
Tenderness of the abdominal parietes (fifteenth day). Abdominal parietes sensitive after dinner (twelfth day). The clothes press upon the abdomen. Painful oversensitiveness of the abdomen, as if everything in it were raw and sore, as after childbirth; therewith everything in it seemed to move, or a sudden sticking in it, shooting thence into the whole head.

Great sensitiveness of the upper part of the abdomen, so that the clothes press disagreeable, though they are not fastened tighter than usual (thirteenth day). Feeling of soreness in the intestines before the stool. In the forenoon, at every stop, sore feeling in the abdominal parietes, as if the muscles of the abdomen and the peritoneum had been bruised (fourth day). Some pain in the whole abdomen, as if it were raw, particularly noticeable on taking a full breath, coughing, walking quickly, or taking any violent exercise (second day). (1770) Movements in the abdomen as from the fist of child. Chilliness in the abdomen after eating. Farinaceous food causes trouble in the abdomen.

Urgent call to stool without result; burning and itching in the anus, and extrusion of hemorrhoidal tumors; evacuation of faeces of stony hardness. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Rumbling in the lower abdomen as from emptiness. From 10 A.M. until evening, constant feeling of fullness in the hypogastrium (twelfth day).

Weight and fullness in hypogastrium, with the feeling as if something heavy pressed heavily on the bladder (fourteenth, fifteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth days). Fullness in hypogastrium (nineteenth day); (third day). Pain in the lower abdomen, at times cutting, at times constrictive, during the menses. Cramp like pain in the lower abdomen, as if the intestines were knotted by threads, during the menses; she could neither lie nor walk, but was obliged to sit upright as much as possible.(1780) Great pain in the lower abdomen, with great heat, chilliness, and a kind of epilepsy, during the menses; she became quite stiff, distorted her mouth, and moved it back and forth without speaking, with cold forehead and cold hands. Dreadful pain in hypogastric region, as though the menses threatened, which was not the case. Griping in the lower abdomen; pain in the small of the back (and chilliness over the body), during the menses. A sticking griping just above the hips and on the last false ribs. Violent griping in the lower abdomen, so that she could scarcely walk and would rather weep, after entering the house, and preceded by rumbling in the abdomen and emission of flatus, frequently intermitting. Pressure in the lower abdomen.

Pressure in the left side of p73 the lower abdomen as from something hard; the pain drew her together so that she was obliged to walk quite bent over to one side. Sore pressure in the lower abdomen, after dinner, and eructations. Pressive pain in the right side of the lower abdomen while standing or walking against the wind, or when turning on to the left side after lying on the back. Cramp like pressure in the lower abdomen, at night.(1790) Cutting in the lower abdomen when he made an effort at stool, or upon pressing upon the abdomen, or on bending backward, not on sitting as usual. Momentary cutting sensation in lower abdomen. About 4 P.M., after a good motion, cutting pains deep in the hypogastrium, which lasted a quarter of an hour, and then went off after the discharge of much flatus (seventeenth day). Stitches and violent burning low down in the lower abdomen, with spasmodic pain in the right lower extremity.

Painful swollen inguinal glands. An incipient hernia forcibly presses downward, with a beaten bruised pain, and cannot be reduced with the hand (after four hour). The place of an old hernia protrudes; is obliged to put on a supporter. Drawing pressure in the right groin and in the left side of the abdomen.

Pressure in the groin, over the whole pubic region, as if tightly bound up, persistent. Tearing in both inguinal glands.(1800) Distressing pressure and shooting in the left inguinal region (third day); the pressing in the groin continues, and is combined with a feeling of heat (fifth day). With every stitch in the anus, at the same time dull shooting and jerking pains in the right inguinal region (thirty-second day). Between 4 to 5 P.M., boring-shooting pain, now in the right groin, now in the spermatic cord, extending to the testicles, now within the inguinal ring in the abdominal cavity, followed by sharp cutting pain in the right great toe (fourth day).

Rectum and Anus

Rectum. Prolapsus of the rectum during the stool. Gurgling in the rectum. Burning in the rectum during a stool. Burning in the rectum (forty-ninth day). Awoke with feeling of coldness and irritation in the rectum (twenty-sixth day). Astringent sore pain in the rectum, when lying down. Pressure in the rectum.

(1810) Painful pressure in the rectum during a (soft) stool.

Pressure on rectum and bladder (third day). Pressive fullness in the rectum. Constant bearing down with the rectum (thirteenth day); great bearing down, and feeling of fullness in the rectum (fourteenth day); bearing down (fifteenth day).

Tearing in the rectum. Cutting in the rectum during a normal stool. Previous to a good motion, violent cutting, extending far up the rectum (third night). In the evening several jerking, lightning-like shoots in the rectum (sixth day). At 7 P.M., when standing, several throbbing shoots in the rectum, from the border of the anus through the bowel and into the right hip (sixth day).

Violent stitches in the rectum, especially in the evening.

Violent sticking in the rectum, even when not a stool, taking away the breath. Crawling and biting in the rectum, as from worms while sitting, in the evening. Itching in the rectum. Violent itching in the rectum, frequently during the p73 day. Violent itching in the rectum (seventh day); itching in the course of the day and evening, which, however, never lasts longer than a minute (ninth day); occasionally tickling (tenth day); after walking, itching more frequently, and lasted longer; after stool, itching ceased (eleventh day). Throbbing pain in the rectum the whole day, after a stool. Anus. Piles. On the forty-second day hemorrhoidal complaints set in, which at first attained a great degree of severity, and then gradually subsided; they lasted fully three weeks. They consisted of the appearance of a large pile, which caused a violent burning pain on walking, on being touched, and especially when at stool; sometimes very painful shoots darted out of it through the anus, and in the first days always a little blood was present at stool. Swelling of the anus, with burning itching. bleeding from the anus, although the motion was quite easily passed (seventh and eighth days).

(1830) Discharge of liquid from the anus, followed by faeces, at night during sleep. Involuntary discharge of moisture from the anus, followed by itching in it. Moist pimples in the anus, with smarting and sticking while walking and sitting. Increased congestion of the hemorrhoidal vessels. Hemorrhoids moist, even after a natural stool. Feeling of soreness of the anus, and exudation from it of a viscid, slimy fluid, which probably occasioned the feeling of soreness (third day); the borders of the anus were somewhat swollen, and he felt a tickling there as if a worm were creeping about; escape of a small quantity of slimy fluid from the anus (tenth day). Sore feeling at the anus, and escape of moisture from it; itching in the skin surrounding the anus (thirty-second day). Violent burning in the anus. burning in the anus, after sitting awhile (fourth day). Burning in the anus after a soft, formed stool, lasting a few minutes. (1840) Burning in the anus after a thin stool.

During a stool, burning sensation in the anus, which was red and inflamed and covered with red veins. In the evening, great burning in the anus and urethra (twenty-ninth day). before, during, and after the motion, burning in the anus (second day).

In the afternoon, burning in the anus, distressing (fifth day).

Slight, but transient burning in the anus after moderate exercise (after last two doses), after stool, slight burning in the anus, lasting some minutes (second day), burning in the anus, when sitting (eighteenth day). In the forenoon, when sitting, burning and aching in the anus, which lasted an hour; after dinner, flying shoots in the same part (first day); some burning in the anus, in the morning while sitting (seventh day); burning in the anus, in the morning after a good stool (eighth day); great burning and sore feeling in the anus, lasting half an hour, at noon when sitting; in the afternoon, after stool when sitting, the forcing and the pain in the anus occurs in fits; sometimes more, sometimes less severe (sixty-second day); feeling of heat in the anus, and the feeling as if a foreign body were there (seventy-second day); burning pains in the anus, in the evening when sitting (seventy-fourth day). At noon, burning pain in the anus, especially troublesome when sitting (eighth day); much burning in the anus, when sitting after walking (one hundred and sixty-third day); burning in the anus for a considerable time, after a good stool (two hundred and fiftieth day); burning in the anus after a hard stool (two hundred and fifty-ninth day). (1850) burning in the anus after a good stool, in the morning (fourth day); sudden burning pain in the anus (eighth day). Pressure and burning in anus; the burning lasted some time after the motion, so that she could not bear to sit (second day); tenesmus and severe burning in the anus (fourth day); burning in the anus so she cannot sit (fifth day). Strong bearing-down pains. Constant bearing down towards the anus (sixteenth day); bearing down towards the anus (seventeenth and thirtieth days); towards noon, bearing towards the anus, itching shoots in the anus (fortieth day); bearing down towards the anus, (forty – first and forty-eighth days); violent bearing down towards the anus, soon after dinner (fiftieth and fifty-first days). Slight bearing down in the anus, in the forenoon (thirteenth day). Bearing down in the anus, as if at stool (second day); while sitting, great bearing down and sore feeling in the anus, which became so bad in an hour that he could scarcely sit; but it went off after dinner (fifth day); great bearing down in the anus, soon after taking the medicine; bearing down in the anus, in the evening when sitting (seventh day); quite severe bearing down, and some fine shoots in the anus, lasting an hour, and some acute stitches in the anus, at noon when sitting (twenty-third day); some bearing down and flying shoots in the anus (twenty-eighth day); forcing down and aching in the anus, at noon. This feeling went off completely when walking, in the afternoon, but came back again when sitting, in the evening, but only in fits, for it went off the next instant (thirty-first day); bearing down in the anus, at noon (thirty-third day); bearing down in the anus (forty-first day); bearing down in the anus, in the forenoon when sitting (fifty-fourth day); bearing down in the anus, at noon when sitting (fifty-fifth day); bearing down in the anus, in the evening when sitting (fifty-sixth day); quite severe bearing down, and some fine shoots in the anus, in the forenoon while sitting (fifty-eighth day); considerable forcing down in the anus, in the forenoon while sitting (fifty-eighth day); consider- able forcing down in the anus, which, as usual, suddenly went off, and after a time recurred, at noon when sitting (sixtieth day); forcing and sore feeling in the anus, at noon when sitting (sixty-third day); quite severe bearing down and burning in the anus, after dinner (sixty-fifth day); fits of bearing down in the anus, in the evening (seventy-eighth day); when sitting, bearing down in the anus, which came on in fits, and again went off, but did not finally cease till 9 P.M. (seventy-first day); bearing down in the anus (eighty-first day); great bearing down in the anus, in the evening when sitting (eighty-sixth day); great bearing down and burning in the anus for an hour, at noon (eighty-eighth day); some fullness and bearing down in the anus, but in a much less degree than on the previous days, after dinner (ninety-third day); sudden bearing down in the anus, in the forenoon while sitting (one hundredth day); some bearing down in the anus, in the evening when sitting (one hundred and ninth day); one hour after loose stool, fullness, and bearing down in the anus (one hundred and eleventh day); severe bearing down in p73 the anus, in the forenoon (one hundred and thirteenth day); bearing down in the anus, lasting an hour, in the forenoon (one hundred and fifteenth day); very severe bearing down in the anus, not lasting long, at noon when sitting (one hundred and sixteenth day). Forcing down in anus, after sitting (first day); about noon, some forcing down in the anus, which afterwards became very painful when sitting, and was accompanied by single shoots; it went off on rising up and taking a few turns in the room (third day); quite severe bearing down in the anus in the forenoon when sitting (fourth day); bearing down in the anus, especially when sitting (seventh day); severe bearing down in the anus (eighth day); after breakfast, severe burning in the anus, and rumbling in the bowels (thirteenth day); a loose motion followed by severe burning in the anus (eighteenth day); at noon when sitting, great bearing down in the anus (twenty-fourth day); at noon when sitting, slight bearing down in the anus (twenty-sixth day); at noon, some bearing down in the anus (twenty-eighth day); at noon when sitting, great bearing down and burning in the anus (thirtieth day); some bearing down in the anus, when sitting (forty-first day); at noon, some bearing in the anus (forty-first day); at noon, sudden painful bearing down in the anus (ninety- first day); sudden violent forcing down in the anus (one hundred and fiftieth day); great bearing down in the anus, in the after- noon, for two hours (two hundred and sixty-ninth day). In the forenoon, when walking, severe bearing down and cutting in the anus; when sitting these symptoms went off (third day); at noon when sitting, very severe forcing down and violent pains in the anus (nineteenth day). Aching in the anus (eighth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.