
Clotted blood is always discharged on blowing the nose. Blowing of blood from the nose, at night. blows blood from the nose.

Nosebleed just before and after the menses.(790) Nosebleed the third evening during the menses. The nose bleed easily. Violent nosebleed, in the morning on blowing the nose. Epistaxis, and in one cause, a man of 60, nose bled every day, after the third day of taking the medicine, something which had not occurred since childhood. The mucus brought away on blowing the nose had streaks of blood in it (twenty-seventh day). In the morning he blew some blood-streaked mucus from the nose (thirteenth day).

About 8 P.M., tickling in the left nostril, immediately followed by the discharge of bright-red thickish blood, to the extent of about half a drachm, which contained a proportionately large quantity of sulphates (forty-eighth day). Subjective. Stoppage of the nose (second day). Nose much stopped up (sixteenth day).

Stoppage of both nostrils, with frequent sneezing. Stoppage of the right nostril (thirteenth day).(800) Stopped sensation in the upper part of the nose, with fluent coryza and burning soreness, with discharge of biting water, with rough bass voice, in the afternoon and evening. Great stoppage of the nose, for several days; on blowing the nose clots of blood are at times discharges.

Dryness of the inner nose. Painful sensation of dryness in the nose, with violent coryza. The borders of the alae nasi dry, the Schneiderian mucous membrane irritated, as if a coryza were coming on (fifteenth day). After a glass of beer feeling of p73 dryness in left nostril, and sensitiveness of the mucous membrane on inspiring the air of the room; the latter sensation went off almost entirely in the open air (nineteenth day). Dryness of the nose, burning on the outer borders of the alae nasi, which are very sensitive to touch, in the evening (fifth day); dry feeling and troublesome tension in the nose, in the forenoon (fourteenth day); troublesome dryness in t he nasal cavity (sixteenth day); in the nose sometimes dry feeling, and sometimes a discharge of watery fluid from it (seventeenth day); dry feel- ing in the nose towards noon (eighteenth day). Distressing dry feeling in the nose, after rising; dryness in the nose, at noon (second day); troublesome dryness and sensitiveness of the nose, soon after taking the medicine (fifth day); some sensitiveness and dryness in the nose (tenth day); nose dry and tender, in the morning after waking (eleventh day); dryness of the nose (thirteenth day); tiresome dryness of the nose, in the evening (fifteenth day); great dryness and sensitiveness of the nose (eighteenth day); teasing dryness of the nose, in the morn-ing (nineteenth day); dryness and tenderness of the nose (twentieth day); dryness of the nose and feeling as if its mucous membrane was swollen, in the open air in the forenoon (twenty-third day); great dryness of the nose (twenty-fourth day); dryness of the nose (twenty-ninth day); the effect upon the nasal mucous membrane during the whole of the proving was quite peculiar; at one time acrid fluid flows from the nose, and again the organ appears to be as dry and stiff as parchment, and the next moment he has to blow out a quantity of thick phlegm, which is followed by a return of the dryness; dryness of the nose (thirtieth day); distressing dryness and stiffness of the nose, at noon (thirty- first day); dryness of the nose (thirty-fifth day); severe burn- ing and dryness in the nose, at noon when sitting (thirty-sixth day); dryness of the nose and stiffness of its walls (fortieth day); dryness and tension of the nose (forty-first day); dry feeling in the nose, though it is actually moist, in the evening (forty-third day); dryness of the nose, in the evening (forty- seventh day); burning dry nose, in the evening (forty-ninth day); dryness of nose (fifty-third and fifty-sixth days); the nose not nearly so dry as the day previous (fifty-eighth day); great dry feeling in the nose, especially towards its point (sixty-second day); dryness of the nose (sixty-eighth day); great dryness of the nose (seventy-second and seventy-sixth days); dryness and tickling in the nose (seventy-eighth day); great dryness, extreme sensitiveness, almost sore feeling of the nose (eightieth day); dryness in the nose (eighty-first day); dryness and parchment- like stiffness of the nose (eighty-fifth day); great dryness of the nose (eighty-seventh day). In the afternoon, dryness of the nose (eighteenth day); dry feeling and aching in the nose (forty- third day); dryness of the nose (forty-seventh and forty-eighth days); tiresome dryness of the nose, in the morning (forty-ninth day); dryness of t he nose (fifty-fifth and sixty-fifth days); dryness of the nose, in the morning (seventy-third day); dry feeling in the nose, at noon (one hundred and fourth day); sensitiveness and dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose (one hundred and thirtieth day); dry feeling and aching in the nose, especially its root, in the forenoon (one hundred and p73 fifty-first day); dryness and aching in the nose severe two hundred and seventieth day); dryness of the nose (two hundred and seventy-first and two hundred and seventy-second days). Sore pain in the whole nose, especially in its septum, the slightest touch increased the pain, in the evening (second day); sore feeling in the nose, in the morning after rising; at noon pain very severe, and an acrid fluid flower from th e right nostril (fourth day); the nose, especially its left outer edge, is very sensitive to touch (seventh day); in the morning after waking, very tensive sore pain in the nose, especially at its point; feeling as if the nose was swollen; its aspect is covered with small scabs (eighth day); the edges and septum of the nose rather sensitive (tenth day); sensitiveness of the septum of the nose (eleventh day); sensitiveness and dryness of the nose, at noon (thirteenth day).(810) Transient sensitiveness of the mucous membrane of the nose (fourth day); mucous membrane of the nose feels sore, on smoking (thirty-second day); at dinner, a peculiar feeling in the right nostril; he felt as if the mucous membrane detached it self from the bone and rose as a blister, at the same time frequent sneezing; these symptoms were present almost all the afternoon (thirty-fourth day); raw pain on the edge of the right nostril (sixty-fifth day). Aching at the root of the nose (twenty-fifth day); at noon, very troublesome aching pain in the nasal bones (one hundred and twelfth day); during the day, severe aching in the nasal bones (one hundred and thirteenth day); at noon, very severe aching in the nasal bones, and creeping in both temples (one hundred and fourteenth day); during the day, a disagreeable feeling of aching and fullness in the nose, one of the nasal bones was thickened and swollen (one hundred and seventeenth day); in the morning, severe aching in the nasal bones, and dry feeling in the nose. The aching in the nasal bones went off in the forenoon, but recurred at noon in great intensity and went away again in an hour (one hundred and eighteenth day); at noon, severe aching in the nasal bones and dry feeling in the nose, though a drop or two of fluid occasionally escapes unobserved from the nostrils (one hundred and nineteenth day); occasional severe aching in the nasal bones, in the forenoon (one hundred and twentieth day); during breakfast, very violent aching in the nose; the pain extended into the frontal sinus, but did not last long (one hundred and twenty-second day); occasional aching pain in the nasal bones (one hundred and twenty-fourth day); frequent aching pain in the nasal bones, in the forenoon (one hundred and twenty-seventh day); dry feeling and aching in the superior nasal passages (one hundred and twenty-eighth day); towards noon, quite severe aching in the nasal passages (one hundred and thirtieth day); frequently recurring, but always transitory sensation of soreness in the nose (one hundred and thirty-second day); occasional aching in the nasal bones (one hundred and thirty- third); in the nose, very tiresome aching and feeling of dryness (one hundred and thirty-third day); aching in the nose, at noon (one hundred and thirty-fourth day); occasional tiresome aching in the nose (one hundred and thirty-fifth day); during the day, repeated aching at the root of the nose (one hundred and thirty- sixth day); towards noon, tiresome aching in the root of the nose (one hundred and thirty-eighth p73 day); tiresome aching in the bones of the nose, at noon (two hundred and seventh day); aching pain in the root of the nose, in the evening (two hundred and thirty-sixth day); frequent aching pain in the root of the nose throughout the day (two hundred and thirty-seventh day); aching at the root of the nose (two hundred and thirty-eighth day); aching pains in the nose, at noon (two hundred and forty-eighth day); in the forenoon, very severe aching pain in the nose about its root, with dryness of the Schneiderian membrane (two hundred and fifty-eighth day). Occasional aching in the root of the nose, between the shoulders and all over the back (fifth day); some aching in the nasal bones, towards noon; recurrence of the aching after dinner (sixth day); aching in the nasal bones (eleventh day). A painful spot on the left nostril (two hundred and fifteenth day). A tender spot in the left nostril (sixth day). Boring above the root of the nose (twentieth day). Pain in the nose, which was swollen and internally ulcerated. Pain in the tip of the nose, when touched. A kind of cramp in the nose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.