
Agglutination of the eyes, two mornings (after twenty days). Agglutinated eyes, in the morning (after burning, in the evening). The eyes are agglutinated, in the morning, the lids thick and red; afterwards dry mucus in the lashes. I could scarcely open my eyes, which were agglutinate, with forcible closure of the lids; in the evening the light obliges me to shut them (fourteenth day).(560) In the morning, on awaking, the left eyelids stuck together; lachrymation from both eyes; and along with these symptoms there p73 was so much photophobia that he could not look towards the window. On looking into the mirror, after getting up, he found the left eyelids swelled and the conjunctiva of both eyes red. In the course of the day he had a feeling of dryness and heat in both eyes; on opening and shutting the eyes he felt as if the lids rubbed against the eyeballs (twenty-third day). In the morning the left eye was again closed up, the lids reddened, the photophobia worse than yesterday; the conjunctiva and sclerotic of both eyes much injected; the least light caused a copious flow of tears (twenty-fourth day); the inflammation of the eyes lasted in the same intensity till thirty-first day; the ophthalmic affection declined; he could look at the light better; the redness and heat of the eyes were less (thirty-second day); in the morning the heat and redness of the eyes were greater than yesterday, but declined in the course of the day (thirty-third day); each day, in the morning, feeling of heat in the eyes and some photophobia, symptoms which regularly declined towards the latter part of the day; in the evening, although he felt no pain in the eyes, he could not read long by lamp-light without fatigue and watering of the eyes (thirty-fourth to thirty-seventh day). Eyes slightly adhering, in the morning, on awaking (fourteenth day). Slight adhesion of the lids, in the morning (ninth, thirty-second and one hundred and seventh days). Eyelids somewhat stuck together (forty-fifth and fifty-sixth days); canthi slightly adherent, in the morning (sixty-sixth day); slight adhesion of the eyelids, in the morning (sixty-seventh day); in the morning, adhesion of the eyelids and slight burning of their edges (seventieth-eighth day); slight adhesion of the external canthi (eighty-seventh day); the eyes are somewhat adherent in their external canthi (ninety-first day); slight adhesion and burning of the external canthi (ninety- second day); eyelids somewhat adherent (ninety-eighth day); slight agglutination of the eyelids, in the morning (two hundred and thirty-fifth and two hundred and thirty-eighth days). Much eye-gum on the cilia, in the morning, after waking (ninth day).

Copious secretion of mucus from Meibomian glands (fifth day).

Twitching of the lids for many days. Twitching of the lower lids every day. Twitching of the upper lid. The lids often close after rising in the morning.(570) In the evening, twitching in the eyelids (second day). Jerking in the lids. Jerking in the lids, mostly in the afternoon. Jerking in the left lower lid almost constantly. Jerking in the lower lid. Eyelids heavy, in the evening. Dryness of the inner surface of the lids.

Pressure in the eyelids, in the evening. Pressure in the upper lids. In the evening, violent shooting in the upper lid (fourth day).(580) Aching on the eyelids (fifth day). Pain in the outer canthus of both eyes (twelfth day). In the evening, sudden, very painful tearing in the left upper eyelid (twenty-third day). Burning of the lids, that are inflamed and red and tense on motion. Burning of the eyelids externally. Sensation of many burning sparks in the eyelids, that are immediately drawn together. Burning jerking in the right eyelid. Sticking and burning in the outer canthi, with dimness of vision, in the evening. A persistent burn p73 ing in the external canthus of the right eye, and at the same time a sensation as if a grain of sand was in it (after third dose). In the afternoon, burning in the eyelids, with flow of tears (second day).(590) Burning in the lids, especially of the right eye, in the morning, after getting up (eighth day). Burning of the upper lids. In the evening a fine burning, like sparks, on some parts of the skin of the right upper lid (third day). Burning in the edges of the lids, in the morning (second day); cutting-burning pains in the borders of the eyelids, and especially in the external canthi, after dinner (fifth day); very distressing burning in the outer canthi, and on shutting the eyes, a sensation as of a foreign body between the edges of the lids towards their external commissure, in the evening (fifth day); burning in the borders of the eyelids, after rising (sixth day); slight burning of the eyes, particularly in the outer canthi (eighth day); burning in the canthi, towards noon (eighteenth day). Great burning in the canthi, at noon (second day); slight burning in both outer canthi (tenth day); slight burning in the edges of the lids (twelfth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth days). In the forenoon, some burning on the edges of the eyelids (seventh day); slight burning in the external canthi (sixty-fourth day); during the day, severe burning on the edges of the eyelids (two hundred and third day); slight burning of t he tarsal edges (two hundred and seventy- ninth day). Frequent fine burning stitches in different parts of the skin of the left upper eyelid, as if from fine sparks (seventh day). Smarting sore pain on the inner side of the lids, after midnight, followed by a sensation of a rubbing dryness upon the inner surface. Smarting pain as from dryness of the margins of the lids. Smarting of the lids; inclination to rub them; the eyes can hardly bear the light, in the evening (eleventh day). (600) Sensation like sparks in the left upper lid (fifth day). In the morning, slight sensitiveness of the edges of the lids (one hundred and thirty-fifth day). Four hours after taking the medicine, when in bed, he felt a rubbing dry sensation (like sand) in the mucous surface of the eyelids (fourth day). In the morning, on awaking, feeling of sand in the eyes, with raw pain on rubbing them (second day). In the morning, after awaking, painful rubbing dry feeling in the borders of the right eyelids (fourth day). About 3 P.M., feeling of fine sand between the right eye and lid (second day). Itching of the eyelids, as if they would become inflamed.

Itching of the lids, obliging him to rest them every moment, in the afternoon; the eyes can scarcely endure the light at all, in the evening (twelfth day). Itching biting in the outer canthus (after six hours). Itching and biting in the inner canthi.(610) Itching and burning of the lids, which are red and swollen, in the morning (ninth day). Frequent itching, burning, and smarting in the canthi of the eyes, making him rub them (third day). In the afternoon, in the outer canthus of the left eye, slight tickling, which gradually increased to a considerable itching, which compelled him to rub the eye, and made all work in the evening impossible. He attributed this to a glass of wine he had drunk at dinner contrary to custom. Sleep twice p73 interrupted, and each time the itching in the eye was present (fourteenth day). About 4 P.M., tickling in the outer canthus of the left eye, and soon afterwards itching in it so violent as to cause him to rub it. In the evening, by candlelight, the itching extended to the inner canthus and changed into a shooting pain, on account of which it was midnight before he fell asleep and not until he had allayed the pain by means of cold compresses (fifteenth day). In the morning the affected eyelid was covered with a dry cake of mucus. The upper lid felt stiff on first opening the eyes, otherwise nothing morbid was visible. On going out the eyes watered for a short time, but there was very little itching in the left eye (seventeenth day). Slight adhesion of the lids at the left external canthus (nineteenth day). Left eye still somewhat close up with mucus; the upper lid less stiff (twenty-first day). In the evening, by candlelight, he had a recurrence of the itching in the external canthus of the left eye, which he had had while proving the tincture. At the same time the upper lid itched (after five to ten minutes) to such a degree that he must involuntarily rub the eye. This he did gently, so that it could not have caused the symptoms that followed. Thus the itching increased in the evening to burning; the lids winked frequently, and the light hurt the eyes (second day).

In the morning he awoke with stiff eyelids, which, however, soon regained their ordinary mobility. The lids and the caruncula were both injected of a bright-red color. During the day the eye was pretty well, in the exception of the redness above described, and occasional itching on the borders, as if they were covered with crusts that ought to be removed. But on the approach of the night and at the sight of candles, the edges of the left of the eyelids commenced to burn, and photophobia came on. On reading or writing the eye watered, and the pain increased, preventing him going on with his work (third day). In the morning, on awaking, he could not open the eye immediately on account of the stiffness of the lids; he only succeeded in doing so after several trials, and then there appeared a considerable quantity of mucus, which obscured the sight, and in spite of frequent wiping away continued to return. This secretion of mucus lasted the first two or three hours of the forenoon, and did not cease till about noon. In the evening, again itching, then burning pain followed by photophobia and flow of tears (fourth day). The blepharoblennorrhoea of the left eye just described persisted (from fifth to sixteenth day); eye affection quite gone (twenty- first day); in the evening the ophthalmic affection returned, with precisely the same symptoms (twenty-third day); right eye affected in a similar though a slighter manner (twenty-ninth day); eyes quite well (forty-sixth day). Itching in eyelids and burning in eyes (twelfth day). In the morning, after awaking, itching in the eyelids (second day), which are gummed together (third day); itching much diminished (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.