
Clawing in the stomach, in the morning on waking. Cramps in the stomach, recurring several times in the day, and pretty severe (fourteenth day). Violent cramp in the stomach for several hours, at night. Violent cramp in the stomach before dinner, followed by great perspiration till late in the evening.

Pressure beneath the pit of the stomach. Feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach (soon, fortieth day). After dinner, pressure in the stomach (fourth day). Pressure in the stomach at night, for an hour, relieved by eructations. Anxious pressure in the stomach.(1490) Heavy pressure in the stomach. Pressive pain at pit of stomach, with nausea and constant retching and vomiting. Pressure in the stomach and beating headache, after midnight. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, causing anxiety, at night, with palpitation, for four hours, several nights. Pressure in the pit of the stomach during the menses. Pressure beneath the stomach very violent while lying down. Pressure in the stomach, with nausea, immediately. Pressive pain in the stomach, with anxiety. Pressure in the stomach, with nausea and water brash, an hour after eating. Pressure in the stomach immediately after eating. (1500) Pressure in the region of the stomach after breakfast (fifth day). After dinner, pressure in stomach, lasting three hours (twenty-third day). Throughout the day, squeezing pressure in the pit of the stomach and in the chest (thirty-first day). In a quarter of an hour, feeling of pressure and weight in the pit of the stomach (thirty-seventh day). Great pressure in the gastric region (thirty-second to thirty-ninth day); pressive pain in the gastric region went off, but affected the umbilical region (thirty-ninth day). Intolerable pressure in the pit of the stomach and upper abdomen, in paroxysms, mostly in the morning, somewhat relieved by pressure of the hand, several days (after six days). Violent pressure in the stomach a few hours after eating, the pain extending into the back. Oppression in pit of stomach less troublesome (thirteenth day). Heaviness in the stomach. During the forenoon, heaviness and aching in the pit of the stomach (ninth day).(1510) Aching feeling of weight in the region of the stomach worse (fourteenth day). After eating, disagreeable feeling of weight in the gastric region (thirty- eighth day). Feeling of weight in the stomach (third and fourth days); repeated feeling of weight, in the evening (fifth day). Feeling of weight in the stomach (second and following days). In the morning, awoke with feeling of weight in the pit of the stomach (thirty-eighth day). Painful gnawing in the stomach, then in the abdomen, followed by two stools. Cutting in the stomach, in the afternoon. After dinner, shoots in the cardiac region (second day). Shooting in the scrobiculus cordis, and several times watery diarrhoea (twelfth day). Shooting in the cardiac region, in the evening (second day).(1520) Stitches n the stomach. Stitches in the pit of the stomach on deep breathing. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, in the morning while standing. Frequent stitches, as from needles, in the pit of the stomach. Frequently a dull stitch extending from the right side of the epigastric region to the lumbar region on every inspiration, in the evening. Crawling sensation in the stomach, extending up to the throat. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of faintness, or while sitting, like a pulse, with orgasm in the chest, as if it would take away her breath. At 3 P.M., prickling at the stomach (thirteenth day). After dinner, symptoms in pit of stomach declined (twelfth day).


Hypochondria. In the morning, sensitiveness of both hypochondria, which are painfully sore to touch. (1530) Occasional aching and pinching in the bowels, particularly those of the hypochondriac region, in the forenoon (thirty-sixth day). In the morning, sore feeling in both hypochondria, which are sensitive to touch (fourth day). Painful drawing about the hypochondria, in the forenoon (second day). The liver seemed swollen, which hindered breathing. Increased secretion of bile. From extraordinarily large doses the action of the liver is very much impaired, bilious vomiting and diarrhoea are caused. Dull pain in the region of the liver (thirteenth day). Dull pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied with a little dry cough (eleventh day). Sudden aching in the hepatic region, and under the right clavicle (sixth day). Pressure in the liver woke him at night, with yellowness of the white of the eye.(1540) Pressure in the hepatic region, immediately after dinner. Violent pressure and constriction in the hepatic region. Boring pain in the hepatic region, after dinner. Griping in the right hypochondrium, while walking. Drawing pain in the hepatic region took away her breath; she was obliged to walk quite bent over all day. The hepatic region is painful to touch. Tensive and burning pain in the hepatic region. At noon, a shoot through the liver (from before backwards), so violent as to cause me to start (fourteenth day). Stitches in the hepatic region, and frequently in the right groin. Stitches in the hepatic region, especially on walking in the open air. (1550) Sticking and stitches in the right hypochondrium. Transient stitches from within outward in the hepatic region. While sitting bent over, fine burning stitches in the right hypochondriac region. Throbbing and twitching in the hepatic region, from time to time.

Incarceration of flatus in the left hypochondria, with anxiety. Movements of flatus cause painful sticking, especially in the left hypochondrium. The disagreeable pressure in the umbilical region went off, but in its stead there came a troublesome pressure in the left hypochondriac region, about 3 A.M., which went off when he got out of bed (twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirty-first days); pressure in left hypochondria disappeared (thirty-second day). Pressure in the region of the spleen precedes the eructations. Wandering pressive pain in the left hypochondrium (soon). Towards evening, shooting in the splenic region, which went off after lying down (third day).(1560) Frequent shoots in the splenic region (nineteenth day). Cramp in the left hypochondrium, before the menses. Umbilicus and Sides.

Protrusion of the umbilical region in one pregnant, as from the uterus, in paroxysms, lasting a few minutes, while lying in bed, at night (after fourteen days). Feeling of fullness in the umbilical region (sixteenth day). Slight gripes about the navel, lasting but a short time (soon, nineteenth and twentieth days). Griping beneath the navel (after four hours, forty-fifth day). After luncheon (10 o’clock), griping round the navel (nineteenth day). About 9 A.M., when walking in the open air, griping in the bowels, especially about the navel, which lasted with greater or less intensity all day long, and only went off about 9 P.M. (fifth day). Griping about the navel, extending up towards the stomach, disappearing on emission of flatus, in the afternoon and evening. At noon, slight griping about the navel, which ceased after discharge of inodorous flatus (one hundred and seventh day). (1570) After each dose such violent pains in the umbilical region that she was obliged to desist from further trials. On awaking in the morning, transient colic like pains in the bowels below the navel, as from an accumulation of wind (sixth day). Tensive pains above the navel (thirty-eighth day). Tension in the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region (thirty-seventh day). Awoke with a tension and drawing round in a circle about the navel (twenty-sixth day). Tension and pressure in the umbilical region. Pressure across above the navel, with little appetite; cannot sleep at night on account of it. Frequent waking, with pains around the navel (forty-seventh night). Slight pains around the navel (thirteenth day). In the forenoon, contractive pains about the navel (thirty-third day).(1580) about noon, contractive pains below the navel, as if diarrhoea were coming on, recurring three times at half hour intervals; at the same time pressure on the bladder, as if it were forced upon the groins; also a feeling of straining at the sphincter muscles, as in retention of urine (nineteenth day). A soft stool, followed by pinching in the umbilical region, recurring by fits; a second copious fluid stool. The pinching continues, and is sometimes so violent that it impedes the respiration, and compels him to bend double. At noon, a third semifluid stool, followed by diminution of the pinching pains.

In the afternoon he is quite well, except a slight pinching, which comes on occasionally (one hundred and sixty-first day); soon after taking th drops, the above described abdominal pains recurred, and in the course of the forenoon, three fluid stools, after which the bellyache declined (one hundred and sixty-second day). Slight pinching about the navel (two hundred and forty- fifth day). Pinching constrictive pain about the navel, while sitting, disappearing after rising. In the evening, pinching pains in the umbilical region, which intermitted from time to time, but always recurred more severely, and compelled him to draw up the legs (thirty-seventh day). Dull shooting-aching pains about the navel (twenty-third day). Tensive and cutting pains round about the navel, after midnight (fiftieth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.