The Clinical Directory


Enteralgia: see Bowels: PAIN IN: also Colic.

Enteric-fever (Typhoid Fever); Baptisia, Gelsemium (earliest symptoms); Arsenicum (developed disease), Ipecac. (excessive diarrhoea); also with Epistaxis); Ver-Alb. (involuntary diarrhoea); Arsenicum, Ac-Mur., or Rhus (extreme prostration); Terebintha or Ac-Nit, (intestinal haemorrhage); Phosphorus, Bryonia (lung complication); Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Opi. (brain disturbance); A-Phosphorus, China. Ammon-Carb., Nux V. (debility Following).

Enteritis (Inflammation of the bowels); Aconite alt. Merc-Cor., Merc- Dulcamara, Ver-Vir., Arsenicum Also hot fomentations, and a wet compress afterwards.

Enuresis: see Urine: INCONTINENCE OF.

Epilepsy: RECENT- Ignatia (in children and females): Viscum (menorrhagic subjects); Ac-Hydriody., k-Hydriod., Belladonna in 3 to 5 drop doses, stram., Ceonanth-Croc, Ver-Vir., Arg-Nit.

CHRONIC- Belladonna, Bufo., Cup-M., Arg-Nit., Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Zincum met., Calc-C., Sulphur; Opi. (fits in sleep); Cina Teuc., Ign =. (from worms); Nux V., Agaricus, Ceonanth-Croc., Opi., Cocc. (from alcohol); Phosphorus, Ac-Phosphorus, China, Nuph., Arg-Nit., Ferrum, (from sexual excesses); Plumb., Arsenicum, Cicuta, Zizia Scutel, K.Bromium

Epistaxis: see Nose. BLEEDING FROM.

Erection: ABNORMAL- Ac-Phosphorus, Ac-Picr., Lycopodium, or Nuph. (feeble and painful); Aconite, Belladonna, Gelsemium (spasmodic).

See also Chordee.

Eructations: Nux V., Bryonia, Arg-Nit., Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Rob., Iris, Ac- Sulph., Calc-C., Arsenicum, Carbo V., Nux Mosch.

See Dyspepsia.

Eruptions: GENERAL- Rhus (vesicular with much itching); Sulph., Mercurius (non-vesicular, with excessive itching, worse in warmth); Bryonia (popular, burning itching); Aconite (recent burning itching, dryness of the skin); Arsenicum, Phyto. (chronic, much burning, and formation of scales); Ant-T., Hepar, Seneg. (Pustular); Apis., Ledum (similar to bee-stings, with itching, and oedematous swelling); Cantharis (patchy eruption, with superficial redness, and burning); Belladonna (bright red patches); Pulsatilla (similar to Measles); Calc-., Rhus, Viola Tric., graphites (formation of scabs); Hep-S. (dry scabs); Staphysagria (sinking); Silicea, Sepia, Phyto., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Clem.

SUPPRESSED- Sulph., Bryonia, Ant-T., Camph., Pulsatilla

See also Eczema, Psoriasis, Herpes, Acne, Nettle-rash, etc.

Erysipelas: Aconite or Ver-Vir. int. and ext. (at commencement and occasionally during its course); Belladonna (bright renders with very little swelling: also when brain is involved); Apis (much swelling); Rhus (simples vesicular); Cantharis int. and as a lotion (F.29) (vesicular with much burning; also for Arnica- erysipelas); Ver-Vir. (vesicular, with severe head symptoms); Arsenicum Lachesis (much prostration); Sulph. (chronic). Also Ver-Vir. O ext., 10 to 20 drops to eight ounces of water, or pure tinct. as a paint. Also Glycerole of Belladonna or Ver-Verbascum (F.13) covered with muslin.

Erythema (a superficial inflammatory redness of the skin); Belladonna, Aconite, Apis, K-Bich., Nux V., Ferrum, Rhus (E. nodosum).

Excitement: MENTAL- EFFECTS OF- Aconite, Belladonna (headache and palpitation); Coffea (sleeplessness); Chamomilla (with bilious derangement); Nux vomica

Excoriation: Chamomilla (in infants); Lycopodium, Sulphur, Merc-Sol., Calc-C. (unhealthy subjects); Calendula or Hydras. ext.

PREVENTION OF Tepid washing, careful drying, and Calendula lot., morning and night, for the earliest symptoms. Starch powder, r a weak solution of Borax. Bismuth powder.

Excrescences: IN WOUNDS. ETC- Ac-Nit., Carbo An., Silicea, Ac- Carbol, Ext. (for “proud flesh”); Arsenicum, Ant-C., Phosphorus, Lach, Thuja, Phyto.

See also Warts.

Exhaustion and Fatigue: MENTAL- Ac-Phosphorus, Nux V., Gelsemium, Calc- C., Ignatia, Anacardium, Silicea, Ac-Pic.

MUSCULAR or PHYSICAL- Arnica, Ruta. Rhus., Hydras. Arnica bath, strong beef tea, see Myalgia.

Exophthalmic Goitre: see Goitre: EXOPHTHALMIC.

Expectoration: see Cough: Moist.

Extremities: see Hands, Feet, etc.

Eyes: ACHING OF, and PAIN IN- Spigelia, Cimic.; Ruta, Euphr, Jabor., Arnica int. and ext. (from over-use); Nux V. (over-use, especially by artificial light); Gelsemium (pain in the eyes with dizziness); Euphr. )profuse lachrymation); Aconite, Belladonna (burning in eyeballs, with frontal headache).

BLACK- Arnica or Hamamelis ext.


BLOOD-SHOT-Aconite (recent. from cold); Belladonna; Arnica (from mechanical causes-sneezing, foreign bodies, etc.); Arsenicum (chronic; also with ulceration of cornea); Spigelia, Cact., Sulphur (tubercular Ophthalmia).

INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite, Euphr., Mercurius, Arg-Nit., Macrot., Sulphur (catarrhal); Merc-Cor., Belladonna, Coni., Nux V., Spigelia, Gelsemium (great intolerance of light); Arsenicum Ant-T. (great intolerance, with tubercular Ophthalmia); Clem., Calc-C, Hep-S., Iodium, Hydras., Sulphur (chronic tubercular). In Ophthalmia, the instillation of Atropine -gr. j. ad. aq. distill 3zj-giving Belladonna internally at the same time, and afterward Sulph. or Arsenicum, is almost invariably successful. Mercurius, Ac-Nit., Aurum, K-Hydriod., Thuja (syphilitic); Arg-Nit., Calcarea C. (in infants); Arsenicum (corneal ulceration); Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Mercurius, Ant-T., Sulphur (following the eruptive fever). Also Calendula ext. (for soreness); Euphr. (profuse discharge of tears). Poultice- An excellent poultice may be made by mixing a pinch of powdered alum with a tablespoonful of cream, and clotting the whole by means of a gentle heat. This not only relieves the pain, but also reduces the inflammation and prevents agglutination of the eyelids.

OVER-USE OF- see above.

SPECKS or SPORTS FLOATING BEFORE- Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Cocc., Coni., Mercurius, Ruta. Chelidonium, Solanum (rings and gauze before the eyes); Ferri Cit. et Quin. (from Anaemia); Kali Hydriod. (chronic).

WEAKNESS OF-Ruta int. and ext.; Sulph., Phosphorus Iodium; Ver-Vir. (dimness from congestion). Baptisia, Ac-Oxal., Nux-Mosch.

WOUNDS OF- Aconite alt. Arnica; Arnica or Calendula ext.-n weak lotion.

See also Sight and Amblyopia.

Eyelids: AGGLUTINATION OF- Merc-Cor., Calc-C., Hep-S., Sulphur, K- Bich., Pulsatilla, Graphites


GRANULAR-Merc-Cor., Arsenicum, K., Bich., Graphites, Hep-S., Sulphur Calc- S., Pulsatilla, Phyto., Zincum met.

STYE ON- Pulsatilla, alt. Aconite; Hep-S., Sulphur, Calc-C., Apis, Merc- Iodium, And ointment of (F.51); Thuja (chronic); Sulph. or Staphysagria (to prevent recurrence).

VESICLES ON- Rhus, Hep-S. Also calend. or Euphr. ext.

Face: ACHE-Aconite (from cold or depressing influences”); Belladonna (redness of the face and brain-disturbance); cham. and Merc-S. alt. every two or three hours (one-sided face-ache from cold); Colc., Cimic. (severe neuralgic shooting or cutting pains); Arsenicum (periodical), Spigelia (pain extending to the orbits); Gelsemium (with twitching of the face); Chelidonium (morning neuralgia; or from hepatic disorder); Cimic, (with uterine derangement); Chamomilla (with swelling and irritability); Chin-Sulph., I or IX trit. (face-ache relieved by pressing a cold object on the cheek, or by walking up and down a room).

See also Gum-boil, Toothache, and Neuralgia.

PALE AND SUNKEN- Arsenicum (emaciation); Ferrum, Helonias (anaemia; see also Anaemia); Calc-C., Iodium, Ac-Phosphorus; China or Cin. (from worms).

REDNESS OF- Nux V. (flushing after meals); Aconite (from excitement), or Belladonna (scarlet redness), Melilotus; Sepia (flushes); Ferrum, Carbo Veg.

SALLOW- Mercurius, China, Bryonia, Podoph., Arsenicum

SWELLING OF- Belladonna (with bright redness); cham. (with toothache); Apis (puffy swelling). Local applications of hot and moist chamomile or elder flowers in flannel. See also Gum-boils.

Faeces:Bryonia (very large); Mercurius pale and costive, with depressed spirits); Nux V., Collinsonia Ix trit. (hard and large, and expelled only after frequent effort); Nux V. (when the difficulty arises from irritable spasm of sphincter); Sulph. (knotty); Plumb. (dark, hard, small balls); Opi. (dark and knotty, with great torpor of the bowels); Alumina (soft but difficult); Digitalis (white); Graphites (hard and knotty); Arsenicum, China, or Ferrum (containing undigested food); Arsenicum, Ver-Alb. (watery): Secale, Phosphorus, or Ac- Phos (passed involuntarily); Pul., Chamomilla, Caps., or Mercurius (mucous); Lept. (black).

See also Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc.

Fainting: Mosch. or Camph. by olfaction: Aconite, Opi.(from fright); Nux V., Mosch. Also the HORIZONTAL POSTURE.

TENDENCY TO- IOD. (from constitutional causes); China (from loss of Fluids); Arsenicum (great debility); Ver-Alb. (coldness and blueness of the skin, with clammy sweat); Nux mosch, (neurotic patients who wake early with a dry mouth); Chamomilla, Cocc., or Ignatia(hysterical)

Faintness: SENSE OF AT EPIGASTRIUM- Cimic., Gelsemium, Lept.

Falls and Stuns: see Contusion, and Brain, Spine, etc.

Famine-Fever: see Relapsing Fever.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."