
Inclination to vomit, which increased to such a degree that vomiting would have followed the least motion.

Constant inclination to vomit.

Inclination to vomit also continues after vomiting.

Inclination to vomit directly after the medicine, without being able to.

Inclination to vomit, with watery eructations.

Inclination to vomit, with faintness and anxiety.

Inclination to vomit while in the room, that disappears in the open air.

Inclination to vomit after dinner, without disgust at the food eaten.

Inclination to vomit after dinner.

Violent gagging, without being able to vomit.

Nausea and vomiting.

Nausea and violent vomiting.

Nausea, then vomiting of mucus.

Nausea and vomiting; he throws up his breakfast.

Inclination to vomit, and vomiting once.

Vomiting of bitter fluid.

Painless vomiting, with a slight odor of alcohol.

Violent, bitter vomiting.

Bitter vomiting, with shudders creeping over the whole body.

Watery vomiting, with a shock to the whole body.

Spontaneous vomiting of a great quantity of spongy matter, with alvine dejections which give great relief.

Eight or nine vomitings and five Diarrhoeic stools.

Gurgling in the stomach immediately after the medicine.

The pains in the stomach cause the patients to roll on the ground, uttering sharp cries.

Disagreeable, not distinctly expressed, sensation in the stomach, with nausea setting in.

Discomfort in the stomach after taking the medicine.

Slightly uncomfortable feeling in the stomach.

Soon after taking the medicine sensation of discomfort in the stomach, eructations of wind, heaviness and oppression in the pit of the stomach.

Sensation of discomfort in the stomach after breakfast.

Directly after taking, disagreeable sensation in the stomach, rattling in the intestines, passage of flatus.

Pain in the stomach.

Digestion bad.

Digestion very much disturbed.

Digestion bad; for the taste of the food ejected by vomiting could still be distinguished at ten o’clock at night.

Burning in the stomach.

Burning in the stomach after the medicine.

Slight burning in the stomach after the medicine.

Slight burning in the stomach.

An hour after breakfast a sensation of burning and being twisted in the stomach.

Soon after the medicine slight burning in the stomach, with aversion.

After the medicine slight burning in the stomach in the stomach; then heaviness in the abdomen.

Burning and pressure in the stomach soon after the medicine.

Burning and pressing pain in the stomach.

Slightly cooling, burning sensation in the stomach and pharynx.


Heartburn almost always after eating any kind of meat.

Sensation of warmth in the stomach after the medicine.

Feeling of emptiness in the region of the stomach.

Repletion, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

Sensation of flabbiness in the stomach during the forenoon.

Sensation of flabbiness, almost causing vomiting.

A feeling as if eructation would take place, resembling a distending pressure in the orifice of the stomach.

Sensation of fullness after dinner and pressure in the region of the stomach, with excessive accumulation of flatus.

Feeling of fullness and of flatus after dinner.

Fullness of the stomach, with a flat feeling; the stomach feels as if immediately fastened to the pharynx.

Pains in the stomach during the night, as though flatus were pressing it out; after the frequent passage off offensive flatus this trouble entirely ceased.

The stomach seemed full, and placed directly in the pharynx, so that it required only a slight impulse to vomit with ease; it prevent this, smoking was discontinued.

Cramps in the stomach at noon.

After a meal, oppression at the stomach and choking at the oesophagus.

Oppressive weight in the stomach.

Oppression at the stomach, with inclination to go to stool.

Pressure in the stomach after breakfast.

Pressive pain in the stomach.

Pressure in the region of the stomach.

Some pressure in the stomach, after breakfast.

Pressure and heaviness in the stomach after taking medicine.

Pressure in the stomach, as of accumulated flatus.

Sensation of pressure and coolness in the stomach after taking.

Pressure in the stomach after eating a little, which was not increased by continued eating.

Pressive pain and drawing downward in the stomach; soon relieved by the passage of much flatus.

Pressure and boring in the stomach that came on soon after the medicine, but soon ceased.

Mornings, on awaking, pressure in the region of the stomach.

Pressure in the stomach, with inclination to frequent sighing.

Pressive pain in the stomach, with aversion to food, and some nausea.

Pressing and drawing in the stomach, increased by pressure of the hand.

Pinching in the stomach.

Some heaviness in the stomach and abdomen after taking the medicine.

Heaviness and coolness in the stomach after taking the medicine.

Sensation as if a stone lay in the stomach.

Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach after taking.

Sensation of heaviness in the stomach after taking the medicine.

Sensation of heaviness in the stomach and lower abdomen after breakfast.

A constant sensation in the stomach, as if it were sinking, like a heaviness weight towards the abdomen.

Sharp pain, with great oppression in the region of the stomach.

Faintness of the stomach, with an empty feeling that sometimes alternates with a sensation of jerking, as of a heavy object.

Trembling of stomach; then of whole body.

Pains in pit of stomach and along sternum.

Burning feeling in the pit of the stomach.

Tensive pain at the pit of the stomach, which extends to the left clavicle; it is felt towards evening, during deep breathing (ninth day).

Very painful tension at the epigastrium.

Pinching in the pit of the stomach, as if with tongs.

Sensation of cramp-like compression and shooting pain in the pit of the stomach.

Cramp-like, constrictive pains, coming from the pit of the stomach and extending far into the abdomen.

Spasmodic drawing in the region of the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the chest towards evening (ninth day).

Heaviness in the pit of the stomach.

Oppression at the pit of the stomach (first and ninth day).

Oppression at the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the sternum.

After breakfast, oppression at the pit of the stomach; in the afternoon the pain passes to the epigastrium, where it becomes a burrowing pain; in the evening the person passes wind, after which the pain disappears (sixteenth day).

After dinner, oppression at the pit of the stomach, attended with sensitive drawing and pressure in the balls of the eyes, reluctance to work, and indolent disposition (tenth day).

Oppression in the region of the upper and left border of the stomach; the pain is felt when standing or walking (after two hours).

Oppression at the pyloric orifice of the stomach.

Tearing pain in pit of stomach.

Crawling in the pit of the stomach, with nausea.

Soon after taking the medicine sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the stomach.


A sort of rumbling in the epigastrium.

Undulatory jumping of the upper abdominal muscles.

When sitting, cutting, colic-like spasms, resembling spasms of the stomach, immediately below the diaphragm, and extending towards the vertebral column (after one and a half hours).

Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium in the evening (ninth day).

Painful tearing in a small spot right above the navel, as if on a fine line about two inches long.

Uncomfortable feeling in the upper abdomen, with a sensation of nausea there.

In the hypochondria, upon the left side of the last true rib, there is a pressive pain, returning every second; at the corresponding place of the right side the person experiences a pain, as from an old gunshot wound (after two hours).

Feeling of soreness in the hypochondria and region of pit of stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is more violent after a meal.

Occasional shooting pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, increased by pressure.

In the right hypochondrium, more backwards, pressive feeling, with occasional stitches, especially when bending the body to the left; continuing all day.

Dull, pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, more towards the back.

Uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the right hypochondrium, extending upwards.

Occasional pressive pain in the liver.

Morning, pressure in the liver.

In the region of the liver, sharp stitches, as from needles.

Dull stitches in the liver during breathing.

Several stitches in the region of the liver.

Mornings, transient, rather violent stitches, deep in the right hypochondrium.

Stitches in the liver frequently during the day.

Occasional little sharp, stitches, as if radiating from the surface of the right lobe of the liver towards the center.

A sudden violent stitch in the liver towards noon.

Stitches in the liver and in the pit of the stomach, with nausea.

Several stitches in the region of the liver.

Dull stitches extend from the right hypochondrium and from the navel to behind the sternum.

Sensation of pain and drawing in the right hypochondrium, as if the liver had increased in weight, and dragged at its ligaments.

Painful sensation in the region of the spleen.

Pinching pain for several seconds in the region of the spleen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.