
Frequent straining and aching in the anus, towards noon when sitting (third day); aching and forcing down in the anus, after a good stool (nineteenth day); aching in the anus, and a feeling as if there was a pile there, which, however, is not the case, at noon while sitting (twenty-seventh day); great aching and bearing down in the anus, lasting one hour, at noon; it goes off quickly, but after awhile returns (thirtieth day); the aching and bearing down in the anus recurs in fits like yesterday, in the evening when sitting (thirty-second day); quite severe aching in the anus, at noon (thirty-fifth day); slight aching in the anus when sitting, at noon (thirty-sixth day); aching in the anus, at noon when sitting (fortieth day); aching in the anus, at noon when sitting (fortieth day); aching in the anus, after waking, in the evening (forty-second day). (1860) A loose fetid stool, followed by annoying, straining, ulcerative pain in the anus on touching it, and a sensation for long afterwards, as if he should have more diarrhoea. (soon). Raw pain in anus (third day).

Constrictive pain in the anus, after a stool. Shooting in the anus (second day); (fourteenth day); (one hundred and forty-third day). Frequent shooting in the anus (thirty-fourth day). In the afternoon, frequent shooting in the anus and neck of the bladder (fourth day). Dull stitch in the hemorrhoids, so that he started up. Towards evening, great tenderness around the anus, and sudden jerking, very painful stitches, first out of the right, then out of the left half of the anus; they were so violent that they made him start from his seat (twenty-fourth day). Some stitches in the anus (after p73 two hours, sixth day); occasionally in the course of the day, stitches in the anus (seventh day). During the day, frequent stitches through the anus (second day).(1870) Such violent needle like stitches from the anus up into the rectum, after a difficult, not hard stool, that he almost loses his senses from the pain, followed by chilliness and weakness. Jerking stitches through the right half of the anus; itching in the anus; feeling as if the anus were sore, swollen, and moist (in three months, thirtieth day). At noon, piercing, jerking stitches out at the anus, which was then so sensitive that he could not remain an instant seated (thirty- second day). In the forenoon, when standing, jerking stitches in the anus (fifty-second day). At noon, when sitting, a not disagreeable creeping in the anus, lasting an hour (two hundred and forty-fifth day). In the morning on awaking, sensation as if a worm crept out of the anus (nineteenth day). Itching in the anus. (The itching and burning in the anus, to which he is subject, quite gone), (eightieth day). Itching at the anus, round about it (second day). In the evening, itching in the anus (sixth day). (1880) In the morning, great itching in the anus (second day). Distressing itching in the anus (first day).

In the morning, violent itching in the anus and tenesmus (second day). Itching and sore feeling at the border of the anus (thirty-fifth day). At night, intense itching at the anus, and the following morning, escape of an acrid itching fluid from the anus (forty-first day). Perinaeum. Constrictive sensation in the perinaeum. Sore pain at the raphe of the perinaeum (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Itching in the perinaeum, with soft stool (third day); itching and shooting in the perinaeum and anus (fourth day). Urging. Urgent desire for stool, yet he was obliged to make great effort before anything was evacuated, though the stool was soft and thin. Desire for stool mostly after dinner.(1890) Desire for stool, with some colic, woke him about 5 A.M., soon followed by emission of flatus smelling of sulfuretted hydrogen, after which the desire for stool passed off. This was repeated about 7 and about 8, when there were scanty, but consistent evacuations. After getting up he had such a sudden call to stool, that he could not get quick enough to the closet, and, in consequence, some faeces escaped prematurely, and yet he had no diarrhoea; but the motion consisted of touch gluey fetid faeces. Two hours later a similar stool (twenty-eighth day). Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Constant urging to stool and to urinate, with evacuation of a few drops of blood immediately after urinating, and violent stitching in the urethra, with apprehension and discomfort.

Excessive urging to stool, even in bed, followed by some diarrhoea. At 10 P.M., sudden call to stool, as though he should have diarrhoea, which continued after he had passed a lump of hard faeces (first day). Call to stool without result; it was only at noon that he had an unsatisfactory stool (forty-first day). Call to stool, and after much effort, a scanty evacuation (second and third days). In the morning, call to stool without effect, followed by several shoots in the rectum (third day).

After dinner, ineffectual call p73 to stool (first day).(1900) Pressure at stool, as if the rectum would protrude, with pressure on the bladder; he was obliged to rise three times at night on account of it. Constant pressure to stool, at night; is obliged to rise as many as ten times; can neither lie nor sit on account of sticking and sore pain in the anus; it seems as though everything had been pressed out, with pain, especially on drawing in the anus. Much pressure and tenesmus after stool, lasting an hour; she cannot sit down on account of pain in the anus.

Ineffectual straining at stool (twenty-third day). Straining before and after the stool. On going to stool he had to strain for a long time, and has distressing aching in the small of the back (twelfth day). Straining at stool (fourth day). At 3 P.M., straining at stool without evacuation, feeling of dryness in the rectum (eighth day). Pressure in the anus and rectum after a soft stool, as after a hard stool. Tenesmus. (1910) About 11 A.M., when sitting, slight tenesmus in the anus (one hundred and twenty-fourth day). In the forenoon when walking, frequent tenesmus and forcing down in the anus (two hundred and fifty- fifth day). Some tenesmus in the anus, when sitting (eighty- third day). At night, tenesmus and swelling of the piles, which had not occurred for nine years previously (third day). After the evacuation, violent tenesmus, a contraction with flatus pressing forwards in the bowels. This flatus felt like a great sausage lying from left to right above the navel (ninth day). In the morning after waking, great tenesmus in the anus, followed by a copious fluid stool; after awhile a second, and in the afternoon a third, likewise copious fluid stool (one hundred and sixty- fourth day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea for four days (after forty-eight hours).

Diarrhoea, with rumbling in the abdomen. Diarrhoea, like water, every half hour, always preceded by rumbling in the abdomen, without pain (third day). Diarrhoea six times, even to faintness, at first with heat and warm perspiration, then with cold sweat on the forehead and feet, and white tongue.(1920) Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and cutting in the abdomen, relieved by application of warm cloths, about 4 and 6 A.M. Increased evacuation from the bowels. Violent purging and tenesmus, a few hours after she had taken the third teaspoonful, and which continued throughout the greater part of the day following; the motions were of a whitish appearance, intermixed with frothy mucus. In the evening, frequent fluid stools; involuntary evacuations of the stools when sneezing or laughing (third day). During the day, several diarrhoeic stools, with burning in the anus, preceded by gripes (twenty-ninth day). Frequent frothy diarrhoea, with tenesmus, even at night. Watery diarrhoea, several times (twelfth day); bowels easily moved (fifteenth day). About 6.45 P.M., diarrhoea, with some cutting in the abdomen and stitches in the anus (second day). In the evening, two liquid stools, with relief to the tension in the abdomen (fourth and ninth days); no stool (fifth and sixth days); in the evening, diarrhoeic evacuations (twenty-first day); two diarrhoeic motions (thirty- third day). During the whole time of the proving, two or three evacuations daily they were loose and smelt stronger than usual.(1930) The usual stool delayed, hard, and insufficient (third day); Cin the morning, two diarrhoeic stools (tenth day); diarrhoea, with pretty severe gripings beneath the navel, accompanied by burning and tenesmus in the anus; the diarrhoea lasted four days, and there were from four to six motions daily, until on the fifth day there was only one motion (after ten days). Simultaneously with the spasms, copious discharges from the bowels took place, of the consistence of thin mush, of a dark-gray color, and very fetid. Four loose motions (second day). A most extraordinary copious stool, he thought it would never end. Stool four times a day, preceded and accompanied by griping. The stool is evacuated rapidly and almost involuntarily; he cannot rise from bed quickly enough. Three stools a day, with mucus. Costive motions (sixteenth to twentieth day); motions not so hard, easily passed (twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh days); soon after eating, copious, loose, yellow motion, accompanied by emission of a great deal of flatus, smelling of sulfuretted hydrogen; after emptying the mingled urine and faeces out of the utensil, he found a thin sediment, which proved to be Sulphur (thirty-first day); in the afternoon two, and at night one, liquid evacuation, mixed with mucous shreds, with burning pain in the anus (thirty-second day); three more liquid stools, followed by constipation for the next three days (thirty-third day); sudden urgent call to stool, which could scarcely be complied with quickly enough; diarrhoea now set in, and lasted with equal severity for two days, then gradually declined (Thirty-seventh day). AT 10 A.M., a second stool of normal appearance, in addition to his usual early motion (first day); at 5.15 A.M., soon after getting up, diarrhoea, yet the faeces are formed, mixed with much mucus, and full of holes; at noon and in the evening, a diarrhoeic stool, similar to the in the morning (seventh day); soon after getting up in the morning, and again about noon, a diarrhoeic stool as yesterday; at 3 P.M., straining at stool, without evacuation, feeling of dryness in the rectum (eighth day); on rising, in the morning, a diarrhoeic as on the previous days; a similar one at 11 A.M.; the faeces smelt strongly of rotten eggs, and were lighter colored than usual; at 2 P.M. a liquid stool, smelling of rotten eggs; after 5 P.M., involuntary discharge, like a diarrhoea, a thin faeces, with great anxiety, followed by perspiration (ninth day); at 8 A.M., evacuation of a scanty, thin stool, and after dinner, about 2 P.M., an unsatisfactory but formed motion (tenth day); at 8 A.M., a motion, at first hard, but at last loose, which causes on its passage through the rectum a violent cutting pain; after dinner a motion (eleventh and twelfth days). Three fluid stools (third day); motions insufficient and of unusual, remarkable hardness (sixth to ninth day); complete constipation (ninth to fourteenth day); three diarrhoeic stools, with griping in the bowels, at night (fifteenth day); gripings increased; during the day three, and at night two quite fluid motions (sixteenth day); diarrhoea accompanied by a troublesome tenesmus (seventeenth day); three loose stools; tenesmus ceased; stool at night less loose (eighteenth day); diarrhoea ceased (nineteenth day); stool again very copious (thirty-first and thirty-second days).(1940) In two hours, urgent call to stool and loose motion (first day); in a few minutes a motion of the bowels, though previously he had felt no call (second day); soft insufficient stool (fourth day). Call to stool; loose motion, with tenesmus; in the course of the day three diarrhoeic stools (third day); a soft motion (seventh, eighth, and ninth days). In the morning, soft stool, with emission of much flatus, having the smell of rotten eggs (second day); soft stool, in the morning (third day). In the morning, knotty stool (second day); soft stool, with itching in the perinaeum (third day); soft stool (fourth day); stool pretty firm and covered with mucus; it slipped quickly through the anus (ninth day). In the course of the day two loose stools (third and fourth day); in the morning a loose stool (fifth day); loose stool (seventh day); about 8 A.M., a very liquid evacuation (eighth day); immediately after dinner, a loose motion, although I had a normal stool in the forenoon (tenth day). At 3 P.M., copious loose stool, although I had had my usual motion, in the morning (sixth day); no stool (seventh day). Unusually easy stool (first, second, and seventh days); hard evacuation (eleventh day). A soft motion (fourth day). Along with some flatus several drops of diarrhoeic with slight pinching in the bowels (thirteenth day). Urgent call to stool, two loose motions (third day); frequent urgent call to stool (fifth day); two loose motions (eighth and tenth days); frequent call to stool; two motions (thirteenth day); two liquid motions (sixteenth day); a loose motion (nineteenth day); a hard motion (twenty-first day); loose motion (twenty-second and twenty-sixth days).(1950) At 9 P.M., thin-shaped but regular stool, followed by about twenty drops of blood; at 2 P.M., contrary to custom, a second evacuation of faeces, followed by few drops of blood (twelfth day); in the morning, after a good motion, several drops of blood; at noon a rather liquid stool, without blood, but preceded by griping (fifteenth day); in the forenoon two loose stools (seventeenth day); in the morning, regular stool; after luncheon, soft motion (nineteenth day); loose stool (twentieth day); two soft stool (twenty-first day). In the evening, two loose stools (tenth day); fruitless call to stool (eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth days); a loose stool, with itching in the anus (eighteenth day); after constipation had continued for two days, a copious loose motion, with burning in the anus (twenty-seventh day). Two loose stools (second day); loose motion (fourth and sixth days); two loose motions (seventh, tenth, and twelfth days); a loose stool (fourteenth day); two loose motions (seventeenth day). After rising from bed a hard motion, causing a smarting sticking in passage through the rectum (second day); diarrhoeic evacuation of a yellowish-green, pappy, slimy mass (fourth day). Early in the morning, four soft stools (second day). Very soft stool and emission of much flatus, smelling of rotten eggs (third and fourth days); the stool was very soft, and was preceded by griping in the bowels (sixteenth day); in the evening, a soft stool (twenty-third day); in the morning, a thin pappy motion (twenty-fourth day); the consistence of the stools was remarkably diminished during the whole time of proving (after three months). In the morning, a copious, extremely fetid, pappy, yellowish-green stool, followed by a feeling of perfect health (ninth day). A soft, very fetid evacuation (sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth days); motions more liquid, and occurred twice a day (nineteenth to twenty- eighth day); motions more fluid (after thirty-nine days). Stool soft, very thin. Frequent pasty stool, with cutting in the abdomen. (1960) Stool thin every morning, with cutting in the lower abdomen, for twenty days. Two thin stools, followed by pressure in the stomach, in the forenoon. Soft stool, with tenesmus and burning in the anus, in the evening; preceded by distension of the abdomen, followed by emission of hot, offensive flatus, with griping in the small of the back. Frequent soft, semi-liquid stools. Thin pasty stool of a bilious appearance past involuntarily, with a sensation as if wind would pass.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.