
Itching on the occiput, in the morning (tenth day).


Objective. Eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings. blue rings around the eyes. (470) Both eyes much inflamed. Redness of the eyes during the day; violent itching in them in the evening.

Swelling and redness of the eyes, with pimples on the lids. The white of the eye reddened (third day); redness of conjunctiva less (fourth day). A white vesicle in the white of the eye, close to the cornea. Much matter in the eye, in the morning, for several days. Purulent mucus in the eyes (after three days). Trembling of the eyes. Heaviness of the eye. Dryness of the eyes. Subjective.(480) Aching in left eye (soon); in the evening, aching in the left eye (second day). Aching in the right eye, and sometimes a feeling as if the eyeballs were swollen, during the forenoon (eighth day). Slight adhesion and burning of the eyes, in the morning (eleventh day); burning in the eyes at noon (thirteenth day); burning of the eyes and lids, in the forenoon (fourteenth day); occasional slight burning in the eyes (seventeenth day). burning of the eyes in their outer canthi, after rising (second day); slight burning of the eyes, especially the edges of the lids, towards noon (fifth day); slight burning in the eyes to-wards the outer canthi (eleventh day); burning of the eyes (thirteenth day); burning of the eyes after getting up (twentieth and twenty-second days); slight burning in the eyes and borders of the lids (twenty-sixth day); slight burning in the eyes (twenty-ninth and thirtieth days); burning of the eyes, at noon (fortieth day); some burning in the eyes, towards evening (fiftieth day); some burning of the eyes, in the forenoon (sixty-second day); some burning in the eyes after breakfast (sixth-fifth day); burning in the eyes (seventy- eighth day); severe burning in the eyes (seventy-ninth day); slight burning and aching of the eyes (eighty-seventh day); sensitiveness of the eyes (one hundred and first day). burning of the eyes (forty-seventh and forty-eighth days); severe burning in the eyes and skin of the forehead (fifty third day); the eyes burn a little, in the evening (sixty-first day); in the evening, frequently recurring tiresome burning in the left eye, followed by lachrymation (eighty-sixth day); slight burning in the eyes (ninety-eighth day); eyes burn a little in the evening; the sensation went off before bedtime (ninety-ninth day); slight burning of the eyes, especially their external canthi, after getting up (one hundred and sixteenth day); slightest burning of the eyes, in the morning (one hundred and seventeenth day); slight burning in the eyes (one hundred and twenty-fourth day); slight burning of the eyes, in the morning (one hundred and forty-second day); sensitiveness of the eyes (one hundred and eighty-fifth day); severe burning in the eyes (two hundredth day); slight burning of the eyes (two hundred and fourth and two hundred and nineteenth days); warm feeling and slight burning in the eyes, soon after taking the drops (two hundred and twenty- eighth day); slight sensitiveness of the eyes (two hundred and sixty-ninth day); burning of the eyes towards evening (two hundred and sixty-ninth day); slight burning of the eyes (two hundred and seventieth, two p73 hundred and seventy-first, and two hundred and seventy-second days). Burning in the eyes. Burning and easy fatigue of the eyes when reading. burning of the eyes, without redness. Burning of the eyes, with great sensitiveness to daylight. Burning of the eyes, with redness of the outer canthi and discharge of corrosive tears.(490) burning and pressure in the eyes; in the morning they were agglutinated and the whole face swollen. Burning in the eyes, with redness of them (thirty-third day); redness of eyes much diminished (thirty-fourth day). In the afternoon burning shooting beneath the lids of the left eye, as though sand had got into it (second day). burning in the right eye for a short time, which recurs at short intervals (seventeenth day). Sensitiveness and burning in the eyes, for several days. Burning in eyes and feet (nineteenth day). In the evening troublesome feeling of heat in the eyes (thirty-second day). Burning heat in the eyes.

Sensation of heat in the eyes. Sensation of fullness of blood in the eyes.(500) Smarting of the eyes, in the evening; the candlelight seems to be a red ring, wherewith he cannot see.

Smarting of the eyes, with a feeling as if they watered. Painful smarting of the eyes. A sensation as if there were a foreign body in the right eye, in the morning (twenty-eighth day); feeling of foreign body in the eyes, in the forenoon in the right, in the evening in the left eye (twenty-ninth day).

Sensation in the right eye, as if a foreign body were in it, which compels him repeatedly to rub and wipe the eye, in the afternoon (thirty-fifth day). Sensation as if an inflammation of the eye were about to come on (second day); in the morning, on awaking, prickling, causing him to scratch, itching and smarting in the lids (third and fourth days); itching and smarting in the lids much diminished; towards evening it went off completely (fifth day). Pressure in the eyes as if sleepy, every evening, without sleepiness. Pressure in the eyes, especially on working in the sun. Pressure and itching in the eyes and vertigo on stooping. About 4 P.M., after a glass of beer, pressive pain on the left eye (nineteenth day).(510) Tensive headache in the eyes only on raising them, several mornings in bed, on waking. A feeling as if the eyes were plucked back into her head. Bruised pain in the eyes on pressing it together and on feeling of it. Violent pains in the left eye, as if it were rubbed against spicula of glass, and drawn in towards the pupil. He was obliged to close the eye five or six times involuntarily. This was followed by burning in the eye and flow of tears. The attack lasted about two minutes (fifth day). Pains shooting through the right eye, and through the head generally. The eyes are painful to touch when closed. The eyes are painful on looking at the flame of a candle. In the evening, jerking cutting in right eye, spreading to the temple; it lasts several hours, and can be excited anew by touching the right side of the tip of the nose (first day). Severe cutting in right eye (first day).

Shooting in the left eye, preventing him from reading, for several days; when he attempts to read he gets, immediately, violent shooting pains through the middle of the pupils deep into the eye (thirty-second p73 day). (520) The right eye feels very weak, water runs from it when looking at anything for a few seconds. About 2 A.M., painful dry sensation in both eyes (third day). Biting in the eyes, as from Ammonia. biting of the eyes and lachrymation, every evening. A feeling as of sand in the eyes. Feeling of sand in right eye (first and second days). Stitches as with a knife in the right eye. Itching and burning of the eyes (fourth day). In the forenoon, itching and burning in both eyes, followed by great watering of the eyes (third day).

At noon, for half an hour, great itching of the left eye, with lachrymation (ninetieth day).(530) In the morning, itching in left eye, which is not only aggravated by rubbing, but extends all over the face (fifth day). Itching in the left eye (second day). Brow and Orbit. An inflamed pimple above the left eyebrow (one hundred and twenty-seventh day). Pressure in the eyebrows and balls. In the afternoon, slight tearing pains in the left eyebrow (seventeenth day). Burning pain above and beneath the eyebrows, every afternoon. In the evening, drawing in the left eyebrow (forty-third day). Sudden drawing above the right eyebrow (after two hours, third day). At night, drawing pains in the region of the left eyebrow and aching in the left eyeball, as if it were swelled out and pushed forward; the aching in the eyeballs only when off the following morning, after getting up (twenty-fifth day). Much itching in the eyebrows and in the tip of the nose. (540) Very violent piercing, cramp like pain deep in the right orbit (probably in the muscles), which, as far as he could judge, seemed to extend through the bony wall of the orbit into the frontal sinus; it lasted a few minutes, and then alternated, with a similar pain in the left orbit (after half an hour, second day). Pressure in both orbits. Boring pain over the left eye. Jerking pain above the right eye. Drawing pain in the bones of the orbits. Before going to sleep, shooting pain in the upper border of the left orbit (first day). Shooting above the left eye (twenty-third day). Lids. Swelling of the upper lid and dry matter in the lashes. Swelling of the upper lid, with redness and burning pain. Swelling and pain in the eyelids, with lachrymation. (550) Inflammation of the lower lids, without especial swelling. Redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva (fourth day). The canthi of the eyes red and inflamed, slightly adhesive, and exuding a little (fifteenth day). Eruption of pimples on the upper lid. Stye on the upper lid of the inner canthus. Near the outer canthus of the left eye an intensely red, excessively itching and burning spot on the skin; the left palpebral conjunctiva much reddened (twelfth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.