
When standing, painful palpitation of the heart.

Burning pain in the region of the heart, with palpitation.

At noon, burning and pressive pain in the region of the heart, that appeared several times and son passed away.

Burning, shooting pains from the region of the heart, extending to the left shoulder-blade, caused by deep inspiration, and much aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and hiccough.

Disagreeable feeling in the heart, as if it were compressed.

When he laid down at night, he felt several blows in the heart, with trembling in the pit of the stomach, and anxiety, caused by every slight noise.

The same on waking in the morning, when stitches in the region of the navel, and frequent sneezing and yawning set in, besides.

Pressure near the heart.

From 4 P.M. till evening, constant pressure near the heart.

Anxious sense of oppression in heart, with irregular, violent action of heart.

Anxious sense in heart, and some violent, irregular beating, which makes it worse in sitting (repeated).

Anxiety in the heart.

Oppression at the heart, on bending the body down, with violent beating of the heart.

Violent stitches in the region of the heart, without intermittent pulse.

Painful stitches in the region of the heart, with accelerated pulse.

Breathing obstructed by momentary stitches in the region of the heart, with irregular, often intermitting pulse.

Several twitching shocks of the heart.

At night, transient, painful shocks in the heart, with anxiety.

Accelerated pulse.

Pulse full, very rapid.

Rapid pulse, eighty beats, early in the morning.

Pulse weak.

Pulse weak and slow.

Pulse so feeble as to he hardly perceptible.

The pulse becomes slower (after two hours).

Small, irregular pulse.

The pulse, which is generally strong and full, becomes small, weak, and scarcely perceptible.

Small, depressed pulse.

Pulse contracted, 84 to 88.

Undulatory, slow, weak pulse.

Intermittent pulse.

Weak, unequal, intermittent pulse.

Early in the morning the pulse is less intermittent.

After drinking coffee, the pulse became less intermittent, and rose from 50 to 60 beats.

Pulse sometimes double, with a short interval.

Pulse 57, soft, small ( a quarter of an hour); 57 to 60 (one hour); 58 (two hours); 70 (two and a half hours); 90, full and hard (six hours).

Pulse fell to 60; then to 54 (in fifteen minutes); pulse 60 (in three-quarters of an hour); 70 (in one hour); 65 (in one and a quarter hours); 60 (in two hours); 57 (in one and three-quarter hours); 60 (in one and a quarter hours); 58 (in two and a quarter hours); 65 (in one and three-quarter hours); 60 (in three hours)(1700).

Pulse 60 (a quarter of an hour); 65, irregular (twenty minutes); 60 (forty-five minutes); 60 (one hour); 60 (one and a half hours); 65 (two and a quarter hours).

Neck and Back.

Stiffness in the nape of the neck (after two hours).

Pain, as from a sprain, in the muscles of the neck; or pain, as from having bent the body backward in lying down (after thirty-two hours).

Tension in the neck.

Marked sprained sensation of the neck on turning backward toward the left; it was so violent that the head remained fixed for a few moments, unable to return to its proper position.

This pain was already noticed on previous days, but to-day it reached such a degree that it became very troublesome, although not always produced by a above-mentioned motion.

Back of the neck somewhat hot, stiff, and painful, especially when moving the head to one side or the other, particularly the right side.

Mornings, in bed, constant chirping in the occipital region of the neck, as if a cricket were in the cervical canal; at the same time, for several days.

A pressive, tensive pain in the occipital region of the neck, and on both sides off the atlas.

The muscles of the posterior cervical region feel bruised, and, upon bending the body forwards, they feel, as it were, too short; this symptom occurs early, when in bed, and also afterwards, when the person is sitting.

Pricking in the cervical vertebrae, when stooping.

Suddenly, a violent pressure between the neck and the shoulders.

Tensive feeling off the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in both sides, causing a feeling of stiffness in the back of the neck.

Stitches in the skin on the right side off the neck.

Twitching of the muscles from the left side of the neck to the left side of the throat.

Burning sensation in the left neck and shoulder region.

Peculiar sensation of weakness and stiffness between the shoulders; extends into the neck.

Drawing sensation between the shoulders.

Frequent tearing between the shoulders (fourth day).

Painful stitches between the shoulders (second day).

The pain in the back, under the shoulder-blades, resembling a single stitch, began to be very disagreeable again.

A transient but violent pain on the right surface of the back, below the shoulder-blade, as of coarse splinters penetrating.

Sudden, violent pricking, as of splinters, in the left side of the back, below the shoulder-blade.

Constant disagreeable sensation over the whole back, especially in the spinal column.

Pain in the back, as after continual stooping.

Pain, as from bruises and sprains, in the whole of the back, attended with a disposition to stretch the back (third and fourth days).

After dinner, slight backache and tension across both sides of the chest, from behind forwards.

Backache in the evening.

Very violent pains, at night, along the back, as well as across the chest, the loins, and the right thigh.

Backache very violent at the least motion of the body.

Pain in the back and small of the back, after garden-work.

The muscles of the back feel bruised.

The muscles of the back feel bruised, and upon bending forward seem too short; this symptom occurs early in the morning, after a good night’s rest, in the bed, as well as afterwards, when the person is sitting; two days in succession.

The muscles of the back feel weak; he finds it difficult to sit straight without leaning against something.

Upon rising from his seat and righting his body, his back feels stiff; there is a violent pain in the left loin, which prevents the body being righted; when sitting he feels nothing, and is able to turn his body to all sides.

Spasmodic pressive and drawing pain, which starts from the back, and extends to the middle of the chest and into the oesophagus, in the afternoon; lasts several hours (from fifth of seventy day).

Slight shivering down the back.

On the right surface of the back, a transient pain, as if coarse splinters were being forced between the skin and the flesh.

Painful spasmodic jerks in the left side of the back.

Burning itching of the back.

Itching, with titillation of the back.

Excessive itching on the back, where several small, scarcely raised reddish points appear.

Two inflamed pimples on the back, which, by light pressure, discharge considerable bloody matter.

Pain along the spinal column was so violent that he often did not know what position to take in bed to lie comfortably.

Peculiar painfulness along the spinal cord when stooping.

Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine.

Aching along the spine and limbs (from second day).

Pain in the sacrum, a sort of crick in the back (flexenschus), extends along the whole spinal column to the nape of the neck.

Dragging, crackling, and creaking along the spinal column, during increased motion of the body, especially at or near the atlas joint, on more rapid motion of the head.

When stooping, the spinal column experiences pain, as though it were too weak to support the weight of the body.

Constant prickling along the spinal column and occiput.

Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine.

Slight shivering along the spinal column and the upper extremities.

On feeling, pain was felt in several places along the spine.

Spinal column sensitive to the touch.

Every increased motion causes violent pain in several places of the spinal column.

Increased painfulness of the spinal column at every turning motion of the body.

Violent pain in the spinal column at turning motions of the body, especially in the region of the last dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae, which become throbbing after increased motion.

Painful throbbing in the spinal canal.

Morning, the spinal column is so sensitive that even learning back against the chair cause pain.

Peculiar sensitiveness of the spinal column when washing with a sponge (which suggests the idea of spinal irritation.

Signs of spinal irritation become more distinctly conspicuous; a drawing, tensive pain along the whole spinal column, and occasional flying pains along the course of the spinal cord.

Biting, burning sensation in a spot as large as a five-cent piece in the spinal column.

After dinner, pain in the spine, especially a spot the size of the palm, in the middle of the spinal column; is very sensitive to the touch, as well as at every motion of the body.

Sensation in the back as if cold air were spreading over the whole body from the spine (aura epileptica?).

Shooting pains in the vertebrae.

Warmth and sensation of roughness in the dorsal region.

Pains in dorsal muscles on sitting.

Pressive, boring pain in the middle of the back (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.