The Clinical Directory

NEURALGIA OF- Zinc-Val. Hamamelis, Caulophyllum, Coloc.

Ozaena: Aurum, K-Hydroid., K-Bich. Hydras., Phyto., Elaps, Arsenicum, Merc-Iodium, Sanguinaria, Ac-Nit., Zinc, Cadmium-Sulph. Injections of K- Permang.

Painter’s Colic: see Lead-Colic.

Palpitation: see Heart: PALPITATION OF.

Pancreatitis: Iodium, Mercurius, Iris., K-Hydriod., Atrop.

Paralysis: Agitans (Shaking-palsy)- Mercurius, Rhus; Ac-Nit., Nux V. (when caused by Mercury).

DIPHTHERITIC- Gelsemium, Causticum, Ignatia, Coni., Electricity.

FACIAL_ Causticum, Aconite., Ignatia

GENERAL- Phosphorus, Coni., Gelsemium, Cocc.,

Bary-Carb., Ant.C., Arsenicum, Tuc.

GLOSSO-LARYNGEAL- BELL., Hyoscyamus, Causticum

HYSTERICAL- Ignatia, GalvanisM,.

INFANTILE- Gelsemium, Belladonna, Secale, Plumb., Massage is recommended.

OF ONE SIDE-Bry-Carb., Nux V., Cocc., Arnica

OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES- Phosphorus, Strych., K-Bich., Coni., Arg- Nit., Rhus, Caulophyllum, K-Hydriod.; Cocc., Ver-Vir., Electricity.

PAINTER’S- Opi., Iodium, Cuprum, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Alumin.

RHEUMATIC- Aconite, Rhus, Arnica, Strych., Sulphur Friction has effected striking cures; so has glavanism

WASTING- Belladonna, Phosphorus, Plumb.

Parturition: see Labour.

Pemphigus: Rhus I, Phosphorus; Ran-Bulb. (infants). Arsenicum, Merc-C.

pericarditis: see under Heart.

Periostitis: see under Bone.

Peritonitis: SIMPLE- Aconite, Merc-Cor., Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Merc- Dulcis., Coloc., Colchicum Linseed poultices over the abdomen.

PUERPERAL- see Sweat.

Pertussis: see Whooping Cough.

Pharyngitis: see Throat.

Phlebitis: see Veins: INFLAMMATION OF.

Phlegmasia Alba Dolens (milk-leg, white-leg); Pulsatilla (simple cases), or?Hamamelis (varicose condition). int. and ext.; Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Lachesis Dr. Moore states that he has seen cures effected by Merc-S. I and Bry I.

Photophobia (intolerance of light); Ant-T., Belladonna, K-Bromium (and as a collyrium), Euphr., Merc-Cor., Nux V., Coni., Arsenicum, Sulphur

See also Eyes: INFLAMMATION OF Sight, etc.

Phthisis Pulmonalis: FOR THE CACHEXIA- Sulph. (lower potencies), Hydras. O, Calc-C., Iodium, Arsenicum, Ars-Iodium, Chelidonium, Thuja, Phosphorus, Ferrum, Calc-Iodium, Sanguin. Aurum, Iodium, Crot. H., Elaps. Cod-liver oil, in suitable cases, a teaspoonful or more, twice a day.

HAEMOPTYSIS- Hamamelis, Ipecac., Drosera,

Ferr-Sulph., Ferr-Acet., Arnica

INDIGESTION- Calc-C., Lycopodium, Hydras., Mercurius, K-Bich., Pulsatilla, Nux


See also Cough, Breathing, Dyspepsia, Hectic-Fever, etc.

Phimosis: CIRCUMCISION- Merc-S. IX. Wrap the organ in a compress soaked with Hamamelis lotion (F.40).

Piles: see Haemorrhoids.

Pimples: Sulph., Calc-C., Belladonna, Hep-S., K-Bich., Ant-C., Carbo Veg., K-Bromium

See also Acne.

Pityriasis: Arsenicum, Graphites, Lycopodium, Terebintha, Cantharis Sulphur-baths.

Placenta: RETAINED- Sabi., Pulsatilla, Secale

See Labour.

Plethora: Ferrum, Arsenicum, or Calc-C., in the higher potencies. Aconite or Belladonna (sufferings from).

Pleurisy: Aconite, Bryonia, Cantharis, Ver-Vir. (acute), also linseed- meal poultices; K-Hydriod., Sulphur (chronic). Pleurisy with pungent heat, rub the heated parts gently with the hand, dipped from time to time in cold water, until the head is abated. Hot poultices and cold compresses may be requires (Dr. W. Johnson). Antiphlogistine is often useful.

FALSE- PLEURODYNIA- Ran-Bulb., Cimic., Arnica, Aconite, Arsenicum, Chelidonium

Plica polonica: Vinca M., bor.

Pneumonia: Phosphorus (simple, typhoid and in children), with or without Aconite, Bryonia; Ver-Vir. (early congestive stage); Ver-Vir., Lycopodium (pleuro-pneumonia); Ant-T.

(Broncho-pneumonia); Sulph. (tubercular patients); Chelid. (rightsided lower lobe); Ferrum phos. Cold compresses act remarkably well.

Polypus: NASAL-Calc-C., Formic. Ruf., Teuc., Merc-Iodium, K-Bich., Thuja, Phosphorus, Sanguinaria

Porrigo: CAPITIS- Calc-C., Sulphur, Viola- Tric, Silicea

FAVUS- Sepia, Rhus, Mercurius Cor., Arsenicum, Iodium; also locally, Calendula cerate, or stronger germicide ointments. Cleanliness, fat food, cod-liver oil.

Pregnancy: DISORDERS OF- Chamomilla (nervous restlessness, irritability, “Fidgets”); Aconite (circulatory disturbance, palpitation); Coffea (sleeplessness); Gelsemium

COLIC- Nux V., Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Coloc. CONSTIPATION- Nux V., Sulphur; Plumb., Opi., Alumina, Collinsonia, Aloes, Sepia, Bryonia

See also Haemorrhoids.

CONVULSIONS- Belladonna, Ignatia, Ver-Vir., Cicuta, Coffea Cold water to the head.

COUGH AND DIFFICULT BREATHING- Belladonna, Coni., Hyoscyamus, Nux V.

See also under Cough.

CRAMPS- Ver-Alb, m Ver-Vir., Chamomilla, Nux V., Friction.

DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS- Cimic., Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Platina

DIARRHOEA- Pulsatilla, Ac-Phosphorus, Phosphorus

FALSE PAINS- Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Secale, Caulophyllum, Cimic.

HEADACHE- Belladonna, Bryonia, Nux V., Ver-Vir., Pulsatilla, Cocc.

HEARTBURN- Caps., Pulsatilla, Iris, Calc-C., Nux V., Rob., Sanguinaria

MORBID APPETITE- Calc-C, China, Nat-Mur., Carbo V., Silicea

MORNING SICKNESS, NAUSEA, ETC.-NUX V., Ipecac., Sepia, K-Bromium, Kreas., Pulsatilla, Cocc., Cerium oxalate, Apomorph. Large doses of Sodium Carbonate are often of great value in the severer case.

PILES- see Haemorrhoids.


SALIVATION- Iodium, Mercurius, Hep-S., Sulphur, Natr-Mur. Dr. Shipman states that he has known the chewing of coffee berries to cure when all other remedies had failed.

TOOTHACHE AND NEURALGIA- Mercurius Belladonna, Coloc., Chamomilla, Coffea (during the attacks); Sepia, Cimic., Nux Mosch., Nux V. (in the intervals) Mercurius, Kreas., or Staphysagria (from decayed teeth)

URINARY DIFFICULTIES- Belladonna, Hyoscyamus (suppressed urine); Camph., Nux V., Cantharis, Cocc., Pulsatilla, Causticum

Varicose Veins- see Veins.

Presbyopia (far-sight, from diminished power of accommodation, and indication of advancing age); Convex glasses should be worn directly vision fails for ordinary work. It is convenient to have two pairs of glasses, using the stronger for evening work. It would be useful in all cases of failing sight, from age, to use two or three powers, according to circumstances. Local cold water douches to the closed eyes. Constitutional treatment is often necessary.

Prickly-heat: see Lichen.

Prolapsus: see Anus and Uterus.

Prosopalgia: see Toothache and Neuralgia.

Prostate: ENLARGED- Cann. ” In a recent case of enlarged prostate, at the age of sixty two, with much irritation of the bladder, cann, had an excellent effect, in fact it cured it for the time” (J. H. Nankivell, Esq.).. Sabal Serrulata O or IX, Solidago Virga Aurea, Arg-Nit., Ferrum Pic., Thuja, Phyto. Consider surgical interference.

Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate); Pulsatilla, Iodium (acute); K- Hydriod. (chronic). Thuja, Staphysagria, Ac-Nit., Sabal., Serr. Belladonna extract is often required to relieve the severe pain. Recumbent posture. Opiate suppositories, fomentations, and hot hip-baths, are useful adjuncts.

Proud-Flesh: see Excrescences, etc.

Prurigo: see Itching.

Pruritus Ani: see Anus: ITCHING OR.

Pruritus Vulvae: see Vulvae.

Psoriasis: Mercurius, Iodium, Ac-Nit., Phyto., Sulphur, Arsenicum, Petrol., Ant-Tart.

PALMARIS- Hep-S., Arsenicum, Caust, Graphites, Selenium

Pterygium: Rhatan. IX.

Ptosis (paralysis of the eyelid); Gelsemium, Belladonna, Causticum, Stramonium, Spigelia, Ver-Alb., Sepia.

Puerperal Convulsions: Ver-Vir., Belladonna, Chlor-Hyd., Cuprum

Puerperal-Fever: Aconite, Belladonna, Baptisia, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Mercurius, Bryonia, Arsenicum

Purging: See Diarrhoea.

Purpuria: HAEMORRHAGICA- Hamamelis, Mercurius, Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Ac-Sulphs., Terebintha, Ac-Phos, Lachesis

Purulent Ophthalmia: see Ophthalmia.

Pyelitis: Phyto., Uva., Ferrum

Pyrosis: Carbo V., Lycopodium, Ac-Sulphs., Nux V., Arsenicum, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Ac-Sulph, 20 to 30 drops in water, See also Dyspepsia, Heartburn, etc.

Quinsy: Bary-Carb., Hep-S., Arum-Triph., Phyto., Phosphorus, Belladonna, Merc-Iodium, Arsenicum, LAc., Aconite, Bary-Carb. is almost specific.

Rabies: see Hydrophobia.

Rachitis; Ac-Phosphorus, Silicea, Sulph, Calcarea, Phosphorus, Asafoetida, Calc-Phosphorus

Ranula (a cyst under the tongue of variable size, containing albuminous fluid): Belladonna, Merc-S. (acute); Calc-C. (chronic), Thuja.

Rash: see Nettle-rash, Itching, Roseola, Eruptions, etc.

Red-gum: Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Calc-C., Ant-C.

Relapsing-Fever: Bryonia, with or without Aconite; Baptisia, Gelsemium, Eupperf., Podoph., Rhus Tox.

Remittent-Fever: Gelsemium, Camph. (invasive stage); Aconite, Belladonna (hot stage); China (during exacerbation); Ipecac., Bryonia (gastric disturbance); Baptisia, Arsenicum (typhoid symptoms); Hyoscyamus, Belladonna (brain symptoms); Merc-V. (during remission); Quin-Sulph.

Retching: see Vomiting.

Rheumatism: ACUTE (Rheumatic-Fever)-Aconite, Bryonia, Rhus, Belladonna, Ferrum phos.; Cimic. (mild cases); Colchicum (when the smaller joints are affected); Calc-C.

CHRONIC- Rhus, Bryonia, Arnica, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Cimic., Caust Mercurius, Ac-Nit., Phyto., Iodium, K-Bich., Stellar. med. The joints to be rubbed with “Pine” Oil, and wrapped in “Pine” wool Frictions. Sulphur Springs. Cod-liver oil.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."