
Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left calf.

Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it disappears in walking in the afternoon.

Fine sticking in left calf.

Crawling and pressing in left calf.

Sensation of stiffness in tendo Achillis, on rising from sitting.

In attacks, especially when walking, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both ankles, and sometimes fine stitches were felt in the knee-joint.

Slight drawing about both ankles.

Slight drawing sensation about the ankle-joints of both feet.

Drawing on internal ankle-bones.

Piercing pain in the second and third rows of the ankle- bones, and in the heel when walking.

Night, at two, was waked by jerks and pressive pain in the right ankle.

Pinching and drawing cramp in right ankle, extending over the whole front, then increasingly over the heel, and up the calf, so violent that rubbing and pressing the parts against the bedstead gave on relief, and on arising, he could scarcely stand on his feet.

Violent tearing in the anterior surface of the left ankle.

Sprained pain the left ankle.

Tearing pressure upon the internal malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after thirty-five hours).

Painful stitches in the external malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after five hours).

Crawling under the skin under the inner left ankle-bone.

Corrosive itching of the internal malleolus of the left foot.

In the warm bed, excessive burning in both feel to the ankles, as if the blood were glowing in the veins.

Heaviness and want of tonicity in the feet.

Heaviness in the feet.

Formication in the feet.

Weak feeling in the feet, especially drawing and crawling under the skin on anterior surface of lower leg, extending toward inner side of the sole. Sensation of weakness in the feet on going down stairs; this weakness continued when walking in the open air, and he distinctly felt that it proceeded from the sacral region.

Cold feet, as if plunged in snow.

Feet cold and unsteady.

Coldness of the feet, extending to the condyles.

During his walk, at 7 P.M., he felt a painful drawing sensation in the right foot, and in the anterior surface of the thigh, extending over the knee, with an accompanying feeling of weakness in the same foot.

On the right foot, about the inner ankle, a painful burning of the skin, as in incipient erysipelas, without any appearance of it on the skin.

Fine stitches in the dorsum of the right foot.

Corrosive itching on the dorsum of the right foot.

Undefined pain, throbbing or sprained, in the right instep, and towards the top of the foot.

While walking in the evening, excessive pains in the dorsum of the left foot.

Violent burning pain on the dorsum of the left foot, late in the evening.

Crawling on the back of left foot.

Violent stitches in the middle portion of the left foot, beginning at the malleoli, when at rest.

Stitches in the lower surface of the first and second bones of the metatarsus.

Cramp in the sole of the foot at night.

Tearing in the sole of the feet when walking.

At noon, a piercing pain in the sole of the right foot, as of splinters.

Tearing in the hollow of the right foot, when sitting.

Stitches in left sole.

Itching and creeping in skin of left sole.

Pain in the heels, as from a bruise, when standing.

Stitches in the heel when stepping, which extend up into the leg.

Stitches in the lower surface of the heel, when sitting.

Piercing pain, as of splinters, in the right heel.

Piercing pain, as of penetrating splinters, in the right heel and the toes.

Digging, piercing pains in the right heel and the big toe, as of splinters.

A burning stitch in the left heel.

Stitches in the toes when at rest.

Crawling in toes, especially left.

Itching and titillation of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen; this excites a desire to scratch (after eleven hours).

Itching, burning, and redness of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen.

Grinding pain in the toes of the right foot.

Sudden, violent piercing, as of splinters, in the right toes.

Painful dull stitches in the last three toes of the right foot (after twenty hours).

Drawing and tearing upon the lower surface of the big toe of the right foot, when sitting.

Soreness of the little toe of the right foot, as from the pinching of right shoes (after six hours).

Drawing in left toes.

Sharp stitches in the toes of the left foot, when standing (after quarter of an hour).

Crawling, like formication, in tips of left toes.

The left great toe is swollen at the embedding of the nail, and very painful.

Twitches in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (first day).

Painful twitches in the big toe of the left foot.

Frequent tearing in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (second day).

Stitches in the spot where formerly a corn had been.

Soreness in the corn of the second toe of the left foot, as from tight shoes (after three hours).



Several convulsions following each other in quick succession, first in the posterior part of the chest, then in the epigastrium, afterwards in the hypogastrium, especially on the right side, attended, with a sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; in the evening, when standing.


In a patient affected with epilepsy, the fits came on at shorter intervals.

In two patients affected with epilepsy the fits became more violent, reappear at shorter intervals, but afterwards occur more rarely, and are very slight.

Very violent spasms.

Most violent tonic and clonic spasms lasted all day.

Spasms, with very great anxiety and pain at the epigastric region; relieved by spontaneous vomiting.

Convulsions alternating with stupor.

Soporous and spasmodic condition, lasting nearly two days.

Frequent jumping of the muscles of different parts of the body.

When the prover was reclining on a lounge, with his right arm under his head, his body was suddenly shudderingly shaken, the arm involuntarily pulled down to the trunk, upon which followed several fine stitches, in both condyles of the elbows.

At three o’clock in the night, restlessness in every muscle of voluntary motion, upon which, quivering of the whole body, especially of the lower how; finally, action of the muscles as in St. Vitus;s dance, which remained uncontrolled by the greatest effort of the will.

Constant inclination to bend the body backward and forward and to stretch.

Spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face and limbs.

Commotion of the nervous system.

Sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; in the evening, when standing.

Here and there slight twitching over the whole body.

Sense of tremor in the whole body (after one hour).


General trembling.

Excessive bodily agitation; the lower limbs were forcibly retracted, and the arm shook, so that the pulse could not be felt.

Jactitation of the muscles all over the body.

Spasmodic movements, which were of short duration, but violent, and succeeded by a yellowish tinge over the whole surface, a kind of icterus, especially conspicuous on the neck, face, and chest; it disappeared, by slow degrees, in a few hours.

Violent convulsive shock of the entire right side of the body, proceeding from the spine.

Unsteady gait; stumbling over every object.

Undefined impulse to fall over backwards.

Inner restlessness, that impelled the prover from one place to another.

Whole body seemed paralyzed.

She felt so light, that it seemed as though she could run as never before.

Supernatural strength; it required four men to bind him.

Loss of strength in all parts of the body.

Excessive loss of strength.

Prostration, and very much affected from being in the air.

Considerable prostration of strength.

General prostration, with cold and viscid sweat all over.

Feeling of prostration, that soon diminished while walking in the open air, but which recurred repeatedly.

In the morning, on awaking, prostrate and confused, as after great fatigue.

Prostration and weakness, on the least motion, together with frequent palpitation of the heart.

Great weakness of the whole body.

Great weakness; the pulse was hardly perceptible.

Great weakness, especially in the lower limbs, with trembling in them.

Weakness, with vertigo (uncommon).

On walking, even through the room, great weakness, and inclination to close the eyes; deep breathing (one-half hour).

Lassitude (after twelve to sixteen hours).

Great lassitude, and staggering gait (shortly).

On awaking in the morning, heaviness in the whole body.

Unusual weariness of the whole body; inability to think.

Weariness, early in the morning.

Great fatigue after moderate exercise.

Great fatigue after short but quick walking.

Easily fatigued on slight exertion.

A small walk through the room is fatiguing.

When in bed, he feels so tired that he does not know what position to take.

On walking, very much disinclined to walk.

On ascending a little hill copious sweat breaks out; he feels like fainting.


Frequent fainting (in an hour).

She remained some time unconscious, and in a state of stupor and prostration, which caused fear for her life.

Half an hour after the delirium, he falls into a swoon, which is short-lasting, but leaves him in a state of profound dulness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.