Bich. (tough, stringy mucus, difficult expectoration); Pulsatilla (loose, worse on lying down for women, children); Mercurius, Stann. (chronic, purulent sputa, night sweats); Hep-S (chronic due to organic disease, chronic indigestion); Ac- Nit. (chronic after subsidence of lung disease); Phosphorus (bronchial and lung disease, brown sputa; Sulph. (yellow mucus, Asthma, following eruptions); Arsenicum (debility, tight chest, difficult breathing at night); Cocc-Cact. (spasmodic, after midnight with vomiting, copious expectoration); Sepia, K-Carb., Lycopodium, Scill., crotalus,?Naja, Sambucus, Seneg., Sticta, Alum, Caps. Viola od.

See also Haemoptysis: and Voice: HOARSE.

NERVOUS AND HYSTERIC- Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Ambra, Agaricus, Coral., Coni., Cup-M., Rumex, Nux V.

SPASMODIC- Drosera, K-Bromium (tickling, Retching, worse at night); Ipecac. (vomiting); Nux V. (headache as if bruised, stomach cough after meals); Coral., Ac-Nit., Cup-M., Verbascum, Belladonna, Ambra., Euphr. The frequency and violence of nervous cough may be controlled by determined efforts of the patient’s will.

See also Whooping cough.

Coup-de-soleil: see Sunstroke.

Courses: see Menstruation.

Cracks in the Skin: OF HANDS AND FINGERS- Merc-Cor., Petrol., Calc-C., Causticum, Graphites, Silicea, Hep-S., Glyc. of Starch (F.2) or Calend-cerate (if deep and bleeding); Glyc. of Aloe (F. 1).

LIPS AND NOSE- Mercurius, Graphites, Calc-C., Arsenicum, Ant-T., Natrum muriaticum, Sepia Glyc. of Starch, or Aloes. Aloes cures cracks in the skin of horses.

Cramp: see Spasms.

Crick-in-the-back: Aconite, Arnica (re-Cimic., Bryonia, Nux V.

See Lumbago.

NECK- Aconite (from cold), either alone or alt. Belladonna, Ant-T.; Dulcamara (from damp); Bryonia, Nux V., Phyto.

Critical Age: see Menstruation:CESSATION OF.

Croup (Laryngitis): CATARRHAL- Aconite or Spongia; Bryonia or Ipecac. O every ten minutes; and hot-water applications to the throat by means of a sponge. Chlorum.

MEMBRANOUS- see Diphtheria.

SPASMODIC- (Laryngismus Stridulus- Aconite, Spongia, Belladonna, Gelsemium; K-Bromium (with convulsions); Mosch. by inhalation; Cup-M Coral.

Crusta Lactea: Viola Tric., Crot., Sepia, Sulphur, Calc-C., Rhus., Mezer.

Cuts: see Wounds.

Cyanosis: Digitalis, Cup-M., Lachesis, Arsenicum Ver-Alb., Lauro. This treatment can only be expected to be palliative.

Cynanche Tonsillaris: see Quinsy.


Dandruff: ARs., Graphites, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Sepia, Rhus. Lotion of Borax, Camphor, etc.

Deafness: RECENT FROM COLD- Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Gelsemium, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla (especially when caused by draughts while travelling or wet).

CHRONIC (from enlarged tonsils)- Bary-Iodium, Iod-Sulph., Merc- Iodium, Iodium, Belladonna, K-Hydriod., Calc-Phosphorus, Bary-Carb. Also Turkish Baths.

AFTER ERUPTIVE FEVER- Sulph., Belladonna, Mercurius, Chelidonium (deranged liver).

FROM NERVOUS CAUSES- Phosphorus, Petrol. (noises in the ear); Ac- Phosphorus; Sod. Salicyl.; China or Sulp Quin. (periodic, or with roaring and buzzing noses in the head).

Debility: CONSTITUTIONAL- Iodium (tendency to faint, or to glandular enlargements); Aletris: Helonias; Avena-Sat.; Arsenicum, Mercurius, Ac-Phosphorus, Calc-C., Ferr-Phosphorus (debility, especially of children).

FROM LOSS OF BODY FLUIDS- China, Ac-Phosphorus; Ferrum (anac. mic). Glycerine, or cod-liver oil.

NERVOUS- Ac.phos., Mosch. (feeble pulse, cold extremities, defection. etc.); Ignatia, Nux V. (from bad habits); China.

Delirium Tremens: Opi. IX Belladonna O, Agaricus, Stramonium, Nux V. Tita, Hyoscyamus Arsenicum, K-Bromium 3ss. Capsicum, or strong coffee in large doses. Dr. Dalzell reports that stram. IX, in drop doses, every one or two hours, has acted splendidly in two very bad cases, characterized by violent, noisy delirium, and complete Insomnia.

Dentition:DISORDERS DURING- Chamomilla (fretfulness and sour diarrhoea); Aconite (feverishness); Belladonna, Ver-Vir., or Gelsemium) head symptoms, and convulsions, with redness of the face); Kreas. (emaciation, great irritability, wakefulness and constipation); Calc-C. (too early or too late); Phyto., Mercurius Sol., Silicea (in tubercular), Bacil. (occasional doses).

Depression of Spirits: Arsenicum(with emaciation); Mercurius, Nux V., Podoph. (with biliousness or liver derangement); Ignatia (from nervous causes and mental emotion); Pulsatilla, Platina, Cimic. (in females, with deranged menstruation); Aurum K-Bromium (suicidal tendency); Ac-Phosphorus (with nervous debility); Arnica (with much sighing and weak heart); Secale, Sulphur, China, Lycopodium, Plumb., Spigelia, Helleb. Warm baths, for short periods.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."