

Objective. Nose swollen. Inflammation in the nose (after nine days). about noon, shining red swelling of the point of the nose, whereby the anterior angle of the left nostril felt thick, hard, and painful to the touch (thirteenth day); increased redness and swelling of the inflamed nose (fourteenth day); the p73 redness of the swelling on the nose is diminished, the shininess of the skin, and sensitiveness to touch continue (fifteenth day); swelling of the nose as yesterday (sixteenth day); at 6 A.M., on the inside of the swollen portion of the nose is a hardened, transparent, bright-yellow mass, which can only be detached with difficulty and pain (seventeenth day); rapid diminution of the swelling of the nose, of which next day not a trace remains (eighteenth day). In the course of the day the right nostril was sensitive to the touch and somewhat reddened (eleventh day); the whole of the right ala nasi and especially the septum narium was inflamed and painful to the touch; merely touching the hairs in t he nose caused violent pain (twelfth day); inflammation of nose continues (thirteenth and fourteenth days); nose not so red and sensitive (fifteenth day); nose scarcely at all tender to touch, and covered with bran like scales on the parts that had been inflamed (sixteenth day). Wings of the nose inflamed, swollen. Black comedones of the nose, upper lip, and chin. Rush of blood to the nose, especially in the open air. Frequent sneezing. (740) Sneezing, with moisture in the nose, about 9 A.M. Very frequent sneezing, in the evening and morning. Violent sneezing, several days.

Inclination to sneeze, that shook her almost spasmodically. Very frequent sneezing always preceded by nausea. Frequent sneezing and coughing (third day). Violent sneezing (first day).

Frequent sneezing, discharge of fluid mucus from the left nostril, a very severe catarrh, although that which dated from 20th October, had only quite ceased a few days previously (seventeenth day). Frequent sneezing, and the sensation as if a cold were coming on, and frequent blowing from the nose of mucus mixed with blood (almost every morning), (first fifteen days).

Frequent sneezing, which always gave relief to the head (sixth day); in the afternoon, frequent violent sneezing (fourteenth day). (750) Several fits of sneezing, in the morning after rising (fourth day); several violent sneezes in rapid succession, in thee evening (tenth day). Frequent sneezing (nineteenth day); frequent sneezing in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day); frequent sneezing (thirty-second day); frequent severe sneezing, at least ten times in succession, at noon (sixty-seventh day); frequent sneezing, in the afternoon (seventy-eighth day); repeated severe sneezes (eighty-first day). Violent sneezing (immediately); frequent sneezing, which in-creases the pain under sternum (seventh day); few sneezes (forty-second day); frequent sneezing (forty-fifth day); occasional sneezing and hawking of mucus (fifty-fifth day); occasional violent sneezing, in the forenoon (fifty-ninth day); frequent sneezing and dry tussiculation (sixty-seventh day); occasional sneezing, in the morning after rising (eighty-fifth day); occasional sneezing and coughing up of thick mucus (one hundred and tenth day); frequent sneezing (one hundred and forty-seventh day); violent sneezing, in the evening (two hundred and seventeenth day); very violent sneezing at noon, ten successive times, followed by frequent dry tussiculation (two hundred and nineteenth day); occasional sneezing (two hundred and thirty-first and thirty-second day); occasional violent sneezing (two hundred and seventy-ninth day); occasional sneezing (two hundred and eighty-second day). Frequent sneezing (sixth day). Symptoms of threatened catarrh (fourteenth day); symptoms at height (fifteenth day); catarrh declines (sixteenth day). A very violent catarrh came on, which lasted an unusually long p73 time, viz., one month (fourth day). Coryza (after fourteen days). Coryza, with chilliness, catarrh and cough. Coryza about noon (second day). A good deal of coryza and sneezing. (760) Coryza and great lachrymation. At noon, while at dinner, sudden recurrence of coryza (fifth day); occasional attacks (sixth to tenth days). Stoppage of the nose, violent sneezing (twentieth day); coryza continues (twenty-second and twenty-third days); diminished (twenty-fourth day). Coryza, with very frequent sneezing (fifteenth day). Violent fluent coryza (twenty-fourth day); severe fluent coryza, in the morning (twenty-ninth day); fluent coryza, towards noon (fortieth day); fluent coryza (forty-eighth day). Fluent coryza of burning water. Fluent coryza, and on blowing the nose, also bloody mucus. Fluent coryza, like water. Fluent coryza, the mucus must be drawn through the posterior nares. Frequent short paroxysms of coryza.(770) Violent coryza, with rawness in the chest, and cough, with much expectoration. Violent coryza (after fifth and seventeenth days). Profuse coryza. Distressing dry coryza, causing obscuration of the head, especially after eating. Water trickles from the nose. Yellow, glutinous, strong-smelling liquid drops from the nose two mornings and evenings, without coryza. Profuse secretion of thick, yellow, purulent nasal mucus, for several days. Offensive odor of nasal mucus on blowing the nose. All day long an almost constant desire to blow the nose, though no mucus was present in its front part. The mucus remains sticking in the nasal passage; it is uncommonly viscid, and it is only after great exertion, in the way of blowing, that it comes away in the form of long narrow pieces, which interrupt the free passage of air through the nostrils (twenty-seventh day). A little acrid fluid comes from the nose (fifth day); increased discharge of thin fluid, about noon (eighth day); profuse discharge of fluid from the nose, in the evening (eighteenth day).(780) Copious discharge from the nose, in the morning (fifth day); much thin mucous fluid comes out of the nose (seventh day); frequent discharge from the nose (seventeenth day); increased discharge from the left nostril, at noon (nineteenth day); blow-ing of the nose, in doing which the septum of the nose burns, after dinner (twentieth day); frequent blowing of the nose, in the morning (twenty-first day); watery fluid flows several times from the nose, at noon, causing severe burning at the edges of the ala nasi (twenty-second day); great discharge from the nose, in the evening (twenty-first day); great watery discharge from the nose, which makes the edges sore, in the evening (twenty-seventh day); frequent blowing from the nose of thick mucus, in the forenoon (thirty-first day); much mucus comes from the nose, and there is a disagreeable dryness of the nose (forty-fifth day); discharge of watery fluid from the nose, at noon (fifty-first day); increased nasal secretion (seventy- sixth day); copious watery secretion, in the nose (seventy- seventh day); severe catarrhal symptoms (seventy-eighth day); blew much thick mucus from the nose while in the open air, in the forenoon; later, when in the room, the nose became quite dry, and its borders stiff; in the afternoon, profuse nasal secretion (seventy-ninth day); blowing p73 of thick mucus from the nose (eighty-first day); great discharge of mucus from the nose (eighty-first day); several times blowing of mucus from the nose (eighty-second day); frequent blowing of thick mucus from the nose (eighty-seventh day). A watery fluid runs out of the nose (fifth day); considerable mucous discharge from the nose (fourteenth day); fluid frequently flows out of the right nostril (twentieth day); after dinner, a watery fluid frequently flows from the nose (thirty-second day); watery discharge from the nose (thirty-fourth day); watery discharge from the nose occasionally (thirty-fifth day); in the forenoon, frequent blowing of thick mucus from the nose (forty-ninth day); blowing of mucus from the nose, in the morning (fifty-third day); much secretion from the nose (sixty-third day); copious secretion of thick mucus from the nose (sixty-seventh day); blowing of thick mucus from the nose (ninety-eighth day); some fluid comes out of the right nostril (one hundred and forty-seventh day); frequent blowing the nose, and coughing (two hundred and nineteenth day); catarrhal symptoms somewhat less (two hundred and twenty-first day); catarrhal symptoms continue in a milder degree (two hundred and twenty- third day); a fluid runs out of the left nostril (two hundred and thirty-first day); blowing from the nose of thick mucus; catarrhal sufferings, at noon (two hundred and sixty-ninth day); much mucus blown from the nose (two hundred and seventy-fourth day); blowing from the nose of thick mucus (two hundred and seventy-fifth day). blood from the nose on blowing it.

Nosebleed from time to time, for several days. Nosebleed, for seven days (after eleven days). Nosebleed after two afternoon in succession, at 3 o’clock, followed by pain in the nose on touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.