The Clinical Directory

See also Biliousness, etc.

HOB-NAILED- se Cirrhosis.

INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite Bry-or Merc-Cor., Hep-S. (threatened abscess).

Liver-Spots:Sulph., Sepia, Borax, Lycopodium Lochia: ABNORMAL- see under Labour.

Lock Jaw: see Tetanus.

Locomotor Ataxy: Belladonna, Atrop., Zinc, Arg-nit., Mag-phos., Kali, Iodium, Secal., Phosphorus, Alumina, Lathyrus, Sulphur

Low-Fever: see Enteric Fever.

Lumbago: Aconite (recent); Rhus, Rad. (pains worse during rest and at night); from a cold; chronic); Arnica (from severe exertion); Ant-T., Aconite, Dulcamara, Colchicum, Berberis, Arnica, Or Rhus liniments (F. 22,26), rubbed in before a fire, or medicated compresses, are very useful.

See also Crick in the Back.

Lungs: ABSCESSES IN- Aconite, Iodium, Arsenicum, China, Silicea, Hep-S.

CONGESTION OF- Phosphorus, Aconite, K-Bich., Ver-Vir. (from Chill), Arsenicum (cardiac complication); Belladonna, Ant., T., Ver-Vir. (from cold), ars., Iodium

CONSUMPTION OF- see Phthisis Pulmonalis.

GANGRENE OF- Arsenicum, China., Lachesis, Carb. v., Caps.

HAEMORRHAGE FROM- Aconite, Hamamelis, Kreas., Phosphorus, Ipecac., Ferrum, Millefolium,; Arnica (if from injury).

INFLAMMATION OF- Acon, Phos, or Bryonia; Ant-T, (broncho-pneumonia, and in children); Sulph, Chelid,

See Pneumonia.

PARALYSIS OF- Phos, Opi, Ant-t, Bary-carb.

Lupus: Ars, Phyto, Sulph, Iod, or Hydras, Int, and ext.; Bacil. Local injections of tuberculin are sometimes very effective, especially Rosenbach’s Tuberculin. X-rays and Ultra-violet rays are valuable.

Lymphatic Glands: ENLARGED- Acon, Cistus, Merc-iod, Bary-Carb, dulc, Bell, Aur-Mur, Coni, Rhus, (indurated); Sulph, Sil, Calcarea carbonica, Iodium (as constitutional remedies).

Mammary Abscess: see Breast.

Masturbation: see Spermatorrhoea.

Measles: Aconite (fever) Puls; Euphr, (lachrymation and coryza); K.-Bich. (laryngeal cough); Gels, Bry, (when the eruption does not comes out well), also hot blanket pack; Bell (sore throat, brain symptoms); Ver-vir. (congestion of the lungs, nausea etc.); Mercurius-iod. (glandular swellings); Phosphorus (chest symptoms); Ammon-Carb. (malignant); Sulph (deficient eruption, intense headache, and tendency to comes; also during convalescence to prevent sequelae. Inunction with oil morning and night. Other useful remedies are Rhus Tox, Camph, and Opi,

FALSE- (Roseola)- Acon-int, and ext.; Rhus, Bell,


Megrim: see Hemicrania.

Melancholia: see hypochondriasis.

Memory: WEAKNESS OR LOSS OF- Ac. Phos, Anac, Zinc, Alum, Aur, Ign, Verat, Bary-Carb,

Meningitis: SIMPLE- Acon, Bell, Bry, Apis.

SYPHILITIC-Merc, K-Hydriod.


TUBERCULAR-Belladonna; Bacill, Hell, Calc-Phosphorus (when effusion has taken place); Calc-C.

Sulph, Apis,

Menopausia: see Menstruation: CESSATION OF.

Menorrhagia: see Menstruation: PROFUSE.

Menstruation: DELAY OF THE FIRST -Puls, Ferr, Sep, Cycl, Sulph, Phosphorus; Aconite (disturbed circulation.) See Sitz-bath, under Menstruation: SCANTY.

MEMBRANOUS-Borax grs. v. ter die (profuse discharge at one time and scanty at another, with severe labour-like pains in the back, hips, and hypogastric region).

PAINFUL (Dysmenorrhoea)-Secale (expulsive, forcing pain, with dark, coagulated, or scanty discharge); Collinsonia (piles, constipation. etc.); Senec. (scanty or profuse flow); Gelsemium, Caulophyllum (spasmodic pains); Cimic. (rheumatic patients); Cham, Coff, Xanth. (neuralgic pains); Cocc. (colicky pain); Hamamelis (ovarian irritation); Bell, Acon, Ign, Plat, Sabi, Viburnum Opulus; Macrot, Cimic, for a fortnight before the period (habitually painful). “K.-Hydriod, and K-Brom, at the intervals of the periods. and Senec. or Gelsemium at the periods, I have found most reliable in violent cases” (Dr Moore) During the interval sponge the bowels and lower part of the back with water at too three minutes, with cold water one minute, morning and night. Sitz-baths are also very useful, either hot or cold, or cold alone. Local packing. Shower and needle baths. Pail douches. Wash down (Dr. W.Johnson). The sitz-bath, taken daily, modifies ungratified sexual excitement, and lessens the temptation to masturbation, both fruitful causes of painful menstruation. The pressure of stays and skirts displaces the womb, and weakens the spine; the dress should, therefore, receive proper attention.

IRREGULAR or INFREQUENt- China (when profuse and consisting of dark lumps); Pulsatilla, Cyclamen (scanty); Iodium or Phosphorus (gradually diminishing); Sep V., Vell., Sulphur, Senec.

SCANTY- Pulsatilla (simple cases); Ferrum, Helonias (with anaemia); Belladonna, Aconite (in full-blooded patients); Mercurius (sallow complexion, liver derangement, etc.); Arg-Nit. (watery discharge); Graphites (constipation, and unhealthy skin); Sepia (chlorotic appearance, leucorrhoea, etc.); Phosphorus constitutional delicacy); chronic diarrhoea; tendency to chest-disease); K- Carb., Dulcamara, Sulphur, Cyclamen, Platina, Nat-Mur., Bary-Carb. A sitz=bath (58 degree – 60 degree) from 5 to 15 minutes at bedtime; legs, feet and shoulders to be warmly covered; after bath, the patient to be well rubbed till warm, then instantly retire to bed: excellent for Amenorrhoea and other functional disorders.

EXCESSIVE- Secale (dark or foul discharge, in lumps, with severe pains previous to expulsion); Croc. (dark and clotted, clots long and tenacious, especially in patients with dim sight); Sabi. (bright-red, with pain chiefly at first); Calc-C. (too early and too profuse, especially in patients who have cold, clammy feet); Aconite, Belladonna, (in plethoric patients); Hamamelis (profuse venous; Ipecac. (simple profuse bright-red discharge, with or without nausea); Hyoscyamus (nervous and hysteric patients); Phosphorus (mental and sexual excitement, sensitiveness, etc.); China (after excessive discharge); Senec., Ferrum, Iodium, Borax., Aloes., MAg-C., Ambra., Ac-Nit., Trill.


RECURRING TOO EARLY OR LASTING TOO LONG-Calc-C., Calc-Phosphorus (profuse); Secale, Sabi. (painful); Iodium (with emaciation); Trill., Platina (every two weeks); Nux V., Ferrum, Ignatia, China.

SUPPRESSED- Aconite, Opi., Ver-Alb. (fright); Coni., Senec., Sepia. Chronic). See Sitz-bath under Menstruation: SCANTY.

VICARIOUS-Bryonia, Hamamelis, Ferrum, Senec.

CESSATION OF- CRITICAL AGE- China, Ferrum (pressure and burning on the top of the head; profuse discharges); Lachesis (headache and sleeplessness; also flushes); Gloninum (rush of blood to the head, with throbbing and noises in the head or ears, giddiness); Cimic. or Ac-Hydrocy. (sinking at the stomach); Sulph. (Piles; flushes of heat; mental depression, etc.); Nit-Amy., Sanguinaria, Ac-Sulph, or Lachesis (flushes); Ambra (numbness and stinging in the arms); Sepia, Platina, Gelsemium, Cocc., Apocynum, Ign-A., Kali C.

See also Uterus, Miscarriage, etc.

Mental Weakness: Nux V., Sulphur, K-Bromium, Ac-Phosphorus, Anacardium, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Plumb. Zincum met.

See also Memory, Hypochondriasis, Brain-fag, etc.

Mesenteric Disease: see Tabes Mesenterica.

Metritis: see Uterus: INFLAMMATION OF.

Metrorrhagia: see Uterus: HAEMORRHAGE FROM.

Miliaria- Miliary-Fever: Aconite, Bryonia, Mercurius, Jaborandi.

Milk-Crust: Viola Tric., Iris., Rhus., Mez, Sepia, Phyto., Clem.; Calc-C., Silicea (chronic), Croton.

Milk-Fever: Aconite alt. Bryonia

See Lactation: ABNORMAL.

Milk-leg: see Phlegmasia Alba Dolens.

Miner’s Elbow: see Bunion.

Miscarriage. To PREVENT- Caulophyllum, Sabi., Sepia, Helonias, Secale; Nux V. (associated with constipation, producing straining, etc.); Calc- C., Sulphur (for tubercular patients). This remedy should be taken once or twice a day for one or two months previous to the period corresponding with that at which the former miscarriage occurred. If there be a tendency to constipation the bowels should be kept gently relaxed with olive oil, fruits, or one of the above remedies. Syphilis is the most frequent cause of repeated miscarriage, and if present must of course be treated.

THREATENED-Sabi. (free discharge of blood); Caulophyllum, Secale (severe expulsive pains); Chamomilla (if caused by anger, fright, etc.); Arnica(if from a fall, or other mechanical injury); Aconite, Pulsatilla, Cedr. A dose every twenty or forty minutes till the symptoms decline. Also rest on a mattress in a cool room, with quiet, avoidance of hot drinks, excitement, etc. Special care to be exercised at the times when. had not pregnancy existed, menstruation would have recurred.

Moles: see Naevus.

Morbus Coxae: See Joint Disease.

Morning-Sickness: see Pregnancy: DISORDERS OF.

Mortification: see Gangrene

Mouth: INFLAMMATION OR- K-Chlorum (simple cases, with exudation). Caps., Mercurius, Baptisia, Phyto., Vell., Nat-Mur., Mercurius, Cor.

CANKER OF- Mercurius, Arsenicum, Ac-Mur.(idiopathic); Ac-Nit., Carbo V., (mercurid); Phyto. lot. (F. 29), or Ac-Carbol. (F. 31), or Glycerole of Ac-Murc. (F. 7, as wash.

ULCERS-Mercurius with Ac-Nit as a wash; Arsenicum, Baptisia; Hydras lot. or gargle (F.41)

Mumps: Aconite (fever); Merc-Iodium, Merc-S. Carbo V. (swelling of the glands); Belladonna (brain implication); Pulsatilla (implication of the testicles or breasts); ointment of Belladonna extracts-gr. I to simple cerate I oz.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."