
Shooting pain in the temples, close to the eyes, on moving them or on looking at anything (third day). Flying shoots in the left temple, in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day). Sticking headache in the temples. Throbbing pains in both temples after walking, especially after going upstairs (fifth day). Throbbing in the head (temples), on the neck, and about the heart; everything in it throbbed and trembled. From 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., throbbing pain in the left temporal region, which was aggravated by walking, and at 6 P.M. suddenly went away (fourth day).

Painful turning and crawling in the temples. Vertex. Sensation of heaviness in the crown. Feeling as of some heavy weight on vertex. Headache in the vertex as from pressure on the top of the brain (ninth day). Aching on the right side of the vertex, with rigor (first day). Pain superiorly on the vertex on chewing, coughing, and blowing the nose. Pain in the vertex, like a tingling, and pain beneath the right ribs from the (short) cough.(370) Violent pain in the vertex, in the evening, as if the hair would be torn out; it bristles on the most painful spots. Violent feverish headache in the crown, occurring several morning and lasting several hours. boring headache on the top beneath the vertex; the spot is also painful to touch externally. At 8 A.M., pressive pain on both sides of the sagittal suture (sixth day). Pressure externally on the vertex, extending to the forehead. From time to time, painful pressing inward from the vertex superiorly deep into the brain, especially late in the evening and at night in bed; the pain compels wrinkling the forehead and drawing the eyes together.

Aching in the vertex, increased in the open air, where it became very teasing, towards noon; after dinner, increased to the feeling as if a heavy weight lay on it; this pain lasted all day in a minor degree, and did not go off till evening (eighteenth day). Violent pressure on the vertex, in the evening (eighth day); about 1 A.M., a very severe headache came on, occupying a portion of the vertex about the size of the palm; it was superficial, and seemed to be seated in the bone; the pain was of a drawing-burning character, was increased by touch, and lasted an hour (twenty-eighth day); quite severe aching-tearing pain in the vertex, which went off at noon, but returned very severely in the afternoon in the open air; the whole vertex burnt as if raw (seventy-first day); aching pain in the vertex (seventy-eight day); in the morning, he awoke with a violent aching-pressing pain on the vertex, which occupied a space about the size of a palm, and only went off some hours p73 after getting up (ninety-second day); slight aching in the vertex, about noon (ninety-fourth day); on awaking, severe burning on the vertex, which went off after getting up, and was succeeded by a cool feeling in the same place (ninety-ninth day). Aching in the vertex and slight drawing in the occiput, after dinner; the headache went off in the open air, but on coming into the room again, the aching in the vertex reappeared, but went off after sitting for awhile (first day); he awoke, in the morning, with great aching in the vertex, which lasted some time after getting up (twenty-fifth day); in the evening, quite severe aching pain in the vertex (thirty-eighth day); in the evening, quite smart aching in the vertex (fortieth day); in the morning, on waking, headache, chiefly externally, on the vertex, which lasts for some time after getting up (fifty-seventh day); great aching and burning in the vertex, at noon (sixty-seventh day); in the morning, on awaking, great aching in the vertex, which continues for some time after getting up (ninety-eighth day); slight aching in the vertex (one hundred and twelfth day); pressive pain on the vertex in the morning (one hundred and fortieth day); some painful spots on the vertex, in the afternoon (one hundred and twenty-sixth day); in the morning, quite severe aching in the vertex, which only went off after getting up (one hundred and twenty-third day); aching pain in the vertex, in the evening (two hundred and sixteenth day); aching in the vertex (two hundred and twentieth day); woke in the morning with violent aching-throbbing pains in the crown; the pains gradually went off after getting up (two hundred and sixth-ninth day); in the morning, on awaking, violent aching pain in the vertex; the pain was relieved by getting up, but not quite removed (two hundred and seventy-fourth day). Tenderness of the head at the crown (fourth day). (380) Some stitches in the crown of the head. Tingling superiorly in the vertex. The vertex is very sensitive when touched, and when not. A spot on the vertex is painful to touch. Parietals. Stitches in the parietal and occipital bones when coughing. A constant, mostly one-sided headache, as if the brain were torn or sore, on opening the eyes after waking from the midday nap (after thirty-six hours). In two hours, dull aching in the whole right half of the brain (first day). One-sided, sharp, pressive headache beneath the left parietal bone immediately after supper.

Painful thrusts in the right side of the head, in the evening while sitting. Tearing in the head, mostly in the sides and forehead, at times with drawing and sticking and ulcerating pain, and especially relieved or removed by moving the head, by press- ing upon it, and by free air.(390) Headache externally on the left side, painful to touch, as if suppurating. Screwing- together pain in the left side of the head. Occiput. In the morning, weight and hot feeling in the occiput (fourth and fifth days). In the morning, after getting up, aching and heavy feeling in the occiput, extending into the nape; headache went off in the course of the day (forty-seventh day). Sudden aching tension in the left side of the occiput (eighth day). A short tensive aching in the left side of the occiput (eighth day). About 2 A.M., he awoke with aching pain in the occiput (third day).

Headache in the occiput from noon on, a p73 stupefying tingling in it on stepping; she was obliged to sit very quietly for four hours. A small spot in the lower part of the head, by the nape of the neck, hurts at times, and especially after scratching a sore burning. Pain in the left side of the occiput, as from congestion of blood, after waking from sleep. (400) In the evening, violent pains in the occiput (fourth and fifth days).

During the forenoon, aching and drawing pains in the occiput (twenty-eighth day). After lying down, fine drawing shooting pains in the occiput to the nape, in the forenoon (one hundred and fifty-eighth day). Slight drawing in the occiput and nape (one hundred and eleventh day). Drawing pain in the occiput, so violent, while chewing, that he was obliged to stop eating. At night, pressive pain in occiput (forty-fourth day). Burning and sticking in the right side of the occiput. Burning-aching pain in occiput, which feels as if its seat were beneath the bone; it lasted till the afternoon, and then gradually went off (after one hour, eighth day).(410) Pulsating in the left side of the occiput, that at last changes to a jerking. Woke at an unusual hour, namely, at 5 A.M., with aching-throbbing headache in the right half of the occiput, and pain in the left side of the small of the back; the former went off in half an hour the latter after getting up in bed (second day). Aching-throbbing headache in the right half of the occiput (second day). External Head, Objective. Movements of the scalp from the nape of the neck over the vertex to the forehead. Falling out of the hair; (twelfth day). Hair came out much, in the morning, on combing it. Profuse falling of the hair. (Diminution of the falling off of the hair), (twenty-third day). The hair falls out a great deal; a bald place is formed (two hundred and forty-ninth day).

Scalp for a long time thickly covered with scabs. (* Up to the age of fifteen I had been frequently troubled with ringworm. *) For many years he had been subject to great scaliness of the head, so that a large quantity of scales came off when he combed or brushed his hair, and this coat collar was always covered with them; for a few days he has not noticed any of these scales, so that he thinks the Sulphur must have acted curatively (fifty- first day); no scales when he combs his head, though he used to have a good many (seventy-fourth day). The skin of the head is again covered with many white scales, difficult to get away (one hundred and eighty-ninth day); on combing the hair, a quantity of scales fall from the head (one hundred and ninety-third day); many scales on the head (two hundred and thirty-second day); a large number of scales on the head, especially the vertex (two hundred and fifty-third day); accumulation of scales on the scalp (two hundred and sixty-ninth day). Itching pimples on the scalp (first fourteen days). Small painful pimples here and there on the scalp (eighth day); pimples gone (ninth day); several small pimples on the scalp (fifty-fifth day); in the evening, painful pimples here and there over the scalp (one hundred and thirty-fourth day); several small pimples on the head (one hundred and thirty-eighth day); small pimples on various parts of the scalp (one hundred and forty-seventh day); the pimples on the head are almost all there still (one hundred and fiftieth day); on the scalp, several small spots covered with scabs are loosening (one hundred and fifty-eighth day). Itching pimples on the forehead; on rubbing, a sticking in them. Pimples on the forehead painful to touch. A small painless vesicle appeared on each frontal protuberance, which remained there for several weeks (fourteenth day). There arose several small painful elevations on different parts of the forehead and vertex, one especially, on the skin between the occiput and right mastoid process, was particularly sensitive, and, along with the other elevations, last ed several days, when they gradually went off (twelfth day). Within a week, pimple on center of forehead, painful to the pressure of the hat, and one on dorsum of right foot, which is very painful to pressure and throbs (for some days). On the left side of the forehead a small inflamed pimple (sixth day). (430) On the right side of the forehead an inflamed pimple (thirteenth day). Some painful pimples above the eyebrows; on the forehead and scalp an inflamed pimple (one hundred and sixth day); above the left eyebrow six pustules (one hundred and seventh day); a small inflamed boil on the left side of the forehead (one hundred and ninth day); two pustules on the forehead (one hundred and eleventh day); two inflamed pimples above the left eyebrow (one hundred and twelfth day), an inflamed pimple on the left side of the forehead (one hundred and fifteenth day); the pimple on the forehead swelled up during the past night and is filled with pus (one hundred and thirtieth day). An inflamed pimple on the forehead (one hundred and sixty- seventh day); several small pimples on the forehead (one hundred and sixty-eighth day); an inflamed pimple on the forehead (one hundred and ninety-fifth day); the pimple on the forehead is full of pus (one hundred and ninety-sixth day); an inflamed pimple on the forehead (one hundred and ninety-ninth, two hundredth, two hundred and fifteenth, and two hundred and forty-sixth days). On the forehead complete patches and groups of black points, like comedones; they cannot, however, be squeezed out (one hundred and forty-fourth day); the group of comedones which appeared on the forehead two months ago have disappear ed; only a few dark spots are visible (two hundred and twenty-first day). A painful pimple on the right eyebrow (ninth day). An inflamed pimple behind the right ear (one hundred and sixty-second day); a small inflamed pimple behind the right ear (two hundred and sixty-third day). A small painful spot, covered with papulae, on the right temple (two hundred and seventy-fifth day). For some days past there has been a humid eruption on the top of the head, like tinea capitis, small grain like pustules filled with pus, and drying up into honey like scabs (thirty-second day). On two spots of the vertex there are found very tender scabby elevations, the size of a pea, which last several days (forty-third day). During the day two pimples again appeared, one on the vertex, the other posteriorly about the nape (sixty-first day); a painful pimple on the vertex (ninety-fifth day); on the vertex some small elevations of the scalp, quite free from pain (one hundred and seventh day); several small pimples on the vertex (one hundred and twenty-third day); a small painful pimple on the vertex (one hundred and thirty-third day); a painful pimple on the middle of the vertex (one hundred and thirty-fourth day); a small painful pimple on the middle of the vertex (two hundred and thirty-fourth day); a painful pimple on the vertex, in the evening (two hundred and forty-fourth day); the pimple on the vertex gone, but in place of it there appears on the same spot several not very tender elevations the size of a hemp-seed (two hundred and forty- fifth day); elevations gone (two hundred and forty-sixth day).(440) While combing his hair, in the morning, he observed a small, not red elevation, on the right parietal region, sensitive to the touch (thirteenth day). On the right side of the scalp, over the parietal bone, a very painful pimple forms (eighteenth day). A suppurating pimple on the hairy scalp near the nap (sixteenth day). An inflamed pimple on the occiput (twenty-second day); some inflamed pimples at the back of the scalp (sixtieth day); on the occiput two painful pimples, and a similar inflamed pimple on the middle of the vertex (seventy- ninth day); several painful pimples on the occiput (ninety-ninth day); (* I must repeat the remark, that the large quantity of scales I used to have on my head for some time back have quite disappeared, and that I cannot now bring away anything of the sort by vigorous combing and brushing, but the hair on the vertex is falling off considerably, so that a bald place is beginning to appear. *) on the right side of the scalp a small painful pimple (one hundred and eighth day); several small, not itching pimples, in the hollow at the back of the head downwards towards the nape (two hundred and twenty-third day). Subjective. Pulsating throbbing felt externally on the head. Pain in the roots of the hair, especially when touched. The hair of the head is painful on scratching. Slight sensitiveness of the whole scalp (one hundred and ninth day). Drawing and tearing in the scalp (one hundred and second day). Disagreeable creeping and tension in the scalp (two hundred and forty-third day). Itching on the scalp (two hundred and sixty-ninth day). Itching of the scalp, in the morning (eighth day). Itching on the head, with impatience. Itching on the forehead. Violent itching on the forehead. After dinner, itching in the skin of the forehead (third day). Itching of the skin of the forehead (forty-ninth day). Great burning in the skin of the forehead, in the evening when sitting (third day); all day long till late in the evening, burning in the skin of the forehead (fourth day); itching and burning in the skin of the forehead, in the evening (fifth day); burning in the skin of the forehead, in the morning after getting up (ninety-first day). In the morning, burning in the skin of the forehead (seventeenth day); severe burning in the skin of the forehead and in the eyes (fifty-third day). Burning of the scalp on both temples, at noon (eighty-seventh day).(460) During the day, the sensation frequently occurred as if the hair on the top of his head were pulled, although for a long time past he had been bald there (third day). Slight sensitiveness of the skin of the vertex (eighty-ninth day); sensitiveness of the skin on the top of the head (one hundred and forty-second and two hundred and sixty-eighth days). Violent pain, as from an ulcer, in the occiput on coughing, immediately. Itching on the occiput. Itching on the occiput near the nape (thirteenth day). Itching on the occiput making him scratch (eighty-sixth day). In the morning, after getting up, great itching on the occiput and nape (ninety-sixth day); great itching on the occiput, compelling him to scratch, in the morning (two hundred and seventy-fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.