
Dull headache in the right temple.

Dull headache in the left temple.

Headache in right temporal region, more stupefying than throbbing.

Pressure in both temples, at noon.

Pressive pain in the temporal region.

Pressure upon the upper portion of the left temporal bone, immediately above the concha of the ear, reaching deep into the brain; it increases when the hairs are pressed upon, or when they are merely touched, and is attended with complete depression of spirits.

After breakfast, a painful pressure in a little spot on the left temporal bone.

Violent pressure in the right temple on the temporal bone.

Fine stitches in the left temple (after half an hour).

Stitches in the left temple.

Directly after talking, a stitch in the right temple; soon after, a stitch in the left temple; upon which, a slight pressure took place in the latter, lasting several minutes.

Now and then, shooting in the left, less frequently in the right, temporal region.

Shooting pain in the right temple, over the eye.

Tearing in the right temporal region.

Burning in the vertex.

Beating pain in vertex, with despair bordering on rage.

Boring pain deep in the brain, at the vertex.

Pressure and tearing in left side of skull and on vertex.

Mornings, pressive pain in the vertex.

Feeling of pressure in the vertex.

Pressive pain in the vertex, at night.

Transient shooting in the vertex.

Stitches in the hairy scalp on the top of the head, which afterwards change to a pressive pain in the vertex.

Left sided, very violent headache.

Several times, pains in left side of head (three to five hours).

Pain in left of head, with much desire to urinate.

In the forenoon, while walking in the open air, a continued, burrowing, one-sided headache, which extended from the left frontal eminence along the parietal bone, through the entire cerebral hemisphere, to the occiput.

Boring in left side of skull, and in ascending ramus of lower jaw.

A continued dull pain in the entire left half of head, which is increased, after an hour, to a violent burrowing one.

Pressure in the left half of head.

Tearing and pressing in the entire left circumstance of the brain, most severe in left orbit and zygoma, with confusion in the head (after eight hours).

Violent lancinating tearing from the vertex to the left ear (after six hours).

Penetrating, fine, tearing pain; first in the right parietal bone, over the ear, with which the sensation of a sore, festering spot on the bone was continued a long time; it pained violently on being touched.

Slightly tearing pain in the right upper side of the head.

Nearly all day, constantly recurring, very fine, sensitive tearing, of short duration, on the left side of the head, behind and over the ear, as if emanating from a small painful spot, which, however, was not to be found by feeling for it.

One-sided shooting headache.

A shooting pain in the both sides of the head.

A quarter of an hour after taking, violent shooting in the right side of the head; somewhat later, in the whole head; but in both sides, right and left, more violent than in the rest of the head.

Shooting pain in left half of head, beginning at 10 A.M. and lasting till 2 P.M.; after which it was superseded by transient stitches, that returned every ten minutes.

Shooting headache, extending from the left parietal bone into the right temple, but lasting only a few minutes.

Pain, as from a nail in the right side of the head.

Frequent itching stitches deep in the left cerebrum.

Externally, in the left side of the head, a flash-like stroke.

Momentary twitching in the right side of the head.

Twitching jumps in the hairy scalp over the left ear, close to the ear-cartilage.

Different kinds of headache in the left half of the occipital bone, when seated.

Violent boring pain in occiput and left superciliary ridge.

In the forenoon, burrowing, pressive pains in the left occipital region and nape of neck, with weariness in the lower limbs and great inclination to sleep.

Morning, in bed, a pressive, burrowing pain in the right half of occiput, with accompanying splintery stitches in middle of right cheek.

Drawing pain in the occiput, early when in bed, as if from a wrong position; it increases by stretching and holding in the breath.

Drawing pain in the occiput, in the afternoon.

Drawing and tension in the occiput.

Drawing and pressive pain in occiput and forehead.

In forenoon, external pain in head, but more in posterior half; tension across occiput, towards ears, towards, neck-joint, sometimes more perceptible in one place than another.

After waking, dull fullness in occiput.

Dull pain in occiput, which on lying down, became more violent and burning, and gradually extended between the superciliary ridges, when lying on the back.

The dull pain in the head has gone into the occiput.

Pressure in the occiput (first day).

Excessively pressive pain in the occiput.

Tension extending towards the occiput, and there developing into a dull, pressive pain, with a sensation of heaviness, continuing all day.

Tearing stitches in the occiput, from one side to the other, early in the morning (second day).

Tearing in the left side of the occiput, which returns at short intervals.

Tearing in right side of occiput.

Tearing in right half of the occiput bone.

Sometimes, a tearing, tensive sensation in the external scalp of the occiput.

During forenoon, flying stitches in the occiput.

Repeated stitches across the occiput.

Stitches across the occiput, repeated every ten minutes, sometimes ore violent, sometimes less.

Bruised pain in back of neck and occiput.

A lively, throbbing pain in the occiput.

Creaking of the occiput towards the left, lasting a quarter of an hour; increased by pressure on the painful part.

Headache, especially heaviness and tension of the occiput towards the neck-joint.

The head constantly falling backwards, as if a weight were attached to the occiput.

The head unsteady, swaying back and forth, as if intoxicated.

Head swaying back and forth.

Convulsions of the muscles of the head and neck.

Such violent jarring of the whole head, coming from the atlas joint, that the prover involuntarily bit his tongue.

Stitches in the atlas-joint, as of splinters.

Head hot to the touch.

Pimples on the hairy scalp.

The pimples which appeared at the roots of the hair bled easily, after scratching, and left little red scabs behind.

The head full; pain spread over the cranium, and somewhat relieved by the touch.

Sometimes, external tension of the scalp.

Icy coldness in the region of the coronal suture, after the parts had been scratched on account of their itching; the coldness frequently returns; approaches more and more the forepart of the head, until it reaches that part of the forehead which is not covered with hair.

Tearing and drawing pain externally in the integuments of the head (skin and bones); it increases on pressure, especially in a small spot in vertex, which pains as if there were internal festering, at night (after eighteen days).

Sensitiveness of the integuments of the head, as if they were ulcerated.

The entire length of the scalp on the left side somewhat sensitive to the touch.

There are a few spots in the left side somewhat sensitive to the touch.

Frequent sensitive tearing in the tendinous expansion of the skull.

Itching of the hairy scalp.

Itching of the whole of the hairy scalp; it is like the itching of healing wounds, and provokes scratching.

Troublesome itching of hairy scalp, especially after getting up; it disappears upon the parts being scratched with a sharp comb.


Yellow color of the eyes (third day).

Burning in the eyes.

The eyes burn easily.

Burning in the eye, especially when they are opened and shut; every time after yawning.

Burning of the eye, with sensation of contraction in the evening (first day).

Burning and pressure in the orbits.

Burning and itching in both eyes.

Burning and aching pain above the right eye, with lachrymation (after one and a half hours).

Heat in the eyes.

Constant heat in the eyes.

Heat and weariness of the eyes.

The eyes are hot.

The eyes are hot to the touch.

Painful stretching of the eye on waking in the morning.

Sensation of contraction of the right eye, with increased dimness of sight; this is succeeded by biting pain in the eyeball and lachrymation, and lastly, by twitchings of the left eye, such as had previously existed in the right; wine relieved the symptom s at once.

Cramp-like pain under the right eyebrow; it makes the opening of the eyes difficult (after five hours).

Pressure in the eyes.

Pressure in the eyes, towards the inside.

Painful pressure in the eyes when moving them or exerting them by lamp light.

Pressure in the eyes, and inclination to close them, without sleep, after dinner.

Pressure in the eyes and upon the forehead, as though something were pressing from without inwards (after ten minutes).

A pressure in the right eye at noon, as if a grain of sand were under the upper eyelid; close examination of the eye showed nothing abnormal.

Pressive and drawing pain in the eyes.

Pressive pain over the left eye.

Pressure in the corners of the left eye, as if there were a foreign body.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.