
Burning and itching in ears.

Redness, burning itching of the ears, as if they had been frozen.

Cramp-like pains inside of the left ear.

Twitching jumping in the cartilage of the left ear.

Frequent twitching near and in the cartilages of the right ear.

Frequent twitching and rattling, or fluttering, in the tympanic cavity off the right ear; jumping of the tensor tympani.

Jumping of the tensor tympani, with a sound as given by a leather-covered metal valve, when set in motion.

Frequent rolling twitching inside the cavity of the right tympanum.

Pain in the ear; tearing pain in the meatus of the right ear, which is caused and increased by cold air passing into the ear; the pain extends too the upper jaw, and continues for several days.

Tearing pains in right ear.

Tearing pain and violent itching in the left ear, with desire to bore deep into the ear; when lying on the same side, the pain was considerably increased.

Stitches in the left mastoid process.

Frequent violent stitches, as of splinters penetrating the left auditory canal.

A few sensitive, but transient, stitches from the fauces along the course of the Eustachian tube towards the right ear.

Sensitive stitches in the left auditory canal.

Twitching stitches inside of the right ear.

Itching of the lobule of the ear.

Itching of the concha, which induces rubbing; rubbing makes the part red and sore, but the itching continues.

Itching in and behind the ears.

Itching in the external meatus of the right ear.

Itching, attended with tickling, in the right ear; this induces scratching (after twenty-nine hours).

Itching, generally in the left ear; this induces the person to insert the finger into the ear, and rub it.

Itching in the left external auditory tube, with a stitch in the inner ear, as of an ice-cold needle.

Tickling itching on the lobe of the left ear, and in the external auditory tube; disappears on boring with the fingers.

Tickling itching from the opening into the fauces of the right Eustachian tube, extending to the inner ear, alternating with excessive ringing in the left ear.

Itching of, and pimples on, the posterior surface of the concha.

Several times during the day, stoppage of the left ear.

Sensation in the ears as if wax were flowing out.

For some time past, excessive secretion of wax in both ears.

Hearing very acute.

Dulness of hearing.

Deafness, with headache.

Roaring in the ear.

Ringing in the right ear, when walking in the open air (after four hours).

Ringing in the left ear.

In ears, a fine rushing and ringing, or a noise like a distant teakettle beginning to boil, with heat in head.

Roaring in the left ear.

Roaring of the ears, first right, then left.

Bubbling roar in the left ear.

Constant roaring in left ear, with creaking in both ears on empty swallowing.

Inexplicable humming in both ears, resembling the noise of a spinning-wheel, which continues for several hours.

Peculiar clucking noise in right ear, frequently returning.

At every attempt to swallow, a creaking sound in both ears, as of a wooden screw.

Rushing in the right ear, like the jerking sound of a locomotive; ceases when rising, return when lying down.

Illusion of hearing, as though a nail were being driven into a board at a distance.


The tip of the nose and the lips are pale and bluish.

A peculiar cracking and creaking in the bony parts of the nose, as if the spongy bones of the nose were pressed against each other, or rubbed.

Sneezing, several times.

Sneezing, without coryza.

Frequent sneezing.

Frequent sneezing, without coryza (after twelve to twenty- two hours).

Frequent sneezing and yawning.

Frequent sneezing, which sometimes comes on twice in succession (first day).

Frequent sneezing, immediately after taking the medicine.

Also, frequent sneezing during sleep, without waking.

Several violent sneezing, early, in bed.

Sneezing several times in the morning.

Sneezing, occasioned by a feeling of nausea.

Dryness of the nose.

Dryness of the nose, with sensation of cold in the head.

Continual dryness of the nose; only once or twice during the day or three drops of water flow out.

The nose was dry, and when blowing it a small discharge of blood.

Clear water frequently drops of the nose, without there being any cold in the head.

On stooping, clear water drops out of the nose.

Taking a little snuff is at once followed by abundant collection of viscid mucus in the nose.

Upon blowing the nose, there is a copious discharge of clear mucus (after five days).

Small quantity of dry white mucus in the nose, frequently attended with a sense as of much mucus being in it.

Cold in the head; the nose feeling obstructed, especially when stooping (seventh day).

Fluent coryza.

Fluent coryza, which began on the 15th and lasted to the 26th; after being moderate the first two days, it increased to unusual violence on the third.

It first attacked the left half of the nose and left eye, for two days; then the right half and right eye, for two days, which constantly discharged an acrid, burning moisture.

On the 24th, when the discharge lessened, the nose swelled considerably, became bluish-red, and was very painful to the touch.

The inflammation terminated by desquamation.

Great discharge of mucus from the nose, and burning of the upper lip.

Towards evening, a fluent coryza set in.

Violent coryza, with confusion of the head.

Excessive blowing of mucus from the nose all day, without further symptoms of coryza.

A violent coryza sets in; the acridity of the secretion causing an eruption of the nose and upper lip.

Every morning, on rising, a nasal catarrh, which disappears after awhile, with sneezing.

Sensation of stoppage and catarrh, with discharge of watery moisture from both nostrils. Slight hawking of small masses of mucus from the fauces and posterior nares.

In blowing the nose, blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after rising; this is followed by violent bleeding from the nose (after thirty-three hours).

Bleeding from the nose.

(Passive epistaxis of old people), (Roth).

Burning pain in the nose and the eyes (from olfaction).

Inflammation and soreness of the inner wall of the nose.

Feeling of fullness in the upper nasal passage, with a feeling as if a ball were forcing itself down the nasal canal.

Sudden pressure at the superior part of the dorsum of the nose.

Pressure in the nasal bones.

Throbbing pressure in the nasal bone, with a sensation as if a swollen body in the upper nasal passage would force itself down.

Pressure in the root of the nose, with a sensation as if the nose were stopped up, without any stoppage of the nasal passages.

Sharp stinging in the left side of the root of the nose.

Cutting, boring pains, from the left nostril upward, extending through the nasal canal into the frontal bone, exactly as if an electric shock darted through them.

Biting sensation in mucus membrane of left nostril.

Great sensitiveness of the inner walls of the nose.

Disagreeable sensitiveness of the mucus membrane of the nose.

Itching sensitiveness of the mucus membrane of the nose, with frequent violent sneezing, accompanied by jumping of the muscles of the left loin.

Cutting sensation of soreness in the upper part of the left nostril, that taken place on inhalation, but is not felt on expiration.

In the afternoon, when breathing through the left nostril, a painful sensitiveness, high up, as though the mucus membrane were sore.

Prickling sensation in the right nostril and eye, as one experiences before sneezing.

Itching on the outer surface of the nose.

Violent itching of the wings of the nose, which induces rubbing.

Tickling itching in the left nostril, which induces rubbing (after fourteen hours).

Transient itching in the nose, and a pungent smell, as if about to sneeze.

The smell is sensitive.

The odor of a strong cigar was not perceived at all in the left nostril, and very strongly in the right one.


Puffy face.

Puffy, pale face, with blue circles around the eyes, and blue nose and lips.

Very great change in the expression of the face.

She looks pale and sunken in the face.

Paleness of the face.

Pale face, with bluish appearance around eyes, nose, and mouth.

Disturbed countenance, and imperceptible pulse. Slight yellowish tinge of the skin of the face, especially about the nostrils and corners of the mouth.

Redness of the face, without any perceptible heat.

Redness of the face, with itching and burning, as is consequent upon freezing of the parts.

Frequent jumping of the muscles in the face; on the upper lip.

Twitching of facial muscles.

Twitching of the muscles of the face; lasts all day long.

Twitching in different parts of the face, but only of the upper half.

Towards 4P.M. the face was excessively and uniformly red, burning hot, almost swollen, with uncomfortable tension of both cheeks.

Great redness and heat of the whole face.

Redness and burning heat of the face.

Heat of the head and face, on waking in the morning, with a certain sensation of bloatedness in the face, especially in the cheeks.

Unpleasant heat in the face, especially in the cheeks.

Flushes of heat in the face, with perspiration breaking out on the forehead.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.