The Clinical Directory

OF THE CHEST- (intercostal muscles)- Bryonia, Arnica, Rhododendron, Rhus Rad., cimic. Belladonna liniment (F.29).

GONORRHOEAL- Merc-Biniod., Aconite, Merc-Sol., Thuja, Nat., Sulphur, Dulcamara, Medorrh.

HEART- Spigelia, Digitalis, Aconite, Ver-Vir., Cimic., Cact., Bryonia

JOINTS-Bryonia, Rhus, ruts., Rhododendron, Lycopodium, Colchicum, Ledum, Causticum, K- Hydriod.; Sanguinaria (of the shoulder); Pulsatilla (wandering pains); Sulph., Arnica, Phosphorus

OSTEO-ARTHRITIS- Sabi, (in females with irritation of the uterus, bladder, and bowel); Pulsatilla, Aconite, Caulophyllum, Colchicum, Macrot., Sepia.

See also Lumbago, Stiff-neck, etc.

Rickets: see Rachitis.

Rigors: see Shiverings.

Ringworm: OF THE SCALP- Sepia, Calc-C., Sulphur, Ac-Sulphs. ext. (F.12). Bacil. 100: A dose once a week. Cut the hair short over a small space surrounding the part affected, wash well with soap, rinse the soap off thoroughly afterwards, dab on a little spirit to still further cleanse away all grease; then rub in Ung. Sulph. This may be done every fourth night. X-Rays or Ionic medication often necessary.

VESICULAR (Herpes circinnatus)- Iris, Tellur., Rhus, Sulphur

See also Herpes Circinnatus.

Roseola: (Rose-rash)-Aconite, Rhus, Belladonna

See also Measles.

Rupia (atonic, foul Ulcer); Mercurius (simple); Ac-Nit., K-Hydriod., or Iodium (from Mercury); Aurum (syphilitic).

Rupture: see Hernia.

Salivation: Mercurius, K-Chlorum (idiopathic); Ac-Nit., Iodium, Hep-S. (mercurial)

Scabies (the Itch): Sulph-ointment (F.57) or Sulph-baths; Rumex- ointment (F.55), Ac-Acet. dil., Vinegar, ext., Balsam of peru, Int. Sulph., Psorin.

Scald-head: Viola Tric., Hep-S., Arsenicum, Staphysagria, Calc-C., Rhus, Lycopodium, Sulphur

Scalds: see Burns.

Scarlet-Fever: SIMPLE- Aconite Belladonna, Apis; Sulph. (during decline); Arsenicum (during desquamation). Sponging the whole surface rapidly with cold water, then wrapping in blankets till perspiration sets in.

ANGINOSA- Ailanth, Apis, Echinacea Ang. O. Cantharis, Mercurius, Arum Triph. (ulceration of throat); Apis (much swelling); Ver-Vir. (cerebral hyperaemia, severe vomiting, and high fever). Sponging with cold water as before. Free ventilation.


MALIGNANT- Ailan, IX, Arsenicum, Baptisia, Phyto., Cupr-Acet. (with great mental depression); Apis, Ac-Carbol., Ac-Mur; also Spray of Ac-Sulph.; or Condy’s Fluid diluted- one part of either to about twelve of water.


Scars: see Cicatrix.

Sciatica: Colo., Aconite O (recent rheumatic with much pain); Graphites, Iris, Lycop., Lachesis, Rhus., and friction (chronic rheumatic); Arsenicum (neuralgic); Senec., K-Carb. (of the right side); Nux V., Phyto. (chronic); Cimic., Ammon-Mur., Ruta, Apocy-


Scirrhus of Infants: Chamomilla, Arsenicum, Thuja, Phyto,., all int. and ext.

Screams of Infants: Chamomilla, Aconite, Ver-Vir., Belladonna, Caps.; K-Bromium (night screaming).

Scrotum: DROPSY OF- see Dropsy; LOCAL.

Sea-Sickness: Petrol., Staphysagria, Cocc., Tabac., Nux V., Chlor-Hyd., Apom.

Self- Abuse: Moral treatment. Treatment by suggestion. Following remedies are useful: Nux V., Conium, Ac-Phosphorus, Ac-Picr., Calcarea, Phosphorus

See Spermatorrhoea.

Sensitiveness: Ignatia, Belladonna, Chamomilla

Serpent-bites: Ammonia, Arsenicum (rapid prostration). A handkerchief should be tied tightly above the wound, between if and the heart, to arrest the circulation of the poison, the wound forcibly sucked by a person whose mucous surface is perfect; and according to Hill, undiluted alcohol largely drunk by the patient as an antidote. If a specific anti-venin can be obtained, it should be used.

Shingles: see Herpes Zoster.

Shiverings: Camph., Acor., or Bryonia (cold); Gelsemium, Ign (nervous, without coldness); Arsenicum, Carbo V.

Sick-headache: Iris., Bary., Nux V., Gelsemium, Ver-Alb., Ipecac., Sanguinaria, Sepia

See Headache.

Sickness: Ipecac. (simple); Pulsatilla, Ant-C. (from rich food); Nux V. (from alcohol); Kreas. (chronic). Cold compress over stomach.

See also Vomiting and Sea-Sickness.

Side: LEFT-PAIN IN- Cimic., Pulsatilla, (hysterical or uterine); Bryonia (right side, rheumatic, or from liver); Ran-Bulb., Ars (neuralgic or anaemic); Arnica (muscular).

Sight: DIM- Sabi., Gelsemium (with vertigo and diplopia); see the remedies under Amblyopia.

DOUBLE- Stramonium Hyoscyamus, Nat-Mur., Cicuta, Gelsemium, Aur-Met.

See also Eyes and Amblyopia.

Sinking at the Stomach: Ac-Hydrocy., Ignatia, Gelsemium, Lauro., Hydras., Apocynum; Baptisia )from chronic dyspepsia); Sepia, Cimic. (At the critical age); Murex (with prolapsus uteri); Sulph.

Skin: see Eruptions.

Sleep: COMATOSE- Opi., Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Helleborus, Gelsemium If from poison, the patient should be persistently made to walk about.

See also Drowsiness.

Sleepiness: Opi., Belladonna, Lycopodium (after dinner); Aconite

Sleeplessness: Coffea, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Belladonna, Ignatia, Hyoscyamus; Aconite (from pain); Avena-Sat., Cimic., Verat-Vir., Agaricus Passiflor. inc. O. In simple sleeplessness, one or two drops of Gelsemium O are invaluable. A hop pillow; walking, riding, or driving in the open air; a well-ventilated bedroom; a cold bath on rising; and a occasional warm bath at bedtime are excellent accessories. It is better to avoid wearing flannel next the skin in bed.

Small-pox: Variolinum 6 or 30 every four hours; Ant-T.; Apis. (much swelling and itching); Mercurius (during suppurative fever); Arsenicum, Baptisia (typhoid symptoms); K-Bromium, Aconite, Belladonna, Sulphur, Thuja Itching is best allayed by dusting the body with powder made of voilent power eight parts and Ant-T. IX one part, or else by sponging two or three times a day with a solution of carbolic acid (I-60). Keep the face from exposure to light; with a mask if necessary.

Smell: Loss OR PERVERSION OF- Aconite (recent); Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Sepia, Calc-C., plumb.

Sneezing: Mercurius, Euphr., Arsenicum, K-Hydriod., Ipecac., Cepa.

See also Cold.

Softening of the Brain: see under Brain.

Soreness of Infants: see Excoriations.

Somnambulism: Zincum met., Opi. (heavy sleep); Aconite, Cup-M., Phosphorus

Spasm: Coloc. (of the bowels); Nux V., (of the stomach and bowels); Ver-Vir. (sudden spasms of children from congestion with nausea, prostration, etc.); Gelsemium, Cocc. Camph. 3 drops every half-hour, repeated several times.

Speaks before Eyes: see Muscae Volitantes.

Spermatorrhoea: Arg-Met., China, Coni., Ferrum, Gelsemium, Dioscorea, Nuph., Phosphorus, Ac-Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Digitalis, Eryng., Silicea, Selenium, Nat- M., Liq-Sod-Chlorum, Iris., Cantharis, Digit.

Spina Bifida (cleft spine): Obtain a Surgical opinion; Bryonia, Calc-Phosphorus The tumour should be protected by cotton wool under a piece of leather or gutta-percha moulded to the part.

Spinal Irritation: Cimic., China, Ignatia, Agar, Nux V., Macrot. Hot and cold, or tepid washing of the back.

Spine: CONCUSSION OF- Arnica, Diosc., Hypericum, Cicuta

CONGESTION OF- Aconite, Ver-Vir. (acute); Rhus (rheumatic); Gelsemium, Nux V., Belladonna, Agaricus

See also Spinal Irritation.

Spitting of Blood: see Haemoptysis.

Spleen: ENLARGEMENT OF- Mercurius, Biniod., China. Ferrum, Agaricus, K- Bromium, Natr-Mur., Ceanoth.

Sprain: Immediately bathing with water as hot as can be borne for a length of time, followed by compress of Arnica, Aconite, Rhus, or Ruta. This treatment, employed promptly, generally cures at once. Dr. Dalzell recommends kneading the part, softly at first, and more vigorously as the pain subsides, using a little oil-to prevent, the friction from irritating the skin. Rest, extension of the joint to remove deformity, and sometimes a roller and splints to keep it in position, are points that should receive early attention, particularly in sprains and dislocations of the ankle with fractures of the fibula. But the early use of massage and passive movements is recommended. Good strapping is often than a roller, for it does away with the necessity for rest. Neglected sprains often require either Iodium, or K-Hyd., int. and ext.

Squinting: see Strabismus.

Stammering: Stramonium The patient should be taught anew the use of language, and deliberately to form his mouth into the requisite shape. Medicines according to the general condition.

See also Chorea.

S. Vitus’ Dance: see Chorea.

Sterility: IN THE FEMALE- Coni., Sepia, Digitalis, Platina, Borax, Calc- C., Iodium, Helonias, Cimic. See Sitz-bath under Menstruation: SCANTY.

Stiff-Neck: Aconite, Belladonna (from cold); Ant-T., Cimic., Bryonia, Belladonna; Dulcamara (from damp). Wrap in cotton wool.

Stings: Liq-Ammoniae, Aq-Potass., Ledum., or Rhus, diluted, ext. The application of a fresh slice of onion to a wasp-or bee-sting, gives instant and often permanent relief.

Stitch in the Side or Chest: Bryonia Ran-Bulb., Cimic., Aconite, Arnica See Pleurisy.

Stomach: ACIDITY OF-Calc-C, Rob., Lycopodium

See also Dyspepsia.

INFLAMMATION OF- Aconite (acute); Ant-T., Arsenicum Small pieces of ice to swallow; fomentations and a compress.

PAIN OR SPASM OF- Aconite, Nux V., Chamomilla (spasm); Bism. (burning pain, vomiting); Arsenicum (pain and vomiting).

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."