
Itching in the right eye (second day); during the day prickling, itching, and smarting in the eyelids (third day); in the morning, after awaking, eyelids gummed together, and a feeling as if fine sand were in the eyes (fourth day). In the morning, itching and smarting in both p73 eyelids (fifth day). A sensation of prickling in both eyelids, causing him to scratch and rub them.

In the outer canthus of the right eye itching, shooting, and sensation of fine sparks in the skin of the right upper lid (third day).(620) In the afternoon, itching, burning, and redness of the edges of the lids, and of the skin on the outside of the nose (twenty-fourth day). Itching on the borders of the eyelids (eighth day). after dinner, rather severe itching of the lids, especially of the right eye (two hundred and forty- seventh day); great itching on the borders of the right eyelids (two hundred and forty-eighth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Great lachrymation and coryza. Lachrymation, feeling fatty, from both eyes. Lachrymation in the morning, followed by dryness. Lachrymation and burning, in the morning. Lachrymation in the open air, several days. Lachrymation of the eyes, when walking, in the open air (two hundred and seventy-sixth day). Slight burning and profuse lachrymation of the left eye, in the forenoon (tenth day).(630) Acrid water ran out of the eyes (third day).

Pupil. About 3 P.M., for an hour, remarkable dilatation of the pupils (thirty-second day). Distortion of the left pupil.

Pupils much contracted. Ball. The eyeballs are painful on moving them. Pressure in the eyeballs on walking, in the open air. Pressure in the left eyeball, in the afternoon (twenty- eighth day). In the evening, dull aching and feeling of weight in both eyeballs, with loss of vision, as if a thick veil were before the eyes (seventeenth day). Pain as from dryness of the eyeballs, and a sensation as if they rubbed against the lids.

After dinner jerking tearing in the left eyeball (second day).

Vision.(640) Dimness of vision, as from a fog, with the headache. Dimness of vision of both eyes, with great sensitiveness to bright daylight (second day); great dimness of vision (on reading), as if the cornea had lost its transparency; at the same time feeling of dryness (as from fine sand) between the eyelids (after one hour, seventh day). Dimness of vision, in the forenoon (first day); all the forenoon, unusual weakness and dimness of the eyes, followed by frequent tussiculation (third day). Dimness of vision and weakness of both eyes, with innumerable confused dark spots floating before the eyes (in two hours). Dimness of vision, with giddy confusion (first day). In the forenoon, dimness of vision; it seemed as if a veil were before the eyes; sometimes she saw objects double; she could hardly see to do needlework; when sewing the sight went away completely (seventh day). Since commencing my proving of Sulphur I have observed a considerable weakness of vision, and very often a feeling of heaviness and aching in the eyeballs.

When reading or writing I often feel as if a mist were before the eyes. I must then cover the eyes with the hand, slightly press and rub them, in order to read. Moreover, I must hold the book I am reading a considerable distance from the eyes, for when I hold it close I cannot distinguish the letters. I had previously noticed a slight diminution of my visual powers, but since the proving of Sulphur, the feeling of weight and aching in the eyes, and the weakness of sight rapidly increased, and to a great extent. The eyes seem blinded, in p73 the morning. Weakness of sight, she sees things only sideways. Sensation of a veil before the eyes, and dim vision for near and distant objects. In the evening, by candlelight, a veil before the eyes; the surrounding objects appeared to be enveloped in smoke; rubbing and wiping them had no effect (third day). Sensitiveness of the eyes to daylight (in two hours, fifth day). Vision as through a veil (twentieth day). Intolerance of sunlight.

Obscuration of vision, while reading. Paroxysms of obscuration of the eyes, while walking in the open air, with violent pressure and beating in the head, nausea and weakness (sixth day).

Illusion of vision, as if her skin were yellow. Objects seem more distant than they really are. Flickering before the eyes (after forty-eight hours). After breakfast, great flickering and luminous appearance before the eye. Everything appeared to be in a quivering movement. This symptom lasted an hour (one hundred and twentieth day). (660) At night, when going to sleep, lightning-like flashed before the eyes (eighth day). A white spot before the eyes, on looking into the air. Small dark specks before the eyes; eyes dazzled after looking long at an object (twenty-third day). Dark points and spots before the eyes. black flies seem to float not far from the eyes (after twelve hours).


Great increase of the wax in the eyes, especially the left ear (fifteenth day). Copious secretion of earwax (fifty and fifty- first days). The hollow of each concha, and each external meatus were unusually moist from a viscid fluid wax (second day).

Constant sweating and frequent itching in the left external auditory meatus (first day). After dinner, several fine stitches in the right concha (fifth day).(670) Violent squeezing pain, first in the left, then in the right auricle, close to the meatus (first day). The left auricle is painful, as if sore on a limited spot (one hundred and nineteenth day). Boring pains in the meatus auditorius (fiftieth and fifty-first days). Painful crawling and gnawing in the left external meatus. Asleep sensation in the outer ear, for eight days. Slight drawing behind the left ear (two hundred and sixty-third day); severe drawing (two hundred and sixty-fourth day). Gnawing in the bones in front of the left ear; also on swallowing. Distressing stopped sensation in both ears, for many days. Sensation as if the ears were stuffed. The ear always becomes stopped on blowing the nose.(680) When blowing the nose, a sensation as if air were forced into the ears. Slight stopped up feeling of the ears (one hundred and eighty-fourth day). Earache in the left ear. Pain in the ear, as if ulcerated, on swallowing. In the afternoon and evening, aching pain in the right ear, in the external meatus, towards the membrane of the tympanum (twenty-eighth day). Aching boring pains in the ears, especially the right ear and the temples (seventeenth day). For half an hour teasing aching in the left ear, about noon (sixth day). Slight sensitiveness in the right ear, judging by the feeling in the cavity of the tympanum (one hundred and thirty-second day). It is painful within the ear, when cleaning. Violent pressure p73 in the ears on swallowing and sneezing. (690) Drawing in the left ear, with eructations from the stomach. After lying down, slight drawing in the right ear (twelfth day). Towards evening, in the open air, there were several dull shoots through the right external meatus (one hundred and twenty-seventh day). Tingling in the ears; at times in one, at times in the other, and difficult hearing with the tingling. Tingling and pulsation in the ears. Tingling in the ear, with deafness, so that the ears do not seem to be sensitive to sound, which seems to be only dimly appreciated by an internal sense. Tickling in the ear. Sticking pain in the ear as far as the pharynx. Stitches in the left ear (sixth day). Some transient stitches behind the left ear, in the evening (twenty-fourth day).(700) Tearing in the left ear, extending into the head. Itching in the ear, immediately followed by itching heat in the outer ear. Itching in the left ear. Hearing. Hypersensitiveness of the auditory nerves in one who hears with difficulty, so that playing the piano causes nausea. Hypersensitiveness of hearing. Every noise distresses him. Intolerance of noise (second day). Deafness in both ears, very transient (after nine days). Something seems to have come before the left ear, so that though he hears everything, he cannot understand the human voice. After dinner, difficult hearing of left ear (first day).(710) Loud noises in the ears, with the distension of the head (after one hour).

Occasional noises in the head ears (eighth day). Noises in the right ear. Fluttering noises in the ear. At 5 P.M., fluttering before the left ear (sixth day). Swashing, as from water in the ears, with excessive sensitiveness of hearing (to the crack of a whip). Cracking in the ear, or like the bursting of bubbles.

Frequent cracking in the ears, as if a string broke in them.

Noise like boiling water out at both ears, and frequent painful drawing in the right ear (first day). Ringing in ears (sixteenth day).(720) Ringing in the ears, with deafness, during dinner.

Ringing in the ears, and roaring, as from a wind, especially after lying down. Ringing in the ears recurring several times during the day (fourth day); occasional attack (sixth to tenth day). Much ringing in both ears, while sitting. Great ringing in the ears for five minutes, in the morning in bed. Much ringing in the ears, and tingling or roaring in the head, for several days. A ringing roaring in the head coming out at the ears. Roaring in the ears; (in two hours). A peculiar roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ears, for several days. (730) Roaring in the ears, in the evening in bed, with rush of blood to the head. Occasional roaring in the ears (first day); roaring all day long (second day). (Roaring and singing in the left ear much diminished), (sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.