
In the forenoon, while walking, puncture-like stitches in the abdominal walls from within outward.

While sneezing, which was caused by the sun, violent stitches in the region of the caecum.

Light stitches, from within outwards, through the abdominal walls; so also in the diaphragm.

Slight searching in the abdomen, with sensation of flatus after breakfast.

Repeated light searching in the intestines.

Cutting in the abdomen, late in the evening.

Rather painful cutting in the abdomen, as if it were the beginning of colic.

Cutting in the abdomen, followed by a soft, crumbling stool; occasional cutting, pressive pains in the hypogastric region.

Cutting pains in the abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling in the intestines.

Cutting, searching sensation in the abdomen.

Occasional cutting pains in the abdomen, with passage of inodorous flatus.

Sensation of cold in the abdomen.

Flabby sensation in the abdomen.

Sensation as if the abdominal cavity was entirely empty.

Bloated condition of the hypogastrium, with cutting pain, attended with wind moving to and fro in the bowels; eructations and emission of flatulence give but short relief (after one hour).

Much noise of air and fluid in lower abdomen.

Rumbling in the lower abdomen.

Frequent rumbling in the region of the lower abdomen.

Growling in the lower abdominal cavity; distention of the abdomen.

Uneasiness in the abdomen, almost as if the person had to go to stool; at the same time the person passes a quantity of wind, which has almost no smell.

Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea were just coming on.

During the whole day there is a sensation in the bowels as if the person had to go to stool; however, the stools are not passed till late in the evening, after there had been copious stools in the morning.

Very painful tension of the lower abdomen.

Tension in the pelvis, and in the hypogastric region.

Violent pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoeic stool.

After pappy stool, griping in the lower abdomen, which returned several times in a lesser degree, during the forenoon, while walking in the open air.

Griping, like colic, in the lower abdomen, extending from the left ileum, between the navel and symphysis pubis, through the cavity of the abdomen, to the right ileum; it was lessened by pressure, and only lasted several minutes.

In the forenoon and afternoon, repeated attacks of griping, cutting pains in the lower abdominal region, with accumulation of flatus.

Repeated griping in left lower abdomen, with rattling in the intestines.

Aroused at midnight by a spasmodic pain in the left abdominal region that urged him to stool.

Drawing pain towards the navel and the right flank; this pain began in the pelvis, and took its course from below upwards.

Dull, drawing pain in lower abdomen, extending towards the lumbar muscles.

Soon after the medicine, a feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen.

Slight urging in the lower abdominal region.

The stitches began in the pelvis, and extended to the right side of the abdomen, along the groin, to the right flank, growing weaker and weaker during their course, and finally disappearing entirely.

Sudden, violent stitches, as of splinters, in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Cutting in the hypogastrium, without stool.

Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, as if diarrhoea were to ensue (in the evening).

Cutting pain in the abdomen, such as is consequent upon a purgative; this pain is followed by liquid stools, by which the pains are relieved (second day).

A feeling of restlessness sinks into the abdomen.

Troublesome itching of the hypogastrium, with goose-skin, it lasts almost the whole night, and only disappears in the morning, after perspiration has set in.

Mild pain in the groin.

Painful pressure in the groin (after two hours).

Spasmodic drawing in the left groin when urinating (after three days).

Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; felt only when walking (after four and one-quarter hours).

Dull stitches, which hurt very much, at the superior anterior process of the iliac bones.

Peculiar tensive pain in the right loin.

Tensive sensation in the region of the right loin, somewhat increased by stretching and turning the thigh outward; sensation of pain, more felt when standing, prevents walking, and is increased by the touch.

Urging in the left loin.

Stool and Anus.

In passing wind, there is an acrid pain in the rectum (sixth day).

During and after stool, acrid pain in the rectum (third and fourth day).

Prickling in the rectum (after three hours).

Prickling in the rectum, as from worms.

Stitches in the rectum.

Violent cutting itching began in the rectum in the evening, close above the opening, that induced a drawing-in of the anus, without affording relief, which was rather effected by involuntarily pressing it out; it entirely resembled and sensation caused by diarrhoeas of acrid matter, and disappeared again in about half an hour.

Slight burning in the anus.

Sensation of warmth in the anus.

Mornings, burning and itching in the anus, as with tenesmus during stool.

At noon, heat and itching in the anus.

Towards noon, a disagreeable sensation in the anus, resembling heaviness and fullness, that disappeared again after a time, while sitting down.

Much passage of flatus; a sensation in the anus of painful rumbling round in the abdomen, with inclination to stool, accompanied by a sensation of complete closure of the anus.

Pressure in the anus for a short time at noon.

While taking, a feeling was already noted as if diarrhoea would set in, which, however, soon vanished, without any result.

Stitches in the anus.

Occasional violent stitches in the anus.

Itching and tickling of the anus, which, obliges the person to scratch (after three-quarters of an hour).

Some itching in the anus.

Itching and prickling in the anus.

A sensation of painful dryness of the anus, with an inclination to draw the anus in.

Sensation of moisture in the anus.

Paralytic weakness of the sphincter ani, so that the faeces can only be retained for moments, with great effort.

Violent burning in the hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids painful and burning, very much inflamed.

Inflamed hemorrhoids, with burning in the rectum.

Swelling of the hemorrhoids, with stitches in the anus.

After a copious stool, discharge of several ounces of light- red blood from the rectum, with great straining, as if to stool.

Urgent desire to stool, which was scarcely to be retained, as immediately preceding it, painless straining in the rectum, toward the front, was felt.

Urging towards the anus, three hours after taking.

Violent urging towards the anus, mornings.

Urging to stool, with a kind off tenesmus, lasted till toward morning.

Ineffectual desire for stool, with much passage of wind.

The evacuations become pappy (sixth day).

Passes a quantity of pappy stools (after twelve to thirty- eight hours).

Soft, pappy stools every day.

A pappy stool without symptoms, after which a sensation of heaviness, lasting for an hour.

Copious pappy stool, with subsequent sensation of heaviness in the hypogastric region.

Copious pappy stool after breakfast; afterwards, slight sensitiveness, with feeling of distension in the lower abdomen.

Copious pappy stool; after it slight burning of the anus.

Pappy stool, followed by burning in the anus.

Copious pappy stool, afterwards itching, and finally burning in the anus.

A scanty, pappy, painless stool, after breakfast, followed by a feeling of distension in the abdomen.

Copious pappy stool, followed by a sensation of distension in the abdomen.

Scanty pappy stool, followed by a sensation of heaviness around the navel.

A pappy evacuation, afterwards gurgling and rattling in the intestines.

Three evacuations of a pappy nature.

Soft stools, after the stools had been passed as usual early in the mornings.

Stool soft but not like diarrhoea.

Frequent very soft stools, the desire to which, owing to paralytic weakness of the sphincter, must be instantly gratified to insure cleanliness.

A soft, very copious stool.

Several soft stools, that cause burning in the anus.

Several soft evacuations.

A semi-liquid painless stool.

An insufficient semi-liquid stool.

Two scanty semi-liquid evacuations.

A dark-green, soft, liquid afternoons.

Colic is succeeded by knotty, then liquid stools, early in the morning (second day).

Four liquid evacuations, with burning in the anus.

Two liquid stools.

Three stools daily, at short intervals, containing liquid faeces.

Frequent liquid stools, with burning in the anus.

Awoke with griping in the morning, followed by two liquid stools.

Dined without desire or satisfaction, followed four hours after by three liquid stools.

Five times in succession the person passes liquid yellowish stools, attended with pinching in the abdomen, and emission of flatulence which has no smell.

Watery stools, attended with violent colic and tenesmus, early in the morning on the third day.

During the night, three watery stools, with pain in the region of the spleen.

Stools are at first knotty, and a quarter of an hour afterwards watery; attended with violent colic, fermentation in the abdomen, and great nausea.

Passes mucus by the rectum, attended with wind.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.