The Clinical Directory

The Clinical Directory. THE Clinical Directory, as it originally appeared, was highly appreciated, and proved to be of effective service; we have, therefore, very c…

THE Clinical Directory, as it originally appeared, was highly appreciated, and proved to be of effective service; we have, therefore, very carefully revised and enlarged it. In its preparation we have to acknowledge the valuable aid of may homoeopathic physicians who have contributed the results of their practical experience. If any errors have crept in, we shall be glad to have them pointed out; we shall also be thankful to receive useful suggestions for future improvement.

It will be at once obvious that a ready and successful use of this Clinical Directory necessitates a previous knowledge of Materia Medica, as well as professional skill in diagnosing disease, and only be of service to refresh the memory. Varied knowledge, observation, and tact are essential in the art of prescribing, the perfection of which lies in the power of discrimination in individual cases, and of bringing into one focus the circumstances of parentage, habits of life, tendencies to diseased action, idiosyncrasies, etc., that may complicate them. To the qualifications just mentioned, must be added that of long practice. The clinical Directory will, however, be found generally useful if consulted in connection with the preceding Materia Medica.

A few abbreviations are used, the chief of which are the following: alt., for alternately, or in alternation with; int. for internally or internal use; ext., for externally or local use; the letter F., with a number attached, refers to the Appendix of Formulae which follows the Directory, as F.28.


Abdomen: DISTENDED – Silicea Sulph., Lycopodium, Arsenicum (in tubercular children); Cin. (from worms);Iodium, Phyto., Ferrum Mur. m. ij. ter die. Calcarea C., Arsenicum Iodium 3x trit., Mercurius Iodium; Baptisia (enteric fever); Digitalis Terebintha, Arsenicum (Dropsy; see Ascites); Coloc., or Nux V.(Tympanitis); Cimic. (pains shooting across); China, Carbo V., Iris.

PAIN IN – see Bowels.

Abscess: THREATENED – Belladonna or Apis., Mercurius Sol. if above fail.

ACUTE – Aconite or Belladonna Hepar sulph.

Arnica (early stage, and from an injury); Mercurius S. Poultices.

CHRONIC. Sil, ChinaO (in 3 to 5 drop doses). Phosphorus, Bary. Carb. Sulph., Hepar S., Calcarea C., Ac. Phosphorus, Silicea, Aurum (from diseased bone); Calendula lotion.

OF LIVER – See Liver.

MAMMARY – See Breast.

TUBERCULAR. Calcarea Iodium, Calcarea C., sil., Sulphur, Aurum, Arsenicum Iodium, Ac. Carbol.

Acidity (Heartburn): Nux V., Bryonia, Puls., Carbo V., Iris V., Anacardium O.; Lycopodium, (in elderly persons); Calcarea C. or Rob. (chronic acidity). (F. 61.) See also Dyspepsia.

Acne (Pimples): Belladonna (in the plethoric); Ac. Phosphorus; Bary. Carb., Calcarea C.; K.Bromium, K. Hydriod., Jug. C., Arsenicum, K. Bromium, Carb. An., Calcarea C., Lappa 3x, Pic. ac. 3 (during menstruation), Sepia Rumex O int., and Rumex and Sulph. ointment ext. (F. 56); Borax, Sulphur, int., and ext. (Sulphur. sometimes aggravates).

ROSACEA – Ant. C., Rhus Rad., Arsenicum, Apis, Carbo An.; Agaricus int. and ext., Nux V. or Opi (if from spirit drinking);Rhus, Mercurius (Young persons); Rhus, Mercurius (young persons); Belladonna, Arsenicum (severe and chronic cases); locally Hypochlorite of Sulph. (F. 58.)

After pains: see Labour.

Ague: China, or Sulph. Quin. IX trit.; Arsenicum (chronic and undefined cases); Cedr.,?Nat. Mur. (after abuse of Quinine), Carbo vegetabilis: Ipecac. (much gastric disturbance, with nausea); Nux V., Verbascum Alb. (chill predominating); Verbascum Alb. (severe and obstinate cases); Bryonia (chill stage); Gelsemium (hot stage); Sulph. Quin., Arsenicum (in the apyrexia), Cit. of Iron and Quin. gr. j. thrice daily (enlarged spleen following Ague); Acid Phosphorus, Terebintha

Albuminuria: see Bright’s Disease.

Alcohol: EFFECTS OF – Nux V., V., Belladonna, Caps. (large doses given in sugar water), Agaricus, Opi., Arsenicum; Digitalis, K. Bromium, Strych., Sulphur Quin. (with tremors); Ant. T. (gastric irritation).

See Delirium Tremens in Chap. on POISONS.

Alopecia (Loss of hair); see Hair.

Amblyopia (impaired vision from any cause except that of optical defect; incipient Amaurosis): Ac. Phosphorus, China, Ferrum, Arsenicum, Anacardium, Phosphorus (from debilitating causes); Aconite, Arnica, Ruta. Nux V. IX, Gelsemium IX, Macrot. IX trit (from over – use of the eyes); Cimic. (aching in eyeballs); Spigelia Coloc. (great pain in the eyes); Belladonna or Spigelia (congested appearance of the eyes); Cact. (hyperaemia of the optic nerve); Lithium carb. (partial or threatened Hemiopia). Warm fomentation at night relieve the discomfort in and about the eyes. Further, a nourishing diet and sufficient rest and sleep should also be prescribed.

see also Sight, and Eyes.

Amenorrhoea (delayed, suppressed, or deficient menstruation): see Menstruation).

Anaemia:Ferrum Red., Ferrum Pyro – Phosphorus, China (from haemorrhage); Helonias IX, Ac – Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Iodium, Mercurius, Macrot., Nat – mur., Silicea, Arg – Nit. Cold sponging with great caution.

Anasarca: see dropsy: GENERAL. Aneurism: Barayta carbonica, K – Hydride, in large doses, Calcarea, Phosphorus, Iodium, Lycopodium; Aconite, Ver – Vir. (for arterial excitement); Surgical treatment is often necessary.

Anger: EFFECTS OF – Aconite (Palpitation and arterial excitement); Chamomilla (bilious derangement); Bryonia(headache); Belladonna or Hyoscyamus (brain disturbance); Nux V., Staphysagria

Dr. Nankivell, of York communicated to us a case of partial Paralysis of the tongue, with thick speech and slow utterance, the effect of anger, rapidly cured by Aconite

Angina: see Throat, Croup. etc.

Angina Pectoris: Arsenicum, Cact., Digitalis, Ver – Vir., Ver – Alb., Hep – S., Iodium, Strych., Naja, China, puls., Aurum, Strophanth.

PAROXYSM OF – Digitalis (very slow, labouring pulse); Chloric Ether, Ac — Hydrocy.; Aconite, Cimic., Spig, Nitrite of Amyl, inhalation of 3 to 5 drops. Brandy should not be forgotten

Ankles: SPRAINED: See Sprain.

SWOLLEN- Apis, Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, Ferrum, China. Also REST in the horizontal position.

WEAK- Calc-Phosphorus almost specific. Calc-Iod, Calc-c., Phosphorus, Sulphur, Thuja, Nat-carb.

Antigalactics (medicines for diminishing the secretion of milk); Cal-c., Bryonia, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla

Anus: CONSTRICTED NUX V. )spasmodic closure of the sphincter ani); modic closure of the sphincter ani); Plumb., Belladonna, Graphites, nitricum acidum Dilatation may be necessary.

FISSURED AND SORE- Graphites, Acid nitricum, Aescul., K-Hydriod. Paeonia. Glycerole of Hydras, or Calendula locally (F.66 04 11).

FISTULA OF- Silicea, Causticum, Graphites, nitricum acidum, Sulphur, Calc-C.; Ac- Nit., Hamamelis With Glyc. (F. 5) ext.; Injection of Hamamelis lotion (F. 40) (associated with Glycerole of Starch medicated with the same (F.3).

ITCHING OF- Sulph., Ac-Nit., Ignatia, Thuja, Arsenicum, Ambra. Also for ext., use to be applied three or four times daily (F.I, 10, 39, or 50).

ITCHING OF, FROM WORMS- Cin., Ignatia, 6, Teuc. See also Worms.

PAIN IN Aescul.

PROLAPSED- Podoph. (at each stool with squirting Diarrhoea); Ruta. Nux V. (with Constipation); Graphites (with Constipation and piles); Aloes (with piles and great irritation); Ignatia )in children); Lycopodium (in children); Mercurius, Ac-Nit., Aescul., Hamamelis, extract with Glyc.and water (F.5) as an injection, or phyto. int. and Phyto. O 3j. and Glyc. of Starch (F.2).. Dr. H. Wheeler uses an injection of Ferr-Mur. 3j ad aq. 3zviij.

Anxiety, care, Grief, etc: EFFECTS OF- Ignatia, Ac-phos., Anacardium, China, Aconite, Gelsemium, Nux V.

Aphasia: see Aphonia.

Aphonia: Causticum, K-Hydriod. (syphilitic); Phyto. (complete or partial loss of voice); Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Gloninum, Carbo V. (catarrhal); Ant-T. (from cold, with bronchial rales); Ignatia or Nux V. (nervous and hysterical); Galvanism.

CHRONIC-Phosphorus, Carbo V., K-Bich., Hep-S )wheezing).

FROM OVER-USE OF THEE VOICE- Causticum (high voice). K-Bich., Phosphorus, Arnica, Bary-Carb.

Aphthae: Mercurius, Box., K-Chlorum, Ant-T. (with vomiting of milk after nursing); Arsenicum (ulcerous); Ac-Sulphs. Ix (ulcerous in adults); Borax, Hydras., Ac-Carbol. IX or Sanguinaria, one part of any, to about twelve to fifteen parts of water, as a wash; or (F.4); Sulphurous Acid Spray; or (F.7) (ulcerating Aphthae).

Apoplexy: EARLY SYMPTOMS- Aconite alt. Belladonna every hour, and fomentations to the head of hot water every two hours; Gloninum (throbbing headache in temples and full sensation). Amyl-Nit., Aconite, Nux V., Belladonna, Gelsemium, Aster-rub.

FIT OR-Aconite (full quick strong pulse); Belladonna (great redness of the face, and convulsive movements); Opi (bloated, dusky-red face, stupor, and stertor); Phosphorus, Cocc., Rhus., Lycopodium, Arnica (after-effects).

PREVENTIVES-NUX V., Aconite, Phosphorus, Mercurius; Also. Avoidance of stimulating food and drink (especially beer), over-eating, excitement, haste, exposure to the hot sun, heated rooms, etc.

Appendicitis: Obtain a surgeon’s opinion. Locally Glyc. of Belladonna or Ver-Vir. applied in compress, 3i. to 3ziv. Internally. Belladonna, Mercurius Corr., Lachesis, Arsen., Bryonia Crot. H. For recurrent attacks consider the advisability of operation. Iris Tenax is sometimes of great service for pains in appendix region after an attack of appendicitis; also Iodine and Graphites.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."