
Stool p73 containing undigested food. Stool covered with mucus. Very slimy stool. Red slimy stool, with fever, loss of appetite, lying down, and colic.(1990) Stool light-colored.

Stool sour-smelling. Stool nodular, but not hard. Stool nodular, mixed with mucus. Mucous stool, without faeces, several times a day, mixed with red veins, for several days (after five days). After getting up, a hard motion, which causes cutting in its passage through the rectum (first day). A hard motion in the course of the day (fifth day). Stool hard, scanty, clawing, with a sensation as if the rectum would prolapse. Stool, with a sensation as if something still remained, and as if the stool had been insufficient. Stool hard, as if burnt. (2000) Stool hard, black, crumbly, as if burnt. Stool hard, with burning pain in the anus and rectum. Stool very hard, followed by pain in the anus. About 4 P.M., an unusually hard stool (second day).

There was the usual morning stool, but to-day it was less in quantity; the first part of the motion was hard and lumpy, and in its passage through the rectum caused a raw, shooting pain; the last part was soft, and of the color and consistence of birdlime (third day). Evacuation of tapeworm, with a hard stool.

Frequent evacuation of some threadworms. Threadworms cause itching in the rectum. Evacuation of round worms and violent colic, with the hard stool. Threadworms passed with the stool.

Constipation.(2010) Constipation for two days, followed by an involuntary stool, without colic. Constipation at times. Extreme constipation. Bowels obstinately obstructed, for four days, and no action could be produced by various aperients.

Feeling of great constipation and hardness in the bowels. In the morning, an insufficient motion, followed by burning in the anus, which teased me all day (tenth day); an unsatisfactory stool, in the forenoon (eleventh day); insufficient motions (twelfth to fourteenth day); a scanty evacuation, in the morning (fifteenth day); an insufficient lumpy motion, which, on its passage through the rectum, caused a burning pain there, in the morning (twenty- sixth day); a hard scanty motion, in the afternoon (twenty- seventh day); a lumpy insufficient stool, in the forenoon (thirtieth day); a hard unsatisfactory motion, with burning in the rectum, in the afternoon (thirty-first day). The next day the usual morning motion did not occur; it was not till the afternoon that she had an unusually hard stool, accompanied by pressure and burning in the anus (second day); no stool (third day); scanty evacuation, with much tenesmus, and severe burning in the anus (fourth day); irregular bowels (for three months). No motion of the bowels (fourth day); a motion, but it was so hard that she could only get rid of it by pressing strongly, whereby the anus felt sore, and the evacuation was covered with blood (fifth day); frequent call to stool; nothing passed but a few drops of dark blood, accompanied by burning in the anus (sixth day); in the afternoon, when walking, a clot of blood slipped out of the anus (seventh day); there remained, for a long time afterwards, derangements of the evacuations, as regards both the time of their occurrence and their appearance; they were always hard and lumpy, and often accompanied by burning in the anus. An unsatisfactory hard stool, in the forenoon (sixth day); no stool (seventh day); an unsatisfactory stool, after a good deal of effort (eighth day); no stool (ninth day); an unsatisfactory stool, after much effort, in the afternoon (twelfth day); no stool (fourteenth day); unsatisfactory stools, and sometimes constipation of several days’ duration (till twenty-first day). No stool (first and second days); stool, with burning in the rectum (third day); in the morning, a very firm motion (fourth day).(2020) No stool (third and fourth days); in the evening, a hard evacuation (fifth day); a firm motion, in the evening (eleventh day); no stool (eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth days). No stool (sixth day); after great straining, an evacuation (seventh day); no stool (eighth, ninth, and tenth days); call to stool, and after much effort, an evacuation (eleventh day); no stool (twelfth day); bowels moved (thirteenth day); n o stool (fourteenth day); motion, with great effort (fifteenth day); no stool (sixteenth day); bowels moved every other day, without effort, and motion moderately firm (after twenty-five days); regular (after thirty-eight days). About noon, the bowels having been constipated for two days, fruitless call to stool (third day); in the afternoon, after violent straining and cutting in the anus a scanty evacuation, and afterwards a sensation as if the mucous membrane were pressed out (fourth day); constipation had lasted three days, whereupon he took a cold-water enema, which produced an evacuation (eighth day). Since morning; two alvine evacuations, one of them hard and difficult; at 9 P.M., a third evacuation, without consistence (seventh day); no stool (eighth day); constipation (ninth day); hard difficult stool (tenth day); two soft stools, in the morning (eleventh day); no stool (twelfth day); stool difficult and very knotty (thirteenth day); Difficult stool, on rising fourteenth day). Stools unsatisfactory, scanty. Stool only every two, three, or four days, hard and difficult.

Urinary Organs

Kidneys and Bladder. Violent pain in the region of the kidneys after stooping a long time. He felt as if the urine was retained by contraction of the sphincter muscle of the bladder, although it seemed as if it much come away in consequence of the pressure on the bladder, and yet only a short time previously he had emptied his bladder; the same sensation in the anus (third day); the pressure on bladder and anus continue all day long, although he had a normal stool at noon (fourth day); pressure on bladder and anus have almost disappeared (seventh day). Hard pressure upon the bladder. Pressure on the bladder, as if it were too full, without call to make water (nineteenth day); pressure on bladder (forty-fifth day). (2030) Aching in the region of the neck of the bladder, lasting half an hour, about 11 A.M. (eighth day). Aching at the right side, in the region of the bladder, about 3 P.M. (twenty-fifth day). Dragging in the bladder, in the morning, after rising, after urinating. About 6 P.M., flying shoots in the vesical region, and feeling of soreness on pressing it (fourth day). In the morning, on making water, many fine stitches (as with needles) in the region of the neck of the bladder, and several more violent stitches through the anus (second day). Stitches in the bladder or in the lower abdomen. Urethra. Redness and p73 inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. Dribbling of prostatic fluid in long threads from the urethra after micturition and stool. Discharge of prostatic fluid. A feeling in the urethra as if he were constantly obliged to urinate. (2040) burning in the urethra, even when not urinating. Burning in the urethra while urinating. Burning in the forepart of the urethra while urinating. Burning in the forepart of the urethra when not urinating. In the evening, great burning in the urethra and anus, with frequent urging call to make water, and burning at the mouth of the urethra during micturition (twenty-ninth day). At 10 P.M., an intolerable burning in the whole urethra, as if pepper had been sprinkled on it (fifth day). (* A drop of Tinct, canthar. in water removed this symptom instantaneously. *) Scalding on making water, in the morning (seventh day). Smarting in the female urethra. Pains in the urethra, as in the beginning of gonorrhoea. After midnight he much get up to pass water; on doing so, pain in the front of the urethra (eighteenth day).(2050) Slight shooting in the urethra (seventy-seventh day).

Occasional shoots in the urethra, in the morning (second day).

In the evening, sudden shooting itching in the navicular fossa of the urethra (second day). In the morning on passing water, flying shoots in the urethra (nineteenth day). Painful shoots in the urethra, with rigor (seventeenth day). A painful shoot along the urethra, in the afternoon, immediately after taking the tincture (nineteenth day). Painful shoots in the front of the urethra, in the evening when sitting (third day). Towards evening, sudden shoots in the orifice of the urethra (fourteenth day). About noon, some sharp shoots in the urethra (third day).(2060) Frequently recurring shoots in the urethra, which are sometimes limited to a small spot, sometimes extend to the pubes (second and third days). In the evening on urinating, a violent shoot through the urethra up to above the pubes (second day). Cutting in the urethra before and during a stool. Cutting in the urethra, as if the urine were acrid, like corrosive lye, at the close of urinating and afterwards. Stitches and cutting in the urethra, and in the lower abdomen. Stitches in the forepart of the urethra. Transient sticking pains in the urethra (ninth day). Sticking and tearing in the urethra.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.