
Stool soft, with bloody mucus, preceded by cutting in the abdomen. blood with the stool, in the evening. Loose evacuation (third day). Two fluid stools (sixteenth and seventeenth days).

Two loose stools (fourth days).(1970) A very copious, loose stool, at 9.30 A.M. (third day). A hard, insufficient evacuation, followed by burning and sore feeling in the anus (second day); in the morning, immediately after getting up, a normal stool, followed by straining and discharge of fluid faeces and raw pain in the anus (third day); two loose stools (twenty-first day); a copious loose motion (twenty-third day); a copious loose stool, followed by a sore pain in the anus; a second stool one hour after the first (seventeenth day); a hard, unsatisfactory stool (thirty-first day); a copious loose motion (thirty-second day); a very solid stool, in the morning (thirty- fifth day); a copious soft stool, in the morning (thirty-sixth day); fluid evacuation, followed by sore feeling in the anus, one hour after breakfast; a third similar motion, one hour later (thirty-sixth day); a firm stool (thirty-eighth day); a firm stool, followed in an hour by a looser motion (thirty-ninth day); a copious soft stool (fortieth day); a loose motion, followed by aching in the anus (forty-first day); a loose stool, followed by burning in the anus; one hour late a second similar stool (forty- second day); a loose stool, in the morning; after breakfast, inclination to go to stool, which however, soon went off (forty- fourth day); a loose stool, in the morning, immediately after taking the medicine (forty-fifth day); a half fluid insufficient stool (forty-sixth day); a semisolid insufficient stool, one hour after taking the medicine; about 11 A.M., a second semi-fluid insufficient motion (forty-ninth day); a copious loose evacuation (fiftieth day); a semisolid insufficient stool, in the morning; a little later, a second semi fluid stool, followed by burning in the anus; in the afternoon, another loose stool, followed, when sitting, by full felling in the anus, which lasted an hour (fifty-first day); a soft stool, followed by burning pain in the anus, after getting up (fifty-fourth day); a loose stool (fifty- fifth day); an insufficient evacuation, in the morning and after- noon (sixty-second day); a copious loose evacuation, after getting up (sixty-third day); half fluid evacuation, one hour after breakfast (sixty-third day); a soft semifluid stool (sixty-fourth day); soft stool (sixty-fifth day); a copious loose stool (sixty- ninth day); an insufficient motion, about noon (seventy-first day); a semi-fluid motion (seventy-third day); a loose stool (seventy-fourth day); great bearing down in the anus, in the afternoon and evening (seventy-seventh day); copious stool (eighty-first day); in the forenoon, a loose stool, with great relief to the abdomen (eighty-second day);a very costive stool, with congestion of blood to head (eighty-fifth day); a copious loose motion, after getting up; after dinner, another loose motion (eighty-sixth day); in the morning, such a sudden call to stool that he had scarcely time to reach the closet; the faeces were nearly black, loose, viscid, greasy, and had a pungent odor of sulfuretted hydrogen (eighty-eighth day); two copious stools, in the morning (ninety-fifth day); a copious stool (ninety-eighth day); a loose stool, followed by aching and burning in the anus (one hundred and third day); a copious loose stool (one hundred and ninth day); a copious loose stool, in the forenoon (one hundred and eleventh day); a copious loose stool, in the morning (one hundred and twelfth day); a loose motion, in the morning, and soon afterwards, when sitting, bearing down and burning in the anus; an hour afterwards, a loose motion, followed by same sensation in the anus (one hundred and nineteenth day). Although he had had a normal stool, in the morning, yet after dinner a second, of good consistence, occurred, a most unusual thing with him (first day); a copious evacuation, in the morning (third day); a copious loose stool, in the morning (fourth day); a quite copious loose evacuation, followed by slight burning in the anus (fifth day); in the morning, a stool passed in small lumps (eighth day); a semifluid stool, in the morning (fifteenth day); in the morning and afternoon, a loose evacuation (twentieth day); a loose motion (twenty-third day); a copious loose stool (twenty- fifth day); in the morning, a loose motion (twenty-ninth day); a copious evacuation, with some burning pain in the anus (thirtieth day); after breakfast, a semifluid evacuation (thirty-second day); after dinner, a second loose evacuation (thirty-fourth day); during the day two loose stools (thirty-eighth day); in the forenoon, two loose motions (forty-first day); in the morning, a copious, tough, smeary evacuation (forty-third day); a semifluid evacuation (forty-seventh and forty-eighth days); a soft stool (fifty-ninth day); a semifluid stool (sixty-third day); a copious stool, with severe burning in the anus (one hundred and third day); two fluid stools (one hundred and fifth day); a semifluid stool (one hundred and ninth day); an insufficient, difficult stool, with feeling of distension in the abdomen (one hundred and eleventh day); a copious loose motion after getting up (one hundred and thirteenth day); a loose stool (one hundred and fifteenth day); a fluid stool (one hundred and nineteenth day); two semifluid stools (one hundred and twenty-first day); two loose motions, in the forenoon (one hundred and twenty-third day); a copious fluid stool (one hundred and twenty-seventh, one hundred and twenty-ninth, one hundred and thirtieth, and one hundred and thirty-sixth days); a semifluid stool (one hundred and thirty-eighth day); two loose stools (one hundred and thirty- ninth day); a soft stool (one hundred and fortieth day); in the afternoon, at an unusual hour, a copious semifluid evacuation (one hundred and forty-second day); three semifluid stools, during the day (one hundred and fifty-third day); two loose stools, in the forenoon (one hundred and fifty-fourth day); a copious semifluid stool (one hundred and fifty-seventh day); at dawn, after severe pinching, a copious stool; a second stool about 8 A.M.; at noon a third, and in the afternoon a fourth fluid stool (one hundred and sixty-first day); three fluid stools, in the forenoon (one hundred and sixty-second day); two copious semifluid stools, in the morning (one hundred and sixty- third day); a copious fluid stool, without griping, in the morn- ing (one hundred and sixty-fifth day); an insufficient, rather hard stool, in the morning (one hundred and sixty-sixth day); a consistent stool, without pain (one hundred and sixty-seventh day); a firm stool (one hundred and sixty-eighth day); two loose stools, in the morning (one hundred and seventy-ninth day); a copious loose stool (one hundred and eighty-fourth day); a copious evacuation (one hundred and eighty-eighth day); a semifluid stool (one hundred and ninety-fifth day); a loose motion (two hundred and fourth day); two loose stools, in the morning (two hundred and twenty-ninth day); a loose stool, in the morning (two hundred and thirty-fifth day); in the morning, a loose stool, followed by pretty severe burning in the anus, for some time (two hundred and forty-second day); a semifluid stool, followed by burning in the anus, in the morning (two hundred and fifty- seventh day); in the morning, a loose stool, followed in a few minutes by burning in the anus, lasting half an hour; frequent stool (two hundred and seventy-seventh day); a loose stool, in the morning, followed by burning in the anus (two hundred and seventy-eighth day). At noon, a second copious, quite thin stool; in the afternoon, two liquid stools (fourth day); liquid stool, in the morning (fifth day). (Since taking the Sulphur, the stools have been in quite good order; she had daily one, sometimes two, copious evacuations, whereas, previously, she often had no stool for three or four days), (eighth day). Bowels very sluggish, and some days not at all moved (third to twelfth day); loose motion (twelfth and thirteenth days); had not his usual motion of the bowels, in the morning (fourteenth day); after passing a hard stool, all the symptoms diminished (fifteenth day); fecal evacuation far from normal, and sometimes ceased altogether; the fecal matter was sometimes firm, sometimes relaxed (seventeenth to twenty-third day); ineffectual straining at stool (twenty- third day); hard stool about noon (twenty-fourth day); inefficient call to stool (twenty-fifth day); in the morning, after much straining and effort, a motion, at first hard and afterwards loose; awoke with urgent but ineffectual call to stool (twenty-sixth day); in the morning, urgent but ineffectual call to stool (twenty-seventh day); after dinner, a hard stool, followed by sore feeling at the anus (twenty-eighth day); in the morning, ineffectual urging at stool (twenty-ninth day); in the evening, after much straining, a firm motion, accompanied by rigor and cold feeling in the limbs (thirtieth day); in the forenoon, after much effort, a hard stool (thirty-first day); annoying but ineffectual urging to stool, in the afternoon; at night, after much effort, an unsatisfactory tool, with increased emission of urine (thirty-second day); troublesome and ineffectual urging to stool (thirty-third day); evacuation, after great effort (thirty-fourth day); in the morning, urging to stool, and after much effort, an insufficient hard motion; after eating, recurrence of the urging to stool, and after much straining, a soft formed evacuation (thirty-eighth day); in the morning, call to stool, but ineffectual, a nothing but flatus came away; it was only towards noon that, after much straining, a formed soft motion was passed (forty-first day); motions very irregular (forty-first to forty-seventh day); urging to stool; after the greatest straining, passed a scanty, soft, formed stool; towards noon, after much effort, another loose stool (forty-eight day); after much effort, a hard motion; woke after midnight, with very urgent but ineffectual call to stool (fiftieth and fifty-first days); two soft formed stool (fifty- second and fifty-third days). During the day, three soft formed evacuations, after great effort (second day); after getting up, after much effort, a soft, formed, insufficient stool; in the evening, a very troublesome but ineffectual call to stool (fourth and fifth days); during the day, two soft formed stools (sixth day); violent but ineffectual call to stool, in the morning; towards noon, after a painful effort, there occurred a scanty motion; the faeces were firm, and of a blackish-brown color (tenth day); in the morning, call to stool, and only after a great effort, an insufficient evacuation of a dark, hard mass (eleventh day); in the morning, a motion after much straining; in the evening, call to stool, and with great effort, evacuation of hard, dark-colored faeces (twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth days). No stool (third and sixth days); an evacuation of the bowels (seventh day); half an hour after taking the medicine, a motion at first consistent, afterwards liquid; about noon a diarrhoeic evacuation (seventeenth day); a diarrhoeic stool, at 7.30 (eighteenth day); no stool (nineteenth and twentieth days); frequent ineffectual call to stool; in the afternoon, a very hard evacuation (twenty-first day); in the morning, fruitless call to stool (twenty-ninth day). No stool (seventh day); in the morning, a loose stool; about 5 P.M., another loose evacuation (twentieth day); a loose motion, in the morning (twenty-first day); a very liquid evacuation, in the morning (twenty-second day); irregularity of the bowels, sometimes there was no motion, or they were moved later than usual (after thirty-five days); no motion (forty-first day); in the morning, a hard inefficient motion, which, on its passage through the anus, causes burning- shooting pains there (forty-second day). A hard stool, followed speedily by one of ordinary consistence (in his ordinary state he seldom had two evacuations in one day), (third day).(1980) In the morning, afternoon, and evening, always soon after eating, passed a motion, half fluid, half lumpy, mixed up with gas, and attended with great noise from flatus (second day); the accustomed motion did not take place (third day); fir m stool, with severe pressing (fourth day). Stool as usual, only it was evacuated more rapidly than usual (second day). Diminished consistence of faeces. Evacuation, mingled with blood, for several days; the blood came away quite painlessly. Pasty evacuation, at 11 P.M. (third, fourth, and fifth days). Pasty and thin stools, preceded by much sulphurous-smelling flatus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.