
Appetite uncommonly good (fifteenth day). Although he ate a very good dinner, yet in the afternoon, contrary to habit, he became so very hungry that he had to eat again; notwithstanding this, he was again ready for supper (forty-seventh day). At noon, he had an uncommonly good appetite (first, second, and third days); (second day); (fourth day); (tenth day); (several days). At noon, good appetite and much thirst (first day); great appetite (second day). Appetite good, but wants to eat often. Irresistible desire for sugar. Sensation of hunger in the abdomen; speedy fullness from a few morsels. Very much affected, as if he had been hungry a long time, an hour after dinner.(1260) He is hungry, but as soon as he only sees food his appetite vanishes and he feels full in the abdomen; when he begins to eat, he is averse to it. At noon, after walking much, I felt hungry without much appetite; without feeling satiated, the latter part of the meal was not relished (second day). Appetite for dinner unaltered, but afterwards unusual fullness and weariness, relieved by walking in the open air (second and third days).

Appetite for only soft food, not for bread or meat. During the whole time of the proving I had little appetite; I ate more from habit than necessity; sometimes, in fact, I had a positive dislike to food, especially to supper, so that I ate nothing.

Appetite diminished (twelfth and thirteenth days); little appetite (seventeenth day); the appetite was diminished, and after taking but a small quantity of food, he had the feeling as if the stomach was overloaded (twenty-sixth day); appetite diminished, in the forenoon (thirty-first and thirty-third days); appetite diminished; he ate rather from habit than from necessity (thirty-eighth day); appetite diminished (forty-eighth day); little appetite (fifty-second day); at noon the appetite was very poor, and after eating, there was a troublesome feeling of fullness in the stomach and aching in the scrobiculus cordis (fiftieth and fifty-first days). At noon but little appetite; he ate more from habit than from necessity (third day); at noon little appetite, and no desire to drink water while eating, which he was always in the habit of doing (sixth day); at noon no appetite (ninth day).(1270) No appetite for breakfast (eighty- eighth day). Less appetite than usual, at noon (seventy-third day). No appetite for supper (third day); little appetite for breakfast; loathed his dinner (fourth day); more appetite, at noon (sixth day). No appetite for dinner (ninth day). No appetite (third day); anorexia; what she eats has no taste; she has no relish, and the morsel seems to stick in her gullet (fourth day); no appetite (sixth day). No appetite, and yet the food has the proper taste (third day). She eats without hunger or appetite, only from habit, with natural taste to food. At noon, disgust at meat (fourteenth day). Smoking tobacco is not relished by one accustomed to smoking. He cannot tolerate meat or fish, in the evening; it causes pressure in the stomach, draws the abdomen upward, and delays the stool. Aversion to meat; it makes her qualmish. He suddenly becomes averse to all sweets and to milk. Aversion to sour and sweet things. In the forenoon, loss of p73 appetite (first day).(1280) Loss of appetite (fourteenth day); (ninth day); (seventeenth and following days); (fourth day). Loss of appetite; nothing is relished. Complete loss of appetite; he desire only acids. Complete loss of appetite, as if it were contracted in the pit of the stomach. Complete loss of appetite. anorexia (second day); (twentieth day). Thirst. Entire loss of appetite but constant thirst. Very much thirst during the day. Great thirst, and always more thirst than hunger.(1290) Great thirst without heat; drink tastes good, but does not quench the thirst, and seems to distress the stomach. Great thirst, with desire for beer, in the evening (eighteenth day). Thirst for several hours, immediately.

Thirst, with dryness and agglutination of the mouth. Unusual thirst. Very thirsty, in the morning; (fifth day). After stool much thirst (second day). Great thirst for beer, worse an hour after eating. Great thirst for beer. Longing for sugar water.(1300) Desire for coffee (third day). Milk causes much distress; it is vomited curdled. Dislike to the usual glass of beer, in the evening (seventeenth day). Eructations.

Eructations (tenth day); (sixth day). Towards evening, paroxysm of many eructations, with nausea, relaxation of the body, violent rolling in the abdomen, and emission of flatus. Uprising of the breakfast (after three hours and a half). Whilst walking in the open air, had eructations and nausea, with feeling of weakness (second day). Eructation and inclination to vomit (after first dose, third day). Very severe eructation and inclination to vomit (immediately after first dose); eructation less severe (after second and third dose). Frequent eructation and yawning (eleventh day).(1310) Eructations as after onions. Uprising of food an hour after eating. Occasional eructations and sour taste in the mouth, lasting several days (fifth day). Frequent eructation after breakfast (eighth day). After breakfast eructations (fifty-fifth day). After breakfast occasional eructation (one hundred and thirtieth day). Violent eructations from milk till vomiting of mucus. An hour after taking the medicine, he ate with his usual appetite his usual breakfast, whereupon there occurred, first, eructation of wind, then regurgitation of what he had eaten, nausea, and in half an hour vomiting, which brought up both breakfast and Sulphur (twenty- eighth day). Eructations of air (first day); (two hundred and twenty-eighth day). Frequent eructation of air (fourth day).

(1320) after dinner, eructation of inodorous wind (ninth day).

Eructation of wind, immediately (twenty-sixth day); (thirty- second day). Frequent eructation of air, in the forenoon (first day). Frequent eructation of air after breakfast (sixth day).

Much eructation of air, accompanied in the evening with hiccough (fifth day). Frequent tasteless eructations of air, in the evening (fifty-third day). Tasteless eructation, and very insipid feeling in the stomach (immediately, second day).

Eructations tasting of the food. Several times eructation of gas, with the taste of what had been eaten at dinner, after dinner (sixth day). Eructation of what had been eaten at p73 noon, in the evening (nineteenth day).(1330) Eructations of gas smelling of Sulphur (sixteenth to twenty-first day); (first day).

Several eructations smelling of Sulphur (first, fifth, and seventh days); (first day); (two hundred and forty-fifth day).

Throughout the forenoon, eructations smelling of Sulphur (first to eleventh day). Frequent eructation with odor of Sulphur (second day). In the evening, eructations smelling of sulfuretted hydrogen (thirtieth day). Frequent eructations of air smelling of sulfuretted hydrogen (fifth day); eructations, with the odor of Sulphur, occurred during the latter part of the trial. Eructations, tasting of bad eggs, with nausea.

Eructations, tasting of bad eggs, with nausea. Eructation with odor of rotten eggs (after dose, twenty-first day). Acid eructations (thirteenth day). Sour eructations tasting of lead.

Sour eructations several times in the day, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Sour eructation after dinner (second day).

Sour eructations frequently during the day. Sour eructations, with much distress in the stomach from acids. Sour eructations like heartburn (eighth day).(1340) Sour eructations after eating. When walking in the open air, sour eructation (fifth day). Sweetish eructations, in the morning. Rancid eructations after drinking Weiss beer. Bitter, rancid eructations of food. Bitter, scraping eructations of milk. Uprisings of undigested food. Empty eructations (ninth day). Frequent empty eructations (tenth day). Empty eructations immediately after eating. Empty eructations every morning. Empty eructations with frequent yawning, with prostration. Ineffectual eructation on going to bed. Empty eructation, and sensation as if he were about to have heartburn, after breakfast (fifth day). Empty eructation with relief if symptoms (in one hour, first and second days). Hiccough.(1360) Hiccough in the morning, fasting also in the evening, even also in bed. Hiccough-like eructations, always with pain, in the posterior part of the palate. Hiccough on going into the open air after eating. Heartburn. Heartburn all day. Heartburn, in the morning, a crawling and burning in the forepart of the chest. In the evening, heartburn (tenth day).

Severe heartburn and acidity. Heartburn for half an hour after taking two soft-boiled eggs (twenty-fifth day). Slight heartburn after dinner (fifty-seventh day). Slight heartburn, in the afternoon (seventh day).(1370) Severe heartburn after dinner (eighth day). Water brash, at noon and in the evening, after eating, preceded by pressure in the pit of the stomach. Water brash just before dinner; it makes her dizzy and qualmish, followed by discharge of much water from the stomach. Water brash, with retching and discharge of water from the stomach, in the morning. Water brash twice daily, a working in the pit of the stomach, and retching of much water from the stomach to the mouth. Water brash, in the evening; he is obliged to lie down; water runs from the mouth, and therewith he cannot speak, followed by vomiting of food eaten seven hours previously. Water brash two hours after eating, and eructations and running of water from the mouth, and vomiting of his food, with great p73 nausea and shivering. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea every morning. Nausea, even to faintness. Nausea, not vomiting.(1380) Nausea before mealtime. During stool, in the evening, nausea, as if she would vomit. Nausea, in the forenoon (thirteenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.