The Clinical Directory

Muscae Volitantes (the debris of cell, shreds of tissue or fibre, chiefly caused by over-use of the eyes, and appearing like transparent beads or shreds, or dark, singular-shaped bodies, floating about in the vitreous humour, and changing their position with every movement of the eye); Mercurius, Ac-Nit. (from liver disorder); Digitalis (weak, slow beating of heart); Ver-Alb. (weak, irregular, or quick action of heart); Phosphorus, Terebintha (kidney disorder); Mosch., Agaricus (nervousness); Phosphorus or Ac-Phosphorus (sexual excesses); Phosphorus (general debility); K-Hydriod. (obstinate cases), Nux V. Rest of the eyes is necessary, and the general health tint glasses may be worm to render the spots less visible, if they are very troublesome.

See also Amaurosis, Sight, Eyes, Etc.

Myalgia (pain in the muscles); Ver-Vir., (prostration of the muscular system, and muscular rheumatism); Gelsemium (with feverishness, etc.); Arnica (from over-exertion); Bryonia, Gelsemium, Rhus (with inflammation); Cimic., Ammon-Mur., Causticum, Bryonia, Dulcamara, Valer. An Arnica bath is an excellent remedy for great fatigue of the body generally.

Myopia (near-sightedness): Belladonna, Spigelia, Macrot., Aconite (irritability, congestion or inflammation). Suitable glasses should be worn.

Naevus: Thuja 30 int. and Thuja O ext. Kreasote-water one drop of Kreas. O to 8 of water, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Arnica Carbonic Acid Snow applied locally or the use of Radium.

Nails: DISEASE OF- Mercurius, Graphites, Silicea, Ant-Crud., Alumin., Ars- A. Ingrowing toe nail, Magnet-Austral. in high potency. For the local treatment, Hydrastis ointment. (In my experience local operative measures have rarely been called for, but the following has been of service. Ed.) An ingrowing nail may be remedied by softening it in warm water, and then paring very thin the centre top of the nail in the line of the toe, and making a V-shaped excision in the centre at the end of the nail; the ingrowing portion should not be cut. The daily application of a solution of Ferr-Perchlor., according to Dr. A.C Clifton, never fails. Prevention- Broad toed boots. A knowledge of the causes is necessary for the cure and prevention of this affection; these are, chiefly- small-toed boots, and over-darned stockings. It is not the nail but the skin that is at fault. It is the morbidly sensitive and rapidly growing skin, which, becoming thickened and ulcerated, overlaps the nail and occasions the pain.

Nausea: Ipecac., Nux V., Kreas., Ant-T., Ant-C., Cocc., Lobel., Iris, Tabac., Apomorphia.

See also Dyspepsia, Vomiting, etc.

Neck: STIFFNESS OF- Ant-T., Aconite (from a draught); Dulcamara (from damp); Bryonia, Cimic, Belladonna, Phyto., Rhus.

See also crick in the Neck and Wry-Neck.

Necrosis: see Bone.

Nephritis: see Kidneys: INFLAMMATION OF and Bright’s Disease.

Nervous Debility: see Debility.

Nervousness: Off. (with sleeplessness); Chamomilla (restlessness, irritability, and sensitiveness, without ideal disturbance); Ignatia (extreme sensitiveness, pains in various parts, hemicrania, sensation as of a ball in the throat, etc.); Hyoscyamus (perverted brain-function; restless, dreamful sleep, or sleeplessness); Agaricus (pains as from icy cold points, twitchings, tremors, etc.); Borax (noise intolerable); Aconite, Nux V., (from anxiety, night- watching, etc.); Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Arsenicum, Ac-Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Scutell., Cimic., Cyprip., K-Bromium, Zincval., Ambra. Exercise and out of door air.

See also Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, etc.

Nettle-Rash: Aconite (feverishness); Rhus., Apis: Pulsatilla (from food which disagrees); Arsenicum (when cause by on irritable stomach); Dulcamara (from chill and wetting Ant-C., Copaiva, Hydras., Bryonia (sudden retrocession); Urt-U.

Neuralgia: IN THE FACE AND HEAD- Belladonna (redness of the affected part. sensitiveness to noise); Arsenicum (burning and tearing pains, intermittent or periodic, worse at night or during rest, with extreme restlessness and anguish; especially in weak persons); Ver-Vir. (from cold); Acon- (facial neuralgia from cold, anxiety, with palpitations, quickened, full pulse; and in plethoric persons); Spigelia (head, face, eyes, and orbits involved, aggravated by stooping and movement); Coloc. (sudden violent lancinations, extending from the point of origin to a distance, chiefly on the left side); Chamomilla, Mercurius S. (extreme sensitiveness and irritability, especially in children and females); Coffea (nerve-pains, with restlessness and sleeplessness); China, Sulph-Quin. (from malaria, loss of animal fluids, etc.); Chelid. with liver derangement); pain over right eye); Cimic., Gelsemium, Sticta., Nit of Strych., Nux V., Staphysagria, Coni; Belladonna liniment (f. 23), Cedron., Arg-Nit., Kali Iodium, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, are also useful remedies. Locally, applications of Tinct. Plantago O as a paint.

See also Toothache, and Headache: NERVOUS.

INTERCOSTAL- Cimic. (infra-mammary pain, especially in females); Arsenicum (in debilitated patients); Ran-Bulb., Rhododendron, Arnica; Be;;. liniment (F. 23).

IN THE BONES- Zincum met.

OF THE EXTREMITIES- Rhododendron, Arsenicum See also Sciatica, Hemicrania, Lumbago, etc.

Nightmare: Nux V. (from indigestion); China (with oppression); Sulph. (with palpitation); Aconite, Pulsatilla Light digestible diet, out-of-door recreation, and a quickly taken sponge-bath, with vigorous friction daily; suppers or very late dinners, stimulants, fatigue and too many or heavy bedclothes, are to be avoided.

Night-Sweats: Often encouraged by overloading the patient with bed clothes. Thorough ventilation and fewer blankets will no much to diminish night sweats. Ac-Phosphorus, Calc-C., China, Arsenicum, Hep- S., Sambucus, Sulphur, Ipecac.; Mercurius (profuse sour perspiration- not hectic). Sponging with tepid water and vinegar. Dr. Douglas recommends Bryonia and Gelsemium for continued and profuse sweats, and adds, “No-things has answered so well with me in the colliquative sweat of Phthisis as the two remedies.”

See also Hectic-Fever.

Nipples: SORE- Sulph., Chamomilla, Silicea, Phell. (pain after each suckling); Croton tig. (shooting-pains from nipple to shoulder blade); Calendula or Arnica lot. ext.; or Glycerole of Ver-Vir. (F. 13), or Hydras. (F. 6), or Tinct. of Benzoin, P.B., Ac-Benz. lotion (F. 30), Frequently allied, and not removed till next nursing; the nipple to be washed before applying the child.

Nodes: Silicea; K-Bich. (soft nodes on the scalp); K-Hydriod., Phyto. (syphilitic nodes, with nightly pain); Aurum

Noise: IN THE EARS AND HEAD- Belladonna, Sulph-Quin., China (with deafness); Nux V., Gelsemium m Causticum, Petrol., Graphites, Sulphur

SENSITIVENESS TO-Belladonna Chamomilla, Coffea, Ignatia, cann-Ind., Nux V., Borax (extreme cases).

Nose: BLEEDING FROM- Ipecac., Ac-Sulph., Arnica (from a blow); Aconite (full pulse, and in the plethoric); Belladonna (flowing freely, with congestion); Croc. (dark, stringy blood); Bryonia (preceded or accompanied by severe headache); Hamamelis (dark, fluid, frequent); Millefolium, China (frequent recurrence); Phosphorus Nux vomica, Ferr-Phosphorus

CATARRH OF-Mercurius, Arsenicum, Nux V., Pulsatilla; Teuc. by inhalation; put five drops into a little water in the hollow of the hand, and inhale this preparation two or three times a day.

See also Cold in the Head.

FOETOR FROM- Iodium (putrid ulceration of the lining membrane in tubercular patients); Elaps., Mercurius, Iodium, Aurum, K-Bich., Formic., Ruf.

See also Ozeana.

INFLAMMATION OF- Belladonna; Aconite (acute); Sulph. (chronic).

See also Ozaena.


SORENESS OF- Arsenicum, Mercurius, Graphites, Sulphur, Aurum

See also cold in the Head.

Obesity: Arsenicum, Calc-C., Ferrum, K-Hydriod, Sulphur These remedies should be aided by a suitable dietary, excluding all articles of food and drink which contain an excess of starch, or saccharine elements. Daily open-air exercise is also necessary. Lemon juice, a teaspoonful in a little water sweetened, three times a day, if it does not disagree.

Oedema: see Dropsy: LOCAL.

Oesophagus: SPASM OF- Ver-Vir.

Offensive Breath: see Breath: FOETID.

Onanism: see- Abuse, also Spermatorrhoea.

Ophthalmia: CATARRHAL- Aconite, Belladonna, Euphr., Mercurius

NEONATORUM: Arg-Nit., Aconite; and later, Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Hep-S. Frequent ablutions with tepid water are essential used will often alone suffice.

PURULENT- Hep-S., Ac-Nit., Arg-Nit., Calc-C., Iodium, Clem., Sulphur

TUBERCULAR-Merc-Cor., Belladonna, Ant-T., Euphr. (acute); Calc-C., Clem., Hep-S., Arsenicum, Sulphur (chronic).

SYPHILITIC- Merc, Ac-Nit., Aurum


Otorrhoea: see Ears: DISCHARGE FROM.

Ovaries: INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite, Belladonna, Merc-Iodium, Pulsatilla, Hamamelis, Coni., Platina (with induration). Dr. Moore recommends Merc-S 3X and Bryonia IX when the pain extends towards the hip or upwards; Phosphorus when the pain extends downwards along the inner side of the thigh; and Cimic. and Pulsatilla When Pleurodynia co-exists.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."