
The uric acid and all the salts increased, only the chlorides normal, the uroxanthin abundant, the urea diminished. The morning urine of the 14th of January had a specific gravity of 1019; the sulphates and the uric acid were very abundant. The morning urine of the 15th of January had a specific gravity of 1023, and a great deal of uroxanthin; other wise similar to that of the previous day. From the 20th to the 31st of January, I made almost daily quantitative and qualitative analyses of the urine. The morning urine was passed after dinner, or in the evening, was dark-sherry color. The specific gravity on the 20th was 1015, and the followed five days 1022. It had generally a strong acid reaction; abundance of uroxanthin; the urea was, as a rule, diminished, the chlorides generally normal, the earthy phosphates somewhat increased, the phosphates of soda and sulphates much increased; the uric acid was deposited in much greater quantity than in the normal state, but was of very loose texture, and hence a large quantity weighted very less. Thus the urine of the 22nd of January contained in 1000 parts 943.6 of water, and 56.4 of solid constituents, and among the latter uric acid formed only the 0.365th part. The urine of the 21st of January contained in 1000 parts 949.6 of p73 water, and 50.4 of solid constituents, of which the sulphates formed the 0.65th part. The urine on the 26th of January was also of a bright- yellow color, clear, without sediment, strongly acid, its specific gravity 1016, but otherwise resembled that of the previous days. The qualitative analysis showed in 100 parts 961.6 of water, and 38.4 of solid constituents. The uric acid was abundant. I took 22 grams of urine, precipitated the sulphates, and obtained 0.14 parts of sulphate of potash, which, consequently, in the proportion of 1000 parts, showed the presence of the considerable quantity of 5.6 parts. On heating recently emitted urine in an ammonia apparatus, the vapor arising tinged the litmus-paper blue, and the same reaction took place on adding caustic potash, which expelled the ammonia. Thus for three days there was free ammonia in my urine, which does not and should not occur in normal urine, and is to be ascribed to the action of the Sulphur. The urine of the 29th, 30th, and 31st of January was of a dark-sherry color, clear, and without sediment, had a specific gravity of 1018, 1019, and was not changed by heat; the urea was as usual small in quantity, the chlorides normal, the earthy phosphates abundant, the sulphates, and the phosphate of soda very copious. The uric acid, which was deposited in great quantity, was combined with ammonia. In the urine of the 30th and 31st of January were traces of iron; there can be no doubt that it came from the blood by a peculiar process of excretion, probably induced by the excess of Sulphur.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. The larynx feels swollen. Swollen gland on the thyroid cartilage, which is painful to touch. Tickling in the larynx and bronchial tubes (thirty-second day). Tickling in the larynx (two hundred and twentieth day). Drawing and dryness in the larynx at times. Crawling in the larynx; talking causes cough. A painful thrust in the larynx when coughing. Sensation as if mucus stuck in the glottis (fifteenth day). Voice. (2240) Hoarseness, in the evening. Hoarseness, in the morning.

Hoarseness and complete loss of voice (after twenty-four hours).

Hoarseness and roughness of the voice, with dryness of the throat and burning on swallowing. In the evening, slight hoarseness (first day). Hoarseness (first day); in the morning, hoarseness (third day); in the evening (ninth day); frequent attacks of hoarseness (twenty-sixth day). Hoarseness (fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth days); (third day); (fourth and eighteenth days). Very hoarse voice (seventeenth day). Voice hoarse (eleventh and thirty-second days); hoarse voice, in the morning (thirtieth day); some hoarseness (one hundred and first day). In the morning, hoarse voice and irritation of the throat; these symptoms went off about noon (forty-fourth day); rough voice (seventy-ninth day); hoarse rough voice, in the evening, for some hours (one hundredth day); hoarse voice, in the even ing (two hundred and fortieth day); in the forenoon, roughness of voice; speaking requires an effort (two hundred and forty-first day); rough voice, in the evening (two hundred and forty-third day); roughness of the voice, lasting all day (two hundred and forty-fourth day); during the day, voice somewhat rough (two hundred and p73 forty-sixth day); hoarseness, in the forenoon (two hundred and fifty-first day); roughness of voice (two hundred and fifty-second and two hundred and sixty-fifth days); severe hoarseness, in the afternoon (two hundred and seventieth day); rough hoarse voice, in the afternoon and evening (two hundred and seventy-sixth day); rough voice, at noon (two hundred and seventy-ninth day). (2250) Deeper tone of the voice (third day). Catarrhal voice, with a stopped sensation in the root of the nose, in the morning. Talking is a very great effort and causes pain. Cough and Expectoration. Coughing.

Some cough (forty-fifth day); (twenty-third day). Some cough, caused by roughness of the throat (forty-first day). He wanted to cough and could not; it became black before his eyes.

Inclination to cough, after eating, so violent that he cannot cough soon enough; it draws his chest spasmodically together, and he retches as if he would vomit. Provocation to cough, in two or three attacks, with every breath, worse in the afternoon.

Frequent coughing and sneezing (third day).(2260) Frequent coughing with the sore throat. A violent cough came on in the afternoon; it instantly went off as soon as she went into the open air, but if she returned to the warm room, the cough re- turned with increased violence (third day). Cough, in the evening in bed, just before the menses, she was obliged to rise in order to obtain relief, whereupon it disappeared. Short cough, in the evening, while sitting asleep. Much cough when going to sleep, with heat in the head and face, and cold hands.

Cough only at night. Cough at night (first day); dry cough (second night); at night she required to cough frequently, and could not fall asleep again for a long time (third day); frequent cough during the day; very wearying cough occasionally (fourth day). Cough, accompanied by shooting pains in the chest, in the afternoon (thirtieth day). Cough always caused by rawness in the larynx. Dry cough woke him from sleep, at night. (2270) Dry cough, that did not permit him to sleep, only at night.

Sudden dry cough, as if the lungs would be torn out, with aggravated headache. Dry cough during the day, with stitches in the right side of the abdomen, with stopped catarrh. Dry cough in the evening, and also at night, and afterwards towards morning, with some expectoration, and a sensation of small bubbles bursting internally. A constant irritation, causing dry cough (third day). Dry cough, with hoarseness, dryness of the throat, and fluent coryza, with discharge of clear water. A little dry cough, with dull pain in the right hypochondrium (eleventh day); the cough is a little more frequent (twelfth day); cough more frequent than yesterday (thirteenth day); dry cough, as on the preceding days (fourteenth day). From 5 P.M.

onwards, a frequent dry cough, which does not appear to result from any chill, as the thermometer has risen ten degrees to-day (second day); in the morning, pretty severe cough, with some whitish mucous expectoration (third day). Dry cough a long time, in the evening in bed, before falling asleep, and worse than during the day. At noon dry cough, which lasted a quarter of an hour (sixteenth and seventeenth days).(2280) In the evening a dry cough came on, excited by a tickling in the throat, and p73 lasted a whole hour (sixteenth day). At night, after going to bed, a very troublesome dry cough, which lasted uninterruptedly nearly a quarter of an hour, whereby one or two lumps of albuminous-looking blue mucus were expectorated (fourteenth day).

Short, dry, violent cough, with pain in the sternum, or with stitches in the chest. Dry short cough, while walking in the open air. Short dry cough, in fits, frequently recurring (ninth day).

Dry short cough, only on walking in the open air. An attack of tickling cough, which lasted nearly half an hour, and went off after expectorating a good deal of phlegm, about 6 P.M. (tenth day); tickling cough, which lasted about five minutes and ceased after expectorating tenacious phlegm, about 6 P.M. (twenty-third day). Short hacking cough, with sore burning in the pharynx, aggravated in the open air, disappearing after lying down.

Hacking cough a whole hour, immediately after lying down, in the evening, on account of which she became hot; woke her about 3 o’clock. Occasional expectoration of thick phlegm, in the forenoon (fifteenth day); in the morning (sixteenth day); coughs up occasionally some thick mucus, in the morning (eighteenth day).(2290) A violent attack of cough, with expectoration of thick phlegm, and a feeling of rawness in the trachea, at night (third day); expectoration of much thick viscid phlegm, in the morning (fifth day); a short dry cough, as from irritation in the trachea, after taking the medicine (sixth day); frequent expectoration of a thick phlegm, in the evening (eighth day); repeated expectoration of phlegm from the larynx, in the morning (ninth day); expectoration of thick mucus several times, at night (tenth day); a slight irritation in the larynx, causing a dry cough; during the day, frequent dry tussiculation, with only occasionally expectoration of phlegm (eleventh day); repeated expectoration of phlegm, in the morning; during the day frequent cough (twelfth day); frequent expectoration of phlegm; frequent dry cough, in the afternoon and evening (thirteenth day); occasional cough, with sore pain in the chest and expectoration of thick phlegm, in the morning (sixteenth day); repeated expectoration, by coughing, of phlegm, in the morning after waking (seventeenth day); repeated expectoration of phlegm, in the morning after waking (eighteenth day); much expectoration of phlegm, in the morning after waking; frequent dry short cough, after dinner (twentieth day); frequent expectoration of phlegm, in the morning (twenty-first day); frequent violent cough, owing to an irritation deep in the air-passages, in the evening; cough generally dry, only sometimes there is a thick mucous expectoration (twenty-first day); frequent expectoration of mucus, in the morning after waking (twenty-second day); frequent cough, sometimes dry, sometimes with expectoration of phlegm, in the morning (twenty-third day); frequent expectoration of mucus, in the morning (twenty-fourth day); occasional coughing up of phlegm, in the morning; frequent short dry cough, in the evening (twenty-fifth day); several times severe cough, sometimes with expectoration of thick phlegm (twenty-sixth day); cough, as on the preceding days, in the morning after waking; frequent dry tussiculation (twenty-seventh day); coughing up of phlegm several times, in the morning (twenty-eighth day); frequent dry tussiculation (twenty-ninth day); frequent severe cough; about 1 A.M., violent cough, caused by a constant irritation in the trachea, and lasting nearly an hour (thirtieth day); frequent cough, generally dry, and only seldom with expectoration of phlegm, in the morning; much cough, in the evening (thirty-first day); frequent coughing up of phlegm (thirty-second day); occasional coughing up of phlegm, in the morning (thirty-third day); occasional coughing of mucus, in the morning; occasional expectoration and blowing from the nose of thick phlegm, in the morning (thirty-fourth day); occasional cough, with expectoration of thick phlegm (thirty-fifth day); frequent cough, with expectoration of thick phlegm, in the morn-ing (thirty-sixth day); cough, with expectoration of phlegm, several times in the morning (thirty-seventh day); expectoration of mucus, in the morning (thirty-eighth day); severe cough, in the morning (thirty-ninth day); frequent cough, with expectoration of thick phlegm, in the morning (fortieth day); frequent coughing up of mucus, in the morning (forty-first day); repeated coughing of phlegm, in the morning; during the day frequent cough, sometimes short and dry, sometimes with copious expectoration of phlegm (forty-second day); frequent cough, sometimes short and dry, sometimes with expectoration of thick phlegm (forty-third day); coughing of phlegm, in the morning (forty-fourth day); frequent cough, sometimes dry, sometimes with expectoration of mucus (forty-fifth day); several times, coughing up of mucus (forty-sixth day); frequent coughing up of mucus, in the morning; dry cough, sometimes (forty-seventh day); cough, with the expectoration of phlegm, in the morning; frequent dry short cough, after dinner (forty-eighth day); occasional coughing up of phlegm, in the morning; frequent short dry tussiculation, in the evening (forty- ninth day); coughing up of mucus, in the morning (fifty-first day); frequent mucous expectoration (fifty-second day); occasional cough, in the morning (fifty-third day); irritation in the trachea, occasioning a severe dry cough, for half an hour, in the morning in bed (fifty-fourth day); coughing up of mucus, several times, in the morning (fifty-fifth day); frequent cough, with expectoration of mucus (fifty-sixth day); an occasional cough, in the morning (fifty-seventh day); occasional cough; frequent short dry cough, in the evening (fifty-eighth day); occasional cough, with expectoration of phlegm, in the morning (sixtieth day); occasional cough with phlegm; occasional dry tussiculation (sixty-third day); coughing of phlegm, in the morning (sixty- fourth day); occasional coughing of phlegm, in the morning (sixty-fifth day); after getting up, tickling in the larynx, lasting half an hour, and causing a violent dry cough (sixty- seventh day); occasional coughing of phlegm (sixty-ninth day) occasional coughing up of mucus (seventy-first day); cough, with phlegm, in the morning (seventy-second day); occasional cough with phlegm (seventy-fourth and seventy-fifth days); a few coughs, with thick phlegm, in the morning (seventy-sixth day); frequent severe cough (seventy-seventh day); occasional coughing up of phlegm, in the morning; frequent severe (spasmodic) dry cough, from fullness of chest, at noon (seventy-seventh day); frequent cough, thick mucous expectoration (seventy-eighth day); a little cough, in the afternoon (seventy-ninth day); occasional cough, with thick mucous expectoration, at noon (eightieth day); p73 occasional coughing of phlegm, in the morning (eighty-first day); frequent coughing up of mucus (eighty-third day); great irritation of cough, soon after taking the medicine; after dinner, great irritation to cough, and sudden shaking cough (eighth-fifth day); occasional cough, in the morning (eighty- seventh day); about 2 A.M., he was awakened by a very violent fit of coughing; this was brought on by an irritation in the trachea; it came on in fits, was barking, generally dry, and only sometimes with mucous expectoration; in an hour the cough gradually subsided, and he fell asleep again; occasionally coughing of mucus, in the morning; in the evening, frequent severe dry cough (eighty-ninth day); occasionally coughing of phlegm, in the morning (ninetieth day); at night, some violent fits of spasmodic cough; these fits came on suddenly, were accompanied by a contraction of the air-passages, and went off as suddenly after a few violent coughs; the cough was usually dry, only occasionally there was a serous expectoration (ninety-first day); occasional violent cough, in the morning; frequent short, broken, dry tussiculations (ninety-third day); occasional moderate cough, in the morning (ninety-fourth day); frequent short dry tussiculation (ninety-fifth day); occasional coughing of phlegm, in the morning (ninety-seventh day); the usual loose cough, in the morning (ninety-eighth day); occasional cough (one hundred and first day); he was awakened early, in the morning, by a dry, convulsive violent cough, which lasted an hour, and after going off, left a soreness of the whole chest (one hundred and second day); occasional coughing up of mucus (one hundred and third day); a few coughs, with expectoration of phlegm (one hundred and fourth day); occasional coughing of mucus, in the morning (one hundred and fifth day); occasional tussiculation, in the evening (one hundred and sixth day); coughs less mucus, in the morning (one hundred and ninth day); occasion-al cough with phlegm (one hundred and twelfth day); occasional violent cough, sometimes dry, sometimes with phlegm, in the morning (one hundred and fourteenth day); occasional cough, in the morning (one hundred and fifteenth day); about midnight, he was awakened by a violent attack of coughing; the cough came on in fits, and was generally

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.