
Fullness and heat in the head, in the afternoon (third day).

Head seemed distended, with loud noises in the ears (after one hour). Rush of blood to the head (twenty-first day). Rush of blood to the head during the menses. Rush of blood to the head during a soft stool. Rush of blood to the head, like a slight pressure over the head. Rush of blood to the head, even during a soft stool, and after riding in a wagon.(210) In two hours, when in bed, he had a violent rush of blood to the head, and felt all the arteries in his head beating (first day). At night, in bed, rush of blood to the head, with heat and confusion of it (first day). On taking gentle exercise, transient rush of blood to the head, with burning and creeping in the skin of the face (first day). Rush of blood of the head; a pressure in it and out at the eyes; a feeling of numbness before the ears. Headache (ninth day); (second day), etc. The head pained, as if raw, and would not bear the slightest touch (second day). Aching in the head, in the forenoon (twenty-second day). Headache, as from a weight pressing upon the top of the brain, and as from a cord around the head. Headache and weariness, while walking in the afternoon, changing in the evening to toothache and sleepiness (after eighth day). Headache, with pressure in the eyes, after eating.(220) In the evening, headache, with several momentary attacks of oppression (ninth day). A peculiar headache, not easy to describe, accompanied by vertigo, and compelling her to keep quiet, and at its worst to sit still; she felt relief by shutting her p73 eyes (fourth day); again affected by above described headache and vertigo. Today she was obliged to remain constantly seated in order to keep off the attacks; they were rather less in the open air. In the afternoon this vertigo became extremely severe; it followed upon nausea, inclination to vomit, twisting and turning in the stomach, yawning, excessive prostration, almost amounting to trembling of the limbs, and occasional noise in the head and ears. (The vertigo had this peculiarity, it increased in violence on stooping or moving about, but was alleviated by sitting still), (eighth day). Headache, as from incarceration of flatus. Headache, with nausea. Much headache, especially on stooping.

Headache only on ascending steps. Pain and tingling all through the head. Pain, as if the brain were beating against the skull, always on nodding the head. Pain in the whole head on external pressure; for example, by a tight hat. Every step is painfully felt in the head. (230) Headache worse in the open air, better in the house. Headache so that the eyes seem to close. Pain in the head and abdomen, on coughing. Headache, as if beaten and torn, on coughing. Aching and heat in the head, about noon (twenty-first day). Headache, especially in the forenoon, as if the head were drawn forward and downward.

Towards evening, headache, and shooting in the throat (first day). Nightly headache, an intolerable, constantly increasing pressure in the lower portion of the occiput and in the vertex, with pressure on the eyes, which he must close, and with chilliness, not relieved by any covering, with profuse offensive perspiration, during which he must walk up and down the room (after five days). Headache, at night, as if the skull would be torn open. Constant headache.(240) Violent headache on getting up; weight on the forehead; this pain is aggravated in the open air and when walking; a little later it becomes seated in the forehead and is pulsative (twelfth day). Intense headache, with sensation that his head and ears were stuffed. Violent headache at night, which disturbed sleep; she had rest in no position. Violent headache (seventeenth and following days). In the evening violent pain, as if the head were screwed together from without, any flying heat in the face (twenty-eighth day).

Violent pain in the middle of the head caused by coughing and sneezing. Head stupefied (eighty-third day). Violent stupefying headache and shooting in the left side of the chest, lasting more than a quarter of an hour (thirty-second day); during the day dull headache (thirty-seventh day); in the afternoon, stupefying headache (thirty-eighth day). Disturbances in the head, so that she thought she had lost her reason. (* Revised by Hughes. *) A kind of stupid weakness in the head while walking in the open air, with gloomy disagreeable ideas, for several minutes; at one time more, at another less.(250) Pressure in the head, in the morning, immediately after rising. Pressure in the head every other morning at 8 or 9 o’clock, and so alternately till going to sleep. Pressure in the head from one temple to the other, in the morning after rising. At 11 A.M. slight pressive headache; the whole head is affected; this pain ceases in an hour; it returns in the evening over the right eye only (seventh p73 day). Pressive headache, at 10 A.M.; towards 5 P.M. it increases; it feels as if the base of the brain were tightly compressed by a band (eighth day). Pressive headache in the house, with tightness of the scalp, relieved by uncovering the head. Pressive headache; every step is painfully felt in the forehead, with perspiration on the forehead. Pressive headache (even in the morning after rising), mostly on the vertex, as if the eyes would be pressed down. Pressive pain all over the head, especially on the occiput, aggravated by external pressure (fifth day). Pressive headache, at 10 A.M. (fifteenth day). Slight compression of the head, in the morning (tenth day). Jerking headache. Tensive pain in the head. Tearing as with a saw in the head. Tearing in the head outward at the ear. Tearing in the head more in the afternoon than in the forenoon, with weakness and thirstless head; is obliged to lay the head upon a table to get relief. Stick like tearing in long irregular intervals, at one time through various parts of the head, at another, pain through the bones of the cheeks, in the region of the lower jaw, and other parts of the face. Painful thrust in the head when coughing. Stitch in the head. Stitches in the head and out at the eyes. (270) Sticking headache at various times, at times continuing at night with tearing in the lower jaw, or followed by bruised pain in the side of the head, mostly for a short time, relieved by compression of the head, at times obliging to lie down. Hammering headache on vivacious talking. Very painful hammering in the head. Some blows through the whole head.

Beating of the brain against the skull on moving the head, with pressive pain. Throbbing in the head, in the morning. About 2 A.M., violent throbbing of all the arteries of the head (third day). Empty feeling in the head, in the morning (forty-eighth day). A kind of creeping feeling occasionally felt in the head, especially on the parietal and occipital regions (one hundred and eleventh day). A cold spot constantly on the top of the head.(280) In the evening, severe cold in the head with headache (twentieth and twenty-first days). Sensation of fog in his head and dizziness, which makes him sad; ideas indefinite, with irresolution. Forehead. Slight headache at the left side of the forehead, just above the eyebrow (soon); at noon, troublesome aching on the left side of the forehead (third day). A sudden, not violent, pain in the left side of the forehead (soon); in the morning, aching in the forehead, first on the left side and then on the right, extending to the mastoid process (second and third days). During the day, aching in the forehead (eighth day).

Transient aching in right side of forehead (soon). in the morning, aching pain in the forehead (fourteenth day); slight aching in the forehead (twenty-fourth and following days). Aching pain in the forehead and confusion of head, as if he had taken too much alcoholic drink, lasting until noon (after one hour, second and third days); aching pain in forehead, above eyebrows (soon, eighth day); at 6 A.M., after waking, aching pain in forehead, going off after getting up and washing (ninth day); on waking, in the morning, pressive pain in the forehead and occiput (eighteenth day); pressive headache over the eyebrows, p73 almost all day, more or less severe and continued (twentieth day); aching pain in forehead, especially above the right eye, lasting till noon (soon, forty-first day). Aching pain in the forehead (immediately, ninth day); in the morning the usual headache (tenth day). In the morning slight frontal headache (fourth day); in the morning aching in the forehead (fifth day).

Aching pain in forehead and occiput, especially when stooping, about noon (second day). Aching pains in the left frontal region, in the evening (sixteenth day). Along with the febrile heat there occurred a disagreeable aching pain in the forehead, and great restlessness, which went off when sweat broke out (thirty-eighth day). After dinner, aching in forehead and stomach (third day). Headache over the eyes, every morning, as from stopped coryza; was constantly obliged to sneeze. Headache above the eyes and nausea after eating, followed by heaviness of the head. Headache as from a board in front of the head. Aching pains in the left frontal region on going upstairs (seventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.