
Feeling of fullness in abdomen and stomach as if they were too full (forty-third day). Annoying sensation of fullness in the abdomen, which was followed by occasional tension and shooting pains (fourteenth day); feel-ing of fullness of the abdomen; feeling of distension and bursting of the abdomen, with rigor (seventeenth day); feeling of fullness and tension in the abdomen (fiftieth and fifty-first days). Feeling of fullness and tension in the abdomen; bearing down towards the anus and excessive tickling there (twelfth day). In the morning, troublesome tension in the abdomen (twenty-first day). Feeling of fullness and sinking in the abdomen, which diminishes after discharge of inodorous flatus, in the forenoon (seventy-fourth day). after eating, fullness and heaviness in the abdomen as if overloaded.

Fullness in the abdomen as if overloaded, immediately after a little food, with dyspnoea. Fullness of the abdomen (after four hours, forty-fifth day).(1680) Fullness in the abdomen after eating a little. after eating but little, distressing feeling of fullness in the abdomen (seventh day). Tension of the abdomen. Tension of the abdomen as from incarcerated flatus. Tension of the abdominal muscles, so that he could not easily straighten up. Disagreeable tension in the abdomen, alleviated by diarrhoeic motions (thirty-third day). Blown-up feeling in the abdomen, followed by a semifluid stool (one hundred and ninety- fifth day). Tense, pressed sensation in the whole abdomen, especially in the hypochondrium, with anxious hypochondriac mood, a few hours after dinner (after four days). Distended sensation and tension in the abdomen, every morning on waking.

Immediately, disagreeable tension in the abdomen; liquid evacuations caused relief (ninth day).(1690) Feeling of sinking in the abdomen (seventeenth, fifty-second, and sixty-ninth days); (one hundred and sixty-first day). A loose motion, followed p73 by a sinking feeling in the abdomen, after breakfast (seventy-fifth day). Itching about the abdomen after dinner, and on rubbing a griping in the intestines and tenesmus, especially in the groin, as if towards the middle, worse on stooping and deep breathing, better when walking. Griping in the abdomen before the morning stool. Before the stool, working and griping in the abdomen, emission of much flatus, at times with pain, as if the anus would be torn apart, with straining at stool or tenesmus after the stool. Griping in the abdomen, after a stool. Griping in bowels with diarrhoea (fifteenth day); griping increased (sixteenth day). Slight griping in the bowels, in the afternoon (third day). Griping in the bowels (soon). After the stool, griping in the bowels, which gradually increased in intensity, and continued for a long time in the right side of abdomen (first day).(1700) At night, griping in bowels (ninth day). Griping in the bowels, followed soon by a liquid motion, whereupon the pain ceased (second day). At night, griping in the bowels, followed by two very thin fetid stools (first day); in the evening, griping in the bowels and frequent fluid stools (third day). about 4 P.M., some griping in the bowels, soon followed by a soft, very fetid evacuation; a disagreeable feeling of pressure in the umbilical region, and, notwithstanding the expulsion of much flatus with the smell of sulfuretted hydrogen, tympanitic distension of the abdomen (sixteenth day); the same symptoms, but they came on in the forenoon and persisted during the whole day (seventeenth and following days); flatulent symptoms decreased (thirty-fifth to thirty-eighth day); recurred to an excessive extent; motions were more fluid (after thirty- nine days). In the afternoon, occasional returns of the griping in the bowels (twenty-third day); colicky gripings in the abdomen, which lasted all day and all night (twenty-fourth day).

About 4 P.M., griping in the bowels from the umbilical region to the symphysis pubis, coming in fits (fourth day). About 4 P.M., at first some griping in the bowels, then call to stool, followed by a pappy motion of yellowish-green color, in moderate quantity (fourth day). Griping in the bowels, in the morning (seventeenth day). Immediately after taking medicine, gripings in the belly, which frequently return during the day, with feeling as if diarrhoea were about to ensue, and then with fruitless call to stool (eleventh and eighteenth days). In the night, violent griping in the bowels, which lasted a quarter of an hour (fifth day).(1710) Violent griping and tension in the abdomen, from noon till evening. Severe griping pains in the bowels; fomentations would not relieve her. Constant burrowing in the abdomen; he had but one stool daily for several weeks. Violent cramp like pain in abdomen. Two or three times colic like pinching, followed by discharge of flatus, about noon (eighteenth day); slight pinching in the bowels with discharge of flatus, causing relief (twenty- second day); slight grumbling and pinching in the bowels, and breakfast (thirty-sixth day); coldness and slight pinching in the belly, after dinner (forty-fifth day); some pinching in the bowels (fifty-third day); pinching in the belly, followed by discharge of flatus, with relief, in the evening (fifty-seventh day); grumbling and pinching in the bowels p73 (sixty-fifth day); slight pinching and rumbling (eighty-first day). After 5 P.M., a pain of contraction and pressing in the abdomen, especially the hypochondria and umbilical regions; in the hypogastrium a feeling of paralysis (ninth day). Sensation of internal constriction, during a stool. Sudden constrictive colic, at night. Spasmodic constrictive colic, extending to the chest, groins, and genitals. Violent contractive pain in the belly, especially in the uterine region (thirty-first day).(1720) Drawing pain in the abdomen and in all the limbs, lasting for hours in the arms, for days in the thighs. Drawing colic during the menses. Pressure towards the anus. Pressure downward in the abdomen, while lying in bed at night, which woke her. Pressure in the abdominal region, as if a hernia would form. Feeling in the abdomen as if everything pressed forcibly through the intestines. Cutting in the upper abdomen, as if in the chest. Cutting in the abdomen before urinating. Cutting colic after dinner. Cutting in the abdomen, in the morning in bed (after three days).(1730) Cutting in the abdomen, beneath the navel (immediately). Cutting in the abdomen, in the evening, and weakness on ascending steps, as if the menses would come on.

Cutting in the bowels after a motion, that is at first hard and afterwards soft (fifteenth day). Cutting in the abdomen at various times, even after dinner, with movements in the abdomen, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, rising up from the stomach, or in the evening with flatulent distension, relieved by emission of flatus, and disappearing after a thin stool. Cutting in the abdomen and small of the back woke her after midnight, followed by diarrhoea and tenesmus; also three times the next morning. Violent cutting in the abdomen for a moment. Violent cutting in the abdomen and great qualmishness, and such profuse perspiration that the shirt and bed were wringing wet. The cutting in the bowels and sore feeling deep in the abdomen lasted half an hour (second day). Sticking and cutting in the abdomen woke her about midnight. Sticking and griping in the abdomen, in the morning.(1740) Transient stitches in the abdomen. Stitches, as from needles, in the upper abdomen, in the small intestines, lasting three-quarters of an hour. Sudden sticking in the abdomen, which shoots through the whole body. Sharp stitches in the abdomen, at night, followed by frequent emissions of flatus.

A few flying shoots from the abdomen into the anus (two hundred and thirty-second day). Colic at 9 P.M. (seventh day). Colic always after eating. Colic before every stool. During the day, colicky pains in the abdomen, which became particularly bad at night in bed, until they were relieved by discharge of flatus (eighth day). Colicky pains in the bowels, coming on suddenly, with nausea and choleraic feeling.(1750) Nightly flatulent colic, with retching, anxiety, and dulness of the head. Colic, after midnight, painful in the sides of the abdomen. At night, colic, as if internally bruised and congested with blood. For some hours, in the evening, continued colicky pains (forty-first and forty-second days). Before going to sleep, colicky pains in the abdomen (ninth day). At night, when lying on her back, she is troubled with colicky p73 bellyache, with cutting in the sides of the abdomen, and drawing together about the navel (fourth day); at night, when lying on the back, she is threatened with another attack of colic like yesterday’s, but this goes off on turning quickly on to the side; only some pinching about the navel remains in the changed position; this, however, goes off gradually after passing a good deal of flatus (fifth day).

Colicky pains (sixth day). Violent colic immediately after eating. Severe colicky pains in the abdomen, with anxiety.(1760) The abdominal muscles are painful to touch, as if beaten. The abdomen is painful to touch and on walking, with dull pain in it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.