

Much confluence of water in the mouth.

Sometimes, especially upon raising the head, fluid saliva flows into the; mouth; this induces violent hawking.

Unexpectedly, several times during the day, when moving the mouth, such a sudden flow of saliva, that objects were bespattered with it.

Considerable flow of saliva, with dryness of the throat.

Frequent flow of saliva in the mouth, with slight nausea in the forenoon, H.

Continued flow of saliva, compelling its constant ejection.

Flow of water in the mouth.

Constant flow of water in the mouth, compelling frequent spitting.

Secretion of much saliva in the mouth, following after splinter stitches in the left sublingual salivary gland.

Saliva tastes very acrid (during the first ten days).

Insipid taste in the mouth.

Taste flat.

Flat taste in the mouth, the tongue coated yellow (seventh to tenth day).

Every day, when the stomach is empty, flat taste in the mouth.

Taste flat, pappy, somewhat metallic.

Flat, pappy taste.

Flat, somewhat sweetish, metallic taste.

Bitterish taste.

Bitter taste, Bitter taste in the mouth (twelfth day).

Sharp, bitter taste at the root of the tongue.

During one hour before diner, bitter taste; nevertheless good appetite.

Offensive, bitter, resinous taste.

After taking, disagreeable sweetish taste, that continues some hours after breakfast.

Disagreeable sweetish metallic taste.

An hour after breakfast, sweet gummy, extremely offensive taste in the; mouth, and distension of the abdomen.

Already, in the forenoon, but more in the afternoon, in spite of good appetite for dinner, very offensive, somewhat sweetish taste.

Extremely disagreeable sweetish bitter taste when smoking cigars, especially at the root of the tongue.

Bad taste at the root of the tongue, with slight nausea.

After taking, and particularly after breakfast, very offensive taste in the mouth.

Clayey taste in the mouth.

Taste salty, as after herring.

Astringent taste in the mouth.

Directly after the medicine, rancid taste in the mouth.

Rancid taste for three hours.


Burning and scratching in the throat that extends deep into the left side of the chest.

Feeling of constriction, or contraction of the throat.

Contractive dryness of the throat.

Roughness in the throat.

Roughness in the throat (mornings).

Scratching sensation in the throat, often renewed.

Roughness and scratchy feeling of the throat.

Scratching in the throat.

Directly after taking, scraping sensation in the throat, as if behind the root of the tongue.

Dryness inside of the throat, not to be soothed by water or beer.

Dryness in the throat.

Dryness of the throat and palate.

Dryness in the throat, and transient stitches in it, when touched externally.

Upon slightly clearing the throat, small balls of phlegm became detached.

Throws up small flocculi or solid balls of phlegm almost without any cough.

Scratching burning in the fauces.

Pressive pain in the right side of the fauces.

Uncomfortable pressure in the fauces, as though a foreign body stuck there that could not be removed by swallowing.

Sensation in the fauces as though a particle of swallowed food had lodged there.

The sensation of a foreign body in the fauces compels frequent swallowing, which is uncomfortable and affords no relief.

While vomiting, the sensation of a foreign body in the fauces is very much increased.

Painful sensation, as if something were torn in the fauces, when swallowing saliva.

Occasional uncomfortable sensation of dryness of the mouth fauces, whereby these parts at the same time become sensitive to the air.

Mornings, when awaking, disagreeable feeling of dryness in the fauces and palate, extending downward to the pharynx, causing contraction there, as when drinking astringent liquid.

Great dryness in the fauces and pharynx.

Sense of constriction in pharynx, S. J.

Scratching sensation in the pharynx.

Dryness of the pharynx.

Soon after taking the medicine, peculiar dryness of the pharynx, with stitches toward the parotid and submaxillary glands.

Burning in the oesophagus.

Sensation of coldness from the pharynx through the oesophagus to the stomach, as when eating pungent cress or radishes.

A burning, cooling feeling along the oesophagus to the stomach, as after eating cress.

Uncomfortable feeling of tension externally in the region of the thyroid gland, which increases towards evening.

Distension of the neck; sensation as if his cravat were too tight.


Great desire to eat, which often borders on a ravenous appetite (fourth to eighth day).

Hunger violent, soon after eating (2 P.M)., and also later.

Increased appetite in the morning; could hardly wait for breakfast.

For several days in succession he had sudden fits of hunger, during which he swallows his food in a great hurry, and with greediness, Towards evening his appetite increases; he imagines he is not able to satisfy it, and he swallows his food in a hurry and with greediness, as if with rabid hunger (after eight hours).

Towards evening he is suddenly attacked with rabid hunger; his whole body is covered with sweat; these symptoms are attended with great weariness and tremor of the extremities.

Appetite good; but inclination to vomit after eating.

Much hunger, but no appetite; also, early in the morning.

Excessive hunger, without relishing any kind of food.

Loss of appetite.

Entire want of appetite.

Want of appetite.

No appetite, though fasting.

Appetite diminishes unusually.

Appetite small.

Appetite very bad, almost to distaste of food.

Appetite diminished.

Appetite little changed; somewhat diminished.

Less desire to eat than usual.

Want of appetite with disgust for roast meat.

No appetite for breakfast for two days.

Total want of appetite at the usual dinner-hour.

Little appetite for dinner.

Aversion to the taste of food and drinks.

Aversion when eating.

Appetite slight, mostly for bread and butter.

Quick repletion at dinner; even before hunger is satisfied.

No desire for eating; desire to drink.

He does not eat bread with pleasure.

Much thirst (second day).

Considerable thirst.

Unquenchable thirst.

A good deal of thirst in the forenoon.

Unusually violent thirst in the afternoon.

Excessive thirst in the forenoon, with desire for beer.

Want of thirst; absence of thirst.

Little thirst.

Frequent rising of mere air, such as takes place when the stomach is deranged (after half an hour).

Empty risings.

Frequent empty risings, alternating with hiccough; these symptoms appear while he smokes tobacco, which he is in the habit of doing (after one hour).

Eructations, with qualmishness (after three hours).

Eructations, tasting of the ingesta.

Early in the morning eructations tasting of the ingesta.

Eructation of wind.

Eructation of wind, tasteless when swallowing.

Continual eructation of wind during the day, once as after rotten eggs.


Soon after taking the medicine eructations and passage of flatus.

Trifling eructation, that does not fully rise, but dies away in the lower part of the oesophagus.

Frequent empty eructations.

Gulping, sometimes rising to the region of the larynx.

Empty eructations, alternating three times with violent hiccough.

Occasional imperfect eructations.

Frequent eructations in the afternoon.

Eructations of wind directly after the medicine, lasting for some time.

Rather violent eructations.

Frequent eructations that taste of the food eaten.

Frequent eructations, tasting like apples, without having eater any.

Eructations with the taste of apples, frequently during the forenoon.

Frequent eructations tasting of rotten eggs, as when the stomach is out of order.

Frequent sour eructations.

Frequent sour eructations all the forenoon.

Gulping up of salty fluid.

Eructations, with a slight attack of nausea, and inclination to vomit.

Empty eructations and nausea.

Hiccough immediately after taking the medicine.

Hiccough in the afternoon.

Frequent hiccough (after twenty-six hours).


Nausea without vomiting.

Nausea shortly after taking the medicine.

Nausea in the stomach.

Nausea, with a feeling of anxiety; it is evident that this feeling arises from the abdomen.

A Sense of nausea rises as far as his mouth.

A great deal of nausea.

Frequent of nausea, with extremely sharp pains in the stomach.

Nausea, with cutting pain in the abdomen.

Nausea shortly after a meal; eructations relieve it.

Nausea and pressure in the stomach soon after taking the medicine.

Sensation of nausea.

Attack of nausea.

Nausea, with crawling in the pit of the stomach.

Toward noon a feeling as of nausea.

Nausea after drinking cold water.

Nausea and sensation of emptiness in the stomach, worse in the morning.

Nausea and frequent eructations after dinner.

Momentary nausea, with vertigo, as if about to lose his consciousness.

Forenoons, nausea increased to the point of vomiting, which does not take place.

Nausea, with desire to vomit.

Directly after the medicine nausea, with inclination to vomit.

Nausea and inclination to vomit (after two hours).

Slight attack of nausea, with inclination to vomit, right after breakfast.

Inclination to vomit.

Inclination to vomit.

Very great inclination to vomit.

Half an hour after the medicine violent desire to vomit; excessive, exhausting aversion, without vomiting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.